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>nearing the end of 2015 >still no live action Zelda
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>nearing the end of 2015
>still no live action Zelda
What if Zelda was a girl?
I'm a huge Zelda fan, who would play him in the movie?
Robin WIlliams was supposed to voice the Great Deku Tree (and his daughter would be Zelda/Shiek) but he selfishly committed suicide and the whole project was scrapped.

Imagine if Richard Donner made a Zelda movie back in the late 80's or early 90's.
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I wanted Robin Williams as Mario Guy along with J.K Simmons as angry Luigi Guy
u pick the biggest pole smoker to play link

A Zelda movie can only work if they deviate from the games.

1- Most people have different expectations and ideas of what the Legend of Zelda franchise is, mainly most stick with Ocarina of Time and think that is what a movie should be based on, but others prefer other games in the franchise, like me, I like Twilight Princess better.
2- The stories of the games are not that riveting, sure they have great moments but for the most part you can't make a movie based on a game and expect it to work
3- The world of the LOZ is actually full of many possibilities for different types of stories, Link can be anyone (except a girl because fuck you), the characters around him can be anything, the antagonist can be anyone, but I guess people expect Ganondorf, however, like Zelda, they have a chance at developing the characters better than the games do.
4- Link needs to talk, sorry to mutes everywhere but he has to, in the games he DOES talk but for gameplay purposes they don't show it. If they made a movie they need to make it clear that the games and the movie are different stories with different Links, so him talking is not only possible but also to help people accept his voice because most people get autistic when it comes to giving Link a voice.
>wanting the two main cast members from Warm Bodies to play Zelda and Link

I agree with what you say. I think it's possible to successfully make a movie that hits all of those points, I just don't know if anyone in Hollywood can pull it off today. Maybe everything will change if the Warcraft movie turns out to be good and video game movies become an actual thing (unlikely)
>not having Micheal Cera play as Link
in the era we live today a Live Action Zelda movie would be considered a hate crime against women.

we have moved passed putting women in a castle and having a men save them.
Somebody actually spent time making this image
Fuck that shit, give me my fun fantasies. I work for a feminist and she wouldn't give two damns if a movie was made based on a beloved game series we all first encountered as children. That aside, I can't imagine any good coming from a live action Zelda anything that isn't the hip dance commercial they made for the game back in the day.

Isn't there like 20 games as is

You manchildren are never pleased
we have enough shit movies to watch
>90 minutes of "Haaaa, hyaaa, heyghhh"
idk I really enjoy zelda but i've never found any of the stories to be that enthralling
Young Tom Cruise from Legend
Zelda is a girl. You're thinking of the hero, who's named "Link."

That's like calling the protagonist "Halo" instead of "Master Chief" haha. Anyway, glad I could be of service my friend. Cheers!
tilda swinton
Fucking retard, learn your memes cunt
If you go with any story its definitely Zelda: A Link to the Past
Honestly I have to agree I'm not sure I would want a live action Legend of Zelda.

It could become something like Dragonball Evolution and just ruin the game for everyone forever.

Don't wanna take no chances.
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Zelda Movie Trilogy Idea

Ocarina of Time
Link's Origin Story. Ganondorf is born for the fist time instead of being reincarnated. This the beginning of the curse of the triforce. CGI animation, Hard PG/Soft PG-13. Link's design from Smash 4 is used. Link has a voice but has minimal dialog. General environment art style is akin to Hyrule Warriors.

Majora's Mask
Darker sequel. The end of OoT has Link getting his childhood back by Zelda just like the original game. He travels in search of Navi who left at the end of OoT, again just like the game's ending. Bleak and depressing tone just like the game but is not overdone. Hard PG-13 for its tone and creepiness. Movie consists of mainly of the Side stories of the civilians. Each side story is resentation of one of the different stages of grief just like the game.

Shock and denial
Pain and guilt
Anger and bargaining
Upward turn

This all done in correlation to the moon falling. Movie needs a sense of dread and strong atmosphere.
Movie ends with Link continuing to search for Navi in a set of woods an old man says not to go into. Credits roll as he enters it.

Twilight Princess
End of the trilogy. Hundreds of years later Link is reincarnated along with Zelda and Ganon. Plot follows the main game closely aside from the ending. At one point Link is trained by OG Link from OoT and Majoras Mask. That Link entered cursed woods in search of Navi and never found her. He was cursed to walk the woods forever as a skeleton because of this. The only reason current Link is not cursed is because at this point he has the Master Sword with him. The curse of the triforce is broken at the end. Link Zelda and Ganon are never reincarnated again. Triforce has perfect balance after a few centuries. Medium PG-13.

I would watch that.
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>What if Zelda was a girl?
what if?
Hahaha how do I up vote this?
Not only that but it's also a shit pick
alt + f4

I mean, all it needs to be is lord of the rings with faries, simple.
Learn your place, memester
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I like you
tight one, senpai
holy fuck, I wrote senpai
>Jenna Coleman
Pls no, she can't act for shit f.a.m.
If he wore that green outfit it would look stupid as hell
>literally being this new
oh i am laffin
OoT would probably be the way to go, people love shoving timey wimey bullshit in their movies. If not, I thought Twilight Princess was pretty good for furshit, probably the best to adapt to a Hollywood movie anyway.
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