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Transformers 3rd Party General: Who kidnapped the Prof editon
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Old thread >>>5567112

IF have teased what may be unicron but considering the date take with a grain of salt.
I feel like you could make all of those points fit Scorponok from The Headmasters.
And that would be absolutely ok too.
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finally got this guy in the mail today
loving it so far
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i hate it when facebook uploads fuck up the quality.
As an anon said in the last thread, I think this is likely Guzzle. It makes sense given that MMC makes a lot of IDW stuff.
Doing Unicron would be the most obvious yet overlooked thing for 3rd parties to do. Its a miracle we've only seen this and the Beast wars Neo revival so far. As fun a toy as the Armada one was, it still came from the worst and most backwards line in terms of engineering in Transformers in the last 15 years or so. Just look at Primus and realize how much better it could've been only 3 years later.
I dunno, all he really needs is thigh swivels and he'd be pretty much perfect.
I was about to say the same thing, the canon is probably just the real canon it will have on its back. If that's a real mold, it might be pretty fun to play with, though.

If 3P's made one it'd be 5ft tall and cost well over $1,000 dollars because "Muh MP scale" and other wankery.

I'd kill for a foot tall Unicron that didn't rape my bank account or require steel supports to display on a shelf.
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>3P IDW Guzzle

lolno. The planet mode is shitty, egg shaped and too many unnecessary gimmicks.
BMOG is having a buy 3 get 1 free sale now.

I didn't know they were so expensive, its $60 for the set.

Did they even make a new kit after the bear?

They kept teasing the dino weapons and chainsaw platypus for a couple years now, going so far to try and hire one man companies to make them, only for it to fall flat.

I truly doubt we'll see anything new out of them outside of them wearing out those bear and stingray molds with endless recolours.
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I think I'm going to be mad if this doesn't actually become a thing even if its only for a convention. None of their April Fools stuff comes true as is though.
Damn, Razorclaw would make an amazing steam engine. Fucking Lion head on the front just because.
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Perceptor retool of Combiner Wars Shockwave when
You'll get a grey version, maybe even an Energon Sixshot version if we're lucky.
I love the weirdness
This just reminds me of how much I want that company that's making the SD Omega Supreme to release a Spreem repaint.
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Mater Made's Apollo

I'm super psyched for this, especially after their first two releases being amazing!
>Just look at Primus and realize how much better it could've been only 3 years later.
And then think about how much worse it would have been if it had been done 3 years after that. Official TF quality over the years is such a fucking roller coaster, man....
Why are people creaming their jeans over Iron Factory stuff anyway?

Isn't it all just tiny versions of transformers who already have decent normal-sized toys?
Because they're small and affordable and some of them did not have a larger better figure like Overlord (though we got that MMC one coming eventually).

They're just good desk toys, and nicely detailed for their size. I wouldn't call anything over $20 for that size to be "afforable" though. Lets be realistic, they're tiny as shit. They're expensive for their size.

Then again, all 3P stuff is retardedly expensive, it comes with the territory. You're either willing to pay, or you're not.
More people are willing to pay twenty to sixty dollars for equivalents of Hasbro products that cost $10 than they are to pay upwards a hundred or even close to two hundred for Hasbro products that cost under thirty.

Yeah, you'd figure these companies would scale back the prices just a bit. A lot of 3P stuff is nice, but $80-150 per figure is asking a lot. Especially for combiners, since damn near $400-600 for a combiner is outrageous. Or at least offer set deals or something. A savings for buying all-in at once is hardly too much to ask..

Looking at you, MMC, you fucks. Release that shitty, ugly fucking Emo Predaking set, but no set at a slight discount for the original? Fuck.
The thing about third party companies is that they can't produce on the levels of big companies like Hasbro. The smaller your production runs are, the more it costs to produce each figure so they have to charge more to make a profit. Couple that with the much more complex engineering and paintwork many of them do compared to Hasbro's big box toys and it ramps up the production cost even more. The most you could really expect them to discount a full set of combiners would be like $50 unless the retailer is having a sale.
scorponok didnt have hands though?
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Unique toys is doing a great job
I feel like his head should be grey, like the concept art. now he just looks like Aqua Sludge
What "official" name should we give him that follows the dinobot naming scheme? Splash? Slip? Spray? Sputter?
i know right? his official name is Paddles but it doesnt suit him
How about Slosh?
Swirl, maybe?
is that weed next to Galvatron's gun?
Other water related S words:
- Scour
- Seepage
- Sink
- Skim
- Slough
- Sprinkle
- Spill
- Surf

Personally though, my vote goes to either Sputter or Slosh.
Actually, thinking about it, maybe Scour or Slosh. Not only is Grimlock the only one not starting with an S but he's also the only one with more than one syllable in his name.

