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Tell me about Bali. I know there'll be a lot of tourists,
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Tell me about Bali.

I know there'll be a lot of tourists, especially aussies.

I'm sure the beaches are good.

But thats all i hear.
What about the rest? Are the temples and shrines and other activities good enough to warrant a visit to Bali instead of going somewhere else like Hawaii?
Much cheaper than Hawaii
Yes lots of drunk aussie bogans especially in the south(kuta)
The temples and other tourist stuff are worth a look (well just once imo)
I thought there was lots of cool outdoorsy stuff, and the scenery in parts of the island are beautiful.

Definitely take a fast boat over to Lombok and the Gili Islands if you go to Bali.
What are the main differences between lombok and bali in general?

How long is the boat one way and its cost?
lombok is more indonesia as usual. most of the cultural artifacts from the buddhist, hindu, and pagan era are destroyed, although you can still find them lying around as parts of buildings and town walls. whereas in bali it's all magnificently preserved. in java you'll find almost nothing.

the people still consider themselves different, and there's a lot more fractitious cultural groups and especially languages. it's also a lot more rural in lombok, like a LOT more rural. the main draw of lombok is mount bromo. there are some small backpacker places, such at the gili islands, and then lots of almost noting beyond. it's also thelaunchpad to get to komodo, iirc.

bali is theoretically MUCH coler and more beautiful but the bogans and OBESE, straight up abundance of morbidly obese tourists waddling around really kill half of it for me.

boat is like, 20 usd and a couple hours, maybe.

if you have a short period, I'd begrudgingly reccomend bali unless you're dying to see extremely rural areas. if you have longer I'd reccomend both.
Lombok is a lot more quiet/less touristy. If you're into hiking the hikes on Lombok are much more exciting. So Bali is more wild/party, Lombok is a bit more chill out/explore I'd say.

Fast boat (it's actually not that fast) will be a bit over an hour. I forget how much it cost, but I don't think I would have paid much more than $20 for one way.
Thinking of going here for my honeymoon. Hoping I don't regret it.
What are some cool hikes?
Mount bromo isnt in lombok according to google
Bromo is in lombok?
Nothing in java?
Have you ever been to Indonesia?
Don't go there.

Thats kuta!
Bali has some scenery but the extortion from the locals is rampant, it's better to go elsewhere in Indonesia to see similar volcanoes and hills but without the aggressive unfriendly people, and much cheaper. From Bali you can fly to Sulawesi island or Moluccas very cheaply. Flores and Komodo national park are also extremely beautiful and have waaay better snorkeling/diving opprtunities than Bali. Don't go to Gili, it's just a beach without anything special about it, the islands are small and the choice of food there is poor, and the sppedboat for like $30+ one way is incredubly overpriced.
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