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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251
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Logo F.png
3 MB, 1280x720

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Hatsume Mei
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Sanae (271).jpg
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Sanae Kochiya
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Ramona Flowers
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Furry porn
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Lunasa Prismriver
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Mii Swordfighter
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The Real Guy, The Best Guy
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Mami Tomoe
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Sexy Reimu
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Casey Neistat
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Mmm Delicious ZUN (2).png
3 KB, 128x128

Well, I'm sure someone just made her grumpy....But at least she remembers me!
And I met this strange vampire girl, her name's Flandre, she said she played some human sport called "soccer" with me last summer, and she saw my friend Kurumi there, too.
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Hideo Kojima
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Hobo Gogo
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Ursula Hartmann
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Canada Dry
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Don't touch my hair. It takes way too long to fix for it to be ruined
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cody (1).jpg
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Asuka (45).jpg
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Asuka Shikinami Langley
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street performer.png
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Street Performer
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Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen
Late pancake-chan
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Sonia (000).png
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Sonia Nevermind
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Kyoko avafag
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Late to my dads funeral Frank
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hg overlord.jpg
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Newfag Remover Daan de Stigter
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Fuck this doesnt even hurt.jpg
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Uhhh, nice drawing?
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Ken Kaneki
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Yukine (568).jpg
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>>2385902 (Ringabell guy probably)
It's not a problem with you. You're fine. I just don't like the character itself.
worst girl
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Well, even with my world being like that, I still got to meet wonderful Undead, who I was glad to call my friends... though it always seems they die on me... or I have to kill them due to hollowing...
Well you can see me now~
>more pets
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T-That's not a drawing.
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Huh, a Kinght. Seems these games are going to be well. Also, I have no idea what you are on about.
>Good,let it stay like this
Why is she blushing?
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>ava with someone
>the "Accidentally" misslink your reply to someone else
>tfw you know that its bullshit and they just don't want to talk with you
J-Just tell me you don't like me baka..
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68 KB, 574x673
Greetings. I'm glad to be back here again.
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Foxy grandpa
Oh aha, I understand. Thank you for responding.
Who are you?
>keeps purring as you pet
A-and don't pet too much..!

You have a good spirit about it!
I didn't know Flandre was here.... Or the she plays Soccer too!

Welcome back, nya~!
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I find your paranoia unsettling.

If they didn't want to talk to you why would they even bother writing out a reply in the first place?
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>when people "accidentally" miss your reply entirely
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>Because of her feminine penis

>No deal

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give it to me on steam then
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That I have a...
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Elly (17).png
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...I think I like being a walking time paradox better.
Hello, ma'am. How's the situation with your little canine gone?
Yup, apparently she lives here now...? Something about digging holes.
...Honestly, I had no memory of the whole deal, and she wasn't too happy about that at first.

>Battle Network best MM
>tfw no one talks to you to begin with because you're a prick
we deal
okay die
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>tfw no Ginko avafag
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>I-I'm sorry if this was me.
A baby dick.
hello yusuckmydickkine
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That you have aaaaaaa....
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Battle network 3 best battle network
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Asuka (23).jpg
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Oh good. I'm seeded with two bondage fetishists. This is going to go swimmingly.
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Yukine (67).jpg
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Sanae (3).jpg
2 MB, 1500x2000
I think we can start
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A purple dragon and a soft drink, looks fine.
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God Why.gif
3 MB, 400x375
>Best Megaman? Not X
>Best Battle Network, not 6

>Jesus christ!
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118 KB, 850x601
Looks good to me.
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overlord taste.png
491 KB, 1077x1077
you know who it is
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Yeah, let's just get this over with.
Oh, I didn't know you were here too, Lunasa-san!

Woooow.... I bet she's dug a lot of holes by now!
I guess I can see her playing it, nya.... But not you!
rolling rolling rolling rolling
File: Expression 1.png (385 KB, 746x1242) Image search: [Google]
Expression 1.png
385 KB, 746x1242
That human doesn't look like much of a fighter....