You get better detailed, more articulate, and better painted toys than any official size class nowadays in a legends scale for designs that may not have proper official versions of. They're pocket sized bundles of fun that are heaftier than most deluxes.


I like Slosh.
I like Skim

Slosh sounds perfect.
I want to want Spark Toys WW Prime, but those mile-high knees are a definite deal breaker.

I dunno this just looks bad to me. Otherwise though it looks premium and solid.
>this just looks bad to me
So it's accurate to the source.
3P should drop WW and jump on the Shadowplay designs.
It's the scorpo legs which fits the scale better than it being a hand to a child sized toy.
woudlnt that mean they'd be making a tiny Scorponok? that seems wrong..

IDW Scorponok is only about Grimlock/Ultra Magnus sized, maybe a bit less.
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oh fuck noooooo

How much hamhands is this joint going to see?
It just looks off somehow... I was really excited for it but seeing the production photos really turns me off to it...
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Need help deciding guys. FansToys Sever, or GigaPower Guttur? Pic related
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Another April fools tease of MMC.
The two are pretty equivalent from everything I've seen. I guess I'd ask these questions:

How much does size matter? (Guttur is larger)
Are you thinking of getting any of the other dinobots from either of them? These two guys don't diverse a whole lot, but maybe the differences in their Slags might make you want to stick with one of them over the other.
Are you interested in alternate colors? You can get Sever in Diaclone and G2, for example.
That actually looks pretty cool

Is that a fucking terran marine chest
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Depends on what you want? FT is going for the cartoon look while GP is going for the toy. Speaking on Dinobots.
So here's the first look at TFC's Poseidon combined form. So far we haven't seen the sixth member yet. Hope they don't forget about the '6th member as a weapon' gimmick of Piranacon.
i like mania king but fuck articulating the wrist was hell.
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Just ordered Hexatron and Evil Lord. My first 3P dudes. Should be here by Monday, maybe Tuesday.

How'd I do, guys?
Depends on what you paid

I didn't overpay, at least. Checked a bunch of sites before I bought.
I think Hexatron is one of the best bang-for-your-buck figures
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that looks good.
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This came out better than expected. Dinohead is so much larger than Neptune. Despite the flaws/missed opportunities with the mold it's still one of my favorites for the sheer chunk and this is no exception.
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And finally the prototype render. Looks like they unfucked the split shoulder pads and added some movement to the tail mace to make it more like a giant claw. Dinohead can go behind the robot head like Neptune. Guns may have lost the blue paint but the color scheme got changed up a bit with the red visor and black feet. Looks like they can mount in the same way though.
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gimme dat guzzle repaint
While this looks great, I think a blue chest would have been neat. Although given that FoC Swoop doesn't have any blue, I guess it would have stood out more than if this was a G1 set.
looks really cool and it's nice to see marine reptiles get some love. wouldn't mind an aoe-style sculpt to go with scorn and strafe.
Honestly I'd love to see a G1/FoC styled Scorn. Spinosauruses are cool.
i hope has/tak get some redecos out of scorn, such a great figure.
I'm enjoying Planet X's stuff enough to want them to do everything they can. Scorn and Slash from the movie, Skar and Strafe from IDW (maybe tweak the design of Strafe, it's pretty weird), Grimstone from PCC (remold Slag maybe). etc
inb4 the sword IS the 6th member
i feel like the green part of the chest is too dominant. the silver pointy bits should be bigger
Given that they did shattered glass Devy instead of either G2, I'm worried that they would make the collector's club Seacons over God Neptune.

I hope we get God Neptune though. Or at least Scylla, even if he doesn't get remolding.
Its like TFC got a memo for them be more G1 accurate, but then applied that only to the colors and not the actual design

the proportions are very nice though, very strong
To be fair, the Seacons always looked derpy as fuck, so the TFC versions are something of an improvement.

>inb4 REEDUN

I actually love the G1 Seacons in all their ludicrous glory, enough to buy the reissues off of a friend. The TFC designs look awesome though; exactly what I wanted out of a CHUG Piranacon (at least, from what we've seen of it). My one complaint thus far is I wish not-Skalor's arms were beefier. Provided the QC is good (I have heard TFC have come on leaps and bounds) these will probably be my CHUG Seacons, unless someone else makes even better ones or TFC screws the pooch on them.

