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Mouse Thread: Mousetales edition. All characters welcome, b
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Mouse Thread: Mousetales edition.

All characters welcome, but OCs especially so (tell us all about them, please).

All genders and orientations are fine. Rats also welcome.

Experimental suggestion for this thread: links to found or created mouse fiction (if your story is not hosted anywhere, please use pastebin or something to avoid taking up more than one post). We've got at least one resident writer, too (Pylat/Dickmouse Anon). Feel free to chat about anything else mouse-related, though, or just post pics of rodents of unusual hotness.

OP pic features Dewey Teargarden, a librarian at an erotic library. She has a sort of erotic ask blog, her stuff can be found here (click back a few pages): http://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/chromatophore/
Previous thread is here: >>2967042

Incidentally, if you wish to keep this thread bumped with art injections, feel free. However, I feel the thread will get more mileage out of said bumpery if you wait to do so until it's low-ish, say around page six or so (visible as the last number in the lower right hand corner of the thread). That way we go longer between bumps, need to bump less often, and the thread has a longer lifetime because it approaches the bump limit more slowly.
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Resposting Pylat's request for ideas since I'm personally interested in the results:

>Pylat/Dickmouse anon here.

>My birthday's coming up in 2 days, and an artist friend of mine promised to help me set up a YCH raffle as a gift (If any of you have an FA account, you're also free to enter if you +Watch me). It'll include Cassie and a single slot doing lewd stuff together. I don't know what the picture should be of, though.

>Does anyone have any ideas to help me out?

Current ideas given have been:

>69 with strawberry jam on the YCH slot's goodies! Cassie sucks strawberry dick or eats out strawberry pussy while the YCH gives her pussy a tonguebath (so we finally see it) and plays with her hermcock.

>Seen from behind: Cassie [riding the character slot's cock/double-ended dildo/feeldoe][screwing the character slot] from on top as they in turn grope and spread her ample asscheeks and show us everything she has back there, from her dick to the base of her raised tail.

>Both parties naked and visibly hot and bothered, Cassie giving a teasing, grinding, herm-bits-in-face lapdance.

Pic related. Cassie Gliese is a herm mouse hottie, Pylat will probably be happy to tell you more if you need details.
Gah, how could I forget some pics to get things rolling...
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Lol, I was just about to post that.

Also, the 3 results given so far are really good. No matter which one I choose, I'm going to be sure to save any suggestions that come my way. I'll definitely commission these ideas as soon as I get the chance.
Any Thea Stilton? e621 doesn't have much
Neat, glad we could help. Hope you get more randy bastards giving you lots of wonderful ideas for fun things for Cassie to do.

Anyone else with OC's: Feel free to (re)introduce them too. There's some fairly good artists that hang around these threads and who like drawing pics of mousefus - don't be afraid to discuss ideas or extol the virtues of your OC's for the sake of inspiration... lewd or otherwise...
There's a bunch in the previous thread:

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Buggi Mauz (2).png
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DESU, I wanna see more Buggi Mauz.
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Buggi Mauz (3).png
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tried drawing the lewd Chelsea thing I did last thread digitally, as well as testing out some experimental coloring methods. Though I'm still trying to get used to drawing cum at this very moment, so it looks pretty much like bollocks from here to begin with.
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alternatively here's one without cum
The only point I want to make is the bottom of her feet look off. The color makes them look like feet-shaped shoes. Aside from that, you did really well with this. Keep it up, mousefam!
Honest opinions:

Is the thing of somewhat accurate mouse-sized girls and somewhat accurate human-sized guys where the girls basically get pressed whole body wise against the dick... is that actually sexy? Or stupid since there can't be real penetration?
I second that you seriously need to change the feet, although I'm not a doodler so I don't know like what to advise you to look at instead.
I honestly didn't want to stick with her feet the same color as her body fur, but idk...what would you guys try suggesting?
Fuck it, give her shoes anyways?
At least one of you may like this one
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I butchered her foot, sorry.png
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Don't give it a closed-off line for starters. The line implies there's a sharp angle there, which is why her feet look like shoes.

