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My midichlorian count doubled since the last time we met, Count.
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My midichlorian count doubled since the last time we met, Count.
>Darth Vader scene
>Imperial March starts playing
are you the same retard that was spamming lines from foxcatcher lmao
File: Darth_Plagueis.jpg (635 KB, 1272x1760) Image search: [Google]
635 KB, 1272x1760
Could some create live level sith create midichlorians until he's literally like God?

Also I won't see Episode 7 shill sorry.
i know seriously 'doubled' is a bit weird way to put it like how can you even quantify it
I'm so glad all this EU bullshit is now non-canon.
>Emperor Palpatine scene
>Senator Son starts playing.
>hating on longface
Twice the pride, double the fall.

fuck it I loved that line, anything Christopher Lee says is gold even with this awful script
is the midichlorian count like cholesterol or something
should have said Imperial Son.
>inb4 Snoke is Plagueis

Stop it bro, you'll summon the Eufags.
>Also I won't see Episode 7 shill sorry.
Darth Melonhead
Why don't they just inject midichlorians into themselves?
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