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/pfg/ Dendrophilia General Shh, she's sleeping Edition
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Sleepy Sunflower.png
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/pfg/ Dendrophilia General

Shh, she's sleeping Edition

Here, we fuck plants, dream of fucking plants, and discuss real world plants and games, animations, and comics with sexy plant creatures in them.


Everyone is welcome to join us.
Would you?
I want to cum on sleeping sunflower ladies and laugh as they are unable to do anything about it because they are plants
But some of them can shoot lasers at you

solar lasers that can probably give you cancer
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>select all images with flowers
Yeah but who's gonna wipe cum off of a sunflower?
She'll have to live with it. I get to die.
I need pics of Glooms
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Reminder that Florans are not for sexual
Rare pairing (Feral-on-Plant) is rare.
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>dendrophilia thread
>"dont sexual the flower people!"
>tfw sunflower sfm porn soon
Christ that image is literally perfect
is Garden warfare getting a steam release?
or is this just SFM stuff?
must of the SFM porn is kinda bad but it can be really good if its done right
No no no, it's just the models that were exported to gmod i think
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>too sexy for this thread

Easily my favorite request-done pic I've ever received.

I do hope to see more like it one day (Ferals being pleasured by Plants).
>best plant
And you will get more in time, Anon. But for now, the /trash/ threads still have to deal with residual speedyposting.
>That one time with the 7 different threads I accidentally caused cause the thread was on page 9 and I was about to pass out, so Speedy didn't get his request as first reply
a little late man, but still

>Starbound: We Make Great Bipedal Aliens, and Not Much Else

I didn't even pay for the game, and I was still underwhelmed.
What is this creature supposed to be?
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it has Florans and Novakids so i am good
also, i am not really into feral (unless its some meme stuff like gay cat incest)
but i am into actual plants tho, like the Sunflower on OP
its a Tenno from Warframe
they are kinda like a robot but instead of being fully made of metal they only have it as some kind of skin where the inside of their body is full of stuff that creatures normally have like meat
Hot enough, I like.
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I'd like to request lewds of Rosemaster from Cucumber Quest, she's hot as fuck and underappreciated.

Here's her introduction scene if you want a good feel for her: http://cucumber.gigidigi.com/cq/page-523/
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>cute Rose girl
>there is also a cool dude
>the Rose is now evil
>suddenly a bunch of lolis out of nowhere
what is going on?
i just want to see more of the cute rose
Not him, but a I read that comic on occasion.
Basically, a rabbit boy is tasked with becoming the hero of legend who must seal away the great evil for the 100th time.
He doesn't want to do it, he just wants to go learn magic.
His sister however, wants to do it, but everyone brushes her off as "a sidekick."
To seal away the evil, they have to gather the power of the Princesses of the land to empower a sword so it may defeat said evil.
This arc takes place in a kingdom that hasn't had a "royal family" for a long time, but they still need the power to complete their quest. So the sister joins a contest that is being held to 'decide the next Princess.'
Which involves delving into the deep dark undergrowth beneath the city and finding a special plant.
Rose Master is a servant of the great Evil and one of the more... observant members. She resides in the deep undergrowth and uses her powers to convert the local servants of the old family into her dark minions (technically.)
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and cum alt. cuz you guys seem to like that
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Fucking madman you actually did it
You do some good work, I must say.
I'd give you a gold star if I had any.
Love her, what's she from? And what's that flower you did last thread from, too? I am missing all this plant media
This plant is called Lovely, she's a villan from the Kirby anime. The one he did last thread was Solar Flare, a hero character from PvZ: Heroes
where could I find this sunflower sfm?
no sfm's right now, i'm just saying that there could hopefully be some sometime later, you can look up gmod videos on google demonstrating the models, it might be on Steam Workshop right now, try checking
What >>3079562 said. It's a pretty good comic, the protags are kind of dull but it's otherwise as close to Paper Mario 1/2 as any other work as gotten.
Fantastic, thanks
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no prob

here's to discovering more plant qt's
These games any good? I saw a music video for the original a long-ass time ago. The whole thing kind of feels too tryhard 2010's to me in a lot of ways, but it has very cute plants and I like the idea of a mad scientist zombie baddie.
The original and 2nd are great tower defense games that took it in a different direction at the time and it just took off.
Garden Warfare 1 and 2 are great third-person shooters if you enjoy co-operative/versus online battle modes.
Heroes is basically Hearthstone, but with Plants and Zombies, plus more heroes and a somewhat interesting deck mechanic in that every class gets 2 types of cards in addition to basics.
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Anyone got anything lewd of Babas from TLoZ series? Doesn't have to be the baba itself being lewd, I just wanna see one doing something explicit, maybe sucking Link or tongue-fucking a chick.
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This all sounds exciting, I'll see what I can get my hands on.
Shit I can't read chinknese.