Pic related, and actually provided this time... Sorry, I don't have SAI or anything decent.
Reminds me of Amily...

God, I love Amily...
Oh fuck yes, marry mouse waifu, have kids with mouse waifu, that's the life
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I'll take your word for it. Thanks fampai
I don't think anyone's ever asked...

Does Chelsea have any sort of story behind her? From what I've seen you post in places like the OC threads, I can guess she's probably a homeless mouse, but that's all I know so far.
I mentioned it last thread, but I suppose I'll repost it here as well.

>Haven't really elaborated on much to write for her, except that she grew up in the slums of a small, urban town, trying to make money doing community service, most of which is used to pay for her student loans. She's had quite a troubling childhood up until she met Goldie, who was willing to oblige Chels n' her family by helping out with their home, as well as the rest of her neighborhood.

>She's good once you get to know her a lot, but she can also be pretty defensive if you get on her bad side; having dealt with so much shit in her life, she'd definitely kick your ass within a second if you manage to piss her off.
I think her pussy needs to be lower, and I probably would tweak like the width of it, but I'm far from knowing how the fuck to ideally draw pussy.

Are there maybe guides for that though somewhere?
So is she up to some hooking on the side with various predator guys?
Chelsea and Cassie would get along just fine. Cassie's completely sweet, generous, and harmless when she's flaccid. The only time they'd ever fight is if Cassie tries to make an unwanted advance or something...

Cassie's not a fighter, though. She'll cry even when the dirty talk starts to get 'too' dirty, if you know what I mean.

She's a total softie at heart...
Does Chelsea have any favorite kinks/fetishes?
Rimjobs and nippleplay are the only ones I can think of. I might also consider nipple piercing too
Giving or recieving
>Nipple piercing
The act of getting them pierced or the aspect of having them?
Either is fine, but I'd say she's more the type that receives. Getting them pierced.
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I want to see a pic of her offering her tailhole up for a licking so bad. Pic related.

That's actually something I'd like to know about all the characters here: Any juicy info on kinks or fetishes to share?

Reposting an earlier qustion too, for those who haven't answered it: Do your mice go into heat? If so, how does it affect them and how do they handle it?

Finally, do your characters have any unusual physical traits? Dickmouse Anon's told us Cassie Gliese has fruity cum and a thicker-than-average cock, for instance...
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>Any juicy info on kinks or fetishes to share?

I'll indulge, since I like sharing this stuff.

To be broad, Cassie has a fetish for 'guilty sex.' Basically, anything that she believes is a social taboo or would likely get her in trouble probably gets her off to some degree.

Cassie enjoys public sex (eg: having sex at the park), stealth sex (eg: masturbating under the table during a coffee date), and if she's really in the mood or doesn't care because she's in heat, full-on public exhibitionism. Other things would involve sleep molestation, younger partners in their teens (for fear of corrupting their 'poor little minds'), and the entire act of coercing people into having sex. She feels like she's forcing herself on people by doing it, and it gets her off...

Cassie also likes involving a bit of food with sex, big, pillowy tits because she feels her chest is inferior, age gaps (typically older women instead of younger people), and when people play with her squishy butt.

This last one's sorta not a fetish, but more of a kinky habit of Cassie's... Sometimes, Cassie daydreams about sex and lewd stuff, and when she does, she gets so carried away that she'll cream her shorts without even touching herself.
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Olga Clothed.png
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So that's her name, I'll put that on the folder in my files. Someone around here owns her, I take it? She a cute, as they say...

You're getting good at this. I can't give any critique over what's already been given except to say...

>Are there maybe guides for that though somewhere?

... there are, easily found via Google if you don't mind searching for that stuff.


That's just the first two results. Anyway, Chelsea is an adorable little sexpot l and I hope we see more of her.

... and this could be cute too. I'd love to see lots and lots of crossovers, myself (you're all welcome to guest-star at Olga's place/site...)

