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Hive Queen Quest 55.3
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You are currently reading a thread in /tg/ - Traditional Games

Thread replies: 255
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“Damage report!” Commander Grey shouts. Devon shakes his head as he comes to from a high-G blackout. The bury shapes of the bridge slowly sharpen around him as alarms fill his hearing.

“Shield cap's been breached.” Dr. Mordey replies. “The plow layer is gone, and tanks six through twelve are reading empty. Multiple hull fractures reported and all systems are on emergency power.” There is a frightening shudder through the ship's hull like a deep, painful groan. “We're leaking canderon, the drive ring's cracked and the spine is indicating extreme internal stress.”

“Status on the power tap?” Grey says quickly. Devon watches the blood from his nose dribble out, and slowly arc backwards to the rear of the ship across the room as it splatters on a wall.

“I'm reading gravitic fluctuations across the hull. It's shaking the spine apart, and engineering is reading high levels of radiation, but it's functional for now and it doesn't seem to be getting any worse.”

“Do we have sensors?”

“Flanking only. We're blind at the bow.”

“Good, get us a view of Aral and try to reestablish contact with the ground team.”

Welcome back to Hive Queen Quest!

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>Discussion page http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Quest_talk:Hive_Queen_Quest
Happy Canada Day QD!
Always right on time!
>“Status on the power tap?” Grey says quickly. Devon watches the blood from his nose dribble out, and slowly arc backwards to the rear of the ship across the room as it splatters on a wall.


Answered the question there didn't it.
Do we have a plan to retrieve the ship once we've dealt with the ground crew?
Why would we want the ship? Keep in mind it's on a joint Union-Valen world so the risk is off the charts.
We might want the people ON the ship.
The people, its tech, its design, its databnks.
All those on it are very interesting idividuals and the more we know the better we get at dealing with humanity in diplomacy.
Sorry, it's just been a while. Weren't we going to abduct all these people? Stealing the ship is probably a bad idea.
Eight parasites are hatching in Michael's room. If there's an opportunity where the Union can't see, we can quickly implant and copy the contents of their brains, the most valuable thing about them.

Their skillsets.
All we have to do is make it look like lyle stole it.
Best son is best scapegoat.
Yeah, I could go for that. All we'd need to do is stuff them on Lyles ship and have him shove a parasite up their ass.

And their delicious memories anon...
Oh, right, THAT'S what it was.
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“Kill! Kill thing! For Queen and Hive, kill!”
The missiles scream from their racks and race through the air, their small simple minds, little more than target acquisition and guidance systems, know only hatred for the armored figure before them. They curve through the air, evading the incoming hail of weapons fire as several small missiles are launched in return in an attempt to destroy the salvo. Several of the missiles vanish in plumes of fire as they spiral around each other, seeking an opening.

Your missiles spiral, whirling through the air, evading shrapnel and anti-missile missiles as they weave and spin closer to the target. As the armored drop trooper fills their sensors' view, the batch of missiles are more alive in this single moment, than any of your clones or agents have ever been in their lives, and they detonate together.

A cloud of fire and smoke billows out from the blast, and Mauser falls through, tumbling end over end towards the surface of aral as his jets sputter and gasp as he regains control of his dive. The pod still streaking higher above continues to slow as it makes for the surface.

"Keep an eye out for that one." Lyle says as the pod arcs towards a dune not too far away.

"We can intercept." Jackob says, bouncing like a boxer in his suit. "You two heavy hitters can duke it out, me and Dillon can gang up on their crazy tinman over there." Lyle looks over briefly at Jackob for a moment.

"Those things are tough. I've fought one before. Even in a drop suit one on one they're damn hard to take on."

"Yea, that's why we have speed. Besides, we don't have much that could punch through a drop suit that easily."

Lyle looks nervously over the dune for a moment before turning back to mouser, who has recovered into an arcing dive and is rocketing towards the small mesa they stand on.

>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser
>Have them both fight with Lyle together
>>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser
>>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser
>>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser
>>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser

You knew this would win. I suspect why.
How comes the quantum comms upgrade statting?
>>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser

We should give them some measure of close air support.
>Have Dillon and Jackob intercept the second pod together and keep it separated from Mauser

"If we can keep him busy long enough for you to to beat Mauser at least, and who knows, maybe you're not giving us enough credit." Jackob says. Lyle seems to almost ignore him, his eyes fixated on the fast approaching dot of Mauser's suit above, his blood filling with adrenaline.

"You mean if I beat him." He says.

"Getting nervous now?" Jackob says. Lyle smiles, his face plate hiding his toothy grin.

"No. I'm excited." He says, his breath heavy. "Alright. You two go then. Mauser's mine."

>Have Lyle intercept Mauser mid-air in melee.
>Open fire from the mesa as Mauser approaches
>Other (write in)

Please give me 1d100, best of 3 to intercept the falling drop pod.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolled 100 (1d100)

>>Open fire from the mesa as Mauser approaches
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Welp, didn't expect that.

for mother!
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>Lyle lost to a nat100 when we first met him

Now the rubber band is on the other claw!

