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I'm working in Moscow right now as an American and I've got a few questions about this place.

What is the best way to eat cheaply aside from cooking at home? Obviously I do my own cooking, but if I'm in a situation where I'm away from my place for a while, what are the best options?

Also which social media do girls use to hook up with guys? Do people use tinder here or is that just something that foreigners use?

Do people still go to concerts in abandoned warehouses and shit like that?
There are soviet era cafeterias where you can eat for $1-2.

My My?
I am working in Moscow as well right now (Australian). I mostly cook and eat out just a few times a week.

If you want some decent sushi though, a place called Yakitoria has an app where you order and they have free delivery. You can easily get a meals worth of sushi for 800-1000RUB.

One of my favourites is a restaurant called 'Voronezh' just by metro Kropotkinskaya. They have a deli downstairs and you can get a nice big pastrami sandwich for under 400RUB.
How did you guys find a job in Russia? What do you do? How much are you getting paid?
I am the Aussie, not OP. I teach history at an international school approx 50k euro + benefits. Just signed up for one of the premium teacher recruitment agencies, applied to an opening in Moscow, interviewed on Skype and off I went.
I am from Saint-Petersburg,may be i can help.
> What is the best way to eat cheaply aside from cooking at home? Obviously I do my own cooking, but if I'm in a situation where I'm away from my place for a while, what are the best options
There are many fast-food restaraunts in any shopping mall,where you can find whatever you want to eat,but there are mostly hamburgers,sushi and such stuff.
>Also which social media do girls use to hook up with guys? Do people use tinder here or is that just something that foreigners use?
Most of the girls don't speak english at all but at the same time they dream of going to New YOrk with "American boy", so take adventage of it. To be honest,I have no clue what people use to hook up but I haven't heard of Tinder. The best way to find a girl for you is going to some night club,your chances of sucess are high since you are foreigner,just try to avoid using difficult words while making a pass at a girl.
>Do people still go to concerts in abandoned warehouses and shit like that?
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