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Hi /toy/. I'm really stuck on which Kylo Ren figure to
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File: Kylo Ren Elite.png (328 KB, 461x467) Image search: [Google]
Kylo Ren Elite.png
328 KB, 461x467
Hi /toy/.

I'm really stuck on which Kylo Ren figure to purchase. I really like the Black Series Kylo Ren for the adjustable hood; However. I also like the Kylo Ren Elite for it's accurate detail. (Although it doesn't have a adjustable hood.)

What would you recommend between the two?
Black Series or Elite? Help me out here.


- S.

The elite figures have really crappy articulation. Also (although it isn't quite as noticeable on Kylo, due to his robes) the elite figures have awful looking screw-holes visible from the back.

However, Kylo is considered probably the best Elite figure in the line.

That said, go with the Black series, out of the two.
Thanks for the reply, I also wanted this figure because the height of the figure was 7.5" which would make sense. Because he is fairly tall in the movie.

However. I might just go with the Black Series figure. (The screw holes on the back are kind of obnoxious and UN-professional)

- S.
Stop signing your posts, you faggot.

- S.
Amazing, 30 minutes and yet not a single retard has come with the "muh figuarts are the bestest figures poorfag, murican toys are shit" bullshit

I also forgot to point out here that the Elite literally cannot hold his own lightsaber without leaving that rubber band on, or taping or otherwise using some sort of adhesive on the hand.

muh figuarts are the bestest figures poorfag, murican toys are shit
It's incredible how even this became a copypasta.
File: 20160106_200207.jpg (2 MB, 4128x2322) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 4128x2322
All of them

figuarts or black series tho
I have the black series one. I feel like the paint keeps getting worse and worse on them. But kylo dosent need much so he looKS good. Also what do you mean adjustable hood?
Neither, get the figuarts bro.
>unironically buying a kylo ren figure
Hasbro will have a better one out soon enough
Kylo Ren as Matt.
>Implying Ren wasn't one of the few good things about TFA
But I was born with only one ron.
Any chance of getting a MAFEX Kylo Ren?

Elite Series are 7" not 6". In case that matters.
>implying everything else wasn't good too but ren was better
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