>>Have Lyle intercept Mauser mid-air in melee.
Way more metal.
We should start getting our human children to say "For Mother". Battlecry, Motto, a replacement for "Oh god", whatever, it'd be creepy as fuck and also really awesome.
I didn't even say for mother....
>Have Lyle intercept Mauser mid-air in melee.
Just way more cool.
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>Have Lyle intercept Mauser mid-air in melee.
Did not expect that.

>Open fire from the mesa as Mauser approaches
How much does Lyle love his new drop suit?
Exactly as much as we tell him to love it.
Lyle is freewilled by and large. He just has a new best permanent employer who pays him in cool things.
Also with free psychiatric treatment.
No, He has a cool new mother that sends him on errands and gives him all the coolest toys.
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Jackob and Dillon vanish, their armored suits hurling them through the air in a split moment as they speed after the falling drop pod.

Lyle looks up at Mauser as he approaches, and his wings spread out to their full length, coming to live with a roar that thunders across the landscape, and he leaps into the air, his suit's thermal blade unsheathing to his side.

Please roll 1d100, best of 3 for Lyle charging Mauser mid-air.
Don't be silly. He can choose actions but he can't choose his emotions or how he feels. Nobody can do that.

Except a parasite.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

For mother!
Christ almighty it's fucking happening boyos. We should cackle maniacally in Lyle's head, mother does so love to see the good work done so well.
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>not capitalizing Mother
This quest gets a metric fuckton of great rolls. not to the level of improvaizen, but still.
Commit Sudoku
I agree with this. Let's give Lyle a good mental pat of the back at least.
I fear for the other quest I am reading right now.
Remember when we got like five useless 100s because morons would keep rolling when they weren't supposed to?
Oh that thread....
Rolled 42 (1d100)

You can't stop me from having fun
To be fair, you can't use up the good rolls. The rolls are based on a time seed which means your roll won't change no matter how many previous ones there are.
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>believing the dice are (semi-)random rather than based on the whims of the dice gods and RNGesus
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Psuedo-random tyvm.
Also I'm already on fire.
Jackob and Dillon race along the dunes, each step of their stride kicking up sand and sending the dunes beneath them scattering with each leap.

"You still have that hand cannon?" Jackob says. Dillon pulls out his weapon from the unfolding holster embedded in his suit's thigh mid-leap.

"Yea, but sure if I can hit something at that speed though, even with this suit."

"Try." Jackob says. "Get me some high-ex. You crack the egg open, I'll scramble it."

Lyle thunders towards Mauser as fast as the wings can carry him, and the impact is enough to send shockwaves rippling through the sky as the two slam into each other like a pair of bricks. They lock with each other as they are both sent spiraling upwards and back down to the mesa. Mauser swings his weapon, the spike on his arm erupting forth and whizzing past Lyle's head an inch from his ear. His blade swings up, catching the arm as Mauser pulls the spike back and slices through a good inch of plating before he unsheathes his own blade and parries, swinging his arm in a circle and bringing it down at Lyle's head.

He blocks, and the two thermal edged vibroblades hum like tuning forks as they grate against each other, sending sparks cascading out and raining on both of their suits. There is a sudden whirling thump as Lyle's sledgehammer primes in his arm, and he pulls his fist back before firing the micro-maneuvering jets in the elbow and sending the massive clawed fist into Mauser's face with a thunderclap, and Mauser spirals away as the two rapidly close the distance to the mesa.

Jackob and Dillon look back for just a moment as the sound of thunder echoes across the horizon. The mesa behind them cracks open as dust and rock billow out as if it were split open by a mass driver. Something seems to erupt from the stone along the side of the rock formation and bounces like a stone on water, flopping along the dunes. Lyle's figure bursts from the dust above with the roar of his wings and dives after him.
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>super-saiyan jedi fight
Posting battle theme:
I hope we packed a spare parasite or two inside Lyle's suit for Mauser.
We definitely need to give them a mental pat on the back. Let our pleasure reverberate through their minds!
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Jackob and Lyle briefly watch the clouds build around the mesa before turning back to the pod as it continues to slow down to something considered a reasonable landing speed, and Jackob leaps into the air after it. Dillon sprints along the side, diving through the air has he holds out his weapon and fires a small micro-rocket. It impacts the pod, causing it to lurch to the side slightly. He fires several more, and the pod rattles with the barrage until it explodes, either from the damage or from the triggering of some internal firing pins by the inhabitant.

Inside is a man, covered in some manner of high performance armored skinsuit. His face is obscured by a combat helmet with a full armored faceplate. He looks up at Jackob as he lunges at the figure mid-fall, and his arm extends out, clasping the helmet and quickly pulling his face into his knee hard enough to dent the faceplate inwards. The figure falls back, arcing through the air, and Jackob whips his arm around, his sting whip flying out of his palm and wrapping around the figure's ankle.

Jackob whips his arm again, sending himself flipping end for end as the two spin rapidly between the whip, and he sends the man hurling into the dune below, penetrating through the other side where he carves out a shallow ditch and impacts the next dune, kicking up a cloud of sand in the process.

Jackob lands atop the dune and looks over the dust as it slowly clears.

"That was almost too easy." Dillon says.

