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Is he starring at some fat tits, or something?
Best Matsu
He needs baseball equipment though. I think I'm going to buy the cheerleader Haruhi figma now.
fucking hell, couldn't they have just made 1 body with swappable faces? atleast with that you can swap between brothers
That's what I was thinking. But why does this guy have so many bodies anyways? Is he like that in some anime or something?
they used the Love Live nendoroid strategy, but this time with minimal effort
Enjoy your cheap figmas with same sculpt
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They're sex tuplets
So you could have your one figma with 12 faces (assuming they still did 2 a brother), that costs 1.5k more, or even higher? That would fuck over the people that wanted all 6, because they'd have to buy 6 identical figures.

What they should have done is still made them more expensive for more shit, but spaced out the releases. So instead of six 3.5k figures in one month, maybe one 5k figure a month that has 4 faces, and some unique accessories.

Too bad we'll never see an Iyami.
I was legitimately wondering why there was half a dozen POs up on Amiami for the exact same figure.

Thanks for clearing that up.

What's up with this show anyway, I keep seeing its merch everywhere. Is this just the latest trendy animu?
I think it's some old ass gag manga that got a big sequel or reboot recently.
It's a really old gag manga/anime from the 60s that has a recent series that's about to wrap up, actually. I haven't been watching it, but apparently it's really good, got really popular (especially with fujoshis, because a cast of guys), and as popular things go it has a lot of merch.
I wouldn't expect fujos to be into this art style.
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Fujos crave the Matsu dick...
holy flavor of the month Batman.
Fucking Ichimatsu is number one? Why?
Girls love the distant, brooding types.
Because "Ichi" means one, silly goose.

Probably because he's the most empathetic, or at least to the kind of person who'd read gay incest doujins of them fucking one another.
I'd start questioning if it was Totty or Fappymatsu.
At least there's some hope for mankind with Jyushimatsu at #3.
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It's been a few months actually.

You should check the /a/ threads once in awhile. They post lots of things like this from different anime stores. You buy or preorder the DVD and vote for your favorite. They're always packed.
It's so popular it got a doujin event just for gay porn.
Why do you think they're nude so much in the new OP?
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Pictures from the gay porn event.

All girls.
Karamatsu always wins if it's just fujos voting though.
>you will never caress toy-iyami's overbite
why even live
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>Todomatsu is the lowest

I'm really disappointed they didn't give Karamatsu shades. I suppose they'll add that when they release the versions of them all wearing their colored jackets
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MFW this line is dead because GSC went for the suits as the figma and each Matsu only has one alt face plate, some hands, and no accessories.

Totty and Fappymatsu are the least exciting. Choromatsu gets a pass because he's generally the straight man. At least figma Totty comes with his disgust face.
I'd buy them if they were the hoodie versions, but they look boring
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> No glasses
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>You wake up and see this at the foot of your bed, wat do?
Nothing, it's Ichimatsu, nothing will happen
Sell it on eBay.
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Hot glue
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laughing meaty skeleton.gif
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>Todomatsu not even breaking a page
>Karamatsu going into 4 pages
We could've had sunglasses, baseball equipment, cat ears, and other matsu specific accessories but instead they decided to sell all six of them at the same time at a cheaper price. It's a shame
This. They could have easily went by chronological order (Oso>Kara>Choro>Ichi>Jyu>Totty) so Japan doesn't feel overwhelmed.

Beer, sunglasses, idol bag, cat ears, baseball bat, cell phone/magazine/etc could have easily been options. Or at least give us a third face...
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GSC is doing a Matsu livestream on Nico Nico right now, and they just revealed an extra body for Ichimatsu.

Looks like it's a bonus of some kind?
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Here it is in action
Perfect body for Ichi
The problem there is no one apart from hardcore fans will still care after the second month. They should have released one figure with all the faces and sell extra faceless bodies separately. everyone wins. even the jews.
It's really weird that GSC is getting beaten up for almost the same shit NECA pulls.

27 dollars for figma plus 1 faceplate vs
21 dollars for xeno/pred with zero accessories and NECA(tm) quality.
Brah all you gotta do is say the chant to summon him

You say that like people don't shit on NECA too. People can hate two different things anon.
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Probably because NECA has always been shit whereas figmas included tons of accessories up until a couple years ago when accessories disappeared and prices started increasing exponentially with every release.

Each of these cost as much as pic related did.

This is not the effect of inflation. This is the effect of Max Factory having a near monopoly on the anime figure market.

>Fucking muppets beat out bishounen and stock emo pretty-boys.

What a time to be alive.
>This is not the effect of inflation.
Spoken like a true dipshit
>Probably because NECA has always been shit whereas figmas included tons of accessories up until a couple years ago when accessories disappeared and prices started increasing exponentially with every release.

Meanwhile, NECA prices remain unchanged, and are coming with more accessories and articulation than ever.

Who is shit now?
Spoken like a true shill.
>Who is shit now?

Still Neca.
>Who is shit now?
Why not both?
Because people who bought more than one Matsu would end up with duplicate sets of faces, and if one figure included parts to make all six brothers, people would be less inclined to buy more than one. Also, if they'd done all six brothers as one figure, they'd probably only get one face each and sold it at a higher price point. With this approach, people who only want one or two specific Matsus can get the one(s) they want without any duplicate parts and without paying an inflated price. This release model isn't perfect (I think they should have done them in the hoodies and spaced out the releases, including more character-specific accessories with each one), but it's a lot less unwieldy than trying to sell all-in-one packs and blank bodies.
If only he came with his girlfriend.
trips don't lie
>Neca shit posting time

threads over guys. gg, you couldn't go on for a second without thinking about that Necock
He has hands, what are you talking about?
And no accessories. If they were really hellbent on making it a budget line they could at the very least go for hoodies for further differentiation. These fuckers are 3,000 yen so it's not like it's considerably cheaper to the point that buying two or three looks advantageous.

They could've gone with cheap double packs, it's not like it was difficult to manufacture.
>We could've had sunglasses, baseball equipment, cat ears, and other matsu specific accessories but instead they decided to sell all six of them at the same time at a cheaper price. It's a shame

Don't forget to order all six of them from Goodsmile Shop to get three sets of hands-in-pockets accessories :^)
Biggest asspull of gsc yet. This is hilarious. I'm glad I'm not a fan of this show. I'd be so fucking mad.
Sell it and buy Karatsu, the only Matsu worth buying.
*buy karamatsu
Who is Karatsu? He sounds like a less painful Shittymatsu.
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