You know what I'd like to see? A combiner by Iron Factory. I'd love to see how they handle combiners at a small scale. Given the G1 Combiners are at a stretch Legends scale, I reckon it could be done. Heck, given the decrease in size and weight they should in theory be a lot more poseable and playable than full sized combiners- at that size the Scramble City Targetmaster gimmick that Piranacon has would be possible.
I'm a bit of the mind that if you're not going to be slavish to the original, then do what you like. Like those FP Insecticons who were ninjas. Might as well make something new and creative if you're not going for full accuracy.

There is that legends Devastator team by DX9 or someone. It's clearly a workable scale. I'd totally be up for combiners that are supposed to be smaller like Micromasters to get a redo at legends scale.

Theres a Legends-sized combiner called Hulkie by DX9 that just came out. Problem is, it's $160 bucks or so.

Looks nice. Decent articulation, nothing to really write home about. Would probably be worth picking up if CW Devy wasn't the same price (or shittons cheaper on sale), but if you really want a tiny combiner, go for it.
The $150 hit is really harsh on a legends combiner. But it makes sense, I suppose, given that individual third party legends go for $30ish.

I wonder if they sold them in 2 packs if the money proposition would "feel" better.

Honestly a lot of 3P prices are pretty harsh. Most everything seems to be $85+ unless it's Legends, and then you're still usually paying $40+ for something pretty tiny.
It's not a poor man's hobby for sure.

Nothing is, really. Thats why it's a hobby. Whether you're buying it in $20 dollar Deluxe chunks from Toys'R'Us or in $140 dollar 3P chunks from an online retailier, it's still not really cheap.

Kind of glad theres a lull in good videogames at the moment, only decent thing coming out is Dark Souls 3, which means I can afford to buy a whole 'nother different piece of overpriced plastic: Toys!
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Just saw this for the first time, 3P when? I'll take Iron Factory, Maketoys Manga Mech, even MMC.

How would that stay balanced? Unless the wheel locks and has extra weight to keep it straight or something, or has kickstands beneath it.

That's a good question, maybe just some discrete black/clear kickstands that flip out in front and behind the wheel.

That could do it.

I think he died in the comic though. Dunno. I know he was in it once because I remember him being mentioned.
Yeah, this is his design from Stormbringer. I don't think he died in the end though. Either way, a cool design, and the more G2 the better.
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>the more G2 the better
I'm still waiting for FP's Accelerators, their Rapido looked intense.
mayube it'll make people excited for FP again
He was just hit by a missile, he shows up later just fine, but that's the last time he shows up in the limelight
He lasted showed up at the end of the Furman run, was alive but hasn't been appeared since.
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There's a review of him out?

I still wish someone would handle the current Megatron look.

Give it a year or 3. It takes a while to design a full Transformer, especially for 3P companies.
>the current Megatron look.

Has he even transformed once in the comic?
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>3P Hound is named "Willis"

so is Walky screaming massive amounts of bitch tears over it?
So what exactly am I looking at here?
Takara Unite Warriors Nosecone, a remold of CW Rook. Component of upcoming Takara Computron. IDK what it's doing in 3rd party thread.
Ok. The first thing I noticed was hollow legs and thought "WTF self respecting 3P company makes hollow legs?" It makes sense now though, also makes sense why I had never seen it before.
>tires might be rubber

Well, thats shit. Looks nice otherwise, but thats a huge black mark against it.
I'm starting to consider buying some Shapeways parts.

Anybody here have some good good stories about that? Curious about your experiences.

The only time I've dipped into shapeways was for show-accurate hands for RID legends Fixit. The plastic looks more textured than it feels, it's smooth to the touch and the details are surprisingly precise. Good experience for me but I can't say anything about more extensive kits.

That looks like it was made out of felt.
3D Printing isn't like injection-molded plastic, it results in rough coarse surfaces like that.
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Anyone else boarding the hype train for this glorious bastard? Apparently he's coming to US online retail this week!
i'll wait...

Have fun waiting.
Hello, new to these stuff and only ordered my first third party TF, the Wei Jiang Optimus.