"Yea, just like that Lee kid's shows." Jackob says jokingly. A gunshot penetrates the cloud of sand and impacts near Jackob's feet as he leaps to the side. The helmeted figure lunges out after him holding a sidearm, and Dillon lunges after, bringing his foot to the figure's face in a swift spinning kick to the head and sending the man flying back again, shattering the helmet like glass.

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>As the armored drop trooper fills their sensors' view, the batch of missiles are more alive in this single moment, than any of your clones or agents have ever been in their lives, and they detonate together.
That is...that's absolutely beautiful.

Oh jesus, so much over the top ass kicking in a single thread, I can't get enough.
You sir, are a man of fine tastes.
How about this?
The figure spins back as its helmet disintegrates, its tumble turning into a cartwheel as it lands on its feet clawing at the sand as he stops, and stands up, tearing the rest of the helmet from his face with a quick, angry motion as if it were made of styrofoam. He looks like a typical human man in his mid twenties, well built with a sharp and well defined jaw line. He has dark brown hair and a slightly tanned complexion and bright blue eyes held open unnaturally wide, his gaze locked to Jackob and unblinking. His left cheek, otherwise as perfect as the rest of his facial features, is covered in a massive gash from the top of his lip to the base of his ear, with a glinting artificial cheekbone catching the sunlight as discolored liquid drips down his face. It does nothing to stop his polite grin. He holds his sidearm at an angle away from the two, and holds up his palms as if surrendering, although his eyes feel almost like aimed weapons held at the ready all on their own. A cold hostility held just beneath the surface, as if held at bay only barely. His friendly smile more reminiscent of a snarling animal than a human introducing himself.

"Hello." He says. "It seems we haven't even exchanged words and you already want to kill me." Debris from the drop pod above begin falling around you, impacting with soft thuds in the dunes.

"Really?" Jackob says silently in his helmet to Dillon. "He wants to talk?"

"He's outnumbered and outgunned." Dillon says quickly. "He's trying to distract us for something. I don't like it. Keep an eye on him."

"Or we can rush him. I already gave him my own greeting, I wanted to get to the meat of the conversation."

"Wait a second. I don't know man. "Dillon says. "It feels like he's baiting us into something."

"Like what? You're over thinking this Dillon, just shoot the thing and I'll swing in from the side and cut him off."

Jackob, my son. Bring us Smith's head.

We want to dissect his brain at least in the biotank.
Something's in the drop pod debris. Or there's some sort of sneaky Valen trick up this motherfucking Smith's sleeve.
The man slowly holds out his arms, his eyes flashing to the sky for a split moment before returning to the two on the dune.

"Why, you don't even know my name." He says. "I'm Giles, Giles Smith. I am a political envoy, a representative of the Union's interests. I am sure if you two gentlemen would discuss things over, we could come to a.... amicable arrangement." His smile curls the sides of his lips and exposes a trace of his gums as a trickle of blood runs down the side of his smile.

"You tell me he's not baiting us." Dillon says.

"You tell me he's not buying time." Jackob replies. Both of them hold their weapons at the man.

>Open fire from range
>Have Jackob close into melee as Dillon covers from range
>Hold off and keep distance until he makes a move
>Other (write in)
sush little troll. Back to bed with you.
>Open fire from range.
>Have Jackob close into melee as Dillon covers from range
Its a smith, it can talk while it fights. Watch out for shit in the pod tho
>>Have Jackob close into melee as Dillon covers from range
>>Open fire from range

>Debris from the drop pod above begin falling around you, impacting with soft thuds in the dunes.
Egad we're surrounded.


>eyes flashing to the sky

>>Other (write in)
Jackob, look up at the debris falling around you and how long you have till it all lands.

Get far away from the debris or destroy it.

You are the 23rd unique IP in this thread.
>>Open fire from range
>Open fire from range.
have Dillon quickly check the pod, then help Jackob.
We can't stay where we are. The debris is falling on us. His trump card is falling on us.
>Have Jackob close into melee as Dillon covers from range
He is just trying to get information for the microphone.
I change my vote to >>48066678
The debris is little chunks falling at terminal velocity and not making any difference.
>>Have Jackob close into melee as Dillon covers from range

I'll admit, that debris seems super suspicious
>The debris is little chunks

Then why the fuck is the Smith glancing up at it surreptitiously while he's stalling?

That's no 'debris'.
If anything was falling faster than the slow bits, it would have fallen before the slow bits.
We can't give commands to Dillon. Only Jackob.

>>Other (write in)
Do >>48066678
Why the hell does how fast it falls matter?

One of those things is not like the others. Something that's an active bit of support droid or something might be slowing its descent.
Unless there was something in the pod that is now slowly falling along with the debris.
We can command jackob which can tell Dillon.
>The man slowly holds out his arms, his eyes flashing to the sky for a split moment before returning to the two on the dune.
You didn't answer the obvious question.

Why did the Smith glance up while distracting you if it wasn't Important.

Both IC and OOC. IC why would he look up like that. OOC why else would QD write that line specifically.
In which case it's firing reverse thrusters. Are we really not noticing something like that without pointing it out in the thread first?

