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/tv/ I require your expertise let's say that you bring
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Thread replies: 71
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/tv/ I require your expertise

let's say that you bring a girl over for netflix and chill, what movie do you put on?
my dick
Who is that sperm worm?

A cumpilation of August Adams so we can get i n the mood, ya know.
Chili and seabass.
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for once I require serious suggestions lads, pls advise
Don't do this to me.
Wtf is wrong with her stomach?
who is this butt hut?

Then don't post dudes dressed up as chicks you fucking faggot
hot girls wanted
Girl Interrupted. Still have to see it myself. Heard good things about it.
>Le all hot girls are actually traps meme
This. And explain Baneposting to her.
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Then expect this as a result.
not even you people can explain baneposting

consequences of being the officially recognized as the board with the hands down shittiest humor and memes
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Horror films obviously, they get a girl scared and she will snuggle into you when she's scared and it leads form there
Dirty Dancing.
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Tucker and Dale vs Evil.

Its funny, and the neckbeard gets the girl. Put the ideas in her head. :P
Solid squat form on that on breh
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I have a confession to make. I couldn't even dance for shit if my life depended on it. But, hey at least I try!
Hi /v/, please go back to your quarantine board.

She's skinny fat and flexing her stomach muscles as much as possible

top kek nice projecting
Do you seriously think that looks like a guy's ass ? Look at her stature, look at her hips, look at that round bubble butt !
If you want to get laid use HBO Go it's got better romantic movies. Watch Titanic or Phantom of The Opera and you're guaranteed to get it.
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It's always fun..
its a pretty great butt tbqh
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Would this work?
Notice the black clothing draped in a particular way to make it look like "she" has curves
Why would a guy be wearing a bra, huh? HUH?
Why would a woman be laying in bed with a bra on huh? Ask any woman. They take their bra off as soon as they get home.

People being killed by sex?
Blue Valentine!
> Ask any woman

I asked my mom, she agrees with me. Also, I have spent time studying anatomy, that's a girl.
You might be able to convince insecure faggots but not a professional ass man like myself.
I'll give your bait a 4/10 for you persistence
The Art of Flight

Snowboarding movie with great soundtrack
klip. once you are done pull out a leash.
That's Kaitlin Pearson.
How I keep the party going:
I'm a solid 8 out of 8 on Titanic, works everytime. Terrible flick but it opened my eyes on how easy women are to manipulate
If you pick up a chick from a bar/club and you need a movie on in the background to break the ice before getting down, you put on Friends With Benefits.

>casualises sex

easy peasy m8
Can confirm this choice. It's gotten me laid
One of my pick up lines used to be:
"Wanna go back to my place and watch The Notebook?"
It worked really well.
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Promise this will get you in senpai
Have lots of chips. And frozen pizza when they feel like leaving.
looks cool and kinda gay at the same time. thats weird
A big bowl of eggs always works for me.
This desu. Women love crime any movie about a cool tough criminal will get that pussy revved up. Be sure to defend the thug guy's actions, "He was doing it to protect his family and his honor," etc. bitches love that shit and she'll be on your cock before you know it.
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/tv/ is the primary exporter of memes on 4chan.

When I chat with guys from /vg/, most of the memespouting they do consists of bane, kek, sheev, JUST, etc.

So no, we're funnier and more widely recognized than pretty much any other board.
>Netflix and chill
Go back to fucking tumblr with your shit memes, we've got enough of our own here already
>I take great pride in the destruction of my board

Fuck off
I like how he fell. Looked so realistic. He'll be a great actor one day.

>/tv/ is the primary exporter of shitposting on 4chan

being the lowest common denominator isnt something worth bragging senpai
>he thinks it's a meme

Yeah, that's a dude, homo.

>telling someone to go back to a website

Hello reddit
The Bridges of Madison County.
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It's a good movie
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>no fun allowed
Where are your janitor applications, clearly you would all enjoy doing it for free
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
fun is very allowed, its just that you arent particularly fun or funny

acquire better memes faglord
Irreversible for sure. You won't be able to keep your hands off her afterwards.
Thread replies: 71
Thread images: 11

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