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Zootopia Thread: Concerned Nick Edition Pastebin: pastebin.
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Zootopia Thread: Concerned Nick Edition

Pastebin: pastebin.com/iYDU8g2T
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Thematic Thursday Theme: Nocturnal district
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how many fetishes does Nick have?
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Reminder to Be the Bun
Or Have the Bun

Too early fuck off attention whore
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1ST for dewlap
>"Ozzy gets busted by Nick and Judy"
>...while they're on the ZPD's Homeless Outreach Team

Weaver plz
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Officer BUNE reporting for duty
Half of the bad ones.

All of the good ones.
last one just hit image limit
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He has a rather pedo-ish fetish, as established by how he treats Finnick.

Just look at: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7341469
Whats an ozzy?
is that pregnant Judy absentmindedly fiddling with her dewlap?
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yes, rabbits will pluck their fluff to line their nests
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Is it a tube sock?
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Weaver's comic's gonna hurt him, isn't it?
Is that even plugged into an amp?
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A no good busker, that's what
Was he playing my favorite Wings song when they approached him?

The Ozzy train is real.
Weaver comics end in depression, sex, or never get finished
>Hurt Ozzy?
The mans a walking tank, he'll be fine.
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keep it goin, yo.

>Nick hands him a cup of soup
>"but I actually have a home"
>by accepting the cup of soup under false pretenses Ozzy has committed a federal welfare fraud
>six years jailtime, minimum
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Reposting these from a couple of threads ago, some beautiful anon found more behind-the-scenes material, apparently released by a Gisnep artist called Jason Hand. He doesn't seem to have a personal site tho.

rare vids and reels

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Greentexts! Get your greentexts heeeuuure! You want action? Adventure? Comfiness? Feels? Step right up and Nate the Writedude will spin your "Wilde"-est fantasies into little green words you can read again and again. Or vote for one of these!

Ideas from older threads:
1. Nick and Judy's first dinner date
2. Nick and Judy in a thunderstorm
3. Young Judy working at a coffeeshop
4. Clawhauser downs beers with coworkers
5. Bellwhether bonds with Sharla in jail.

Due to votes from the last thread, I will be attempting to meld 1 and 2 into one big text! Stand by!
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Emotionally/mentally, I mean.

I just want to protect his smile.
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>Who am I?
>My name, my friend, is Nick.
>I do not like my long, big dick.

>This is not good.
>This is not right.
>My dick flops out of my pants all night.

>Perhaps, I'm sleeping just by myself.
>It's not that much of a problem, you see?
>For then, well, I'm with only me.

>Life isn't the same sleeping lately.
>I'm with my friends, alas, it's true.
>My dick poking around by itself makes me blue.

>Staying in a hotel with my nocturnal colleagues?
>I try my best-- I put the pillows around my body.
>Yet my dick's mind of its own makes it do its little hobby.

>The ZPD bats feel so weird.
>They're straight, and not into predators anyway.
>Honestly, I should just hit the highway.

>Let this be a lesson to you, friend.
>I'm a cop and my name is Nick.
>I'm proof that all is not good with a big Dick.

THERE I wrote something for Thematic Thursdays. PseudoFox is a contributor.

>"If only there was another way to serve that jail sentence..."
>"Maybe a little Hard time will smooth things out."
How many weaver comics have actually ended in depression doe?

Weaver is just as much of a softy as all of us.

Cept mead. He a master of depression.
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I request a greentext about the biggest howl ever. An endless awoo to pierce the heavens.
Nick & Judy discovering the true meaning of Christmas
Given the lyrics Weaver posted, he was playing this:

>marty is literally the only person who has ever remembered Ozzy's birthday in his adult life
>made all the more shocking as he'd only mentioned the date once and assumed it was just banal conversation
Too early, 0/10
I so want to suck his hard, long feline dick.
Bunnies are for love and affection, for sure.
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Nick and Judy infiltrating a fox commune for an investigation.
Sorry, no howling allowed here.

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>Grade A police work
Off by an hour?


Well, I'm saving this anyways to use when the time comes.
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I got a few pics for you then.

Nick is hospitalized by a gunshot wound; Judy visits him every day after work for one week before he passes away.