I know, it just doesn't add up to anything like that for me. It could easily be a bluff.
These brawls feel like something out of DAtS, I approve
Obviously. I just wish there was an option to have Dillion haul his ass, but without a parasite there's no way to compel him to do so.
So fire an anti air missile straight up without taking your eyes off of the Smith. There the 'bluff' doesn't distract you.
Fire it at nothing? What are the odds of hitting something cloaked blindly?
A bluff for what purpose. Explain what advantage he gains.
Again, we have jackob who can yell our orders to Dillon.
The missiles have their own targeting systems.

And if it were cloaked, the Smith couldn't glance up at it! They don't have personal cloaking.

It's something visible with the naked cybernetic eye and recognizable to Smith.

The missiles have their own sensor systems, the missile is not blind.
Why can't we do both? Have Jackob look at the sky while Dillon shots?
>Open fire from range
Free attack when they look away? I don't know.

If it wasn't cloaked we'd already know about it. Jakob's eyes are not the only ones we have there.
>Other (write in)
>If it wasn't cloaked we'd already know about it.

Obviously bullshit. They would make it blend in with the natural part of the pod for just this reason. Things can be non-obvious without cloaking.

Where are the flies? Do we have those on Aral.
You can't actively break something's fall speed while also making it "blend in" with freefalling debris.
Yes let's not stay in a trap. It is a silly place.

He wants us to talk or attack.
It doesn't have to break fall speed. Different chunks are falling from different heights, because it EXPLODED.

Some things exploded downwards at the ground, and some exploded upward, and some horizontally.

The secret thing probably exploded upward.
Why doesn't he have any weaponry? Did it get destroyed with the pod?
>Have Jackob close into melee as Dillon covers from range

"Cover me, he's not waiting for us to make a move, he's waiting for him to be able to make a move." Jackob rushes in, his head glancing above to see the glare of the local stars, and a small scattering of metal chunks of varying sizes. He spots one rather large looking almost spherical chunk tumbling through the air above. It cracks into several pieces and opens like orange slices scattering in all directions and a small object falls from within.

"Shit, what is that?" Jackob says as he turns back to the cyborg. He drops to his knees and leaps up into the air as Jackob leaps after him.

Dillon clicks his weapon to the next setting and opens fire, ripping into the back with a hail of weapons fire.

Please roll 1d100, best of 3.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

The chances of it exploding upwards in an unplanned explosion and then also being pin-point targeted to fall exactly on our dudes without any kind of active steering or breaking is pretty much zero.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

Rolled 13 (1d100)

I guess we called it. oh well. FOR MOTHER!
Rolled 68 (1d100)



> it explodes, either from the damage or from the triggering of some internal firing pins by the inhabitant.

It's a drop pod, it has a trigger inside it, it's SUPPOSED TO EXPLODE you moron.
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>th-the subtle glance he tried to hide is too obvious! It's just what he wants you to think!
It exploding exactly when hit disagrees with you. Even if the explosion was a planned for potential, that still doesn't make it happen when he wants.

Besides, this is irrelevant. You still aren't explaining how that thing is homing in on us without being spotted.
>he tried to hide
Nice brain fart, anon.
When was the last time we failed a roll?
>It exploding exactly when hit disagrees with you.
Except the narrative itself says it could be caused by either, right there. You're objectively wrong.

Of course he'd want to exit the drop pod as soon as he's under attack.
Chances of failing a roll are very slim.

Stop avoiding the question.
It's not homing in. It is falling. It was in freefall.

We just discovered it was falling. It's not even debatable, we know it exists. The explosion was an inside job, anti-air missiles can't melt Smith drop pods.

It isn't even falling directly on us it turns out, it's something he wants to retrieve himself.
Guys we're shitting up the thread with all this pointless argument. Let's see what QD says happens
That's agreeable. My problem was with "hurr it's a trap".
It's not pointless, it shows what the readers think is happening which sometimes isn't obvious to the writer.
>Chances of failing a roll are very slim.
Yeah. I wish that wasn't the case. Obviously a 100 and an 80 should succeed in these circumstances though.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>Implying dice aren't sentient assholes
An 80 isn't hard to get with three retries.
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Jackob leaps through the air the short distance to the falling object behind the human agent as the armored container spins and splits from the damage. Its contents spill out, small devices and chunks of metal as the human holds out his hand and grabs one. Jackob clicks the trigger contact on his saber and the beam of hardlight erupts from the hilt with a satisfying buzz, and he swings it as the man spins around, the blade of a full length vibroblade pulling free of its protective hilt.

Jackob brings the sabre through the discarded hilt with no resistance and Smith brings his own blade against it in a quick moment of sparking contact. A brief spark of surprise shoots across the man's face as the beam of the photon sabre slides off the humming vibroblade, leaving faint discolored burn marks behind along the flat of the blade. Jackob swings the hilt around and quickly brings it down again, blocked by the vibroblade again and sending Smith down into the sand. Weapons and equipment rains down around the impact site as the human agent rolls out of the small crater and gets to his feet, scrambling after the scatterd weapons as Jackob falls back to the ground. A great deal of the larger weapons, micro-rocket pods, telescoping portable grenade launchers, heavy repeating rail rifles, and many other potent equipment falls to the sand riddled with bullet impacts, sparking from damage and shattering on impact, although there is still plenty left intact, smaller plasma shotguns, man-portable sonic sledges, various sidearms and melee weapons.