>You heard me. It's what I was more familiar with.
File: Too Late.jpg (28 KB, 622x320) Image search: [Google]
Too Late.jpg
28 KB, 622x320
Stranger. I don't know what ths nya is but I appreciate the welcome.
Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen, First of her name, Diamond Ace, Conqueror of large breasts. I request you stop attacking me everytime we meet.
Another one. Helllo.
It's getting more tolerable.
you betray
>cody jr
File: download (1).jpg (6 KB, 275x183) Image search: [Google]
download (1).jpg
6 KB, 275x183
Looks like i'm paired up with a Undead Knight, and a scythe wielding girl. Well, let's get this started
I only really see him talking to cute anime girls and his oldfag buddies. I tend to avoid people like that.
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>tfw someone ignores you but replies to soviet.
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Kaneki (183).jpg
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>mfw missing 2 express games in a row.
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Oh, sorry...!
It's um... It's a force of habit!
Any time! My name is Chen, and I've never seen you before!
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3 MB, 679x4071
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You heard me
3 a best
Then 1, 4,6,2,5
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1 MB, 218x218
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A skin flute.

This isn't an attack! It's an endearment!
It's left us all with a....
Phantom Pain...
>Roll Credits
>Starts petting lightly
The names Undead, Dark Lady extraordinaire, and also a lover of cats~
A walking time paradox huh? I know that feel... one accidental spell and BOOM, you're in some land and time you don't know, and time is having a hissy fit...
M-Mr. Kojima and a Time Walker huh? Seems good to me!
>Your alright in my book~
maybe the reason he only talks to those people is because those are his friends. just like in real life, you would mainly see people talking to their friends. not everyone is a social butterfly. get over yourself man
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Another one?
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Sanae (222).jpg
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>tfw just start up a female ava
>he instantly starts talking to you by the second post
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Asuka (106).jpg
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Time to get started!
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C'mon, enough jargon already!
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116 KB, 400x533
Looks good miss!
Good luck to every single one of you in this adventure and may the best one survive!

This should be plenty for the time being.
Even if I have to share this'll be more than enough!
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202 KB, 666x800
I can take care of myself.
>Comparing HG to real life
Even if he does only talk to his friends, why would I have any reason to talk to him considering I'm not his friend?
File: Ram smile.jpg (62 KB, 500x559) Image search: [Google]
Ram smile.jpg
62 KB, 500x559
It's why I referred to you as a stranger. My name is Ramlethal Valentine.
I don't understand.
You smell of the undead.
Stranger I mean.
I'm not saying you should go and talk to him, I'm saying you shouldn't be bitching over literally nothing.
File: Elly (13).png (1 MB, 2432x2368) Image search: [Google]
Elly (13).png
1 MB, 2432x2368
How it's behaved, or your opinion, hm?
>She shrugs
If it's what Yuuka wanted to do, I'd do it. I...really doubted her, until she described her and Kurumi.
I admittedly have rather little faith in your fighting skills, human.
Rather, time got rewritten around you, and you just...slipped through the cracks.
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60 KB, 200x368
A penis.

It's like a hug, or a kiss, or a pat on the back.
File: 03.png (2 MB, 679x2906) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 679x2906
We continue to have bad luck
I'm not bitching, I'm just giving my reasoning for avoiding him.
Did somebody say bitching over literally nothing?
Ssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhitstorm tiem?
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Sanae (85).png
782 KB, 706x1200
let's make the best of it
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Well that's no lie. We haven't met once ever.

Just aim to the left a little. You can do it.
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147 KB, 607x788
Blind Blonde.
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286 KB, 600x600
I've never driven befooooorrrre...!

Undead? That's really your name~?
What 'a strange one... B-but that's okay!
My name's Chen, I'm a youkai!

It's nice to meet you, Valentine-san~!
>she bows

It all sounded accurate then? That's a breakthrough~!
>no death in the first 2 slides
It continues to bite me. However it seems to like me.
I understand what a hug is. I don't understand why you keep going for my chest.
That's what I stated. Pay attention.
File: 05.png (3 MB, 679x3083) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 679x3083
You guys really picked it up, huh?
File: Asuka (120).jpg (1 MB, 1200x1435) Image search: [Google]
Asuka (120).jpg
1 MB, 1200x1435
Even someone like you can win if you keep going. Keep going even when you know you can't. Good luck.
Of course it is, nya!

