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Shinobi Quest #18
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Shinobi Quest #18

This quest takes place within the lands of the Five Great Shinobi Nations (aka Narutoverse) starting roughly around the beginning of the original series. The world of this quest remains similar to the original, with slight but notable differences in certain areas, based upon the passage of time from a single slightly altered event.

(It’s a goddamn Naruto Quest, you bastards. Have fun, participate, and write in when you feel inclined. Most of the outcomes of this quest will be determined by you, the players. Critiques and questions are always welcome, as my knowledge of the weeby shit is not all encompassing.)


Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Shinobi%20Quest

Last thread, Tsuki Norihime, along with Itachi and Lee, took on the Samurai, Yojimbo, and emerged victorious. After looting the bodies of the other Samurai, the party met up near the exit, with the others looking a little worse for wear. With everyone, including the Mayor of Reisui Village, the two teams headed back to town to negotiate payment.

We rejoin the team as they arrive at the gates of Yugakure...
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This is a nice quest.
Finally I can be present for ohohohoho shenanigans once more

Someone convince me to watch The Last already so I know what the fuck I'm doing tomorrow

Oh god I go away from /tg/ for a month and we have another Naruto quest...
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The team strolls into Yugakure, the quickened pace of their last visit unnecessary. Many shops and stalls lining the main street leading into town. In the distance, you can see the great bathhouses built into hills surrounding the town.

Guy and Itachi are discussing something, just under an audible level.

1. Try to listen in.
2. Remind them of the promise to stay in Yugakure.
3. Stay quiet.

Choose one selection only.
Don't be lazy :'D

I thought so.

Why do you wanna watch that? Not sayin git's bad. Just wondering.


This one's good.

They're all good, actually. Though, right now anyway, Boruto Quest is best.

>1. Try to listen in.
>1. Try to listen in.
>2. Remind them of the promise to stay in Yugakure.
>2. Remind them of the promise to stay in Yugakure.
>1. Try to listen in.

We are back boys!
>1. Try to listen in.
>1. Try to listen in.
Listening in.

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You strain your ears, while making sure not to look towards either of the two men…

“We really should head straight back, Guy. With the events happening in the Land of Rice Fields, the other surrounding nations could be under threat.” Itachi says.

“True, but we made a promise to our Genin. They’ve had a rough time of it, and a relaxing time in the famous Yugakure hot springs could be just what they need! I certainly wouldn’t complain, either.” Guy chuckles quietly.

“Besides, you know the second you return, the Fourth is going to send you back out with an ANBU team to investigate. Take this moment to spend some time with your girls. Celebrate the completed mission now, while you have the ability” the older of the two men scolds.

Itachi is quiet for some time, before sighing.

“You’re right, Guy. They deserve a break, and I would enjoy spending some time with them before Minato sends me out again. No better place than here, right?” Itachi acquiesces.

Guy lets out his boisterous trademark laugh. “Excellent!”

After a few moments, the two men walk back towards the group. You feel like you’re the only one who caught that they had distanced themselves from the group- Nori and Hinata were busy chatting, and Lee, Sakura and Sasuke were arguing about some inane topic or another.

“Everyone! I’m pleased to announce we’re staying in Yugakure for tonight!” Guy says, shooting a thumbs up. There’s a loud cheer from most of the genin- yourself included. You really needed some time to decompress after the last mission.

Everyone begins milling about discussing what they want to do. You…

1. Would like to hit up the shops. You need to bring back souvenirs!

2. Want something nice to eat. Those rations taste like paper, and your delicate palette deserves better.

3. Hit up the hot springs. Time to relax!

>3. Hit up the hot springs. Time to relax!
1. Would like to hit up the shops. You need to bring back souvenirs!

2. Want something nice to eat. Those rations taste like paper, and your delicate palette deserves better.

3. Hit up the hot springs. Time to relax!

in that order
>. Would like to hit up the shops. You need to bring back souvenirs!
We can relax in the springs after shopping like a madwoman.
>3. Hit up the hot springs. Time to relax!
>3. Hit up the hot springs. Time to relax!
>3. Hit up the hot springs. Time to relax!
Is it time for the standard boob comparison episode?