>Have Jackob charge in while Dillon covers from range
>Fall back, attack at range and keep distance
>Have Dillon grab a vibroblade and close range with Jackob
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>>Have Jackob charge in while Dillon covers from range
>>Have Jackob charge in while Dillon covers from range
Don't let him pick up a damn thing.
>Have Jackob charge in while Dillon covers from range
Also have Dillon occasionally grab the scattered weapons when he moves around to get better shots.
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Hive Heavy Exosuit.png
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>Have Jackob charge in while Dillon covers from range
>>Have Dillon grab a vibroblade and close range with Jackob

>>Have Dillon grab a vibroblade and close range with Jackob
This way Smith can't use ranged weapons.
>Have Jackob charge in while Dillon covers from range

Please roll 1d100, best of 3.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

Said we should've blown up the debris. Could've scattered the toys far further.
Rolled 28 (1d100)

Rolled 56 (1d100)

Is the cortez still Q-com broadcasting? If so we need to break the link.
Rolled 51 (1d100)


No, let the watch the show
>let the watch the show
Shit, now i want to see their reaction.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

I should have rolled instead of you fucks
Rolled 85 (1d100)

I wonder how soon until we see Valen forces sent to investigate
No you shouldn't
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Yes I should.
Now you're just being petulant.
He really should
Rolled 3 (1d100)

The dice gods like me more than you.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

All of my rolls were higher than yours :^)
If we're still posting battle themes, this seems rather appropriate for Lyle

I really want to see what the Cortez's crew's reaction to this fight is. If they can see it.
And the entire union populace reaction when we broadcast this.
Which will be right after Lyle wins.
They can't zoom in that far. They haven't even re-established radio contact with their two agents.

We need to silence the Smith before he can radio to them about lightsabers.
>tonight on Lyle Punts A Cunt
This needs to be the intro.
Mauser's jets fire in bursts, righting his suit as he slows his tumble. He spins to face Lyle as he dives through the air with a thundering roar and opens fire with his suit's twin rotary guns as Lyle follows with his own to match as he closes in, the two flying over the dunes as the hills of sand roll past them like ocean waves.

The two spin and spiral around each other, touching the ground only long enough to send themselves into another long propelled leap as they fling themselves towards what looks like a canyon half a kilometer away. Lyle dives in, his blade swinging down on Mauser as he parries and swings his fist, the massive drill bit quickly extending from the armor penetrating sledge and retracting again in an instant as their blades spit sparks over each other's suits. Lyle's sledge fires and sends a car sized hole through a dune behind Mauser as he palms the hand away, the two spinning in each other's grip until they break off, hurling each other into the air as they resume their spiraling dance of jump jets and beating wings, spitting plasma and explosive slugs at each other as near misses and glancing blows grind away paint and chip at chitin bit by bit.

>Have Lyle lead Mauser to the canyon and enter close combat
>Lead Mauser to the canyon and set an ambush
>Fire the remaining missiles and keep at range
>Other (write in)
>>Have Lyle lead Mauser to the canyon and enter close combat
>Lead Mauser to the canyon and set an ambush
Ambush into close combat
I really hope we're recording this in some form or other for maximum possible political damage to the Union. Here's the government sending in their most elite shock trooper and cyborgs so hardcore they aren't even legal, and watch them get their shit kicked in by a group of insane mercs armed with dropsuits, antimatter nukes, and freakin' lightsabers.

>>Have Lyle lead Mauser to the canyon and enter close combat
>>Have Lyle lead Mauser to the canyon and enter close combat
The other options sound like they give The other team too much initiative to make a plan. Keep them on the defensive and on the back foot.
>>Fire the remaining missiles and keep at range
Lyle has superhuman aiming with the suncaster, that Mauser lacks.
> they fling themselves towards what looks like a canyon half a kilometer away

It seems like Mauser wants the close combat too though.
I don't think he will be able to deal with Sledgehammer punch.
And so does lyle funnily enough. Don't forget he's got superhuman reaction times and supercomputer powered kata thanks to his parasite and connection to the hive.
The human agent runs past a pile of junk, flipping over as he picks up a large rail rifle. He aims it quickly at Jackob and pulls the trigger to the sound of a melodramatic fizzle before swinging it like a club. Jackob's sabre hits it with some resistance, quickly slicing through it as the beam burns through the metal and inner circuitry. Smith swings his blade again and the two parry each other in several rapid swinging blows, sparks flying from the impact each time as Jackob's blade whittles more and more of the vibroblade away, and he brings it down hard from above, locking into a small notch in dug into the blade. Smith watches with some level of fascination as the beam slowly eats through the blade, inching closer and closer to cutting clean through, until he brings up both feet and firmly kicks Jackob away, sending him arcing through the air.

A sting whip lashes out, wrapping around Smith's throat at the last moment and dragging him into the air, flinging him above Jackob as Dillon's hand cannon clicks into a new setting, and a plume of plasma erupts from it, impacting Smith like a truck and sending him flailing through the air. Dillon quickly clicks the gun into anti-armor, and sends round after round of high caliber kinetic slugs into him as Smith bounces off a dune and falls out of sight. Dillon quickly leaps into a sprint as Jackob regains his stance.