Actually reposts are automatically disqualified. We've already seen it now. You're going to need fresh OC

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Sshhhhh... what post? What reposts?
For those of you being the bun. Don't forget to keep your pred happy with Pastor! Pastor, the once a day use tool to keep your pred from going savage.
Counterpoint: awoo
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>before he recovers and is discharged from the hospital
Fuck off ewe creep.
>bad guy has a plan that involves putting massive loudspeakers atop the city's tallest building and play a howl that will be listened by the whole town

Now that sounds like an episode for the TV series.
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You don't die from a gunshot in the long term, anon, you either have the damaged organ replaced and have the wound heal, or die from bleeding out
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>"I'm afraid we lost him"
>Ellie was out of it, plain and simple.
>The moment she'd felt Nick give her a rimjob, her efforts on her sister slowed almost to a halt.
>Then, when she felt his long tongue press its way into her stretched anus, she stopped and could only blankly stare forward.
>Finally, when she felt his tongue lap and press at her cream-filled anal walls, she'd lost all composure and her face fell forward.
>Judy's thighs kept her face from planting into the shallow water, but they couldn't muffle her vocal moans.
>Judy could feel the hot breath of her sister on her snatch, and while it too was nice, it still couldn't get her off.
>She brought up a finger, tapping Nick on the nose, "Hold on just one second," she told him, and then gave Ellie a nudge on the rear.
>Ellie took it as a sign to move, and she did- but then Judy grabbed her by the sides and lifted her,
>Surprised, but spent, Ellie didn't fight.
>She was turned around, and was then facing her sister, which she noted looked like a glazed cinnamon roll.
>Judy then dragged them both back down, with Ellie resting on her chest.
>They both saw cum drizzling down Nick's chin, his mouth clearly full of his own seed, waiting for them.
>He angled his muzzle to Judy, and she opened her mouth in response,
>And Ellie just watched in muted fascination.
>He turned his head slightly, and as he opened his mouth, cum oozed out on to Judy's face and in her mouth,
>His wet nose met her chin, and their lips locked.
>Their tongues wrestles, and his cum sloshed from mouth to mouth.
>Lips parting, and lines of cum still linking them, they both took a moment to breath-
>And Judy pulled Ellie forward, locking their lips together.
>Globs of cum passed from Judy to Ellie, and Ellie could only think to swallow.
>Parting mouthes, Nick's came next, and Ellie was ready this time.
>Judy watched as her sister's lips faught with Nick's, the cum they shared dribbling down their mouths, and frothed at their lips.
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I don't remember shit from biology.
Or die like JFK and Lincoln did
>He was just here. Has anyone seen him?
at this point someone may as well draw loss.jpg with Judy and Nick

I'm so glad a fat uneducated NEET shitposting in a thread about a disney cartoon in the AM hours has bestowed his vast medical knowledge gleaned from a few seasons of house and random hearsay upon the thread
they died on the spot, not a week later in a hospital bed
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I smell dirty wool.
I'm too tired and too buzzed to describe what I like about Ozzy in any coherent way, but he's definitely someone I'd want to have in my life.
Whose to say I'm not just a pred who knows there place?
Nah, Lincoln died the next day, JFK died a few hours later
>AM hours
Did somebody take a shit in your cornflakes today, aussie?

you only like him beacuse he's a fictional cartoon you can project everything you want onto instead of a real person with all their emotional baggage and flaws that doesn't come across in a cartoon and the actual feel of living and being with someone, warts and all
>this is STILL going

Christ. Why not just write your fantasies using your own characters? What's the point of including Nick and Judy when they don't act like Nick and Judy at all?
We've got at least one person who actually works in the medical field who regular posts here.
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Oh my young and innocent anon.
There's a Red/Bunanon one

Don't have it on my phone, though
So it's Mayhem of the Music Maker, but awoo.
oh my fuck

but what the hell is cactus juice? Do they not know how to distill alcohol in the animal world?
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it's highly toxic to most animals and is the most common form of painless suicide sold in every 7/11
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>almost midnight
>not going to be able to finish my piece before thematic thursday officially starts

I'm gonna stay up all night if I have to.
well that makes the comic a bit sadder

but how can ingesting a toxic substance be painless?
I like him because the (limited) characterization of him so far reminds me of a less happy version of my best friend. Like I said, I can't really say what parts make the connection for me/why I like that person so much in the first place, but I am at least projecting a real person.
Here's another (Ewe)
how do you know? you're not them
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Go for it, we believe in you!
Please don't take this so seriously, you're making everyone nervous
I like his big black nose, and I wanna boop it forever.
Can't help it, I'm oddly passionate about it. Haven't been this inspired in a while.
But cactus juice will quench ya, it's the quenchiest.
Reminder : Ozzy was raped by big auntie Becca for all his childhood.