Later, in Shippuden we can have that.

Right now, it's the "Envy At Hinata" episode.

Or "Meet Jiraiya" episode.
> 1. Would like to hit up the shops. You need to bring back souvenirs!
Not old enough yet, Savei t for Shippuden.
Sounds like we're hitting up the Hot Springs first.

This is gonna be one dull hot spring...
Itachi and Sauske will behave
Lee and Guy wont do anything much
Us four girls will chat about our own boobs.
not using Hinata's byakkugan to rank their dicks
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A wave of exhaustion comes over you… everything else can wait.

“I’m heading to the hot springs. I can imagine it now- a hot, relaxing sauna, stress leaving my body….” you announce, drifting off at the end.

“Sounds good to me, princess.” Nori says, answering the question you didn’t ask. “Mother always says not to eat before getting in the water, anyway.”

Hinata nods in agreement. “It will nice to relax for a bit. This mission has been rather stressful…”

You perk up. “It’s been decided! The hot springs await us! Ohohohohoho!~”

Team Guy has a bit of back and forth, before Sakura bullies them into going to the hot springs as well.

The eight of you head towards the hot springs, travelling up a winding path leading a bit farther away from the town center. It’s decorated with large amounts of foliage- you can tell that the proprietors are trying to make the destination a bit “natural” and “exotic” this way. It does have a certain charm to it that the Konoha springs do not, you admit to yourself.

As you reach the top of the stairs, you can see there is a bit of a commotion-
Ohohoho-nsen Episode? I approve. And I'm not apologizing.
>mixed gender bathing
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“Sir, please. We’ve asked you to leave as to not disturb the peace. The female clientele have levied several complaints, and you must understand that we take the utmost pride in providing a safe and private space for them to relax in peace.” an older man says in a scolding tone.

“Aha! See, as I mentioned before, it is simply a misunderstanding! As a travelling writer and sage, I was simply gathering research for my next book! If I have offended anyone, I most sincerely and deeply apologize…” you hear a man say, while bowing and apologizing profusely.

“All the same sir, we must ask you to leave.” the older man says with some measure of finality.

The second man hangs his head dejectedly, his long white hair obscuring most of his form.

Upon seeing the man, Nori lets out a loud groan.

“Of course. He can’t go anywhere without getting in trouble…”

Upon hearing Nori’s voice, the man spins around, the trouble with the attendant seemingly forgotten.

“Could that be my darling goddaughter, come to save me in this, my time of greatest need?” he says, a bright smile on his face.

“You wish, Grandpa Jiraiya.” Nori says, refusing him outright.

“G-grandpa! Please Nori, like I’ve said before! Uncle! Uncle Jiraiya! No woman will give me the time of day if you address me as Grandpa….” he pleads.

Wait… Jiraiya?

“As if they’d give you the time of day anyway, you perverted grandpa.” Nori says, scolding him even further.

He sinks to the floor, defeated.

You recognize that name from somewhere…

1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.
2. Follow suit and deride him for being a pervert
3. Ignore him entirely. He’s between you and the hot springs- you don’t have time for some old pervert.
Do not apologize. That was brilliant.
>1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.

Called it.
>1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.

Looks like it'll be an interesting hot springs visit after all
>1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.
Pervert or not, we must be courteous to the great Sage Jiraya.
>1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.
>3. Ignore him entirely. He’s between you and the hot springs- you don’t have time for some old pervert.
>1. As Nori to introduce you to this specimen of masculine perfection - obviously poking fun at her and him
>4. Tell him to stop peeping. Looking on adult women is one thing, that just makes him a pervert. There will be children in there now, including one he apparently knows.
Fuck. FUCK. This quest starts up and it's fucking 4AM. Dammit. Well, hopefully I'll be able to catch the tail-end.

Or, more likely, the Puppet Wars (I'm totally on the Wooden Ninja Power Armor side, FYI)
>1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.

