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File: BATTLEBOTS.jpg (98 KB, 800x450) Image search: [Google]
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These were shown at this year's ToyFair, but when exactly are they supposed to come out? The currently airing season has got me hyped and I need new Battlebots toys, dammit!
I thought it was supposed to come out in August?
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August or September I think.
So glad Witchdoctor got wrecked tonight. I don't know why, but I've always hated that bot for some reason, and the team behind it are all so... punchable.
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Oh right, I forgot that shitty team has a fanbase... for some reason.
how do you make them fight? whats with the orange ball things behind every robot
these things are a disgrace to other robots that fight better
>yfw Witch Doctor will shelfwarm
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But its the coolest one.
>and the team behind it are all so... punchable.
Well, they dress like fags.

I don't understand why people like those jobbers.

Apparently they're coming out this Fall. Shame that the remote control Bronco was either cancelled or delayed. They probably had complications designing it because the flipper on the prototype at Toyfair was doing jack shit.
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As much as how much cash the new stuff would pull in, I kind of want to see them do some of the older Battlebots.
Yeah I love bronco but I can't see them giving it a powerful enough flipper to battle the other two.
Sign me up for all of the Push Strike ones at least.
I was surprised to hear this one was a fan favorite.
Any idea on price? I want a tiny witchdoctor and bronco.
I think the push ones will be like 8, the clutch and clash will be about 15, and the remote control ones around 30.

Don't quote me, though.
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The one who dethroned the champ Vlad the Impaler
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