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File: Sicario-61211.jpg (288 KB, 1024x512) Image search: [Google]
288 KB, 1024x512
Good. Pay for this masterpiece you filthy animal.
It hasn't even aired in my country.
I did and I want to watch it again.
File: sic.png (16 KB, 433x160) Image search: [Google]
16 KB, 433x160

sure there is :^)

I know bros I want it again too

File: 1443886820160.png (236 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
236 KB, 480x360
bluray release jan 5, maybe rips out a few weeks before if lucky
Who else saw it in theaters twice?
absolutely disgusting
Wanted to but it stopped showing at my local after only two weeks!
its the same with rogue nation. i waited so long for the torrent to cum out that i couldnt hold out any longer and saw a camrip.
2 days later the hd rip came out.
i dont want to make the same mistake with sicario
>gf wants to see a film
>keeps telling me she wants to see james bond
>james bond tickets sold out
>end up seeing this masterpiece instead

Feels good man.
>tfw no yify
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