Im just wondering if there is a Starscream and G1 Megatron the same size as that one, preferably either a knock-off or third party one because secondhand/used prices are too much
weren't people breaking him?
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>hating rubber tires
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Looks like FT is releasing a 2.0 of Scoria.
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Maybe I don't care about the details as much as some others, but I do not see a reason to upgrade from Scoria. Sure, if you didn't have either, maybe you might like this more, but I don't see dramatic changes. Then again, some people get insanely detail-oriented on these things.
Other toy companies release Ver 2 all the time esp Bandai. They've learned and grown since the release and want to go back redo what they may think is a weak figure.
Better scale, prolly less issues.

There was a small clip on the inside that attached to the arm in truck mode that some of the early reviews snapped off. They said it was a fairly small bit and didn't really affect either mode.
Looks good, I always loved the WW designs.
Is this the future of third party? Refining the same designs over and over?
>happens one time
>so it'll be like this forever
Idiot. It's not even the same design.
He probably meant characters. As in making the dinobots yet again for the seventh time as opposed to branching out into anything else.
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Could anyone help me recognize the Starscream figure and the blue/black/red guy on the right?
That would appear to be Iron Factory's Soundwave and cassettes on the right, with the one in question being Frenzy or Rumble, depending on your preference. Not sure which Starscream that is.
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The starscream would be the TFC Targetroid Screamer.
I'm reminded of the chest minions and weapons used for the CW/UW Combiners.
Aren't those Frenzy&Rumble Perfect Effect?
Also, european dude here, where I could buy the PE Reflector team?

You could say the same thing about Takara though.

If you wait Maketoys is doing a G1 Starscream and Megatron as part of the remaster line, which is basically stylized MP. Apollyon is another G1 megatron but people have had mixed results. As for Movie style, there isn't much. You could got with Tarakra's MP spin off starscream. I know there were kits for making Movie megs not a pile of shit from ROTF. Plus I'm sure there were upsized KOs somewhere, but nothing on the level of Wei Jiang's stuff. They're moving on to making a better upscaled movie Hound next IIRC.
No good version is like no version at all. It doesn't matter how many shitty attempts were released.
Speaking of, does anyone have these? How are they? I considered searching for the targetoids before. The gun modes are a little halfassed, but the robot modes look great for the size.
Doesn't matter where you live, everyone with a brain orders from HK.
He can't physically at the moment because his insides are fucked up thanks to Shockwave.
Thanks! Just grabbed these for $30 shipped. Forgot they existed
Negro, that's kawaii
>hating rubber tires
>being okay with having no tires after 10 years

I'd rather plastic m8
The G1 figs I've held on to from childhood, my RID figs and MP 01 would like to have a word with you.

Degredation isn't equal across all copies of the same product, Anon.

They're going to rot and go to shit. It is inevitable. How long it takes is based on a lot of factors.
My G1 Shockwave, RID Ultra Class Optimus Prime and Ultra magnus would like a word with you too. Shockwave's hose is cracking, and RID Prime and Magnus have had a handful of tires crumble off.
RID Optimus and Magnus are pretty infamous for degrading tires, m8.
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How is Function X-04 - Sigma L? I had $80 set aside for a Quakeblast, but low and behold TF-direct and every other site I can find is sold-out. I could do ebay... but dealing with the chinese on ebay fucking sucks. This guy caught my eye browsing earlier.

Is he worth $70? I know he isn't GEEWUUNN but he is in scale with MP figures which I have a lot of. He looks bad ass too.
Weakest FP Headmasters by far. Super simple transformation, loose articulation... Worth about $30 IMO.
>dealing with the chinese on ebay fucking sucks
Sounds like you never even tried. You should stop living in the 90's.
Everytime i have on ebay it's been a hassle for me. Boxes always come kicked in and shit is broken and they wont do a return. If it comes through Amazonor anyplace else via China and my item is damaged they accept returns and replace everything. Every ebay transaction I've had through a seller in china has sucked. Japan great, India great, china never again.
Yea, my Chinese experiences have been pretty lame too.

Also, Sigma L is great. Double shotguns and great posability, lots of fun to play with!
i had a similar experience with a damaged figure from a chinese seller on ebay. the item was cheap as fuck and not worth the hassle to escalate so i just accepted a partial refund.
I have yet to get a damaged item from China, which is a surprise because some things I've ordered were fragile as all hell. Those $1 wind up toys somehow survived a worldwide trip in bubble wrap.

My concern is possible scams, because sellers just "go bad" without a warning. Yeah I know Paypal will refund me if there is a problem, but it's still a hassle hoping I don't get a fake tracking number or an envelope of beads.