Oh well this is sorta funny and somewhat boner-inducing. Got moar?
The original has a shitton of awards, so it's pretty damn good.
The 2nd one was released when EA acquired Popcap so it's pretty pay2win (unless you git gud) it's still pretty good and it's a hell of a lot harder.

The Garden Warfare games are more action oreinted since they're shooter games. But instead of being generic bloody dudebro shooters, these games would almost make you think that old Rareware made them, the characters have alot of personality and when the Sunflower is at her cutest. Get the second game, it's getting a big update this month, i believe. Also, this game has in-game currency that's easily earned, so buying currency is virtually unheard of. Also, these games get free DLC.
PvZ: Heroes looks to be more of a spin-off, probably seeing how Hearthstone got pretty popular, PopCap wanted to get in on that. They're sort of "alpha-testing" the game in lesser popcap-popular countries, and are probably going to release it sometime during july i think. But you can still download it with your just by going into the BR or new zealand, Google store
The 2nd PvZ is free on mobile, Heroes is free on mobile in Europe, not released in U.S. yet for some reason.
Best version of original is actually on the Xbox 360, but any version is just as good, but lower visual quality than 360.
Garden Warfare 1 and 2 are best on PC, but acceptably good on Consoles, 20/60 are the going prices outside key sites right now.
Enjoy, Anon.

It's probably just a licking sound-effect.

And nah, that's the only one I know of.
Doooo eet.
I loved the first game, it's a great TD-style game and although a little childish, it was still really fun and the devs got really creative. You'll know what I mean when you play it.
The second game got ruined by having a shit story, shit dialogue, different art style, and microtransactions. Yes, microtransactions, because EA stands for Enormous Assholes.
They're both available on the Apple mobile App Store, and I know you can get the first one on PC. I haven't played Garden Warfare 1 or 2 though so I don't have any input there.
>not released in U.S. yet
they're testing it right now, I have it downloaded, and I can tell you right now that the game is unfinished as fuck. The game lags when the characters enter the screen, alot of the sounds dont play or mess up, and there's some animations missing for some the characters
Thanks a bunch. I'm really happy I found these threads for this (as far as I've seen) fairly uncommon fetish I've just had to admit to myself that I have.
EA ruins everything they get their hands on, don't they? Fuck 'em.

I like you guys.
Damn. Wish we could get some drawfags in here.

I'd like to see that Serpent Baba eating out the Deku Princess. That blue tongue combined with plant princess pussy...
>tfw you make yourself horny
I know, I downloaded it once and agree, it needs some work, I meant it hasn't "Officially" released.
It's also a massive battery drain.
Plus the lagging on some actions and such is what killed it for me. Should have been a F2P PC release to start off, like Hearthstone.
>shit story
yeah pretty much
>shit dialogue
it could be better
>different art style
Honestly I kinda like it more than the old one, the old art style felt too "2005", this one is cuter with a bit more of a chibi look to it
>and microtransactions
you can go throughout the entire game w/out paying a penny, but still, it's annoying
Pretty much. Titanfall could have been so much better, and so could PvZ 2, among other games.

We like you too anon. Hope you can get to playing PvZ, it's definitely a good time-waster if you've got a lot of that. And it gives you a little more closure on best plant, being Sunflower of course.
It should have, but do you think it would get as many downloads if it were on PC?
We have Draco in this thread, yaknow?
Would you believe me if I told you EA has yet to ruin Popcap?
PvZ 2 has a bunch of Microtransactions, but they are 100% unnecessary unless you're bad at Tower Defense and refuse to learn from your mistakes.
Garden Warfare 1, you could buy coins, but you could also just grind them out and it wasn't even that bad.
Garden Warfare 2, you can't even buy coins yet, last I checked. And they had a great "secret" in the game that got you a huge pile of coins if you solved it, involving dozens of Gnomes spread across the various maps and Hub, two secret rooms, and an answer hidden in plain view.
Eh, I liked the old art style better. The chibi look is fine for some plants but I really don't like how they tried to make the meaner plants cute. Repeater, the Bok-choy one, the Chomper, etc