Princess isn't going to be rude to a person who can make her stronger Closed fist for life
>1. Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.
"Well, Nori. I see where you get your unkempt behavior. Ohohohohohoh~!"
>Ask Nori to introduce you to this man.
Jiraya best husbando
Before I go to bed, though:
>1 "Nori, you know this... Man?" In as doubtful and skeptical a tone as we can possibly muster. Then smirk because seriously, who the fuck wouldn't recognize the Toad Sage Jiraiya, one of the Three Legendary Ninja and student of the Third Hokage. It's not like his appearance is particularly boring, either. Anyone who doesn't recognize him on-sight and realize "well I'm fucked if I fight him" would either have to be blind or a non-ninja. Or Pain.

Also I love how she's literally named after seaweed. It's beautiful.
It's a ramen topping
Which is why I like it so much, yeah.
Well Naruto is a fish cake. So another ramen topping makes sense.
While he's on the floor we should step on him a little....how often does this chance come up? Push our heel into the back of his head, making him eat dirt Ohohohoho
Time to meet Ero-sennin!

do it, Princess mode
100% supporting

How much you wanna bet Jiraya is a footfag
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“Nori.” you start, getting her attention. “You know this…. Man?” you say with a flat voice, shooting daggers at the kneeling man with your eyes.

“Unfortunately, yes, I do. This… person…. is Jiraiya- my father’s teacher, and my brother and I’s godfather.” she says, mimicking your tone. She takes this moment to rest her heel on top of his head. “He’s also a disgusting, unrepentant, serial pervert.” she accuses, grinding her heel into his head. This elicits a small sob from Jiraiya.

You entertain thought of joining her… but wait. Jiraiya. He taught the Fourth? Then he *is* that Jiraiya- one of the three Sannin, a legendary Shinobi of Konoha.

“Nori, stop.” you command.

She looks at you, confused, but takes her foot off the man’s head.

You offer him your hand. “Rise Jiraiya, Sannin of the Leaf. Surely there was some mistake?”

He looks up at you, and not missing a beat, gently takes your hand, kissing the back of it.

“Ah, fair maiden, truly you do understand! You have heard of me then? The Great Sage, Jiraiya..” he says, looking hopeful.

Nori smashes her fist into the back of his head.

“She’s too young for you, you nasty old toad. And besides, we’re here to use the hot springs. The last thing we need is you making further trouble.” she growls.

At that, you can hear the laughter of the rest of the party behind you, including your sensei.

Jiraiya rises. “Yes, indeed. I am Jiraiya! The Great Toad Sage! All of the rumors you have heard about me- are probably true! Hahahahaha!” he announces, striking a pose.

He’s certainly… interesting. This is supposed to be a legendary Shinobi? One of the only students of the Third?


1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
2. Join Nori in continuing to scold him.
3. Are done with this perverted old man- the hot springs await.
>1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
>1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
>3. Are done with this perverted old man- the hot springs await.
>1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
>1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
>1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
>4. "Uh huh." Completely unamused by his act. Just keep staring at him until he squirms.
1. Keep your composure and greet him warmly.
>4. Just stare at him with painfully disappointment and disapproval. He shouldn't behave like this, and he surely knows it.

You there, Wargle?
I died, and have returned. Figured I'd see if anyone wanted to adapt 4 or not.

“I’ve heard many things about you, Jiraiya. Mostly good, though.” you say, addressing the still-posing toad sage.

“You’ve been asking the wrong people then, princess.” Nori says, giving you a weird look.

“Hush Nori, obviously the young maiden is a fan of mine! Not that someone your age should be reading my works, but….” he says, basking in the scant praise you’ve given him.

“What is your name, young maiden?” he inquires.

“I am Tsuki Norihime, heiress of the Norihime clan of Konoha. Pleased to make your acquaintance.” you say, smiling. You turn to the rest of your team- “and this Hinata Hyuga, heiress of the mighty Hyuga clan.” Hinata bows slightly- “and our sensei, Itachi.” you finishes.

“Master Jiraiya.” Itachi says, looking somewhat amused at the elder Shinobi’s situation.

You turn back to him- and catch a glimpse of something odd. He was obviously looking at you, and his expression had hardened somewhat. Just for a fraction of a second- and then his smile returned, wider than ever.