>Have Lyle lead Mauser to the canyon and enter close combat

Please roll 1d100, best of 3.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

For mother.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Never fails

I forgot you were running today.
This fight is really cool, can we throw this up on holotube and see how many views we get?
Dillon reaches the crest of the dune, and is sent flying back as something hits him like a freight train. Smith lays prone on the sand holding a man-portable sonic sledge, quickly spinning the crank with a whirling beep as it primes for the next shot, and fires at Jackob. The shockwave hits like solid matter, sending his foot out from under him as he sprawls forward. He tucks into a roll and drives down the small dune as Smith rolls to his feet, spinning the weapon in one hand by the crank in one swift motion before holding it out. A moment later the weapon explodes as Jackob splits it in half with a swift stroke of his hardlight sabre. The weapon bursts like a grenade, sending both of them flying back as Smith tucks into a controlled flip up the dune, grabbing a short range plasma cannon as he reaches the top. He hoists it up and fires, the large globule of magnetized plasma hurling down to Jackob, who swings his sabre up the moment before contact.

His arm nearly buckles from the force, as a burst of light and crack of thundering sound echoes over the dunes as the bolt ricochets away, exploding into the sand several meters away. Jackob does a quick double take of the beam in his hands, gripping the hilt tightly.

"Surprised that worked." He mutters. "Alright mama, tell me where to swing."

Smith opens fire, sending the large bolts of poorly formed plasma cascading down on Jackob's position. He swings his arm up as the processing power of your civilization predicts the position of each bolt, and he bats it away, sending it arcing into the sky where it bursts in the air. Another bounces into the dune nearby, and another impacts the bulky remains of the drop pod lodged in the sand half buried.

A moment later Smith drops the bulky weapon, his shoulder wrenched to the side as Dillon plants an anti-armor round clean into his right clavicle.

"It's about damn time you did something." Jackob shouts.

Heey guys, quick question, which thread did we make Theseus have circuit-breaking orgasms with our offered knowledge in?
Remember Jackob, Mother wants Smith's head as a... trophy.

At least that's what we'll tell Dillon why we want it.

I wonder if the parasite can produce a preservative to soak it in, or if bio-salve would do in a pinch.
>"Alright mama, tell me where to swing."
He's learning!
>"Alright mama, tell me where to swing."
>"Surprised that worked." He mutters. "Alright mama, tell me where to swing."
D'aawww, they grow up so fast
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The two spiral through the air, flinging bolts and plasma in all directions as they pass each other at high speed swinging their blades. Lyle reaches out and locks a clawed limb on Mauser's armor, sending them into an uncontrolled spin as their jets and wings fight each other to give direction to the tumbling ball of gnashing metal and chitin as the two punch and rip at each other's armor. Lyle releases, sending Mauser flying over and into the canyon as Lyle dives after him.

Mauser impacts the hardened ground at the base of the small canyon, and a moment later rolls out of the way as Lyle impacts the same spot, his suit's clawed foot digging another quarter meter into the ground where Mauser's head was a moment ago. He instantly swings his blade, caught by the sparking hum of Mauser's own as they shred the ground around them with each explosive strike. A sonic sledge swings to strike home, and Mauser's own spikes sledge impacts in turn, denting and cracking the two fists as they hit and sending debris flying out from them in all directions. Deep cracks sprawl out in the ground around them and small chunks of stone rain down a moment later as the two recoil from the strikes.

The canyon face, now perfectly visible as the two fight at its base, is not a natural formation. The visible carvings of a large facility cover the rock formation and continue further, deeper into the rock.

Lyle activates his wings and charges forward, gripping Mauser in a tackle as he brings his armored faceplate against his in a firm headbutt that sends Mauser down, grinding into the firm, dried dirt before he swings him back up and hurls him into the base of the ruins, sending him through what you quickly realize is a large support beam, bringing an entire quadrant of the upper levels crumbling down into dust and mounds of gravel. Lyle beats his wings and charges into the crumbling ruin as you watch entire walls of skyl writing and murals crumble to dust.

Are you talking about the time we first told him about heretic?

Maybe we could set up another joint research venture with Theseus on that. His brain is pretty clearly more silicon than actual grey matter.
Darn it Lyle, why'd you hit him into the ruins?
Betcha Mauser falls under a wave of chittering augmetic Skyl. Maybe we can get some info from Heretic to prevent the same from happening to Lyle.
My inner archaeologist is weeping.
We're basically ISIS now, aren't we?
They can reconstruct the statues in our image in about 3 months.
No, we're Isis when we loot the remaining statues and sell them on the black market.
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"Calhoun! Can you read me?" Grey shouts over the radio to the sound of static, the subduing radiation of the atomic warhead still drowning out any contact. She continues shouting sporadically as the radiation slowly drops. On the screen is an image of aral, each point of contact between Union forces and your own marked with a highlighted graphic marked around a large pillar of dust. "Damnit, do we still have comms?"

"Laser comms are down. Standard broadcast only." Mordey says. "Targeting sensors are totally gone, as in physically removed from the ship. No chance to bring them back, and fire control has... wait." There is a muffled explosion and the ship lurches slightly, and Mordey shows a glint of panic beneath his calm demeanor. "LeBlanc!" He shouts into the intercom. "LeBlanc do you read? I'm registering fire control just decompressed!" There is a crackling of static.