And as far as the microtransactions go, yeah you can get through the whole game just fine but it would be easier with plants they gave you from the start like Snow Pea and shit. But they really are annoying, all the little pop-ups for special deals and shit. Ugh.
Actually if you dont have enough coins, and you try to buy something, the game will offer you some coin packs to buy, but still unecessary since how fast you get money
Huh, nevermind then.
Still, yeah. Coins, the only MTX is both Garden Warfare games is negligible considering you can just play the game.
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Welp I'mma make a request or two then, hope the drawfriend sees it.

/r/'ing a Baba, preferably the red one (Serpent Baba from TP, pic related) eating out the Deku Princess. Bonus points if she's tangled in the baba's stem or the coils of its long tongue
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ayy dude this is some top tier stuff
are you going to make more tho?
i kinda want to know if you are ok with us requesting you stuff
Plants and the undead go really well together thematically, actually. I'd love to see more stuff like that. I've got a thing for cute undead girls, too.
Mhm, I know it.
>Literally the epitome of life given form and death given form
>There's 2 Undead girls in PvZ heroes
Kek I'm imagining a really funny story.
>le survivor in Left 4 Dead
>lone wolf, walking quietly through open field alongside a rode no zombies in sight
>see figure sitting by road, hear crying
>get closer, shoulder rifle
>she notices you, stands up to greet you
>it's a fucking Witch, but she doesn't look like a Witch
>she's kawaii as fuck, her green rotted skin looks perfect and her eyes twinkle
>"who are you? Are you here to fuck me?"
>lower rifle, unzip pants
>kawaii zombie girl gets on knees
>carefully strokes cock making sure not to hurt you with her claws
>some bushes nearby start rustling. they're watching
>bushes come alive, start masturbsting to the Witch sucking you off

I have a really fucked up mind.
>Combine PvZ and L4D universes
That uh... Well, that's some boner condoner right there, my dick approves.
Do you write stuff?
Not really. But if you'd be willing to be patient and you caught me in the right mood I might do more. I'll see what I can do.
It depends. I just draw what strikes my fancy really.

So if I don't draw someone's request. that's why

But I'm always open to hear suggestions and such
I actually write too, but my schedule is booked with college, a story about Goblins and Knights, and a Quest thread I run.
I should write some shit for my fellow platfuckers sometime.
>I just draw what strikes my fancy really.
can't really blame you
what do you think of green shadow tho?
would she be one the plants that you like?
Cont. this
>plants start mimicing your actions with the Witch
>pull her mouth off dick, stand her up and start feeling her up
>plants do same
>pull her clothes off and start kissing and licking her perfect body
>the bushes stand up and start doing the same exact thing
>"wtf is going on rn... oh well who cares I got a zombie as my sex slave" you think to yourself
>make way down to her pussy, start eating
>plants don't really have those but they do their best to follow
>lay Witch down, get down on ground with her
>start fucking in missionary
>plants can't do this because little kawaii plant leg-root-things, but they keep mimicing
>continue fucking Witch right in the pussy
>she makes cute little moaning and screeching noises, tickling your face and your muscular body with her claws but not scratching you
>bushes are starting to get really horny now like they know what's up and want some for themselves.
>they can't quite mimic the witch anymore so they decide to fuck it and start fucking each other like plants do
>go to doggystyle with Witch
>who knew undead pussy would feel so good. it's cold but it's also super wet from the blood
>she's practically screaming now
>plants evolve within seconds, developing vocal chords of their own so they can moan in pleasure
>Witch takes the reins, gets on top and starts riding reverse cowgirl
>look over shoulder, plants doing same thing
>"the actual fuck is going on here?"
>"hnnnng so close who cares"
>massive cum blast inside the Witch as she orgasms herself
>plants somehow manage to orgasm and spurt sticky sap all over each other
>"which ones are male and female?" you think
>Witch looks down on you with a sinister expression
>"Mmm, now look what you've done. You went and came inside me. I'll have to rip off your testicles for that."
>Anon has startled the Witch
>push Witch off of you, grab rifle, and scramble to feet
>commenttoolong.docx. fight ensues, end of story
Pretty good. Interesting turn I somewhat expected.
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What if plants had dicks?
What would their cum taste like?
they do