“Three young girls, travelling the world with their handsome sensei! The stories just right themselves, eh Itachi?” Jiraiya says, winking at your sensei.

Itachi seems rather taken aback by this- “I-I have no idea what you’re implying, Master Jiraiya. We are simply returning from a mission…” he stammers.

This draws laughter from most of the people present.
>You turn back to him- and catch a glimpse of something odd. He was obviously looking at you, and his expression had hardened somewhat. Just for a fraction of a second-

He knows about Danzo working for Yoru! He's someone that doesn't trust Tsuki, I bet?
He needs to be dealt with
“Of course, of course! I would never say otherwise! Although it *is* an interesting premise… I may just borrow it for my next book! I would change your names, of course…” Jiraiya seems completely in his own little world now. What an odd man.

It’s Itachi who breaks the silence. “You said you were here by order of the Fourth?” he says, trying to turn the conversation to a more serious topic.

“Yeah, I owed Minato a favor. He said there was something wrong in the north, and since I was in the area already, he wanted me to look into it.” he says, obviously bored with the topic.

You have a good idea of what it is he’s talking about…

“I would discuss it with you tonight, then, Master Jiraiya. We’ve seen what you look for firsthand, I fear.” Itachi says, rather solemnly.

“Ah, very well. I was going to go out drinking, but that wouldn’t be fair to Minato to pass up firsthand accounts. I’ll be at the bar- I’ll keep myself under control, Sage’s honor.” he says, winking at Nori.

She just grumbles.

“Very well! I’m off! I’ll see you later, Itachi. Nice to meet you, Tsuki-chan! Hinata-chan! Hahahaha!”

With that, Jiraiya takes off down the stairs, heading back towards the town. Once he’s out of sight, the party collects itself and heads inside the hot springs entrance.

Inside, you can see the two different doors leading to the separate bathing areas for men and women. After a quick explanation of the rules by the attendant from before, you and the other girls head towards the female bath.
When everyone walks past him we should pause and still smiling and say "Now, now Hermit Sage does my family make you uncomfortable, your very good at playing the fool".


We sway him to like us.

This is truly heaven. The water is hotter than the Konoha bath, but not so much to be uncomfortable once you’re used to it. You lean back, just taking some time to enjoy the relaxing heat of the water on your body.

The other three girls seem to be doing something similar.

You could make conversation, if you were so inclined.


1. Make small talk to the group.
2. Talk to Hinata about something. (What?)
3. Talk to Nori about something. (What?)
4. Talk to Sakura about something. (What?)
Let talk about crap about everyone that isn't here.
>3. Talk to Nori about something. (What?)
"Okay, spill. How long have you known him, is he always like that, what can he do, and am I going to have to incinerate him?"
>1. Make small talk to the group.
Lets just listen and see what we can learn, let some one else lead the conversation for a change

>Keep an eye out for boys peeping

Time for gossip and teasing and good ol' queen bee-ery
>1. Make small talk to the group.
Queen Bee it, not too harsh stuff just get peoples opinions of people. Start with the sage.

2. Tease her into spying on the boys.
3 is he always like that?
4 how is wooing sauce boss going?
Queen Bee-ing it, talking a bit to everyone.

Not to harsh now Wargle, just gossip and good times
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You decide to relax- let someone else lead the conversation for once.

It isn’t long before Nori pipes up.

“Sorry about Jiraiya, everyone. If I had known he was going to be here, I would’ve dealt with him before…..” she says, staring up at the night sky.

“Nonsense, Nori.” you say. “You had no way of knowing he’d be here, and besides, he’s an adult. Does he always act like that?”

“More or less. He’s a great shinobi as his title suggests, but he’s rarely serious. I don’t know why dad puts up with him, but he always defends him. He’s fun to be around, when it’s just him and I. But put him around other women…. Ugh.” Nori groans.

“Ohohohoho!~” you laugh.

“Is that where you learned your habits from?” you tease.

“No! Not in a million years. Grandpa Jiraiya is a degenerate.” she pouts.

You take a break from teasing Nori to poke fun at Sakura.