It's a chest...hug. It's more special.

File: Asuka (53).jpg (1 MB, 1417x874) Image search: [Google]
Asuka (53).jpg
1 MB, 1417x874
La la la... Blah.
3/10 rp
2/10 character
3/10 personality
1/10 likability
File: Elly (45).jpg (434 KB, 1024x1310) Image search: [Google]
Elly (45).jpg
434 KB, 1024x1310
>She nods, with a smile
I know even her sister and Patchouli've said that she's...strange, but it's still relieving.
Is the feeling mutual?
Thanks for the input there, hoshi.
File: 4574788.png (142 KB, 245x265) Image search: [Google]
142 KB, 245x265
I should?
1/10 rp
3/10 character
2/10 personality
2/10 likability
Ooops, that Valentine part was meant for you,

Nice to meet you, Valentine-san!
File: (143).png (155 KB, 275x449) Image search: [Google]
155 KB, 275x449
Sorry. I didn't mean that I wasn't paying attention. I just wanted to make it easier on you.

I'll help in any way I can.
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Sanae (352).jpg
129 KB, 434x614
Hopefully everything will go according to plan
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736 KB, 500x352
I'd recommend you to give that back as soon as you can, sir.
I'd rather not end up harming you for taking what is mine.

..I don't really know what came over me there, miss.
I don't think you should follow up on those words.
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210 KB, 700x982
I mean huh like....
HUUUH!? You're joking!
File: images.jpg (4 KB, 310x163) Image search: [Google]
4 KB, 310x163
Nice pun Knight.
Don't worry about me, I have you know I fought with the legendary Solid Snake.
You look like a good ally, let's form a team.
Ugh... looks like I'm out of this game.
File: happy.png (88 KB, 679x148) Image search: [Google]
88 KB, 679x148
4/10 rp
1/10 character
4/10 personality
3/10 likability
File: 06.png (2 MB, 679x3064) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 679x3064
Pretty good now!
I-I literally just showed you, h-how would I be joking?
File: Here's Rammy.jpg (301 KB, 1280x1280) Image search: [Google]
Here's Rammy.jpg
301 KB, 1280x1280
Your hesitation denotes otherwise.
I find it... cute. How it licks where it bit me. How it finds it's way into my bed when sleeping. Just anything.
3/10 personality
5/10 character
5/10 personality
4/10 personality
File: Sanae (2).jpg (6 KB, 125x125) Image search: [Google]
Sanae (2).jpg
6 KB, 125x125
my my...
that's cute, thinking you'll be able to achieve your goals
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Asuka (39).jpg
214 KB, 600x727
This seems like a waste of time considering how low tech it is, but you never know, I guess...
fuck off.
2/10 rp
6/10 character
3/10 personality
4/10 likability
File: ss (2015-07-29 at 11.12.46).jpg (18 KB, 272x356) Image search: [Google]
ss (2015-07-29 at 11.12.46).jpg
18 KB, 272x356
I wonder what she could be up to at this time of day.
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153 KB, 1111x1111
Begging for people to kill you?
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421 KB, 480x600
You're LYING! Well, unleeeeeess....
File: Hideo-Kojima.jpg (48 KB, 600x320) Image search: [Google]
48 KB, 600x320
>That's a whole lot of personality, but fuck it! I'll take it
File: Elly (75).jpg (786 KB, 920x1277) Image search: [Google]
Elly (75).jpg
786 KB, 920x1277
Well, it certainly seems to've grown on you, then.
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2 MB, 679x2768
And ya ruined it.
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557 KB, 575x1000
This should do just fine to get me through another day.
I won't give up and I certainly won't let anyone take these from me, unless they ask for help!
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491 KB, 665x1015
While Ran-sama isn't around, this should be okay, right...?

Strange can mean a lot of things in Gensokyo~. Technically we all are!

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299 KB, 807x600
I don't think I will. I just would like to some day beat a Shrine Maiden.
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396 KB, 600x600
It's just something that can be a bit tricky to explain.

