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British supermarket Sainsburys have gone for it with a high
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British supermarket Sainsburys have gone for it with a high budget 3+ minute CGI cat Christmas advert based on a nostalgic series of cat books by a nice old lady:


Heartwarming/10 to be quite honest, familia.

Here's the making of:

Is this the kinematographie of ads?
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>it's a cat episode
>hating cats
Dogs are fucking whores, and do what you say. Atleast cats have some selfrespect.
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>Unusually for a popular children's series, Mog dies of old age in the final book, 2002's Goodbye, Mog

Why would you do this?

>mfw the CG is more convincing that the Star Wars prequels.
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The John Lewis one was better

CGI in 2015 is more convincing than CGI from 1999-2005? No way!
Holy shit. No wonder Britain is committing genocide by letting so many Arabs in.
>Liking cats

Hey reddit! Literally the only reason why cats became popular, you cocksucking faggot.
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Rival coming through, spanish ad for christmas lottery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HsZh4Fkb4A

I would probably start crying if I turned the page and saw that.
I don't know if America is like this but I'm really sick of our big companies here in Britain trying to out-sentimental each other each year with this big expensive ads.

It's like they appeal to everyone's feels and then at the end it just slaps you in the face with "oh buy the way, this is an ad! BUY OUR SHIT"

The one Sainsbury did last year with the famous WWI football truce at Christmas was maybe the most insulting example.
Shit, just give it an Oscar already.
Dang, multiple typos here. I should really proofread my posts.
me too

They pull that pathetic shit at the Superbowl or whatever. (I don't watch handegg) And of course, normies act like retards and get all 'excited' for it.
>Is this the kinematographie of ads?

No, that was the Cravendale milk ad where the Barry the biscuit boy goes swimming in the milk lake and then in an Icarus-like display of hubris defies his mother and swims longer and longer until his head dissolves because it's a cookie and he has to have a new head forged for him from raw cookie dough by his parents

this is pretty good though
Better than "pedophile on the moon: merry christmas from john lewis" at least
>My paws are a little dead
>So am I

Really? Jesus Christ.

I think I'd like a job where I worked at night.
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What the FUCK
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Oh man, and I came here for the laffs.
British kids understand that animals die.

They've had Watership Down and Plague Dogs and Animals of Farthing Wood to watch.
LEEEEEEL I didnt notice it before, and they play this ad hundred time in the tv.
you'd learn a thing or two though
>dead tired

iktf mog


Also, he should have been fired the first day he was messing around with the fucking products, don't mess with the stuff you fucking cunt.
all the adverts are gash this year
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Wait a minute...

This is why we can't let the Muslims in to Europe.
You will never see a Muslim help his neighbor or community.
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>muzzies come and burn your house down
>they capture your family and force feed you kebab
>they laugh and sign their weird ramadan songs until sundown
I've never been in a British house that had a ceiling fan like that
>mog saved the day





>tfw I was 10 in 2002 and had stopped reading mog books by the time I was 4 or 5 so only just found out this happened

RIP in peace mog ;_;
the turkey was burning to begin with, that's why mog started freaking out.
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can we turn this into a british telly nostalgia thread please lads
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The lady who drew and wrote the Mog books... her husband created the British classic Quatermass.


Quatermass also gets old and dies in the final series. Except the whole world dies with him.
That was GREAT!!!FACT!!!
This was a fun fact.
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The book, which is based on the ad which is based on her books, is currently selling 39 copies in the UK.
Per minute.

This makes me happy.
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