“Sooooo. Sakura.” you say, smiling wickedly.

“I know what you’re gonna ask, Tsuki-hime.” she pouts.

“And?” you say, smile unbroken.

“I’m pretty sure he hates me. He never turns me down for going out, but he always invites Lee or Guy-sensei, and then it becomes a “team-building exercise”. The we go on missions, and he’s all business. I can’t even tell him how I feel- I think he’d laugh at me.”


1. Encourage Sakura to keep chasing Sasuke
2. Tell her to give up, look for someone better.
3. Don’t answer either way.
>2. Tell her to give up, look for someone better.

He might not be shit tier in this setting but he's still sauce
1. Encourage Sakura to keep chasing Sasuke

he likes challenges right? so challenge him to something
>1. Encourage Sakura to keep chasing Sasuke

Beat him in something he enjoys doing/is competitive with.

Quickest way to a guy's heart
"What do you like about him?"
>1. Encourage Sakura to keep chasing Sasuke
>Encourage Sakura to keep going after him.


>Tell her to look for someone better. Who isn't Lee, because he's ours.
>1. Encourage Sakura to keep chasing Sasuke
"I doubt he hates you. Boys sometimes don't know how to express more... delicate feelings. "
So why are you interested in him? The Clan name and power? Or something about him personally?
Sleepy with those pertinent questions
>3. Don’t answer either way.
Well it's not my buisness to push you but if I might make a suggestion.

Sasuke has a bit of an Inferiority complex in some regards and a Superiority one in others. Get better than him at something and don't just show it. Beat him.
>Honestly dating a teammate just sounds like trouble. We're young, and that means all the drama will happen. Maybe lay off him for a while, give it a few years, figure out what sort of person you and who you wanna be, then see if he's interested. And hey, maybe by then you'll have met someone else. But adding all that soul-searching drama to a team of young genin is just asking for a tragic accident when someone gets distracted mid-mission.


>Why do you think I haven't asked Hinata out?

But make sure they know the spoilered part is a joke.
>1. Encourage Sakura to keep chasing Sasuke
Encouragement, along with pertinent questions

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“Well, I’m your friend, Sakura. I’m going to want you to keep pursuing what makes you happy. But I do have to ask- why Sasuke? What is it about him that is so appealing to you?” you ask.

“Well, I-I mean… he’s handsome, talented, smart…. comes from a strong family… and he has this stoicism about him that I can’t help but be drawn to… I don’t know, Tsuki-hime.” She answers, sinking lower in the water of the spring.

“It’s ok, Sakura. I understand. We’re young still, I just want you to keep your options open. There will plenty of handsome boys out there”-

You could certainly think of a few….

-“And besides, inter-team romance might be a bit odd while we’re still genin. Drama getting in the way of the mission, and so on. Why do you think I haven’t asked Hinata out yet?” you say with a smile.

“E-eh?!” you hear Hinata shriek from the other side of the bath.

“Calm down, Hinata. I was kidding. Sorry.” you apologize.

She splashes you- and this leads to a splash fight that envelops all of you.

Finally, after everyone is sufficiently soaked, you return to the topic at hand.

“If you’re serious about it, Sakura, find something you can get better than him at. He’s one of those men who hates being beat. Make sure you’re on his mind constantly, and he’ll eventually come around. Maybe.” you advise.

The noise from the fight seems to have inspired something similar on the other side of the wall. You’re kid of curious….

1. Try to peek
2. Don’t.
3. Have Hinata peek using the Byakugan.
>3. Have Hinata peek using the Byakugan.
>1. Try to peek

Have her do it to distract them from us peeking
>2. Don’t.
>3. Have Hinata peek using the Byakugan.
>1. Try to peek
>3. Have Hinata peek using the Byakugan.

softly ohohohohoho~
>2. Don’t.
>Try to peek.
Let's see what's going on there.
>3. Have Hinata peek using the Byakugan.
Hinata keep looking at me but use your Byakugan to look through the wall and see what the fuss is about or who is watching us...and for the love of god dont stare into Itachi's eyes while you are on Xray mode
>2. Don’t.
We have more class than that.
2. Don’t.

