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Soon travel to the unknown Ukraine... Any tips for do's
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Soon travel to the unknown Ukraine... Any tips for do's and DONT's.

* Visit Donetsk
* Visit Luhansk

Probably nots:
* Visit Mariupol

* Visit Crimea
If you plan on driving, bring small bills for bribing police. Applies for russia and most likely ukraine too :P

look out for fake money. Ukrainians are pretty good at recognizing them. I was given some at a bus station (buying a ticket at the counter).
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Have small bills, don't rely on credit cards being 100% useful, look out for fake bills. Don't get HIV or tetanus in Odessa.

Also, contrary to popular belief, Crimea IS safe and you're able to visit it, but for obvious reasons you'll need a Russian visa. Don't speak ill of the current situation, and get ready for Moscow-tier pricing.
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fuck too bad the 1 Into the Ukraine thread that lasted like 6 months died. That thread had so much info. Hopefully the godly anon who made that will post here.

Also I am hoping to go in May or June, I know very very little Russian, but how will I do with English in the Kiev and Odessa areas?
visiting Crimea as EUR guy? Hell no XD
Well in my opinion its still Ukrainian soil. So Hell no i will apply for Russian visa. I do have second thought if Crimea being Safe for EUR people.

I thought you couldn't enter it through Ukraine though with none of the crossings allowing foreigners, someone told me its only open to Russian and Ukraine nationals.

Though flights and getting in on a ferry from Russia is completely fine, i think they just prefer to screen you before you arrive encase you a journalist or something.

Ukraine itself its open of course. Parts where the "mighty" Russia has his dick shown maybe not. But still even the Crimea is not recognized as Russian ground. So in theory all EU people can just go there. That you will get arrested by ILLEGAL Russian idiots. Thats a different topic. Anyway If they want to arrest me. Be my guest. It will open pandoras box right. I am with Ukraine....
Then you are a fucking moron, Crimea is as Russian, has always been Russian.
>Crimea is as Russian, has always been Russian.

Well that's open to debate.

Sorry but Russia GAVE it away right? You can not just take it back? Why start a fucking war. Its just a matter of showing off. Here you have my candy. Oh no gimme back back my candy you are enjoying it to much.

Calling me a moron? Go fist yourself in the bathtub you people hating bastard. Because people like you wars exists in this world.

maybe wait until the war ends m8, just saying

the parts where its cheeki breeki 24/7 are just the shitty eastern parts anyway where you wouldn't want to go

This would not be an option. Since my girlfriend is from there. So not really :).


Its true that the east part is tricky. Still her parents live around this area :). So Better be good informed right?
Only since 1783.
It was Mongol/Turkish/Tatar before that.

Finally some one did his homework. Yes Totally true. And even when it was Russian soil. Why start a fucking war? There is enough trouble in the world...
Why not? It's not like you're going to get arrested or anything, as long as your documents are in order. I know of a few Americans and many Russians who have traveled there.

That kind of opinion will get you beat up by thugs.
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Rather stan(d) my ground for something. F*ck all those corrupt idiots. If we all would raise our voice and fists. Corruption has no chance. Rather be arrested and beat up and creating political awareness then bow for those whom dictate....
This isn't /pol/, and this surely isn't your political agenda blog. If you wanted self-righteous advice, we would tell every person who visits the Middle East to scream 'Allahu ackbar' all the time and go tell jihadists about his trip to Israel.

>Corruption has no chance
>Visiting Ukraine

You're in for a surprise.
Do go to Chernobyl. Pretty humbling. It's doable as a daytrip. You need to go on a guided tour for obvious reasons.

Was given to Ukraine during the Cold War when it was see.n as a satellite state and 100% never expected to split with Russia in the way it has now. It was kinda to be expected that they went that route when the Ukrainian government started looking more pro western.
-have pelmeni, chicken Kyiv
-go to Chernobyl/Prypyat
-go hiking in the Carpathians
-check out Lviv and Odessa
-hang out in the countryside

-speak Russian
-go to the east
Im ignorant of Ukraine’s situation, whats so dangerous about these areas, and why is it so shitty?
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Because there's a fucking war going on, you dolt. Have you seriously not heard about it?

>DON'T speak russian

so i'll be ok with english there i assume then?
No, at least not outside of Kiev. Russian is your best backup language, albeit people may be resentful of its use in certain parts of the country. Though the inverse can be said about Ukrainian in, say, Donetsk.

Just like Russia, English proficiency is low. At least learn Cyrillic.

That poster has no idea what he's talking about. Honestly, Russian is fine in most parts of the country - nearly every Ukrainian speaks it. Nobody is going to assume you're some kind of Russian separatist.


* Visit Ukraine

Just got back from this beautiful country. I can tell you you are all wrong! Never ever had such a great visit to a country, War? dont go there dont do this? Cmon people. Are you really that brainwashed by the media? It was all great and east? Well yes there is some disturbance but to say I did not felt safe. No I felt very safe to be honest. Vareniki,Pelmeni and Borsch I did it all! I loved every second and please consider all your thoughts about this country. ITs not as bad as the media describes trust me.

Crimea voted to be Russian
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