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>muh capitalism and relgion are evil Why does Hollywood hate
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>muh capitalism and relgion are evil
Why does Hollywood hate the economic system that made them so successful?

Capitalism and religion aren't evil. Daniel Plainview was just psychotic. You see him shooting at furniture, even.
Shooting at old furniture is actually pretty fun твн faм
There's a clear thematic through-line that religion and capitalism are two sides of the same American coin, and that both are cynically competing for power at the expense of the dying workers.
For the same reason that kids "hate" their parents? It's just edgy rebellion
I saw it more of an exploration of Plainview's character. There's not any comment on capitalism as a whole, we just see Plainview's obsession with his oil business and how a ruthless person like him found success in it.

Similarly, we only see that he hates religion as a personal thing, I don't think the point of the movie was anti-religion.
>Hollywood is promoting materialism, shallow culture, and empty consumerism
>Hollywood is anti-capitalist and run by commie-sympathising liberals that hate success
please pick one paranoid fantasy and stick with it
>"I can't discern even the most obvious themes!"
Both can be simultaneously true. Most people in Hollywood are very obviously Left on the political spectrum, but the higher ups often put their bottom line above their political ideology. Also, the producers who finance products tend to be less concerned with politics than the people who make those products.
response to>>62671852
That's not the point of the movie at all the better question is why do you feel the need to be a victim
>why do you feel the need to be a victim
I'm an atheist and I don't have enough money for it to matter whether i'm a socialist or a capitalist. Nice try attacking the person instead of the post.
Plainview and Eli are working both sides of the same street - they make their living by exploiting the workers. Plainview resents Eli because he has propped him up for his entire career. Without the oil there is no town and no church. Plainview exploits, but he also gives the town purpose. Eli gives the people what they perceive to be purpose, but is really just a sham (not that religion is a sham, but it's obvious his church only exists to line his pockets)

There is also some underlying resentment based on work ethic. Plainview might be a bastard but he fought and bled for his fortune. Eli just falls into his success and can only sustain it through blackmail and charity.

I don't think the political leanings of actors or directors means as much as you think. Ultimately studios + financers are the ones calling the shots. Things like the slow seepage of pro-Chinese content into films is a direct result of emerging markets in China.

The capitalist system, incidentally, is the thing strangling modern cinema. Money and profit took centre stage over art a long time ago.
It's just an accurate portrayal, in the free market only the strong ones survive. They had a rivalry not only because their ideologies clashed, but because they were stepping in each others toes, they were both exploring the people in order to get ahead. Did you really get "hollywood hates capitalism and religion" from the movie? It's a critique, and it's even more of a character study. Also remember that it's just one movie, it doesn't represent all of hollywood. If you see the world in black and white you need to grow up fám
The people making the content might not have the financial clout to greenlight the content, but their social and political biases always tend to seep into the content itself. Nolan's Batman series might be the only right-leaning major film franchise in decades. Now even the Bond franchise leans left. And the work by creators with more artistic freedom, like PTA, tend to lean even further left.
They hate social mobility so they want you to believe profit is evil.
But capitalism and free market is perfectly fine for them.
Thread replies: 17
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