Such activities are beneath those of our station
>2. Don’t.
this. Stop them but don't peeking on us ourselves...not our style so dont do it back.
>2. Don’t.
Yuri tease, i love it
No personal peeking, but Have Hinata scope it out.

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“Hinata dear?” you say quietly.

She turns to look at you.

“Would you mind taking a look with your Byakugan? We wouldn’t want those boys doing something unseemly…” you say, with only a bit of menace behind your voice.

“Oh, and don’t look Itachi-sensei in the eyes. In fact, keep looking at me the whole time.”

She nods- and keeps her gaze fixed on you as her Byakugan activates.

She keeps a straight face for a few moments- then her expression changes and her face goes bright red.

She deactivates her Byakugan and sinks slowly into the water.

“Well, were they peeping?” you inquire.

She slowly shakes her head no.

Oh, that’s good. Hope she didn’t see anything scandalous. Hehe.

Is there anything else you wished to do in the bath?

1. Yes. (What?)
2. No, I’m ready to leave.
>2. No, I’m ready to leave.
>2. No, I’m ready to leave.
>1. Yes. (What?)
Mani-pedi preferably while Ohohoho-ing
>2. No, I’m ready to leave.
>2. No, I’m ready to leave.
>1. Yes. (What?)
Skinship. And not the perverted kind!
>2. No, I’m ready to leave.
let's get spoiled by the local cuisine, not least of all the dessert.
>2. No, I’m ready to leave.
kinda tempted to try and use a clone to bug/peek on the guys but...
Finishing up and heading out!

You have enough time to go to either the shops or a restaurant before it will be time to head back to the inn.

If you do not eat out, another night of rations awaits.

1. Head to the shops
2. Head to a restaurant.
>2. Head to a restaurant.
>1. Head to the shops
Food is temporary they could have useful items for us
>1. Head to the shops
Bring something back for father and Danzo.
>1. Head to the shops
>1. Head to the shops
Bring something back for dad, we have a pair of Samurai Chakra metal swords for us to use and give the spare to Danzo
>2. Head to a restaurant.
>2. Head to a restaurant.
>1. Head to the shops
>1. Head to the shops
Think about it folks, we've got Sakura with us this time and more boys to carry the bags! It's perfect.
speaking of weapons, what are you guys' thoughts on using a kunai launcher or similar gadget type weapon? Personally I think it'd be cool and we could potentially set them up so that they don't take up Tsuki's hands prohibiting jutsu use, perhaps something like the drone that follows the pc in this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq3_phBQA_Y
about 40 seconds in.
Itachi is going to try and get away to speak to the pervy sage.
I still want to go puppetry, the problem with doing a gadget build is that for one we don't have enough space on us to have a good variety of them and kunais and other projectiles are nothing for ninjas they are almost useless
The kunai launcher will take up both of our hands and we're becoming a master of hand seals. Maybe give it to someone else?
I think the idea of just mass sealing gadgets and weapons on ourselves may be a better idea along with that guy who came up with a GoB idea that would work.
Mostly I wanted something that could lay down suppressing fire while we setup nasty jutsu's with long incantations.
There called team mates and summons
Given our Release we'd actually have two very distinct modes.

>Sword Mode
Channel our chakra into our own body for crazy speed and strength boost and into the swords for the most godly blades ever, glowing blue edged katanas and all.

>Artillery Mode
Before they get close or after we back up, we just blast away. rarely will we be engaging foes 1v1.
speaking of summons, was there ever any consensus on what Tsuki should go for if the chance presents itself?
I think either octopuses or bunnies
I don't think so. I was thinking of a star squid and our ultimate summon would be Amaterasu

Just wait and see what Wargle has in store~
we can have both...
One contract per ninja mate
nope...one per hand
After everyone has finishing up at the bath, you declare your intention to head to the shops.

“More trinkets, princess?” Nori laughs. “Every mission we go on you seem to bring back something. Starting a collection?”

You frown.

“I like to keep memories, Nori. Places I’ve been, people I’ve met. Call me a hoarder, if you like. Besides, I wish to get tokens of affection for my father and my staff.” you say, dismissing her teasing.