>some on TFW2005 got envelopes of some dried seafood jerky from a seller rather than the toys they ordered, just so the seller could send working tracking in the scam

Though I was only ripped off once so far by a scam seller in China, I'm still highly cautious. Just had another seller's tracking not start working until a week after it was marked as shipped.

I just buy off US sites that already went through that shitshow for me. I pay a bit more, but you know what? Better than getting seafood fucking jerky.
there are times when the only route available is China. Older 3P stuff that left BBTS stock long ago, for example.
That starscream is pretty good, null rays are a bit awkward due to being pegged on the forearms, but it is fine enough.

Hot shit is not very well made, floppy joints that break if you dare to tighten them, and a lame unstable gun mode.
Try living in a good and humified home, you peasant.
Try to learn what shitty materials are, you ignorant.
There are bad and good sellers everywhere. I've bought hundreds of things from China and never got an issue. I've been burned twice buying from american sellers though.

The whole "China is a scam" meme is completely bullshit.

Sigma L is awesome. Great sculpt, great articulation, great size. Made Me fall in love with the Headmasters gimmick. I picked up the Combes Robin Sonic Bomber repaint of their Brainstorm and was disappointed with him. Some people gave Sigma L crap because he doesn't do anything fancy, he's pretty safe in transformation, but it makes up for being good in other ways.
> RID ultra class optimus prime

you must've been heartbroken m8 :(
>but he is in scale with MP figures which I have a lot of
Is he? I thought Headmasters were bigger than normal Transformers
>They're going to rot and go to shit. It is inevitable.
I disagree. I believe if your storing/displaying your figures in a climate controlled setting their going to be fine.

Shockwave seems to be a common case. I could speculate the reasons but, never owning or handling one I'd just be talking out of my ass. However, my Prime and Magnus are fine as is sideburn. Like I said to the other anon I think it comes down to how the figures are stored.
At least it's not diecast. That shit is cheaper than plastic to produce.
>disagreeing with scientific facts
The world is so fucked up nowadays.
They are. These aren't in scale with MPs.

Disagreement doesn't change the fact it will degrade with time. You can influence how long it takes, but eventually, the rubber is going to split, crack, and disintegrate. And the time it takes is dependent on outside factors.

Thats why your shit hasn't turned to crap but others have. Plugging your ears and going "LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU SCIENCE DOESN'T APPLY TO ME" doesn't change that fact.
With grammar like that, what do you expect?
According to the Scale charts Mindwipe is about a head taller than wheeljack, and the datsuns. That's about the height Sigma L is.
But in the picture posted above he is the same height as wheeljack. So he isn't in scale ?

They are but all the decepticon headmaster's are on the shorter side.
Between Gravity Builder and Hercules, what's the best Devastator?
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Pointless comparison.
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Also, not to scale.
Eh the pic he's like a half head taller. Pretty close desu.
Maketoys Green Giant
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>Plugging your ears and going "LA LA CAN'T HEAR YOU SCIENCE DOESN'T APPLY TO ME" doesn't change that fact.

Mind explaining to me how exactly I'm doing that? Is it because I think you can prevent the degeneration by keeping them in a stable climate? You agree one can influence how long they last (provided the rubber isn't shit to begin with) so why can't you agree that it could be stopped?
I just recently got Sigma L, I do not think he's worth $70.

His transformation is pretty simple, which most people expect creativity from the Function line. Also his wings are attached to the side of his arm, so it's kinda weird posing his arms. Other than that he is pretty cool looking, but I would say he's worth maybe $40-$50 max.
>Is it because I think you can prevent the degeneration by keeping them in a stable climate? You agree one can influence how long they last (provided the rubber isn't shit to begin with) so why can't you agree that it could be stopped?

Bingo. You can't prevent it. You can slow it down. Thinking you can wholly prevent it, thats your error.
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Ultra class CHUG styled Crazybolt when?
Protip: there's no such thing as "non shit rubber".

...If you wait long enough, the protons will decay, as well.
>if something can't last 1 million year why even care about 10 years?

But who says 10 years? Why not 50?
After Supreme Class CHUG Style Underbite, anon
Because real life.
1. Who's the guy on the left? Is that titanium Optimus prime?
2. Now we're getting 3 of this design? Uugh
>Who's the guy on the left? Is that titanium Optimus prime?

>Now we're getting 3 of this design? Uugh
I thought the Spark Toys one was the only design?

