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How much money for 5 days in Amsterdam??
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So, me and my girlfriend are going to Amsterdam in January 2016. We have flights and hotels booked that provides breakfast and we want to go to the sex museum etc explore a bit and get high a lot. No drinking.

How much would we be looking at to spend a day on just food and travel/ attractions? We have budgeted £300 for 5 days.. Does anyone if this is enough?

Pic related.
£300 each..
£50-100 i suppose, depends what you're doing...obviously.
Eating, using public transport seeing the sex museum and Anne Frankes house and smoking a lot of weeeed. I am a bodybuilder though so I require a lot of food.. £60 each enough?
£60 each a day of course
>I am a fat pothead though so I require a lot of food.. £60 each enough?

£100 would be better then.
I would say do £80 since a 8th is going to coast you about £50 in most coffee shops. but always to have more than eating crackers your last day as you walk to the airport.
Your're going to spend 10 euro's each on lunch and 30 euro's each on dinner. Most museum's aren't that expensive. But let's say you'll spend 20 euro's each on cultural enrichment. Then you'll spend 5 on weed each. Then there's the occasional drink or snack for 5 euro's each.

So that's 70 euro's per person per day. That's 140 euro's which is just over 100 pounds per day.

Also, do some more stuff. Take a coat trip through the canals. Rent a bike and see the city, it's great fun. Do a walking tour. Visit the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh museum. The Anne Frank house is also a must. If there't time left, take a day trip to places like Volendam, Leiden, Zaanse Schans (windmills), Utrecht for example. Amsterdam is fun and beautiful, but too touristy to be typical The Netherlands.
Also, there's several sex museums. So sort out which you want to see and make sure you have an address.
How much weed and pussy do you want to smoke?
do you want to cuck ?
my girlfriend is into it , swinging partners
she is 19 looks like a fcking model and listens to everything i say.

want to meet ? i'm from belgium , we are planning to go to amsterdam too
Not Op, but I'm in amsterdam from the 26th to the 31st.
lmao what

post pics of gf for proofs.
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Go to the Picasso cafe stay there for 6 hours get yelld at by the owner or what ever because you fell asleep in some comfortable corner with pillows and shit go outside and eat some fried crockette filled with meat walk around eat hashmuffin be high as fuck see the sloterdejk station die auf laughter because of the name eat at Asian all you can eat smoke some more go to Anne Franks house realise she was a shit Jew dont entere her house I would say 80$ would do
Anyone got any advice? I'm gonna hopefully be travelling for the first time this December. Start in Paris, probably end up in Amsterdam at some point and will probably try one of those space cakes. Being as I will be doing this solo am I likely to get my shit fucked up by some thug when I'm spaced out? I hear the coffee shops let you chill in there while you're enjoying the high so I guess I could wait it out in there till I'm capable of defending myself on the streets.
i believe anon is propositioning OP to fuck his girlfriend.....im from Oregon, will she still be available next summer??
This is OP, post a picture of your gf?
The most tourists you see around Amsterdam completely fucked are the naive tourists who think just because weed is 'in a cake' it shouldn't fuck them up as much as a joint. This is far from the truth. Especially since space cakes can last a lot longer, you can easily freak out. Just buy a pre-rolled joint and chill in a cafe, not bulldog, never bulldog.
If you're going to Barney's I can join you for a bit.
I was in Amsterdam this past July with my Czech friend. We pretty much smoked a lot of weed and looked at prostitutes most of the time. Our hostel was in the RLD (Heart of Amsterdam is a good one).
Spacecakes - brownie or muffin - were total bunk. There's warning labels on them saying to refrain from smoking within 1 hour of consumption. Maybe I'm a freak? Shit didn't work at all. Bud was great, but VERY bummed about the edibles.
Whores run you 50 euros. I think that only gets you a bj though. Anything else is negotiable.
Went to the Rijksmuseum, didn't get to the VG or Anne's.

Another thing is that I found the tram system to be really confusing. I was living in Prague for 2 months prior to arriving in Amsterdam and was thrown off by having to "check-in" your ticket and "check-out". Especially when you ate a box of truffles.
what the fuck is wrong with bulldog? Sure it's a big chain, but the shops were fine.
Fuck, there's shops all over the place. We basically smoked a pre-rolled in one, walked to another, and did the same thing. Can't really distinguish one from the other...
'Why wouldn't I go to starbucks, they serve coffee and it all tastes the same anyway' is basically what you said there man. If you are not into your weed, i'm sure it is fine. Someone like myself though, I'm looking for high quality and value for money. Actually my main coffee shop is outside of Amsterdam but I actually live in Amsterdam.
what's the best IN amsterdam, though? Not the other poster, just visiting in a month
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