What if human genitalia could bloom into a pretty bouquet?
>thing for cute undead girls, too
not TOO many in PvZ, arguably cutest zombie grill would probably be Glitter zombie
Good shit. A shame I can't find any Witch illustrations cute enough to supplement.
I like her, roller girls are another box ticked for me.
Yeah, I tend to be predictable when I write stuff.
Thanks anon. I know, there's hardly any good L4D porn out there, half of it is predictable cringey shit with bad animations or voice acting or whatever.
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good to see classic piranha
Is it weird that I want to cuddle with her? And I ask from a normal-ish perspective, not the plantfucker one.
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is flowey acceptable for this thread?
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Oh my, These are beautiful, i have no idea that this was gonna be that good, i maybe have a suggestion, is about Cactus or Rose from GW2 could you make one of them, there a not so many of them, or make threesome with Rose, Cactus and Sunflower that could be Nice, but is your choices if you gonna make them.
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Well Mystical Dark, Why didn't you upload this?

I'm pretty sure he doesn't come here, and only speaks spanish

i wonder what wrong with this, it got downvote in e621, i don't see why there hate it is pretty good.

Have you ever had one of those nectar drinks? Basically exactly like those, with a bit of a grassy aftertaste.
Woah, those are my favorite drinks.
Does this mean I'm plant gay?
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reposting these since it was posted somewhat late in the thread
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Anyone have any dryads? It's really frustrating to me how uncommon dryad characters in anything are. Is it because they supposedly can't leave the trees they protect? There's no reason not to fudge the rules on that a little. Vampires, dragons, etc. have their rules played with all the time. I want a dryad main character in a story.
There's the Dryad in Terraria, but she's not really a main character, and there isn't much porn of her
plant pussy
thicc flower
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>milking plants
all of my yes
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Slow grow day
I like Flowey
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Anyone got the colored version of this? Forgot to save it.
Be sure to read this quest thread if you haven't, it's all about a sexy flower princess getting naked and getting off: https://desustorage.org/trash/thread/2706207/

Currently on hiatus due to the author's tablet not working.
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Yeah, but they're Sunflora. They can't do shit.
That's a fungus
Get the fuck out
Anyone got plant vore?
On a fucking roll too.
hope you guys enjoyed my contributions to this thread! but for now I'm taking a break on these.

See yall when I get my plant doodling mood again

...or when I draw something plant related or something
Thanks, you're good in my book.
>The fungus amongus is not welcome
No, Anon, it is you that does not belong.
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My man.jpg
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Thanks anon.

You and all of your contributions have been pure excelence!
Can I suck your dick?
Chip in with your sexy plant media of choice.
I'll list off Plants vs. Zombies, Pokemon, Mario, Starbound, and Zelda as a given.
unleash the power of the sun
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pvz, I love the sexy sunflowers.
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mein neger
>TFW got that delivered within an hour the first time I requested it in /v/ way back a little before PvZ GW2 released
Feels good, mang.
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This just showed up in the drawthread.
looks like a bug
Their words, not mine, "It is exactly that. I made a lil "wheel decide" thing and it told me to draw a plant, so i doodled that"
any drawfriends here?
>having trouble coming up with new ideas
>make random OCs
>one of them happens to be Star of Bethlehem
>decide fuck it, I should come here and see what the content is like
>all the content is god tier fappable

I'm a shit artist, I'm not afraid to admit it, but I'd really like to stay and draw some plants for you guys.
Do it faggot.
Also, come join the /trash/ draw anons in FlockMod.
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No thanks. I'm a pencil and paper guy. Here's an example so you won't be let down whenever I post my first plant art.
>let down
Anon... Stop being a faggot, you're a good artist, far better than many.
Everywhere I've been lately, expectations are really high. It's been a long time since someone told me I was even decent.
So thank you. Means a lot.
No problem, one thing to consider: on 4Chan, so long as there is effort, people will like it.
Also, that's actually really good for line work anyway.
>on 4Chan
That is exactly where I've been. The spiraling mess that is the drawthread. Nevertheless, enough talking. Time for bed.
This is a fun room.
Sleep well.
Hey kid, you ever play PvZ: Garden Warfare 2?

I'm with >>3097227, you have a pretty solid style right there anon. Real good linework.
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petey beach.png
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Haven't seen this one posted yet.
me too, he's adorable
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Flockmod 2.png
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Shit, wrong one.
Whatever, focus is the "sunflower" in middle.
>going to the drawthread

That was your first mistake, don't go back to that hive of villainry. Never worth it. On any board, really.

