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Great white north
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Amerabro here, my family and I are heading to Vancouver over the thanksgiving holidays, any Canucks out there that can give me any inside info on Vancouver. Places to see good restaurants, attractions, any areas to avoid things of that nature. What should I expect going to the Pacific northwest?
>who is the semen demon
Claire Abbott
It's the southwest actually.
Vancouver is hardly the Great White North
Visit Yellowknife my friend. Go on a bear hunt and you will learn why it is called Yellowknife
>Bears have yellow blood if you stab them in the right spot
> yellow blood

What is bile
It's called Yellowknife because the local native peoples, unlike most native peoples of North America, actually had metal tools made from native copper.
only because they stole them from vikings
If you are at all into ethnic food, Vancouver is the place to go! Awesome restaurants, especially Asian. Stanley Park Seawall, Granville Island, Chinatown, Robson Street for shopping, Granville Street, parks literally everywhere. Vancouver is big enough to have lots to do and small enough to get around easily. Transit is excellent. Avoid Surrey. East Hastings Street (not really dangerous, just dingy)
>Stanley Park
>Wreck Beach
>Lynn Canyon
>Danbo Ramen
>Jericho Beach
>Commercial Drive
>Ride the skytrain around the whole greater van area for 2.75, you get some nice views on it
Biltmore Caberet for bands, commercial drive for fire pizza, bons for greasy $3 breakfast filled with the finest of the cities cultural trash. Make sure to be hungover. Also Sikh temple for free food most nights by Rupert stn. more hipster homebums there .
Stay as far away from Surrey as you can.
Ignore all the homeless and beggars
Don't go to Stanley Park at night
Don't go on the skytrain without a ticket (the transit police are always around nowadays)
Have fun
>not stealing everything they ever laid eyes upon
they made pretty neat axes. And mead.
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