U-Unless what, you baka baka?!

Get stronger and come back, Kohai,
Give me your ava to be rated.
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243 KB, 500x592
...my eye hurts.
File: Elly (22).jpg (468 KB, 800x970) Image search: [Google]
Elly (22).jpg
468 KB, 800x970
Well, I mean by our standards. Her way of thinking, I suppose...?
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ss (2015-07-30 at 12.13.39).jpg
92 KB, 884x610
There's no point for you to suffer any longer. Goodbye.
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Sanae (96).jpg
667 KB, 709x1000
For a young girl, you're stronger than you look

This is what I would call: A dream that will never come true
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And none of you are invited.
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507 KB, 1600x1024
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2 MB, 679x2390
How can you not trust the Canada Dry? It's barely sentient!
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773 KB, 1000x1044
This should help us calm down for a bit, knowing that we're in this nasty situation together.
At least looking at the stars above helps us forget about it all for the time being.
2/10 rp
3/10 character
5/10 personality
4/10 likability
File: 1.jpg (616 KB, 1600x1024) Image search: [Google]
616 KB, 1600x1024

I am the danger.
so dangerous that hosts keep mistaking me for a male.
File: Asuka (1).gif (1020 KB, 500x700) Image search: [Google]
Asuka (1).gif
1020 KB, 500x700
I'm not much for the outdoors...
Are you sure you know how to read a map? Because I'm pretty sure you don't...
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Sanae (193).jpg
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damn I missed.

adding a scope to my gohei doesn't seem like a bad idea after all
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I don't understand why you are being so nice.
But we both already knew that. No need for it to be any easier.
Like a disease. And it won't get away.
Tricky or not, I find myself that I don't like it.
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It's hard to follow....;
But that doesn't mean it's bad!

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I'm very well aware.

I'm up for trying to have some fun.
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F honk

>that's my thing
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Daaaaaaaaaaaamn right boi.
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Yeah sure. Isn't much I haven't heard yet.
>Equips ring to make my rp at least 6 but it also brings my personality down to a 1.
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odds stay up like normal
evens sleep early for tests
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Sonia (26).png
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Perhaps we should have paid an escort.
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Solid Snake, you know... legendary soldier and all that.
What do you mean? Of course I wanna be nice to someone I just met!
I make more friends that way...!
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Good nose... Who are you human?
That would make sense, but the places I've been... they feel like my home, just in different times and periods of decay...
Heh... it is kinda weird... and it's good to meet you Chen~
It was PUNishment for chapter 3...
I'll take my 0's now thanks~
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Oh man, a two versus two!
And unexpected blood
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... Sorry. My bad.
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Sanae (350).jpg
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Atleast you're smart enough to know

Where are your sisters? I've never seen you without them
Well, if you think about it it's a little cool too!
Can I sit by the fire with you, nya?
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You should try to aim next time, miss.
Trust me when I say that, if you keep on shooting like that you'll never actually hit anything!

You sure you'll be fine, miss?
I can patch you up if you'd want it, it will only make your chance of survival all the much greater.
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Face (1).png
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"Prisoner" implies I ever bothered restraining her.
Seems like a good one....
She does seem nice, though. Shame she spends so much time in that hole of hers....
I don't pay much attention to human politics.
Here you go, ma'am. I'm not quite certain when I got that, but you need it more than I do!
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I don't do night watches.
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Yukine (4).jpg
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it just means I'm hosting later idiot
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Sanae (335).jpg
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They stood no chance
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I bet Kana could teach me such a useless skill.
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Rate the one you like.
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Sonia revisits a classic

>I always miss your games
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This is what I get for fighting with someone who's never held a sword...
Of course, there's always room at my Bonfire for anyone~
You're lucky I had to worry about someone else...
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Knowing them, they're probably around here somewhere, silently following me.
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*She drops her smile*
I don't see the point.
Not human. My name is Ramlethal Valentine.
Yes it is.
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Eat a peddle bitch, today is not the day I die.
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how horrifying.png
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I was probably safer in the lake.
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Can't miss what never happens
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Elly (30).jpg
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I know that feeling.
I'd go straight up, but....
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It won't leave.png
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It's probably waiting in my bed as we speak. Along with El and Sin.
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ss (2015-08-01 at 12.06.13).jpg
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You must be out of your mind if you think that little trap could fool me.
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Sanae (56).jpg
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I'll let someone else deal with you.