Unless you mean Iron Factrory Optimus, cause that one's based on his Stormbringer appearance
What are the chances Iron Factory will make a not-Tarn to go with their Evil Lord? I need another tiny asshole for him to fight besides just Magnus.
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You've got a ton of good Legends sized figures both official and non to choose from, Anon. Don't tell me you're having problems.
I'm not really, it's more I want a tiny Tarn. And I like tanks so it's two at once.
The legends Shockwave is fun to use with him but he always looks like he's 2 seconds from death with how much bigger EL is.
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Thats a somewhat accurate scale at least. Overlord is a big motherfucker compared to most other 'bots.

...Has ANYONE made a Tarn toy, now that I think about it? I know MMC does a lot of IDW-esque designs and obviously did Sixshot and I think has an Overlord in the works, plus already did some other DJD members.
MMC has teased a render of Tarn but that's all we have of him from any company.

Well, at least you know it'll probably be a good figure then. MMC does pretty solid work, don't they?
Yeah they do with a few little hiccups here and there. I have their Vos and Kaon and they both look amazing but there are reports from some that the first edition Vos's had some issues. Mine is great so I guess I lucked out.
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>1. Who's the guy on the left? Is that titanium Optimus prime?


>2. Now we're getting 3 of this design? Uugh


"sleepless nights"?

Also, that abdomen. So thin.

I really ought to do a compendium of Optimus' main Cybertron mode depictions.
>Also, that abdomen. So thin.

He does seperate at the abdomen, so it being thin is ok, I guess.

Love that artist though. One of the better IDW guys.
Anyone have Bruticus and the Perfect Effect hands and feet?

What would he looked like with the arms and legs swapped?
so turns out FP's severo's forearms are not mirror ed, they are the same. FP getting lazy af

also when the fuck is MMC seraph coming out?

I do, I'd have to assemble Bruticus though since my Combaticon's are currently separate.

Give me a few and I'll see.


What do you mean by not mirrored?
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There you go. I prefer the original limb combination though.
Thank you!

Yeah, the original configuration looks better, but this mode doesn't look too half bad. Could be suitable for Baldigus/Ruination.

Though maybe it's because he's in a more dynamic pose.

What would he look like just standing still?
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Ahh, I already re-transformed his limbs before I saw this. Honestly, he looks bulkier up top with Swindle/Brawl as arms because those two are basically chunky square bricks. Legs look slimmer because Blastoff/Vortex are just tubes, more or less.

And uh, to tie it all together, love the PE hands/feet. They just give more range of expression all around.

Better watch out if you've got Alpha Bravo/Vortex/Blades though, they've got tolerance issues with their hand/foot pegholes. Mine are all stressed, several peoples have broken. And not because of the 3P parts either, just a lot of the holes are too 'thick' for the handfootgun pegs.

Both my Blades and Vortex have stress marks all on the pegholes. None have broken, but I'm still kind of wary.
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Your making the wait for UW Bruticus even harder! I passed up on Onslaught and Swindle at target today...
Hilarious pose.

Though I'd spin Vortex at the ratchet 180, so the rotor in facing upward.

The PE hands and feet do look nice, and I'll try to be careful with tolerances and such.
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I skipped the UW. Bruticus had a fugly cartoon color scheme, I hated the chest color. He's one of the guys where the toy colors were better. I can live without a 2nd rotor on Vortex and without Blastoff being a chunky shuttle, though it turns out we might get a US release of that shuttle Blastoff anyway.


Yeah, it's the holes themselves. Unlike the other limb 'bots, the helicopter mold ones have a thinner hole, or so it seems, when looking at my other guys. My Blades has stress marks down the very center of the peg hole, while Vortex has it at the sides. I'm a little worried, but I figure if it was going to break, it would've already. Looking at a few other sites, other people had the same thing-Stress marks on all their helimold guys handfootgun holes.

Love the guns the PE feet turn into though. Onslaught holds them very well, and Brawl does as well. The older style PE tubefingers made better faux-rifles though than the more squared newer style ones. Also liked the older style chaingun foot guns too, especially on Rook, who can hold'em like a champ.
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The parts for Severo's left and right forearms are the exact same pieces. This means that on one arm the screwholes will be on the inside, facing the body, but the other arm will have them facing the outside, facing away from the body
>we might get a US release of that shuttle Blastoff anyway.

But Anon we won't get Blastoff! Hasbro hates us! He's a space shuttle! He's has ummm er shit I can't think of any lame BS excuses....

