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Best holocaust film ever. A new standard on WWII cinema. 5/5
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Best holocaust film ever.

A new standard on WWII cinema.

>Laszlo Memes

I could enjoy a Holocaust film maybe if it was presented as some kind of high fantasy level obvious fiction, but the fact that I know the majority of viewers will be watching this shit thinking it actually happened makes these films impossible to watch. It's not just a relatively harmless lie either like some biography movie changing things to make a clearner script, this is a lie is actively threatening the future of my race and has been doing so for decades.
Have you seen it? Apparently it's very brutal and realistic.
>muh over the shoulder photography
>muh small aspect ratio
>muh gimmicks


A respectable filmmaker could capture a personalized story without resorting to shitty ploys like that
Any holocaust or slavery movie is inherently bad.
>personalized story
I don't think this film is about that.
Except it is. Have you not seen the movie?
I just read the reviews. It seems to be more about the realistic portrayal of the holocaust and Sonderkommandos than about the main character.

Realistic but not brutal.
The blurry image don't show much.

The scene of mass exectuitons is absolutely magistral.

>making a highly stylistic, aesthetically beautiful movie about the Holocaust and in so doing turn a horrifying despicable genocide into something that is visually pleasing

sometimes filmmakers don't realize that not every subject should be approached with an eye to creating something aesthetically perfect

looks guide but ultimately is a pretty shit movie
it means noble you pleb.

>not perfect in patrician hungarian language
>holocaust movies are so common now that they're literally a genre of their own
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2 MB, 294x233

WWI movies are so common now that they're litterally a genre of their own.
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