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Why is this the only classic figure that ia hard to find? Are
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Why is this the only classic figure that ia hard to find? Are there less of him to a box, or are all of the fucking scalpers hoarding him since he's dead?
Him and Zedmore are 1 per case.
I have repeatedly found Zeddemore. Never an Egon or burnt Stay Puft.
Why are these so fucking expensive? I don't go to Walmart often but these go for $25cdn jesus
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>Are there less of him to a box

This is whats in the box.
My guess is people who don't want to spend $80 collecting all four will cherry pick one or two. Also hes dead so most people will buy him out of respect / feels.
>Also hes dead so most people will buy him out of respect / feels.
lol holy shit fuck off you sound like one of those fucking table sitting scalpers at the toy shows
He's right though you dumbass.
I've seen all four of them at Walmart, but through rotation because those are the only ones people are buying. I don't like them really, mostly how Ray and Egon look.
no he's not

he's grabbing at straws

nobody gives a fuck
is walmart the only place that carries these?
>immediately jumps to scalping
>not grabbing at straws
Look, I get that you're poor, but you need to get over this paranoia that everyone else is out to rob you. And if you can't afford MSRP, what difference would a scalper make anyway?
I just said that statement sounds like a dumb thing a scalper would tell people to justify asking $7 more than retail.
people want him because he's the best Ghostbuster, not because the actor is dead.
yes, the classics are walmart only.
I like smart comedies. Is Ghost Busters a smart comedy for smart people who enjoy toy collecting?
>best Ghostbuster
>not Peter
>claiming venkman as anything but worst tier
I'm willing to be one or two of the sjwbusters end up being better than that pos
Worst ghostbuster, and that's including louis, and hands down the worst actor from the original movies.
Wow, why do you hate Garfield so much?
It has a slime monster called Slimer, on the most objective level I can only say no.
The original Ghost Busters isn't even a comedy. It's a bro action movie with horror elements. The 90% of the comedy comes from the bro stereotypes playing out their characters, like Peter being a smartass douche, the rest is mostly coincidental.

Its true your honor. This man is a faggot.
>nobody gives a fuck

You sure do
Actually, Billy Murray got the voice actor who played Venkman on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon fired. This was because Murray 'didn't sound like that' and didn't want 'his' character sounding like Garfield.

Years later they needed a voice for the CGI movie, they cast Murray because, well, that's what Garfield sounds like.

Also, Ernie Hudson lost out on voicing Winston in the cartoon to Arsenio Hall...

Years later
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I've never been to a toy show or comic con before, but I hope to some day.

I would just like to go on the record, and say that I hate scalpers as well. If I could screw with one I would, and have in the past.

My scalper local scalper just happens to be a manager at a local toy store. Every time something awesome hits stores it's all gone by day one. I ask the cute cashier girl what happened to all the merch, and she tells me that the manager loads up a cart with all the good stuff / stuff on sale. He rings himself up while using his employee discount card.
He than drives to all the other local stores in the area, and buys them out as well. Called him out on his shit over the phone once. His voice started shacking, and he started to stutter.
>Actually, Billy Murray got the voice actor who played Venkman on the Real Ghostbusters cartoon fired. This was because Murray 'didn't sound like that' and didn't want 'his' character sounding like Garfield.
Man Murray is a total dickhead. The cartoon Venkman's VA did a great job for the character.
but don't you like the ear sodomy of Dave Coulier's versions?
Are the Classic Ghostbusters a Walmart exclusive under the current GB line?

For the thousandth time, YES.
I'M SO SORRY I didn't know. I don't have Walmarts around here.
I think the first series was heavy Peter and Ray per case.
I kick myself for not buying the burned stay puft, i saw him when they first put him out and bought the regular one long after he was gone. Though all the stores are sold out of him and Rowan where i am at.

I saw about thirty pieces unveiled at one walmart at around 6 am. I looked at the Egon pieces and noticed a huge problem with almost all of them, I couldnt buy any of them due to crushed, seemingly broken or extremely warped glasses, add onto that the eyes also being misaligned. Just going to suck it up and buy an Egon from the Diamond series cause he seems to be more Egon and human like.


As if a simple Google search couldn't answer your question. That, or the 3~4 Ghostbusters threads we have on /toy/ that already answered your exact same question.

Also, fuck off, tripfag.
Most of the people who came out of SNL in the 80s were assholes. Bill Murray is no exception. Most people bend over backwards to defend him because he is engraved into their childhood memories.
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>liking Venkfield
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Lorenzo Music was a one trick pony in the voice acting field. He did Garfield's voice well, but it doesn't work for characters that aren't Garfield cuz Garfield's mouth didn't move when he spoke, unlike his role as Venkman or Ting Ting the Gorilla where he used pretty much the same voice.
You're not supposed to ring yourself up, at least at wal-mart, you can probably report him to the regional manager.
Are you honestly trying to tell me that David Coulier was better?
Fuck you, it's answered multiple times in this thread


Nice. Mistake admitted again. Anyone else want to pile on cuz I got a tripcode??
There are two at my local Wal-mart. The boxes are all pretty smashed up for whatever reason, so I passed on him.
well some people do have actual shit tastes.... like Bill Murray apparently did.
Its a comedy in a horror/action setting.
Look at that cast and tell me its not a comedy.
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The new ones are better.
Who is the big lady? looks hot!
lol niggers xD
>Ooga booga where da white wimminz at
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You are all idiots, the Ghostbuster movie was really a homage to the ORIGINAL Ghostbusters

Ah yes the good ole "mom bought this on accident" VHS I used to own.
I see Dubya's found work since he left office.
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