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Would you watch more Community if Hulu decided to make more?
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Would you watch more Community if Hulu decided to make more?

(Pic very much related)
only if brie is in it
>execs still paying this autist
he's gotta give it up.

community really hasn't been good the past few seasons
Rumour is that they're working on a series of feature-length episodes featuring the whole cast, so it doesn't require the same time commitment from the cast as a proper season.
Nah, I'll just listen to Harmontown.
Ehh, Rick and Morty is huge, plus Community does really well for Hulu.

If Hulu is paying him to create more then he'd be dumb to turn it down. It was revealed in the Sony emails he makes something insane like $200k/ep.
they just need to make a movie so the series and meme can die
>Rick and Morty is huge

Except it's not.
No, it does phenomenally well. It's like the 5th highest-rated original show on cable and repeats do ridiculously well too.
$75k an episode. Which is still baller as fuck tbhfamily
Community is like Simpsons, started out great but became god awful and should have been aborted
Can't find the email, but I thought it was more (particularly as he gets paid three times as he's a creator, exec producer and writer)? Still a lot of money. Of course, he gets residuals on top of that from syndication.

And then he gets Rick & Morty money too.
>Great tier

>Good tier

>Decent tier, I guess

>Mediocre tier

>Dropped tier
Why would Hulu pursue? Yahoo made a big loss on Community (and their other ventures into producing series)
Isn't it?
nobody actually uses yahoo video or ever will.

hulu might draw some people

Yahoo outbid Hulu for Season 6, and it was always intended to be a loss-leader to try and get people to watch their other shit.

Hulu already has the rights to Community S1-5, will probably get 6 in a few months, and it does really well for them. Hulu also wants more original content and Community is low-risk for them.
Just make a feature length episode so that we can be done with it and move on.
>repeats do ridiculously well too.

they should, the better eps are rewatchable as fuck
It is regularly the #1 scripted show in television in M18-34 (Adult Swim's target demographic) on the night it airs, including beating the broadcast networks. And M18-34 ads sell for shitloads because that demographic is hard to reach, and you can sell shit like videogames.

It's a huge hit.
Well, very few shows repeat well in 2015, because people don't want to watch repeats when they can watch endless originals. The exception is basically the Adult Swim cartoons.

It means Adult Swim can justify spending a lot of money on first-run Rick & Morty episodes and amortize the cost over a dozen high-rated airings.
I'd watch it, especially if it was a movie with all the cast back together.
i'll always watch community no matter what they do with it
Community: The New Class?
>It's a huge hit

Except it's not.
Except it is. What others scripted shows beat it on cable? TWD/TWD spin-off, GoT, The Have and Have Nots OWN shit and that's pretty much it.
Holy shit, he really needs to let go, Community hasn't been watchable in years.
shill pls
No, I couldn't even finish the last season it was so shit.
only if donald glover is in it
No, I couldn't even watch the show after I found out about how much Chevy hated the show
that show was so pure for the first few seasons
Pro-tip: Chevy is a cunt. He hated it from day 1. He's long been a total asshole.
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what did he expect?
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only if her boobs are back
She's basically anorexic now, her Broobs are gone
Community is The Big Bang Theory without a laugh track. The show isn't even funny. I tried to watch it but its seriously horrible. I don't know how it got 6 seasons.
harmon gonna need the money for the divorce


fine by me harmon is a good writer let him work on other projects
>I don't know how it got 6 seasons.
The reddit dollar.
She needs to get pregnant ASAP
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