Relax my friend you know the winner is just going to be a dude who doodled an epic meme ten minutes before midnight
Who are you, and what are you writing?

Also, when the hell are we supposed to release content anyways?
Oh fuck you.
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There's a contest where you win?
Thursday is Nocturnal district day.

Begin releasing content at approximately 8PM EST, when it starts getting dark in the only part of the world that matters
>Nick is hospitalized by a gunshot wound to his dick;
>Judy visits him every day after work for one week before it has to be amputated.

think this flows a bit better imo

>try to take your 'molested by female' case to the police
>get laughed out of the station with "lucky kid" "wish I were him" "what a faggot" ringing in your ears
>auntie puts her thumb up your butt again
Dammit I just did a silly greentext

Now you're making me feel bad
>Would eyeshadow be necessary?
>It was just for Nick after all, he sees me all the time right? And at work too!
>I don't HAVE to go all out with the makeup tonight....it's just a little dinner date, that's all....just a dinner date...
>Judy elected to put eyeshadow on anyways. She had been working on her face for the past half hour.
>Makeup is a surprisingly lucrative business in Zootopia, even though you'd think it wouldn't mix well with fur.
>I'm just overthinking it that's all....overthinking it...
>She had done and redone her face at least 5 times now.

>Across town, Nick was in a similar predicament.
>Aw geez, my whiskers are growing back...I'll have to shave...
>Nick smeared some shaving cream on his nose and wet his razor in the sink.
>Ok, just a little bit off here....aaand a little off th-AAUGH
>He had cut himself. Cursed cheap razors.
>Nick finished the job and put a little square of tissue on his nose.
>Shouldn't really matter right? That would be all better by the time he picked Judy up from her apartment.
>He dabbed some cologne on his paws and rubbed it into his neck. He then made a snapping motion at himself in the mirror.
>"Still got it!"
>Nick put his shirt on, tucked it in, and tied his nicest tie nice and tight.
>He glanced over at his alarm clock.
>6:42 P.M
>"Oh shoot"
>He quickly finished getting dressed and trotted out into his living room.
>The TV was on and the weather reporter was saying "Forecast calls for thunderstorms toni.."
>*PFF*, Nick turned it off and grabbed his keys as he headed out the door.

Pandanon, piano piece

Doing a bunch of touch up on the MIDI right now to hide some of the more sloppier playing.

Yeah, one anon volunteered an XBOX ONE to the winner, timestamped his receipt and everything
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>Not pseudo-penis
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>tfw penectomy is your fetish
go on...
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Can I ask for fic related opinions for something that has nothing to do with Thursdays?
You get to hug Ozzy if you win. Comicanon and Beaver are the judges.
Oh just post that goddamn webm already and get it over with.
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I believe in you, anon. Suffer for your art. Put your heart and soul into it. Make it your best.
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What about Fridays?
>Comicanon and Beaver
My newest ship
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Are you still feeling the Brexit, /ztg/?
He memeing on you. Anyway, I'd check the archive to see the reason behind the juice, but it's fucking up. Again.
Beaver won't abuse VRBun.

He'll just drug him and use him.
tumblr pls go
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And as you go through life trying to reach your goal
Just remember what I said about a little bit o' soul

Oh my sweet goodness...I have a thing for tigers...
Can you be my Tiger?
Vote for Best Ozzy

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You bet I am. Ready for Round Three?

Weaver, I say this in the most warm, heartfelt, appreciative-of-our-contentfags way I can possibly say this

Fuck you.
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I can't do Judy fml
>No dog food for Ozzy tonight!
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That man seems to be the avatar of the petty-bourgeoisie.
Why must VRbune be destined for suffering when it comes to love
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Well I'm liftan and I'm hairy as fuck so I'm halfway there.
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Looks like the ZPD needs a reminder they aren't welcome on Pack Street. One or two officers gunned down in their patrol car should do the trick.
>Ain't no boys here
I have mad respect for Ozzy's balls, and sense of self respect even in the face of such intimidation.
I see Judy's stroke hasn't slowed her down one bit.
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Get in line
Beaver will end up treating VRbun tenderly. Or even start that way. Come on, lets just let it happen.
I like how this sounds.
>"and the fish won't bite"
>They lured in the cop to pickpocket

I also just like the idea of a character whose laugh is always at least a little manic by nature.
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>Charlie's tail wagging happily in that last panel
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Northern Ireland and Scotland want to remain in the EU, this pushes their people towards secession, Ireland is finally unified, England gets stuck with Wales. I was hoping Cameron would be the PM that sees the last chunks of the empire go, but oh well.
Intermission greentext for "The Adventures of Frank Catstle: Mass Murderer extraordinaire!"

