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Is it possible to travel the world with no money at all? I hear
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Is it possible to travel the world with no money at all? I hear stories about people going around with next to no money and doing perfectly fine but I can't imagine myself doing it. I'd prefer to save at least $20K just to make sure that I've always got some safety net.
$500 for the emergency flight back home and your sorted anything more than that and you can make on the road.
some countries are real assholes about the (proof of) funds you have in order to enter the country and get the visa/visa entry. It's a roll of the dice, but you often see filthy backpackers getting pulled up for it, particularly ones that thought they could work whilst there.

Been to plenty of countries that list "proof of funds" as an entry requirement and I've never been asked to show mine. I think you're fine as long as you don't look like a miserable vagrant and are from a first-world country.
Can someone explain to me what visas are and how you go about getting them, are they the same as passports. I'm totally new to travel and trying to plan out my first trip out the country (SEA). Any other tips and info that may be obvious to you ,but not to me would be appreciated. Didn't want to make another topic so put this here.
>Can someone explain to me what visas are and how you go about getting them,
They are permission to enter a country, issued by the government of the country you are visiting, unlike your passport, which is issued by the country you are from. They are not always necessary. Usually some kind of sticker or stamp on one of the pages in your passport. You get them in a small range of ways, most often either from an embassy or consulate of the country you're going to, or from immigration officials looking at your passport when you arrive. Travel agents can also get them for you. It's a question of paying money and filling out forms.
>I'm totally new to travel
You don't say?
>trying to plan out my first trip out the country (SEA)
If you are North American or Western European (probably true for Australians too, now that I think of it), you will be allowed into Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia or the Philippines visa-free, and can purchase visas on arrival in Laos or Cambodia. Visas on arrival can be arranged for Vietnam, too, but you need to set it up and pay someone before you leave (fill out a form and pay a third-party vendor online). Most people get them in advance, since VoA for VN is still new. I think Myanmar still requires you to get your visa before you come, but travel agents in Bangkok can do it effortlessly and cheaply.
Read 'On the Road' by Jack Kerouac if you're interested in this
>Is it possible to travel the world with no money at all?
You can certainly travel cheaply. But without paying for airfare? No, I don't think that's possible. And it's not a style of travel I'd be willing to attempt. I'm too old and bourgeois. Closest I've ever come to that was bumming around hostels in Southeast Asia when I was a university student. I didn't have the money for nice hotels, but I had a credit card, a return ticket, and parents who could bail me out if shit hit the fan.
Ditto. I always print out bank statements (how else would you prove it?) but have never been asked.
>Been to plenty of countries that list "proof of funds

And what countries were those?
>proof of funds
I've needed it for a China visa before.
All countries expect you to have sufficient funds to support yourself during your visit unless you're applying for asylum or traveling on a refugee document. Theoretically, a surprising number of countries require proof, including the EU, Canada, and the US (also China, many other Asian countries, dozens of others), but for most, a round-trip ticket and a credit card will suffice. It's very rarely enforced unless you arrive on a one-way ticket and look poor, or somehow give information to the immigration officer that makes it sound as though you intend to stay somewhere indefinitely and/or work illegally. It's literally never happened to me, although I have had to explicitly state that any expenses wold be covered by my employer, and I "would in no way become dependent upon the government of the People's Republic of China" during my stay when I was applying for a business visa to China (this was a few years ago--nowadays they require a sealed letter from a Chinese business partner for the same visa, but back then you could get one with just a letter from the US company sending you as long as it included local contact info for the person who was responsible for you).
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