You take off down the street, eager to be by yourself for just a little while. You have plenty of money to spend, from the remainder of your travel fund.

You take a moment to glance behind you, to see if anyone followed- ooof!

You crash headfirst into someone! You didn’t see anyone before….

“Ah! Sorry! I didn’t see anyone there…” you turn to apologize.

The man looks down at you, and then smiles.

“You should be more careful little girl. There are bad men lurking about who take advantage of you if you aren’t paying attention. Although, maybe you want that? Hahahahahahaha!

Another weirdo? In the same day?

He notices you aren’t laughing.

“Come on, it was funny! Don’t you think it was funny? It was fuckin’ hilarious!”

He seems to be asking you….

1. Tell him his joke was funny
2. Tell him he’s funny
3. Tell him you don’t think it’s funny
4. Stay silent
>Write in
>2. Tell him he’s funny
Ok it was a little funny, I was just a little startled, my goodness you have wonderful eyes

Hidan's eyes are a lovely color though
>Write in
That's not a joke. There was no punchline. You can't just say random crap and hope to make people laugh.
>4. Stay silent
>2. Tell him he’s funny
>3. Tell him you don’t think it’s funny
Though maybe it was just the delivery. In any case my apologies. Try and leave.
>4. Stay silent

If he's a strong shinobi maybe we should hire him to help train us
>2. Tell him he’s funny
I don't think hiring strangers is a good idea.
Every bodies a stranger until we meet them anon
>Write in
>2. Tell him he’s funny
My apologies just a little dazed (give him a little chuckle). It's been an interesting day, nice to get around some more though.

If we can tell he's a Shinobi make the comment that we're sure Shinobi will keep people safe.
>2. Tell him he’s funny
Just say Hi, sorry again introduce ourselves briefly...

...Does this mean Frankenstein is about somewhere?
Kakuzu would be the perfect teacher for us

>Ninjutsu Specialist
>Loves Money
Well folks we had a good run. Hopefully we meet Kakuzu and can talk all things money and how money is good.
I wish, i really do. We'd scheme together and make money and have a grand old time
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I have no idea who this is. Why are we telling him he's funny?
He's going to sell us out to the highest bidder. Greed is good for business but trust is better.
You'll find out soon enough anon
Do you like Skeletons?

So we don't die.
Just trust us on this one.
Telling him he's funny.

“Oh, sorry. I was just surprised… I agree, you’re very funny.” you say, giving the answer you hope this strange man is looking for.

“Eh, funny huh?” he starts, judging you with his eyes. “What’s so funny about me? My jokes? Nobody laughs at my fuckin’ jokes, kid.”

“Or maybe… he his odd necklace from his chest bearing it proudly. “Is this what’s so funny? Huh? Is it? Does the symbol of the Great Lord Jashin make you laugh?

1. Yes
2. No
3. Say nothing
>4. Who?
>2. No

>2. No
My apologies I have not heard of this faith. Though it's a nice thing to see someone carrying a token of their faith
Yeah pretty much this FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK
Diplomacy is the best option here. Supporting.
Maybe we should give him a donation to his church to win him over a bit
yup this is good
>2. No
Though to see one so devoted as to carry a token of their lord is quite interesting these days. Please excuse me. Try and leave and find our team or Sensei.
Not making fun of Lord Jashin.

IC: Who?
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This guy is unhinged. He has to be.

“N-no! I certainly didn’t mean that. It’s great to see someone carrying the symbol of their lord in this day and age.” you say, trying your best to appease him.

He looks at you, stone-faced.

Then begins to laugh.

“Hahahahahahahahahaha! Kid you’re a fuckin’ riot! Fuckin’ MAN. Where the fuck is Kakuzu? I bet I can get him to laugh now…”

He looks around, but doesn’t seem to find what he’s looking for.

While he does, you peer around as well, trying to find anyone from your team-

The hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

You turn to see him looking directly at you.