Olga (Pics and character by Akunim, details by me) is shorter than average for a non-micro mouse (about 4 foot), "bald" (as in she doesn't have hair on her head, just fur) and remarkably elastic where it matters.

I'll just post her updated pastebin for her fetishes and what she's like in heat. She's an exhibitionist buttslutt extraordinaire: http://pastebin.com/P97rathq

Bonus pic concepts if anyone's interested: http://pastebin.com/k30TKjun

>Cassie enjoys public sex (eg: having sex at the park), stealth sex (eg: masturbating under the table during a coffee date), and if she's really in the mood or doesn't care because she's in heat, full-on public exhibitionism.

Eeee, hot. Okay, now I've gotta put it to you: Would Cassie be willing to guest star in one of Olga's special "out and about" exhibitionist porn vids (read the pic concepts for an example)? Maybe she could be researching for an article on mice in online porn... Olga loves to play with other people's butts if they'll do naughty things to hers in return...
>Would Cassie be willing to guest star in one of Olga's special "out and about" exhibitionist porn vids?

Yes. Doesn't even have to be for any particular reason, either... She'd do it for sure. Nervously at first, maybe, but still yes.
That gives me some ideas... are you okay with other people writing about Cassie? I'd send anything to you for approval and changes via FA first...

Also mousebumping because this thread needs a little more art...
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Sure thing. Do it up, man!

I was just about to bump before bed, too.

But I wasn't going to bump with art, because i thought no one was around
>The thread seemed so empty
>The silence was nice
>Not a single post was made
>Not even of mice
Sweet, I'll send you a message with some questions on FA, then.

Posting Bobbie again, because hot.
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Sorry about not getting to your request the other day. stuff came up
Sorry if it doesn't look so good
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All of my wow.

That is amazing. And perfect.

Thank you, dude, you've made my day like you wouldn't believe.
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>Sorry if it doesn't look so good

Is that you Akunim/QZ/based mouse drawfriend? Did you happen to draw this as well?
Before I leave for the night
>someone around her owns her, I take it?

A drawfag who occasionally stopped by the OC thread would request stuff of Buggi and post stuff about his other OCs as well.


Here's his page
Thank you for that, if he turns up here he'll be welcome.

Dropped you a note, Pylat.

Posting mice before I go away for a few hours. Something tells me this is by the same person who did >>3045787, possibly Akunim?
Mmm, pred-prey relations.
I seem to recall this rattie's name is Lucretia, or something similar. Pretty sure she's a thief or rogue or something.
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Dat fluffpudge.
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Nice. Damn nice.
Ok, this is almost definitely Akunim/QZ/whatever he may prefer to be called now, which means
These are almost definitely not.
I can better recognize the way he sketches... Hnnnnnggg

You spoil me, art-senpai. Two mornings in a row I wake up to art and it gives me the biggest smile on my face. You must really like Cassie. Thanks for the based work as always!
Whoops. Meat to quote
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Does ironically huge mice, like maybe even the size of NBA members, turn on anyone else?
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Hey, I'm glad you like it!

Also: all three of them are me! The mouse princess is a few months old, though.
Middle top is without a doubt the hottest one you've drawn yet Akunim.

Seriously, though, we are so lucky to have you and the other artists around.
Ahhh, thanks for the insight, drawfriend. I remember someone posted her in the last thread and I thought she looked a lot like Cassie. Just wanted to be sure.
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doing god's work my fellow draw-pai
More mouse to hug.

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We need more mouse animgifs.
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the guy who did this could've drawn more frames, but hell those tats and hips make me hard like fuckin diamonds
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Would one of the mouse artists around here be willing to draw Tiffy Cheesecake being fucked in the ass by a shadowy "daddy" character, like in that one excerpt from her diary that her creator posted?

OK well holy shit. Guy with the oc named Sharah here. These threads go fast as hell. I was gone for the entire weekend due to moving to a new city but damn. I expected the other thread to still be here... Would post mouse but on my tablet and PC isn't set up yet.
I haven't even seen Sharah yet...