Looking forward to it!
I know how you fell man, this is perfect.
>you will never drink Rose's magic tit milk
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>Goes outside
>Finds assassin bug on door
>Inside goes
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here you go anon, good luck
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this is not enough tho
you should use pic related
there is literally no drawback, you can even use it on your fight with the plants againts the undead
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cheeks for pinching
Today was a good day.
Once upon a time the /trash/ drawthread was actually good.
But that didn't last long.
Gardevoirs don't count as plants, do they? Their hair just always struck me as so leafy and I've never understood what that red...protrusion through their chests is. They of course lack any kind of grass typing.
No, they're literally babby's first pokemon for normies.
And porn material
Ugh the way slugbox draws gardevoir makes me CRINGE
>And porn material for normies
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Here's that Cento fag. I can't believe that thing used to be a damn pony...
Here you go, this piece of shit can make a net to throw over the assassin and will rape your children.
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Would /pfg/ a cactus?
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Of course.

Wow these 2 are the Best i have see so far, you deserve that break, oh i have a question, how long does it take to make these masterpiece, can you do primal Sunflower, when you feel like it?
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Did someone say rare?
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Ur 2 gud too us drago
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its all cool BRAH.png
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Naw I just enjoy doing these things!

and you guys reactions do give me a good chuckle!
based anon7
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i'd a thicctus
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>People made porn of that demon
Oh my. I get why, but still, she gives off the oddest vibes.
I thought the mystery skulls thing was going to be a one-off?
It's a band
What the other Anon said, mystery Skulls is a band.
The animation was a one-off, but it received such huge praise, another was put into production, this one.
>not using gloves and protection
A fool like you deserves your fate
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i remember that some of you guys liked that Scaredy-shroom girl that i made so i drew her again
what do you guys think?
I see this is from Tumblr, can you give us the link, i like this Scaredy-shroom well done mate.
Too cute/10. Would cuddle with her all day.
i made i tumblr to post my stuff
its not 100% plant tho, i also post some stuff that i made for the indie games general on /vg/
What odd vibes? She's a hot cherry blossom tree demon
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I'm gonna tell midson!
Mostly the fact she's a villain and hell-bent on some malicious purpose I forget about involving the Red Wolf.
She's also technically a demon with plant-like regenerative properties.
Being a villain makes her hotter and she has plant anatomy and therefore hits my base qualifier for plant girl.
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Any of you know what plant this is? It's the hottest real plant I know of. All GRIS gives me is a bunch of memes about it with no species name or anything.
that plant looks like a hairy PUSI
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>dies laughing
[spoiler]have you guys ever actually cum on a plant?[/spoiler]
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WIP on a thing I'm doing
Those prices are outrageous!
What a slut
honestly they're pretty much in line with how expensive stuff is in pokemon
considering the amount of money you can win in gen 6, this is chump change!
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shouldve wrote on the bottom "Can we cum on it?"
Nah. She's pretty cute, regular people would probably use her a plushie or something along those lines.
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Speaking of Florans, I found this while digging pastebin:
Second person femdom with a female Floran
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do we have an IRC?
I've been checking /trash/ every day just for this.
If we have any drawfriends, can I request a Coastal Redwood tree girl?
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I'll do it if nobody else does it
[spoiler]you better hope someone else does it[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Every board should have spoilers for the sake of dramatic tension[/spoiler]
thanks my man, do your best and it'll be great
I'll try. (I'm the creator of strawbae, and as you know my art isn't so great yet. So expect it to be shitpost tier :^y)
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would you a groot?
what game is this from?
PvZ: Heroes

it aint out "officially" yet, it's still in alpha basically
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Who's ready for some cringe?

What the fuck?
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I asked a friend and he said it was a net spider
Oh shit I sorta know the guy who made this shitty tree
he is aware of the lewds
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absolutely disgusting.jpg
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>you will never know the name of this UPN 9 News anchor
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literal tree fuckers.png
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Here's your old hag slut tree
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You're a good guy
>Them fucking legs
For you
I'm... not sure how I should feel about this.
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>mfw I'm fapping to plan titties
God is dead
I'm imagining a military mission briefing but instead of a strategy there's just a big pear of jubblies drawn on the page.
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I can see you
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 153

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