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You have ten (10) seconds to name a worse character in TV or
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Thread replies: 21
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You have ten (10) seconds to name a worse character in TV or film.

Pro-tip: you'd have better luck sucking your own dick
sup reddit
joe isuzu in empty nest
OP actually made me pretty upset with this thread 2bh
>liking a keked bimbo like Jefferson
>not having women earn money for you

you jelly?
But he's CIA
The kid they brought in for a few episodes in one of the later seasons.
jokes on you i can already suck my own dick
That young black kid who replaced Grif
File: zz620.jpg (29 KB, 512x384) Image search: [Google]
29 KB, 512x384
>bad charachter
Pick one
File: this fuck.png (2 MB, 1229x716) Image search: [Google]
this fuck.png
2 MB, 1229x716
Peggy Hill
>Not knowing the reason for Peggy
Fuck off Stevefag
Jefferson is the shit
Ughhhhhh...fucking Seven
Uh Wesley Crusher?

Wesley Crusher. Final answer.
Took me less than 3 seconds to say Steve - the guy Jefferson replaced. Steve is the worst recurring character in MWC history. Marcie is actually pretty bad herself.

Jefferson is based.
>Marcie is actually pretty bad herself.

Nah, she was like a proto peggy, except she got BTFO most of the time
Umm hello faggots
Seven has already been mentioned
Discussion is over
Thread replies: 21
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