Hope you can set the PC up soon, or if anyone else saved anon's mouse OC, show me some of the stuff he's got?
I only have one pic of her currently. I'm shite at parting but a good friend of mine drew her for me. I posted her in two recent previous threads.

I should be set up completely later tonight but the only screen I have the power chord for is in use right this moment.
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The last one filled up pretty quick and permasaged itself.

I've got a couple pics of Sharah saved...

Ugh. Arting not parting... Stupid tablet.
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... I'm still pretty sure this is one of her Akunim did. If I recall correctly, he posted it in response to the OR. Note the nekkid forearms.
Wait... A couple? Neat! Glad to know someone thought she was cute enough to draw more art of.

Oh cool! I guess I was so tired last time I posted I didn't realize that's what you were saying. That's super adorable. I love it.
No worries. Glad I could help.

Also, to Pylat, if he's around: Did you get my note on FA or have I not got their messaging system figured out yet? It's my first time using it...
Thanks, seriously. Its nice to finally have pictures of her that arent just in my head.
Ohhh, I remember seeing her before! It's not that common to see a full brown mouse. I like it!

Yup, I got your note. I filled everything out a couple of hours ago and I wanted to double check everything before sending it in, but my 4 year old brother has been extra frustrated for the last few hours (he gets PISSED when things act in ways that he doesn't predict, like if his oreo breaks and it catches him off guard, which happened not too long ago), so I had to focus on him for a bit.
No worries. You sound like a dutiful bro.
I am, but this is all by obligation. Long story short, I am his free, full-time babysitter, and it keeps me from getting a job, seeing my friends, or having any sort of fun outside of the nearly-broken laptop I have that can't play games.

So I am dutiful, for the sake of my sanity, but as soon as I can stop giving a fuck, I would. Love my brothers, but dammit, I want to have a life too.
Sounds tough, man.

Hang in there.
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Dickmouse's older brother.png
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Forgot I made this...

Shit ref, I know, but this is supposed to be Cassie's older brother Alvern. Alvern's cool, but uses most of his time, money, and energy on meeting girls. He's got a hole to fill because he can't have Cassie like he wants. He's strong, though. He's able to live 99% of his day-to-day without thinking about Cassie as the one 'who got away, but still visits my mom because she's my fucking sister so I have to fight the urge to kiss her and make children with her.'
He also refuses to date or fuck other mice because they'll feel too much like Cassie.
He's in love with Cassie... Cassie isn't... Poor Alvy.
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Hah, glad you liked it so much! I gave it another go -- ignore the sheep thing.
>ignore the sheep thing.

>She gonna get sheeped

Akunim, do you have a site or something somewhere?
Has any more of Miss Teagarden besides the handful of stuff you can find in searches been leaked anywhere that you don't have to sign up for?
If there is, I'm afraid I can't find it on any of the usual sites. It's difficult to even say how much is Patreon-only, since the creator's page seems focused on their two webcomics. I get the impression the Dewey Teagarden stuff's taken a back seat.
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daq Beth_and_Miriam_by_DACantero.png
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ok I think im done dumping now. enjoy.
I hope the guy who has drawn these kills himself.
What makes you say that?
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Thanks, bookmarked.

I'm gonna drop a short comic I found.
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Pylat here

Sheep are adorable though. Haven't you seen Zootopia?

Also, today is my 21st birthday. My plans involve staying at home, cleaning up my home, babysitting, and waiting for the day to be over. I got a bottle of Ellington Reserve Whisky as a present, though, so I may have fun with that.

I still plan on making my raffle today too, or at least later tonight, so anyone interested, sign up or sign in and watch Pylat on FA.

If anyone may be wondering, I didn't post Chelsea-Artfriend's picture of Cassie and Stella (yet) on my page because I wanted to hide the fact that Cassie fucks her family from anyone reading blind. I wanted it to be a bit of a surprise if possible...

