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Does anyone know where I can find the instructions to this?
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File: 20151101_160012.jpg (3 MB, 4128x2322) Image search: [Google]
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My mother got this for my neice but it didn't come with the instructions. Does anyone know a good place to start looking besides a Google search?
I'm assuming you got it secondhand? It looks relatively new, so if there's a contact number somewhere on the box you can still probably reach the company. That would be your best bet. They might be able to send you a new instruction booklet. Also, if possible don't mention you bought it secondhand while calling. I'm not saying they won't still send it, but they're probably way more likely to if they think they screwed up in packaging.
>besides a Google search?
Are you really that lazy?
First three hits had 2 contacts and a pdf of the instructions.
Fucking lazy ass mother fucker.
I'm not even sure how this is laziness, since it takes less effort to google than to make a thread asking
OK then. Stupid.
Anybody who would post a thread here, asking about something that probably less than 0.01% of the posters would have info for, instead of Googling the manufacturer's name, and the product, and getting a quick, legitimate answer, is just plain stupid.
No PDF no proof.
So you're saying "No, there is no place to find the instructions besides a Google search."
This is why I love 4chan.
>Girls only

Wait until Tumblr sees this
OP, I do have a helpful suggestion:

If you are unable to find specific instructions for the exact model you purchased, you can always google schematics and information on how to operate a loom. You know, because people have been using them for thousands of years and all, how different can they be from one another?
Fuck you play bear face, I 'll loom if I want!
I'm saying that you have a much higher chance of finding them in a search than by asking on a board that has posters who've probably never even heard of the damn thing.

Not doing your work for you.
You have the means to search, do it and find your answers. Don't expect mama bird to chew your food for you and regurgitate down your throat for you.
>ages 3 and up

I dare anybody under 12 to use this and not make a goddamn mess with it, let alone a three year old.
So, you were just trolling and couldn't find it either.
Obviously not OP but as someone who has done looming, this one is slightly different than a traditional in that its automatic, which may be different to set up. Also the 'extendable' byline on the box seems to indicate that there's a way to make it larger which might not be clear from just messing with the thing.

Anon I tried searching too and the only result that comes close is from 2009 and has someone else requesting the instructions, but no posted pdf so not sure what you're talking about? Maybe I just suck at googling but I tried a couple different phrasings and that's the only result about the toy at all.
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