>Frank pulled up outside his apartment and turned off his car.
>He sat there quietly for five minutes, going over what had happened in his head.
>He got out of the car and walked into his apartment building. Nobody was out, so no one saw him come in and go to his apartment.
>He entered his apartment and locked the door behind him.
>Frank went to his kitchen table, passing several framed photographs that were set face down, and set his weapons on the table.
>He took off his coat and set it on the table too, inspecting it for blood stains or bullets holes.
>The were no holes, but plenty of blood had spattered him during the events that transpired. He would have to wash the stain out manually with his stain remover, not wanting to risk leaving DNA of anyone but him in his washing machine.
>Next he took off his kevlar vest. It also had some blood on it, but he could wipe that off with a wet cloth, what would take more work was the bullets embedded in the vest. There were five bullets embedded around the nose of the skull painted on the vest. Frank picked the bits of lead out of the vest with his fingers, placing them in a pile on the table.
>Next he grabbed his sewing supplies and carefully patched up the damage. Then he wiped the blood off the vest with a wet washcloth. He got out his paints and touched up the paint for the skull, and hung the vest to dry on the back of a chair.
>He took off his boots and looked at them, the snow had washed all the blood off already so he set them aside.
>There was no blood on his pants or his t-shirt either.
>He brought his coat to the bathroom sink and meticulously washed the blood out of it, and hung it from the towel rack to dry.
>He grabbed two more magazines for his gun to replace the ones he had left behind at the factory.
>He went into the kitchen and grabbed the cookies from the counter and sat on the couch in front of his tv to watch the new.
>He ate the cookies as the anchors detailed the shooting at a drug manufacturing plant "17 dead, 3 injured. A manufacturing site for illegal drugs, police arrived after getting a call about gunfire in the area. It is unknown at the moment who were the shooters, but police are investigating.
>Frank finished off the cookies and turned off the tv.
>The raccoon had told him that the guy in charge of the manufacturing sector of the mafia was a weasel named Tony Weasalo, and that he frequented a nightclub in the nocturnal district called "Night Eyes".
>Frank knew where he was going next and laid in his bed and fell asleep.

Do Beavers have twitchy tails?
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That was fantastic.
Wait, what? Why me and Comic, exactly?
oh damn

I don't think they do.

Call it off boys, VRBun can't live out his biggest fetish with a beaver.
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Hey, Comicanon, if you're here. If you're planning to do an audiobook of Reichstagsbrand chapter 3, don't. Please take it off your list.
A young pred got it bad cause I'm growlin'
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We're gonna ERP, aren't we?
Beavers will hop to lean on their tails like a kick-stand as well as playfully splash it into water-- as well as use it as a warning message.

Does that count?
That'll just make them crack down harder
Weaver wears a literal sheepskin so he is in no position to judge anything, and everyone else is too hung over from Roses party.
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Pastebin for those who give a shit
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Source please, GRIS got nothing.
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Do it.

I like spectating, too.
You're dominating and yet tender at the same time.

Also tails that aren't twitchy per se but splash, get leaned on, etc.
>At 6:58 P.M. Nick pulled up to Judy's apartment in his red convertible.
>Phew, he was almost late.
>Nick typed "Hey Carrots, I'm downstairs. Ready when you are" on his phone and hit send.