Once it's established that Cassie's a senpai-fucker in my canon story, I'll definitely add them, if not sooner.
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Hah. Thats super cute, though the nose is a bit odd looking.

I always feel bad asking for people to draw my characters for some reason, but I'm always flattered when people do.

I love having more interpretations of her and of course welcome more if people want to continue drawing her. (lewd is not off limits. in fact I welcome it)

>Finally set up my computer so I can look be a loser and monitor a thread about cartoon mouse porn
Bazza here. Hope you enjoy the grog, man. At least you've got the raffle to look forward to. Decided which idea you're going to go with, yet?

Well, the artists around seem to have as much of a thing for mice as the rest of us, so I definitely don't think they feel bad about being asked to draw lewd murine shenanigans.

>Has been here for two weeks monitoring threads about cartoon mouse porn. No regrets.
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smelly mouse.png
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>hating on Smagg

What for?
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Lewd Betty.jpg
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I drew mouse for you because I've never drawn mouse before and I like a challenge. Hope I did you guys proud.
Gorgeous. Saved to the mouse folder. You should be proud of yourself, that's some good work.
Would mouse again.

But in all seriousness, she is adorable.
Hey OC owners: What notable accessories or special possessions do your characters have?
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Attempted a Bobbie.

Well done!
Wow, that must be the first pic of her in years.

Nice work, man. These threads are neat.
Sharah is my OC. She has an orange-ish feather someone gave her as a token of friendship. it isn't any any of the (i think now 3 total) pictures that are of her, but she tends to have it tucked behind her left ear.
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This mouse girl thread is some kind of relevant to mah interests! Is it ok if I post shitty MS Paint pictures such as this here?
>Is it ok if I post shitty MS Paint pictures such as this here?

Please do, especially if they're of that quality. I would in no way call that shitty. Frankly it's amazing to see someone do that in MS Paint.

Feel free to jaw about mice and why you love them, tell us about any established characters you may have, etc.
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Alright, I just wanted to make sure it passed quality standards here, although I guess I shouldn't have been too worried about what I post in a site called /trash/, heh. Here's one more meese doodle for tonight..
Again, that's pretty frickin' amazing for MS Paint. And adorable.
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More rat OC.
I'm not into guys, but I meant to tell you last time you posted him that he has a pretty adorable design. Sorry he doesn't seem to get much love here. Feel free to tell us all about him.
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Thanks. The problem is that i haven't really developed him at all. I'm not really a fan of making a bio or story describing my characters. I prefer to just make little comics or drawings showing how they are. I also just make stuff up as I go along. So far he's a rich fat rat boy that likes to make blatantly gay rap songs. He hangs out with his mouse and cat friends. I guess it's just a lot more fun to draw it out than type it. I'm not a writer.
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That's totally fair, dude. You're pretty good at it, too. You can get a good feel for his character from the stuff you've put down here. Does he have a name?
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He doesn't have an actual name yet. I've just been calling him Rat as a placeholder. I haven't named any of my characters yet. Never been good with names.
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No matter, I'll just put him down in my personal notes for these threads as "Rat" until further notice.

You might be able to get some suggestions around here for a name, if you're that way inclined. I wanna say he looks like he'd start with an "A", maybe followed by an "L".

His rap name or whatever you call it could be G-Rat or some variation, perhaps? Publicly "G" for "Gangsta", privately "G" for "Gay as a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide". I dunno, I'm not very clear on how the rap scene works these days.
No matter, I'll just put him down in my personal notes for these threads as "Rat" until further notice.

You might be able to get some suggestions around here for a name, if you're that way inclined. I wanna say he looks like he'd start with an "A", maybe followed by an "L".

His rap name or whatever you call it could be G-Rat or some variation, perhaps? Publicly "G" for "Gangsta", privately "G" for "Gay as a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide". I dunno, I'm not very clear on how the rap scene works these days.
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I wanna call you Pinderhooks, but I'm not 100% sure...

