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Beasts of the Mesozoic figures
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So, I have a question. I have enough money to buy one of these figures but I don't really feel like putting down $60 and receiving it an whole year later

What are the odds we'll be able to buy these raptors long after the kickstarter has ended?
Pretty good actually. It'll just be a hell of a wait, like with those bird knights.
Nice, I'll probably hold off then.
my question is, what will the availability be for the stretch goals? im guessing/hoping they'll be available afterward, they arent like a kickstarter exclusive?
cuz damn i dont think i wanna throw down 490 dollars just now
>normally have plenty of expendable income
>hit a small bump in the road over the past couple of weeks
>only really have enough spare cash to justify one of these for right now
>all I want is the blue backer exclusive raptor
>he's only available as an add-on
Oh well, here's to hoping BBTS ordered a bunch of these like they did with Mythic Legions.
Damn, I really underestimated that final stretch. Already blowing through both byo raptor stretch goals.

The only one he said was KS exclusive was the osmolskae, so I'm sure the stretch goals already unlocked will be available afterward.
>KS exclusive
And the dromaeosaur repaint.

You guys know if they will charge the shipping fee straight up after the KS ends or until they're ready to ship?
Doesn't it build it into your pledge?

Like you pick a tier ($30), then shipping (America +$10) and the pledge comes out to $45?
I don't have a fucking clue because the shipping is mentioned inside the description and not in the pledge options, either way, what happens if they bill me $45 but I only have $30?
I wish there was an option to pledge for all of the smaller theropods without the environment packs.
You'll have a week to fix your payment before you're dropped from the KS.
>And the dromaeosaur repaint.

That one's not exclusive too is it?
I wish there was an option to pledge for scaley, actual, dinos.

Heh...I agree actually.
Literally this, except I don't have any cash to justify even one.
Blue raptor is not gonna be available, it is a KS exclusive sadly

If you want anything other than blue raptor dont worry. 4H stuff is an anomaly. Look at the ninja KS or the small spartan warrior KS. The items would be available for public and preorder in a year or so and it shouldn't be that hard to find. There aren't that many dino toy fan to begin with and little to no scalping culture, 25 years old top of the line good quality Red JP Rex still only fetch for $60 or so on ebay.
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>that longwinded bullshit speech about a dinosaur toy revolution in that last email

Jesus dude, just get me my toys and get off your soapbox. I wasn't supporting a statement, fucking Christ.
>Blue raptor is not gonna be available, it is a KS exclusive sadly
Even ebay scalpers have their place in society
I admire that he's passionate about his craft.
Dino toy fan has been stepped on by Hasbro and other companies for a while now. Ever since Kenner died, the scene hasn't fully recover yet. I bet a lot of us had very fond memories of playing with big dino toy and such. Big dino toy is a staple of a kid's toybox - just like the designated hero, villain, toy just look at Rex from Toy Story.
He's a faggot at best.
>I admire that he's passionate about his craft.

I would, but there's a point where he just sounds like a wacko. And he hit that point real quick.
The whole thing does sound awkward as fuck. I guess he got a little too excited about the whole thing.

What I wanna know is more about those byo raptors.
Here's your reply
>replying to an old ass post

Stay buttmad.
So I plonked down 75 bux for a pair of these, I should get them when?
Next week?
This is bait right?
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Actually, yeah, sorry, I was bored.
Every post in /toy/ is old.

We can have real dinosaurs by the time this thread gets autosaged.
So is this "dino toy revolution" really gonna happen? Do you guys think plain unlicensed articulated "scientifically accurate" dinosaurs will sell on TRU aisles for say $25 a pop to compete with Hasbro, Mattel, and NECA's licensed stuff and also $11.99 chinese dinosaur toy like pic related?
Thread replies: 30
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