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Does anyone else find they can never really get into Godard's
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Does anyone else find they can never really get into Godard's work? I've seen most of his French New Wave films and I don't think I had a positive thing to say about any of them? And it's not just French New Wave, although I've really only seen Truffaut and Bresson

Godard is knock off Bresson with fourth wall breaking and references.

Truffaut is Truffaut, but at least he has a heart. At least you can see care and personal artistry in his work.

Godard is just affected; a novelty of his time.
>Godard is knock off Bresson
I'm not sure you've seen either of tier movies
I'm not sure you know who either of those two people are
Vivre sa Vie was sad ;_; she died at the end
>Does anyone else find they can never really get into Godard's work?
The last time I tried they ejected me from the theater

Godard's an influential filmmaker, he did a lot of interesting things with style and format and tone that laid the groundwork for other, better filmmakers. But he can't really tell an interesting story to save his life, and so most of his movies are a total slog to get through. The value of his work is purely academic, I really don't enjoy it except maybe Band of Outsiders and Pierrot le Fou
Historical context is important anon.

An age ago, back when people thought Marxism was a maxim to strive towards they strongly believed in the tiered class system. Idealists felt that they as educated intellectual superiors needed to give a voice to the masses of underpaid overworked plebs, the serfs, the working class. Capitalism showed us the way though, and these people were proven wrong and infantile in their ideas. French New Wave is to cinema what a lipstick lesbian is to the gay rights movement, or a college freshman in philosophy is to a nobel prize winner.

You're getting a naive, immature, diluted ideal of humanity, compounded with a highly inflated sense of self worth.


Not to say that morons can't make good movies, but those tend to be happy accidents rather than a planned vision being burned into film. In the case of Godard, understand that some of his earlier films like Alphaville went on to influence science fiction classics, and most of his later work was pure garbage.

It doesn't resonate with you because you have a comfortable life. If you were a 10 yr old boy in Bangladesh working shipyards, or maybe in Sierra Leone wielding an AK in a child soldier arrmy, or maybe in Thailand getting buttfucked by german geriatrics, or working at a Foxcomm plant in northern china; maybe MAYBE the thinly veiled propaganda of a spoiled frenchman from 6 decades ago would light a fire in your heart. Most likely, you are too busy living a shitty life to care about it.

From a technical standpoint the movies are especially terrible because of how unwatchable they are. Compare classics from the 30s and 40s with anything from the New Wave era and you'll see it's like someone taking chocolate game, eating it, then shitting it into your mouth and asking why you didn't like it, it must be because you don't get it.

i can't say i agree with you on the films but that's was an A+ post
>implying Godard was a Marxist
>I don't think I had a positive thing to say about any of them
Alright, you don't like Goddard, but how can you say that? Especially about Breathless, that film is a miracle
Me too OP. Much prefer Truffaut
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