Either way, nice mice!
She's cute, too. Looks like a little dancer.
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Hey, Pylat, check your notes on FA, you've got a late birthday present.
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Secret mouse drawings, eh?
Oh heavens no. It's me, Bazza. I can't draw worth shit.

I'll let you guys know what we're up to if Pylat likes what I've sent him and wants me to finish it. Or he can tell you if he wants to.
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Pylat here.
>Birthday was kind of annoying as shit because of the 4 year old cunt that I'm in charge of majority of the time, but I enjoyed it all.
>Art friend gave me an art. Pic related. Ych coming soon.
>Shit mother gave me a shit laptop to counteract the other shit brick laptop I have
>happy I have a new laptop but mad because she thinks this makes up for being a shit person
>the laptop cost the same as, and has only slightly better specs than, my old laptop
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I still need a name for this rapping rat guy. The only one that has crossed my mind right now is "Jam". A name stolen from a video game character because I can't come up with anything.
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so big.png
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didn't mean to respond to >>3094275
but I guess you can help me out with a name if you want. Sorry about your crappy birthday. Nice pic.
Mc Cheesecake

Sorry, I wrote that wrong... Meant to say MC Cheesecake, as in Master of Ceremonies, Cheesecake. Not McCheesecake, lol
Sounds like it could be a funny last name.
Sounds like you had a rough day. At least the art's damn nice.

(Belated birthday present for you in your FA notes.)
>Rat Rapper who's been rich all his life
>Big Cheddar, cuz he's fat, and he stacks paper to the ceiling, lol
Oh hey, thanks man! I'll check it out later tonight!

Also, I have a question for you, since I find it weird that I do this...
Is it weird or possibly bad practice to script out a story before writing it?
I almost always greentext my stories out before filling in the details later. I'll even run them by people to see if they like how it sounds, and once I edit the skeleton, I re-do the whole thing and make it nice and vivid... That's how I've done the other two stories that I have on FA...

Is that weird, inefficient, or ineffective at all?
If I were to write an entire novel that way, would that be even worse/better?
No, that's not weird at all. Everyone writes differently. Sometimes even from day to day.

For instance, I outlined the part before what I sent you, myself, then switched to prototyping the scene I actually sent you as I went, just pulling stuff directly from my muse.

There's no single way to do it, though if you're writing a really big story it might actually be good to have multiple levels of abstraction, you know? Like, a rough plot so you can see where the characters are at any one time and what they're largely up to (helps avoid plot holes), then a more detailed pass with important events and dialogue vignettes (gives a good sense of feeling), then you actually write out the story. I'm doing something similar for a webcomic idea I have (meaning it goes - outline > events > an actual movie-like script), and which I eventually intend to learn how to draw for. I'm pretty sure there's digital tools you can buy to help with notes and timelines, too.

Ultimately it's up to you, though. Some people find rigid procedures stifling, others find them very helpful for adding structure and discipline to a work.
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It's a pity Lynxia disappeared, her character Mouse was cute.
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godamn. love me some tootsie
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That's a whole lotta mouse.

And a lotta mouse hole.
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Quiet thread today...
Why are rodents so much better than other species?

Post more rats.
Because they're cute and squeaky and slinky and squishable.

Posting some of Wolf Kidd's ratties.
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Still looking for an name for this guy. Im working on finding his actual name first. I can ask for a stage name later. A couple people on Tumblr suggested Roland. Apparently that's a company that makes electronic instruments. I like it and I think it's a good idea to stay with a music theme for a name choice. I need a third name since Jam and Roland can be good options. If someone thinks of a third one, I can make a straw poll and let my tumblr followers decide. I still think McCheescake is a cute last name for him.
Roland sounds good, especially since he's pretty roly-poly.

I'm gonna suggest... Royce. Maybe Romeo? A few R names are suggesting themselves. Randal. Russel. Rob?
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Where's all the love for size difference?

The best thing about rodent ladies is how petite they are.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 225

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