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ITT we post characters that did nothing wrong
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File: thegovernor.jpg (7 KB, 259x194) Image search: [Google]
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He did literally nothing wrong, he just wanted a better life for his people. He should have been the protagonist, not Rick. TRUE HERO!
>that trigger discipline
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Prove they weren't the most based bullies ever.
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Daniel senpai did nothing wrong.

>That scene where he strangles Emily
>Emily calls him a little bitch
>He almost kills her

Muh dick.
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>staged a car crash scene to make it look better
>breaking and entering that one time
>cut his competitor's brake lines
>withheld information from the cops
>killed his partner
He might have done a few things wrong, just saying.

Pic related was completely innocent.
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>based bullies
>posts bumbling retards
That theme song tho.

>he just wanted a better life for his people

Besides the time he gunned down 20+ people in cold blood, sure.
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They were revolting against their lord
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Only correct answer so far. So glad that kekold Caleb got what he deserved.
>take edgy villain and give it a "they did nothing wrong" tag
thats not how it works
They were selfish traitors who weren't willing to fight for a better life + new territory tbqh.
Thread replies: 16
Thread images: 10

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