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Fargo thread
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Thread replies: 29
Thread images: 11
File: fargo season 2.png (2 MB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
fargo season 2.png
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who /episode7/ here?
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ayy lmao.png
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from episode 7
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>You're a shit cop. You know that, right?



Why'd they call him a ginger though?
It's not a UFO. It's a fucking coffee stain. Ugh, normies ruin everything with their need to think aloud.
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time lapse.png
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Its supposed to make you think its a UFO because the UFO's are literally there to represent paranoia
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dude we come in peace lmao.png
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File: alieums.png (1 MB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
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there is a reference to aliens in literally every episode of the season, you can pretend there isn't as much as you want but you're only lying to yourself

while they're most likely not a direct plot point they are there to fuck with you and incite paranoia
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bear based.jpg
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He doesn't have a soul.
>there is a reference to aliens in literally every episode of the season

They literally do this for reddit so they can pander over what it all means and have 'deep and provoking' theories.

Never heard of a red herring? Or in this case a reddit herring...
literally what I just said, its there to fuck with you, its not actually related to the plot. are you from reddit? you seem pretty knowledgeable about their habits
While the aliens are probably going to have at least tangential significance later, I am definitely stealing reddit herring
The UFOs are a reference to the best Coen Bros film ever made and possibly the greatest scene in that movie.


But that's a bible! Also, is that the best font you could use?
where is leak?
one of my favorite characters
Was there an alien reference in ep. 6? I didn't catch one.
here you go fampai

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>tfw you cracked the case wide open
I see a lot of people just saying paranoia and I don't think that really captures the intent of the aliens or how they relate to Rye's business venture.

A major theme of Fargo's second season is self actualization, and it couldn't be more apparent in Peggy who is literally just trying to do that. However, she's not the only character on the show to want to self identify herself. Rye doesn't want to be the youngest Gearheart, and so in his attempt to self actualize he worked with a typewriter salesman.

This is super important, as the typewriter is also how the opening True titles now play out. Rye was trying to rewrite (get it) his destiny because he saw no hope in his future. This is why after his little coke fueled massacre he sees the Aliens.

Alien imagery continues to pop up, mostly around Betsy and her Dad, who in this episode its revealed has been taken in by the ancient astronaut craze following the Oscar nominated Chariots of the Gods. Her Dad and her both fear the inevitable for her: death by cancer.

It's not just "paranoia" its an integral theme running through pretty much every character.
I like that "bj from a child" glyph at the bottom corner
half of these look like 'magickal' symbols from the fake necronomicon published in the 70's
i found a pocket version of it in a book store once
maybe the entire series takes place in the movie dark city
Hank has some 'splaining to do
They're hobo signs
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the hobo code?
but for aliums?
Thread replies: 29
Thread images: 11

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