“Trying to find mommy and daddy, kid? Hahahahahaha! People from this fuckin’ village ain’t changed a bit. Can you fuckin’ believe they called themselves shinobi? Decided playing it safe and making money was better than killing. Fuck that! Reminds me of fuckin’ Kakuzu. Where is that bag of stitches anyway? Off counting his coins again, I’ll bet. Worthless.”

He gets really close to you, and whispers in your ear.

“You’re not so bad, kid. Gave me a chuckle. Run along to mommy and daddy… but if I see you again? I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you. Oh, and if you tell anyone you saw me? I’ll fuckin’ kill you twice! For Lord Jashin! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

You waste no time, running away from the strange man, his laughter echoing down the alleyway.

Soon enough, you see Nori, Hinata and Itachi.

“Tsuki-hime!” Hinata calls over to you, waving. The other two wave in response.

As you reach them, you try to calm yourself down.

“Tsuki. What’s the matter?” Itachi says, obviously concerned.

1. Tell him
2. Tell him not to worry about it
3. Stay silent
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
not until we're far, faaaaaaaaaaaaar away
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
Just file this encounter away for later
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
It's alright just startled by something
[We explain later...to Danzo and Itachi, don't worry the others.]
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
>2. Tell him not to worry about it
If we can give some kind of hint that we can't talk now subtly as fuck then do it, Hidan may be watching still...or worse still Kakuzu.
Welp...we got a free pass from Hidan...you all realize how insanely lucky we were for that right.
Ya but im bumed that we didn't met Kakuzu and get to talk about money
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>but im bumed that we didn't met Kakuzu
Kakuzu would sell our soul for a penny.
I wonder what Danzo knows about Jashin?
It'll be safer not to tell them.

And why would Kakuzu do anything to us he has no reason to attack us or sell us

Because we have money, dumbass.
Is anyone else wondering why Hidan and I assume Kakuzu are here? there are no demons or anything?
For one thing, if he finds out we're important, he would most likely kidnap us for ransom. Probably kill us anyways.
Half of their job in Akatsuki is just to make bank
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You wave him off….

“I’m fine sensei, just didn’t realize I had lost you guys, that’s all.” you lie.

Itachi furrows his brow, but otherwise doesn’t say anything.

You follow around the group a ways, but for some reason you don’t feel like spending any money, or in any way drawing attention to yourself. You want to feel small, hidden. Away from here.

Eventually, you meet up with Team Guy back at the inn. You request to stay with Nori and Hinata… just to be safe.

As you all get ready to go to sleep, you cannot help but think of that strange man again- his weird clothes, his weird necklace, his weird manner of speaking.

He stuck out like a sore thumb, but nobody intervened. Nobody came for you. Were people afraid? Is that how non-shinobi act? Keep their heads down and pretend not to see? That man was practically yelling….

You shake it off. As you get in bed, you hug a second pillow tightly.

You want to go home.
And I'm gonna end it here tonight, boys. I'll run again tomorrow, and we can get some actual shit done. I'd run longer but I gotta rest up for work soon.

@WargleQM for funny jokes

Post thread begins now!
Thanks for running, Wargle.

Night, Wargle!

And I hope we get to train next thread.
Thanks for running Wargle

Was Kakuzu far away from us? What would have happened if we'd introduced ourselves? How close we we to getting a token of Hidans'...devotion
Does Itachi suspect something?

No shit.
Folks when we get the chance we need to warn Itachi and Jariya asap about this guy...what if he is involved with this Orochimaru? He's crazy like those monsters we heard.
If anyone was going to know your family, It'd be Kakuzu.

You guys really don't want to meet Kakuzu if he isn't busy.

You guys didn't say anything to cause his want to hurt you to rise above not wanting to make a scene. You easily could've, though.
you gonna archive the thread>
Just did.

How would have Tsuki fared if Hidan or Kakuzu decided to make a scene?

Pretty shit? Mediocre? Good for her skill level? Etc.?
Tsuki isn't good at close combat, and Hidan is faster than she is. It'd over pretty quick.

She has no way of dealing with Kakuzu, either.

Would she do better than an average genin? Of course. But that isn't saying much.
how is that it that I always catch these threads after you finish the Questing??

Anyway, enjoyed reading the quest: keep up the good work!
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