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Imagine the outrage if this was in a mosque.
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pls stay there
but christianity is a hate group and Islam is a religion of peace!
It was a dumb, obnoxious movie, and shouldn't be taken seriously enough to "outrage" anyone. Nothing but smug pot-shots at easy targets. The definition of "fedoracore"
They throw a tantrum if their prophet just gets depicted. I will never understand this double standard.
Nobody cares about racist protestant Churches.
>Bringing race into a universal faith meant for all
Protestants everyone.
Why are there no kids in this church?

Do the filmmakers believe people nobody indoctinates their kids into their religion?

Took me right out of the movie. Kids should be all over the place being slaughtered.
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there won't be an outrage because Muslims won't allow them to film in a mosque in the first place.

i know better.
I'm sure they absolutely had to film that in a real church, too. No way it could've been a setpiece in a studio.
This was a p cool scene.
Would rather a prequel than more eggwin.
It was literally based on the WBC
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