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So is Curb just a patrician alternative to Seinfeld?
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So is Curb just a patrician alternative to Seinfeld?
File: independent_george.jpg (58 KB, 704x528) Image search: [Google]
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>inferior writing
lol, no.
Shut the fuck up you'll always be George.
Seinfeld is better, to be honest, family.
Seinfeld's writing is better but the laughing is unbearable and so is the awful clothing

Seinfeld is better. Curb definitely has great episodes and a lot of amazing moments but the show turns to complete dogshit after 3. 4 has some alright moments but it's the end of the show basically. That means Curb had about 25-30 good episodes while Seinfeld had about 125-175 good episodes and its peaks were way higher. I'll stick with Seinfeld.
The audience only becomes annoying to me in season 7.

I don't know what the fuck happened. It's supposedly still a real audience, but they're either told when to laugh or it's edited to oblivion. Sounds phony as shit.

Worse yet, literally every show with a live audience since then has sounded exactly the same. It's like TBBT.
Seinfeld is clearly better. Honestly it's the only great show ever. Curb is still good, just a little jewier.
Curb got significantly better as time went on. The episodes from the later seasons were way more intricate, the quality of the acting across the board improved. Doll episode is still GOAT though.
>175 good seinfeld's
Jesus no. First 2 seasons are awful. Even season 3 is rough. Also the season with Leon is the best season so you're wrong anyway.

>the ex girlfriend

>the pony remark

>the jacket

>the phone message

>the chinese restaurant

are you kidding? Seasons 2 and 3 are the best ones you moronic pleb
I prefer Curb, every single episode makes me laugh. The story arcs are concise, but cram in enough detail to converge into hilarious, embarassing climaxes as a result of Larry's poor decision making, ridiculous standards and pure bad luck.
Curb is too much cringe. I'm watching now actually.

The problem is that every scene of ever episode is Larry David. Seinfeld had the advantage because it could spread the jokes across 4 completely different characters. Therefore, Curb leans on similar themes more frequently "apology", "awkwardness", "passive aggressiveness" etc.
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Curb is funnier and is aging better.

Larry is a funnier person than anyone on Seinfeld.

Leon is a GOAT sidekick nominee.
Seinfeld is more polished comedy and better writing. Curb is more outrageous situations.
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