"Still alive. Multiple fires and a micro-breach in fire control. I got out in time but things are not much better in the hub. I had to seal the room and vent it before the fire spread, but there is already smoke in the hub." Mordey sighs as he clicks the intercom.

"Roger. The commander is trying to hail the shuttle, but it looks like we're on our own right now. Do what you can about those fires, the internal sensors were overloaded from the blast so I just know we're burning, but I can't isolate what sections need venting."

"It looks bad in the hab ring. I can already feel heat." Jacquees says over the radio. "Wait, you, what the hell are you, ah!" There is a sudden crashing thud and Devon and Grey both look to Mordey. A second later alarms go off across the bridge as sensors highlight two large valen cruisers unlatch from the gate station, their spindly construction cranes folding into their hulls as weapon batteries extend and bathe the Cortez in ladar scans.

"Shit!" Grey exclaims, then turns to Devon. "Find LeBlanc and secure our guests!" She tosses a CIP pistol to him.

Why would we sell to that bitch? The Red Market is way better

Someone needs to post the HQQ spacewar pic
Oh man, did Decker grow a pair or something? Either way this is a perfect opportunity to adopt some of the fine crewmen of this vessel.
>"Wait, you, what the hell are you, ah!"
Haha, yes. Decker is making his break for it.

Anderson would only be helping to take over the ship if he thought there was a bigger payday at the end of it. Decker would have had to bribe him with a Big Score he knows about that he can hack for them and split.

Or just threaten him somehow, like with a hacked electruction anklet that he attached to Anderson instead.
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The Age of Chitin and Fire begins
>Smith watches with some level of fascination as the beam slowly eats through the blade, inching closer and closer to cutting clean through,
You know I just remember. We're being live streamed to the union. We're showing off our capabilities.
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Which one?
They have no communication with the ship, where the relay is, pay attention genius. They repeatedly say that they are struggling to establish contact with ground team.
I'm under the impression that the Cortez has lost its abilities for close observation, the shuttle is on the other side of the planet, and neither Mauser nor Smith have the capability to transmit video data up to the Cortez while in combat.

We have, somehow, created an information blackout without taking lengthy steps to ensure such is the case.
>TFW lyle accidentally did super useful and elaborate things by accident, because he just wanted to use a big missile
The Smith itself is a relay, at least a really shitty one only able to transmit low quality stills if I remember right
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What is our egglayer in Michael's room sensing?

What about the 5 flies and 8 parasites that have hatched by now?
That was all speculation on our part. Even the most low tech of relays are too bulky to be hidden in an artificial human frame.

The boy gets shit done like nobody else alright.
The red horseman rides, blood and fire follow in her wake.
Who would you say are our four horsemen?
War: Lyle. Easy one.
Famine: Lee, maybe? He's indirectly deprived the Union of resources and stability.
Death: Jackob because I dunno.
Pestilence: Because she unleashed the 'virus' known as Unity and is our favored child.

...I imagine our version of the horsemen would need some slight modification as to what facets they represent.
>Pestilence: Because she unleashed the 'virus' known as Unity and is our favored child.

You missed a name in there. But it's pretty obviously elizabeth so.
Whoop, yeah. Elizabeth.
"The interior is insulated, so the arc won't be able to penetrate the hull, just keep it away from exposed conduits." She says. Devon looks at her indignantly.

"I've had CIP training." He says as he makes his way to the door. Grey is already preoccupied with the flickering holo display on the bridge, barking orders and manipulating the controls at her seat as several more alert indicators highlight the planet's surface as the ship continues its orbit, each indicating the targeting array of an anti-orbital defence grid.

Devon shimmies out to the hub of the ship's spine, the hab ring module has stopped its spin and smoke drifts about the air in zero gravity in wisps. He grabs the handrails of the ladder and pulls himself through. As he emerges a pair of boots slam into his face and drive him to the far wall. Anderson looks at him in the eyes, a stun stick in one hand.

"Decker's a good guy, stuck in his room and won't leave that damn mutt though. Make sure he makes it, I like him." He says cheerfully, and then bounds off Devon's chest to the ladder. Devon swings his pistol at him.

"Stop!" He shouts. Anderson simply yells through the ladder tunnel as he pushes himself through and out of sight.

"A pay day's no good if you're dead, Agent Devon, and I'm not willing to bet my last chip on you winning this one. Wish you the best, though!"

Devon stammers to steady himself in the haze of the smoke, coughing and cursing himself for the ambush. It was already clear Anderson knew at least the basics of low-G combat. A moment later several flies emerge from the opposite side of the hab ring, from Devon's room, and latch to Devon like some make shift zero-G harness, while several others drag a bulky duffel bag filled with parasites and an egg layer with great effort, their simple minds panicked as they struggle for new orders, feeling only Devon's indecision.

>Chase and subdue Anderson.
>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
>Other (write in)
>Chase and subdue Anderson.
If it fails we can at least extract Devon
>>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
>>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
with parasites
>>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
>>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
Eh, anderson isn't horribly important right now, and we *should* have a ship hiding ready to jump in and capture him if he tries to sneak off

Not worth losing our chance to parasite other more useful folks

Maybe call them the Four Blessed?

