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Post toys being friends
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Thread replies: 144
Thread images: 95
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Post toys being friends
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Old photo. I coulda done better with Zwei's shoulders and hands.
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And even older.
They don't look like they're being friends at all.
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A real friend would help you with your homework once you manage to fuck it up.
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Dammit you're right. Cyu looks too sassy for them to look like companions.
Try again with actual friendship. At least make them high-five.
>no SHF freddie mercury to sing "you're my best friend"
I will, as soon as I find my camera and fix Cyu's leg.
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>toys forcing toys to be friends
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>Toys forcing toys to be enemies.
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>toys being assholes to other toys
This is the opposite of the topic of this thread.
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Please do an edit of that card crush image with this
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>forcing the mother to make out with her son
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>Everyone say Xeno!
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A handshake of justice!
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love can always bloom
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I can't pose but here ya go
Does this count?

I wish my hardrive hadn't shit myself and I saved my Ayase/Kirino being gf's to Jason/Freddy pictures or my Leatherface/Jason/Freddy torture party
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>some poses may require additional support

I forgot to tell ya I finished Kill La Kill :^)

What a ride that was. So many 'OMG' plot twists and cuh-razy 'this isn't even my final form' battles. I enjoyed it overall, thanks for the recommend senpai.
so this is why a figure is labled as garbage by the entire /toy/ community if the possibility isn't perfect? because you won't be able to pose it with your favourite weeb schoolgirl?

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I should do a series with Jagi/Ken/Toki/Raoh when I get them. Need more Nanto users, too


Yeah, it's one of those "don't take it seriously" shows/

>Ragyo figma when
>Mako figma when
>Mako Xenomorph NECA when
I'd be very surprised if they didn't make a pre-transformation Ryuko and Satsuki, people would go nuts for them..
Gundam Bro fist
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Sad bugmen
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Normally enemies.

But they like to do weird poses under the rain.
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>tfw about to nut inside her but she turns out to be batman

>RAH only for Street Clothes Ryuko, senpai.

GSC would never do the school uniform Ryuko/Satuski no matter how much we ask. Series is dead, so no more figmas
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>>inb4 you should have use Piccoro
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Why would Piccolo hang out with Vegeta? If anything it should be Gohan and Piccolo bonding.
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Some of those "shampoo bottles" aren't too bad. The Mattel ones are better than the Hasbro ones, though. Also skip the BvS Wonder Woman in this scale, get the Batman Unlimited one.
Think of the driving lesson episode. Goku and Piccolo.
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>Captain America: Civil War: the post-credits scene
Nice one, Keith!
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>Using Samus' gripping hand instead of her fist
>Putting Snake's left hand on his right arm
You better step your medication up, Keith
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Leos are such qt robots
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This photo is potato quality but appropriate.
What skellies are those? Everytime I ask I get memed on and never a straight answer
Head over to this thread >>5548566

We had a general for a few months
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>managing to get your hands on a big daddy figure

I envy you man..
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Nice fig. I keep mine on the bookshelf. My delta and big sister are lost in the closet somewhere...
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How 'friendly' we talking here?
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Let's get some poon men!
Buy war bonds was actually my favorite part of cap 1
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first avenger is great period.
It is cap and iron man best characters in mcu imo. Guardians are pretty good too, so pissed hulk barely does jack shit in the movies.Hope we get she-hulk somehow love that sexy green lady.
Hey those are cool. What are they called?
Original Effect MoMos.
Zwei and Cyuchergoh in that image.
Thanks friend
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Statueshit not welcome, tumblrina.
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>I will never have Zero V1
Just fuck my shit up.
I think that's more than friends anon.
pls don't remind me
It's just skinship. Gals being pals.
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Thats cute
bought them pre-owned from the same person, they must be friends.
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Tony and Jul share an interest in architect.
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She was friends with Deadpool for a while before her and Stormtrooper hit it off.

Also, I didn't know how to pose or take photos at this point haha.
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Oh my goodness, that was you? What a small world.
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prepare to be flamed for the shit ton of dust you got
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To explain: me and my friends are filthy dabbers (not the dance) going through college and working late hours. We normally all hang out when we can, but my friend had to work late so we set this up so he would see it when he finally got to the house. Made his day lol
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I hope your preparation includes a fire extinguisher. With that much dust, a little flame and the whole place could go up!
haha that is awesome, you've got some great figures and some even greater dab rigs there!
I have Jul. I was pleasantly surprised at him. Much better than I thought he would be.
Few months old but I liked it
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Sometimes you gotta kill some friends.
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I myself just got the Lucky Star Figma. Fairly friendly, I'd say!
They could either have the most beautiful and smart babies ever, or the most hideous and retarded ones. Luck and genetics
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>Some of those "shampoo bottles" aren't too bad.
What the fuck are you talking about?
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Boombox from where
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Garo Band.jpg
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Band buddies
See the right side of >>5590893
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You guys aren't missing much.
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Valor and Wisdom.
Great photo. The light, colors etc

What Camera are you using?
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Mama & baby!
I remember watching that movie and being really disturbed at the fact that the skeletons screamed bloody murder when they charged.
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space buds
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Nagato Tacit Ronin Punch Catch.jpg
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I need to git gud at making photos.
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The Soundwaves.jpg
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Working on a music career. Reflector(s) may sing, they got good harmony
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>Kyoko and Sayaka cuddling under the blankets


where can i get that qt blanket?


You should get the Kid Jason
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Thread replies: 144
Thread images: 95

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