You was worrying about things more important than your own life?

Perhaps they're too scared to come out
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2 MB, 679x1937
The death rate explodes!

>that'd be why
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images (4).jpg
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It's fine, I wasn't expecting you to pay attention to us humans. Though, what creature are you? A monster?
It's not going to happen Undead Knight.
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I'm sure there's probably a way to lure her out!

>sits down with you, letting out a content sigh
I like fire a lot, nya...

...Do I need a reason, nya? I wanna be nice to you, Valentine-san. You seem like a good person too, just like me!
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Damn it!
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Sanae (26).png
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I'll keep your kind words in mind
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Well I hope you're happy because some of it was for you.
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Face (4).png
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And they are?
...Good luck, Miss Mami.
A youkai of some sort. Not quite certain what kind, it's been so long, but I've been considering "demon".
Well, that wouldn't be quite right, forcing her out.
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Asuka (2).gif
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Tch. Can you show me the courtesy of staying still while I murder you, please? Thanks...
You better thank me...
See? If you had just stayed still two slides ago... You suck.
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So... Are you going to tell me your name or are we going to remain strangers forever?

Oh. I died again.

Excuse me?

I bet they're dragging things towards my general direction with the intention of helping me.
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Who are you.jpg
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Why? Was it the smile?
My interrogators. Speaking of that, we had another today.
Which do you prefer?
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Yukine (413).jpg
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I'll prob host tomorrow sometime during primetime (because I try to avoid avaing during primetime now)
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W-Why not?

C-Come again? What does that even mean?
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Sanae (263).jpg
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I don't think playing a bit of music will help you win

Don't let her know, deal?
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A CUTIE..png
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Hmm, I guess you aren't, Nice to meet you in any case~
So what are you then?
I've already died many times, a single death didn't concern me, besides, I'm not going let someone help me die...
J-just make sure whatever game you're making next is good, I'll be sure to buy it!
Yeah, fire is nice, cooks my food, keeps me warm, and doesn't afraid of anything!
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Just take in mind that no matter what happens, you'll be able to pull through.
Everyone can and so can you, just put yourself over the bad feelings and only think about the positive ones, else you'll put yourself through a lot of misery and you'll end up feeling terrible.
So sit down and drink a calming cup of tea with me as this goes on, and remember, keep smiling!
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Hi people of /hg/
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Elly (15).jpg
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Oh, pardon for butting in. I just don't understand how those shrine maidens can be so powerful....
Hmm...? And what happened?
Hello, sir.
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The fuck you want? Can't you see I'm reading?
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Cody keeps a baby face
Chiaki is quick to make the kill

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I don't mind. It's your call whether you're interested or not.

Music is empowering. It represents the body and soul of both the topic of the song and the person playing it.
I don't think you know how much a good song can help or hurt somebody. No offense or anything, of course.

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Sanae (376).jpg
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You have died many times before?
It was the fact you appreciated the greeting so much, and the smile!
It looked really genuine, to me~.

>she smiles, showing off her fanged grin
Do you not want another friend, nya?

I didn't say force! Obviously it would be her choice at first...!

So useful, Fire-san~.
You ever wanna just stare into one for houuuuurrrs?
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Quirk! Superpower! Ring any bells now?
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Sanae (34).png
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Just what I needed

Maybe so, but you should focus on surviving, instead of playing your violin
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>MFW I read the contents of the wrong slide

But ohhhhhhh man that first event
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Elly (1).png
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Let her pick when she chooses to show herself, I say....Besides, one of the last things you want is an upset vampire.
you betray
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Sanae (13).png
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he'll never see it coming
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Surrounded by idiots.jpg
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I can't explain. I guess it gives me an uncomfortable feeling. Like you have ulterior motives for doing it.
A gear. Just like the bounty hunter.
This time they made me try food for the first time today.
Valentine. Ramlethal Valentine.
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 251

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