Oh. Eh, that doesn't sound so bad. I still want him and the other Lost Exo 'bots. I really like their looks compared to the other companies WFC/FOC look or their "strict G1 only" Dinobots, because I still own my original G1 Dinobots!
I didn't really care much for the brown chested Bruticus, either.

Would sanding the holes for the components (especially Alpha Bravo/Blades/Vortex) help, or do you risk it with the stressing?

Thanx for your input. Had no luck with stores for the components. Will have to order online. Had to for Onslaught, too.

I don't know how sanding the handfootgun holes in Vortex (and moldmates) would go given they're kind of thin to begin with. Sanding the handfootgun (or PE, or whatever) pegs might be easier, but it also might make them too floppy.

I don't really know what would be the correct course of action here honestly.
>watermarking such terrible pics
That Kuma guy is such an imbecile.
Yea, he mumbles a lot and seeing his hands is always super jarring. I really don't enjoy his work.
Could you fit any more shit into that water mark? Christ. Also, he's obviously ripping off Maz. How does mother fucker have so much sponsorship?

Oh thats right, he's a huge shill.....
>Oh thats right, he's a huge shill.....

All those $85-$600 3P toys don't pay for themselves guys. You really think anyone on an average salary can just buy like 40 of those things a month and then sit around to wank about them in a review?

Not defending the shilling, mind you, but some of is certainly whats paying for these reviews.
Not only is FP doing this but also Maketoys.

Utopia and Pandinus' arms and legs are not mirrored, so one side has screws showing

its not horrible though, its quite a smart cost cutting measure
The LER dinobots feel like more of a CHUG style reimagining than what the other companies are doing. They feel like they fit in better if that's what you collect. I forget who all is on the Dinobot train now but it seems like most of them are trying for more of an MP thing. Then there's the combiners which are just weird.

Yeah, they've definitely got a CHUG feeling to them. Thats really what I want out of the 3P's. Updates or in some cases, IDW-ized versions, not perfect G1 remasters. I grew up with the G1 stuff, so "The exact same, except with actual articulation" is alright, but a little uninspired.

Well, except for Hot Rod, but he already has a good MP now.
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I started with CHUG when it was coming out but I always wanted something representative of the WW comics, that's honestly when I fell in love with Transformers again. Then WfC/FoC happened, along with IDW and now I have a huge list that is pulling me away from CHUG styling, though that is my prefered scale regardless.

I mostly am looking to 3P's for stuff that Hastak also isn't making (or hasn't made) in a while. Or that they haven't put a good figure out of in a while. I only just ordered my first few 3P things, and they're both characters that haven't had an official figure in like, 20-30 years.

I've been looking at the LER Dinobots because there hasn't been a good Grimlock since the FoC repaints, and the last Dinobots were the Bayformer atrocities from those abortions of cinema.
I hear ya. For MPs, it's definitely cool, since that's more or less the point of the MP line, though there are still companies that take odd liberties with those too (Quakwave and Quakeblast) and you get these MP-sized figures that don't really match the aesthetic, cool as they may be. At least the MP scale Dinobots these companies are putting out don't end up out of place like that.

>IDW-ized versions
I really want to see an IDW Bludgeon. He looked great in Stormbringer. I have the HftD Voyager Bludgeon and he fits in with my CHUG stuff and is definitely cool but at the same time, something just feels so bland about him. I think it's how flat and static his skeletal (hurr hurr) structure is. His shoulders are limited to a swivel so none of his poses really feel too dynamic. Couple that with how few detents his ratchets have and I just can't seem to get him in to too many good poses.
Kinda wish he was blue to match the aquatic theme. Cliche, I know, but the all-red thing kinda looks bland with these guys. That's why I always preferred cartoon colors on Swoop over toy colors. It helped add contrast to the group. I know FoC Swoop is red but it would be cool if they did him in blue as well.

Well, they probably do have to alter the designs a bit just to not get the shit sued out of them in case Hastak really decides to nut up and start sending out the lawyers.

I really want to see MMC's finalized Overlord already. He's someone who is both reasonably popular from the comics AND hasn't had a good official update in forever.
>How does mother fucker have so much sponsorship?
Idiots at TFW2005 are all over his pics because he's one of the very few there to take crisp pics with a macro lens. These crisp pics have terrible lighting, posing, focus and color balances which actually make them some of the worst to be posted there but crispness seems to be the only thing TFW cares about.