>A few floors up, Judy's nervous pacing was interrupted by the *BING* of her phone going off.
>She looked at it, and her face lit up.
>She just about bolted out the door, down the stairs, and outside.
>There he was! Eeeep, there's Nick! He looks so handsome!
>"Hey Nick!" she said as she opened the passenger door and sat down. "You look good!"
>"So do you, wow, look at you! You really went all out!" Judy blushed and giggled.
>She really had gone all out. She was wearing a light pink, strapless dress with a matching purse.
>Her feet had been neatly wrapped in shiny pink straps of silk, leaving her toes exposed.
>Lets not even get started on how nice she smelled.
>"So you ready to get going?" asked Nick
>"Yeah, where are we eating tonight?"
>Nick had started to drive.
>"Oh a nice little place I know called Chateau de Moufette. You'll love it!"
>"Sounds fancy!"
>The wind of the evening was rustling Judy's ears. Very distracting for poor old Nick.
>"Oh it sort of is! You have to know the right animals to get a reservation!"
>"Wow! Hey Nick, don't you think we should put the hood of this car up? Those clouds over there don't look too nice...."
>"Ahh that's probably nothing, we'll be fine!"

Not if you keep doing it. Kill every pig that dares step on your block and they'll get the message. There are parts of Los Angeles the LAPD doesn't dare set foot in if they value their lives.
Holy fuck, I don't remember when this movie was even released but it feels like the world forgot about it as I have.

I thought I would have heard something about the bluray coming out, but I guess not. Is the steelbook the ultimate version? Or is there another edition that's even better?
nice and comfy, I like it. Keep going familama
How many of you guys that want to Be the Bun are actually slender submissives that shave your bellies and arms plus other stuff?
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special treatment for special buns only

bad bunners don't even get foot service. Bad bunners get sent under the covers during bed time. They deserve getting hotboxed on tiger musk.
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When will trash-panda get the pussy full of thick cum that she so deserves?
>fag hag who is pushing two people to give up their lives for her own sexual fantasies

When will she get beaten half to death and thrown in a dumpster like she so deserves?
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but what if I want to be hotboxed by tiger scent
>Nick owning a car
this meme came out of left field
If she's that desperate she could just stroll down pack street in a skirt and some guy would be on her within a minute or two, whether she wanted it or not.
Fucking savages.
>implying she wants anything more than her slashfic keikaku to fruit
so there's just this tiger with a harem of bunnies? what does he do for a living?
what does he do when friends come over?

>now Ozzy/Charlie is going to be the next big ship
These happenings are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Just saying.
already was since they cuddled on the roof
oh my goodness.

Does Smiles share?
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Damn it, I was trying to do a couple of lines but there's fucking nothing animal-related that rhymes with Ice Cube.

Sorry anon, I've failed you. Maybe this pic will go some way towards redemption, it's very rare and valuable.
It's because of the toys Anon.
Hey, maybe she wants it understood that her guy will be both kinky and also loyal.
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why does the intermission have it's own pastebin

If it's on pastebin, put it all in one paste

if you want to do chapters, put it on FF.net
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I'm still pushing for wonderful:


I'm so tired of this meme that canids are loyal. They're not. Like most preds they're filthy cheating scum who will do anything to get laid, up to and including drugging, assault, and rape.
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>not handsome
4/10, that awesome Judy redeems it a little
He's poly so he fucking well better.
Trash panda is shipper garbage and will settle for flicking her bean while recording the action.
>don't even get foot service
BB...don't do this. You're too kind, too gentle for this sort of malice
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Here's your (Ewe)
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Someone say Friday's?
The Road to El Dorado is done and we reach that point of the night.

Come watch zootopia, anons!

The movie will start will start in 10 minutes.

I hate that pawpsicles are in like 90% of Nick fanart outside this board.
She may settle for it, but she should be recording but then the tables get turned and some lucky student impales her with his gigantic predatory cock.
I think FF is for actual fics, not for some greentext no one gives a shit about
then that's what you'll get if you're a good bun. Do be a good bun now you hear?

>so there's just this tiger with a harem of bunnies? what does he do for a living?
>what does he do when friends come over?
They'll probably join in. As for living might as well say college student and tutor.

As for the bunners, well, what do YOU do when you're not being dominated by a tiger?

the more the merrier

>BB...don't do this. You're too kind, too gentle for this sort of malice
That's what happens when you're a bad bun. Bad buns get punished. Don't misbehave and you won't force me to punish you
Why are they set out like a coffee-table treat? They're frozen, if they were casually left out like that they'd melt in minutes

what autist drew this shit
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I like JUST Nick. Much more relatable than the real one.
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Reminder to protect the Pizzacolt and Pizzafeline along with their other Pizzafriends.
I dunno, I like the scruffy as fuck look
Manager Mouse needs to get hot glued by Pizzacolt.
who pissed on your pawpsicle?