Elizabeth: Blessed of (the Hive's) Logic
Lyle: Blessed of (the Hive's) Might
Jackob: Blessed of (the Hive's) Spirit (as in Will)
Lee: Blessed of (the Hive's) Peace.

Yeah, this is autistic, Don't care.
What would Coil and the Twins be?
>A moment later several flies emerge from the opposite side of the hab ring
So the camera system for the ship is down completely?

Is the quantum comm even working anymore?
If they're out in the open anyway, what's the downside if we send a fly or two to track where Anderson is going?
Coil: Blessed of (the Hive's) Mercy (since we made him understand)
The Twins: Blessed of (the Hive's) Joy (since they're pretty mindlessly happy with us.

I'm just putting in all the ' (the Hive's) ' to indicate that when you just say "Blessed of Logic", for example, they mean the HIVE'S logic, not just her own.

The Hive is everything. We're just gracious enough to let them utilize our functions.

Coco is going to try to tear that duffel bag to pieces.
And our parasites will tear the shit out of her for it.

Oh, so now would be a perfect time to parasite LeBlanc and Decker and blame their horrible stomach wounds on Anderson.
>>Find LeBlanc and Decker and get them out of the hab ring.
Dispatch half a dozen flies to track down and subdue Anderson.
>half a dozen
Anon... we have five.
Send three maybe? Not that guy.
And in zero-G, a single fly can easily carry along a single parasite while the other fly subdues him.

Devon grabs the duffel bag as the flies push him along, and he clicks his radio.

"The hab ring's on fire, and Anderson just got past me. He's making for the hangar!" Devon says. There is a moment of static.

"Everything's going to hell. Fires are spreading and the internal sensors are fried. We have some of the external sensors, and that's it." Mordey replies. "Get everyone out of the hab ring, and I can jettison the segments from here. They're technically meant to double as life pods, but only in deep space, they can't handle re-entry."

"What about the spine?"

"I'm doing my best here. Spine's in better shape but not by much. Dammit, I've got him cutting through the hangar access, bastard found an arc welder. I still have cameras in some of the spine, and I have control over most of the doors. I'll try to slow him down from here, but get ready for some maneuvering, Commander's gonna try to change our orbit soon, and I don't know if the hab rings can take the stress like they are."

Devon lands on a wall and pries open the doors to the next segment, the hatch warped and twisted slightly open, and the room on the far side burns with growing flame along the walls, the smoke pouring into micro-fractures with a loud hiss as the ship bleeds air.

"How much time?" Devon asks.

"Not much, sooner you get out, sooner we can start getting out of here."

"Roger." Devon says, and he shakes his arm, sending several flies out to search the hull segment as the others on his back act like a makeshift thruster pack with their wings. He turns to one as it sends a mental signal, and Jacquees is slowly pulled from his spot drifting behind a couch, his face badly bruised and the skin lightly burnt from the electrical contact of a stun stick. Devon rushes to him, checking for a pulse. He is alive, but far from good shape. Blood trickles out from his mouth, although the bleeding seems superficial judging from the amount.

>He is alive, but far from good shape.

Sounds like he needs the miracle healing only the Motherly love of ADOPTION can provide.
Do we have the spare parasites?

...who all are we trying to nab, by the by?
8, I believe, and EVERYONE!
They're in the duffel bag, pay attention.

We have enough for everyone including Mauser, so we have one extra as it is now that he's dropped to the surface.

Decker and Coco are priority for safety purposes and unlocking Hacker specialization, but we shouldn't turn our nose up at LeBlanc.
We shouldn't turn our nose up at anyone. Our galactic goal is adopting EVERYONE.
Several other flies zero in on a distinct sound, and home in on Decker's cabin. The fires lick the walls like a flowing liquid running along every surface, clouding your ability to get a clear image, but you can hear the presence at least one entity, a rather large one, likely two blurred together on the other side of the door, which has been crumpled into a bent and cracked shape along with the rest of the cabin, as the hiss of micro-fractures sucks the air through the door into the cabin and likely out into space through some crack in the hull within.

Devon examines his bag, holding an egg layer and eight parasites that wiggle in their places as they look back at Devon inquisitively while your five flies continue to search the hab ring.

>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
>Have your flies enter Decker's cabin and attempt to help break in
>Have your flies drag Jacquees away to safety while Devon gets to Decker
>Other (write in)
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
>>Have your flies enter Decker's cabin and attempt to help break in

We need to subdue Coco and Decker for implanting.

We can just drop a parasite onto LeBlanc can't we? It can implant itself I thought. Or needs only a single fly to help.
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
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>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
>>Have your flies enter Decker's cabin and attempt to help break in
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies

Please roll 1d100, best of 3.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Aww here it goes.
>>Have Devon rescue Decker while your parasite implants itself in Jacquees with the help of your flies
Rolled 30 (1d100)

Rolled 2 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)

You fucked it.
You fucked it.
You double nigger. You just couldn't keep it in your pants, could you?
Go back to your crystal masters, dickhead.
>Fucking crystal god sabotaging our rolls.
Devon's weak nerd body struggles to save Decker's life and is gonna get a faceful of Coco fangs.

And LeBlanc knows nothing of value.
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