Which is also why that other dumbass, I don't remember the name of, who's always setting clarity to the max is getting so much praise too there.

tl;dr : get an expensive macro lens and your pics will be loved by most TF collectors no matter how bad of a photographer you are.
So does anybody know when MMC's Jaegertron is supposed to come out? I really need to have this guy. He looks like an imagining of a younger Lockdown as an up and coming mercenary compared to the RotF Lockdown who looks older, grizzled, and like he's seen some shit. Shit that resulted in losing a hand and having to replace it with a big hook.
I mean, I can understand wanting clear pictures of toys whose main selling point is their aesthetics.
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I had the LER Dinobots for awhile and they were really good at first! The more I messed with them though, the more that little things just stuck out to me.

I ended up picking up pic related on a whim and it lead to me switching my Dinobot focus. I unloaded my LER and signed up for Planet X. They were just so much more fun to play with, honeslty. My opinion though, the LER style is great and I love it but they just aren't for me when I get them in hand.
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Its amazing how many companies are making Dinobots yet all them manage to miss the mark slightly. None of the available ones make for good CHUG stand-ins, they're too different.

I'm sure they're fine toys, but none of them feel "definitive" to me.

even though I got PX Grimlock already, I'd like for someone to make MTMTE Grimlock. Maybe MMC or a Maketoys Manga Mech?
>MMC makes Dinobots
Oh god, my wallet's gonna cry if they start pumping them out under the RE:Formatted label.... It would be the worst best thing to happen.
wasn't that an april fool joke?
No. They are making a cyclonus using the same mold.
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this guy is fucking amazing.
Any of you guys notice that MMC is slowly becoming HasTak Jr? Instead of focusing on making a figure as perfect as they can for one character they've started designing their toys to be retooled into at least one other character. Arcee and others, Lockdown and Cyclonus, Impactor and Turmoil, Whirl and Obsidian, Strika and Roadbuster. I wouldn't be surprised if they had plans to retool Overlord into Dai Atlas.
Cool, I hope it has a skull-face like the IDW comc one
>Cool, I hope it has a skull-face like the IDW comc one
doesnt seem like it as of yet
They're not becoming, they are HasTak Jr since day one. Just look at the HOS line. They repainted every mold at least once.
all dem greebles
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i know right? so unecessary and doesnt look like the original
I feel HoS was more natural since the Primes have always shared a body, same for the Seekers as well. It's not so with their recent releases.
Whatever, this argument is so old now. Either you like it or you don't. I think the MMC one looks great.

I think it looks cool...But I prefer my CW Voyager Cyclonus.

I don't see much of a point in looking for 3P figs that have good contemporary molds.
>I don't see much of a point in looking for 3P figs that have good contemporary molds.
well its supposed to represent MTMTE CYclonus

keyword there being supposed to

So uh, is whoever is making this Liokaiser good at making stuff?
>MMC Reformatted line
>Supposed to represent MTMTE

You know that's wrong, right? Reformatted is more like IDW War Within hybrid fanfic. Sure, Reformatted is inspired by IDW comics, but it's their own fanfic thing.
This is what I want. A beefier classics Cyclonus.
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And that's fine.

However, there are many of us that have set sail from the shores of HasTak, never to return. I absolutely refuse to buy anything from them so my market is strictly what 3P companies produce. There is no "contemporary mold".

And honestly, I could nitpick pic related to death. Its lack of natural articulation, the giant kibble pack and if you want to talk greebles, HasTak is trying pretty hard. This is, of course, not even addressing the issue of scale.

I don't know, Hasbro just seems like crap to me anymore. I'm much happier with my 3P, which is why I'm in this thread.
>I absolutely refuse to buy anything from them

That just sounds like a bad idea. If they make something you like, might as well get it right? Not like it's going to meaningfully impact them one way or another, one sale less or more.
>I absolutely refuse to buy anything from them so my market is strictly what 3P companies produce
Only a Sith deals in absolutes. I will do what I must.
Yea, I know it doesn't matter to them, just another penny they didn't really need. It's more of a personal creed.
Hasbro I get, but what the fuck did Takara do to you?
They still made the choice to make these characters with repaint/retool potential. Just like FansProject always make the choice to make characters with non realistic alt mode because they can't make realistic ones.
TFC is making it. They're hit or miss with their combiners.

Devestator: Good
Superion: Meh
Superion with upgrades: Ok
Predaking: extremely terrible
Defensor: decent
They'd make more money if they kept them less greebled and slightly more accurate I think. But maybe they sell just fine as is, I don't know.
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