The guy can write whatever he wants, just because you don't like it doesn't mean he's not contributing.
5 nights at pizzacolts?
>Do be a good bun now you hear?
Of course. Would I ever aim to be anything else?

>what do YOU do when you're not being dominated by a tiger?
Probably daydream about being dominated by a tiger...

Also how does a college student/tutor support himself and at least two bunnies? Fucker must have well-off parents or something.
But that level of size difference is heresy, onii-chan.

Wonderful, hot-as-fuck heresy though...
Reminder that Manager Mouse needs to get stuck in a pizza and swalloed alive by either a costumer or an employee
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Hello Officer how are you today
Target one is the best.
Oh my...
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Tiny rodents with larger partners is the best shit ever.
>Also how does a college student/tutor support himself and at least two bunnies?
lol I'm assuming they come over once or twice a week here. I'm sure you bunners have lives and everything to live. Probably met at a bounce house and hit it off well enough to get better acquainted.
So what's the name of that joint?
I'd say being able to have penetrative sex with your partner is "best shit ever"


you do you
Gideon and Travis are faggots

Adorable cute country faggots.
maybe they share an apartment in tundratown and it's cold af because hustling doesn't pay the heating bill

that's why they fuck a lot, keeps you warm
>Able to have penetrative sex

When the size difference is enough, a penis might as well be a vagina.
Yeah, that's what gets me too about going too far size-wise.
Too many sites already have my email address, I don't need more
What school does Smiles attend? I think I know a certain badger and bunny at one in zootopia...
There has to be so many damn colleges in Zootopia.
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Would you drink Nick and/or Judy's pee?
No. Fuck no.
So what are sports like in Zootopia?
Reminder that inter-species love is a meme, almost all relationships in Zootopia are exclusively same-species
Molly/Desmond cucking when?

I want to see Desmond crying tears of impotent rage as he watches another giraffe rail his wife while he's tied to a chair with a raging boner. I want to see him sob as she moans how her bull "just feels right".
If it was that yellow? Hell fucking no

If Nick hydrated properly, I might be down for some watersports in the shower thought
I want Dez to be cucked after hearing Comic do his voice.
pizza paddock.
Was it that bad?
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Never. Desmond is made for Molly.
>When they got to the restaurant, the dark gray clouds were closer and meaner looking than ever.
>Nick parked, and the two of them got out and walked through the front door.
>They were immediately met with the aromas of fine cuisine.
>Nick spoke to the porcupine maitre' d, and they were guided through the dining area to a secluded little table for two.
>The lighting was dim, and light, jazzy music played overhead.
>They sat down and the maitre' d told them that their server would be with them momentarily.
>"Wow, Nick this place IS fancy" Judy said as she hung her bag on her chair.
>"Yeah I know the owner...he and I used to be on the same lacrosse team in high school."
>"You used to play lacrosse?"
>"Oh yeah, still do sometimes, but I'm not as good at it anymore.."
>"I never knew that!"
>"Heh...so what about you, did you ever play sports as a kid?"
>"Well, I used to pl..." Judy's sentence was cut off as the waiter rounded a corner and introduced himself.
>"Bonjour! I am Francois und I vill be your server zis evuning! Might I interest you in our selection of wines?"
>Nick casually looked at Judy who only shrugged.
>"Uh sure, and a couple of waters too. Thank you."
>"Of course monsieur!" and the water disappeared into the kitchen.
>"So you were saying?" said Nick.

I dont remember when was the last time I peed that yellow. I normally drink at least one gallon of water everyday plus I don't drink soda
>What school does Smiles attend? I think I know a certain badger and bunny at one in zootopia...
HAH, for the sake of hilarity let's say yes

>It's just biology, darling
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I think I found ComicAnon
are you a /fit/bro?
>the water disappeared
Sentient liquid waiter?
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Unfortunately, Molly is not made for Desmond.

6-7 liters of water a day, generally, no soda.

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NOW we're getting into /trash/ territory.

>that fear in marty's eyes that he's going to lose his best bro time to a bromo and he can't stop it
why do my typos only ever appear after I hit post?
These pics of guys "playing" VR porn games will never not be funny.

>Nick is the only one who can understand you
>Treats you like a pet while everyone else only hears doodlebob talk from your mouth
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It's cool. That gave me a sensible chuckle
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rabid mice gnawing their way into a chained up wolf via his mouth and then collectively wearing his skin as a suit
source of the image?
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and we're getting into my fetishes
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 180

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