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Song of Swords: Going Hunting
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You are currently reading a thread in /tg/ - Traditional Games

Thread replies: 255
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To Serve Man.jpg
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Song of Swords is a realistic fantasy tabletop RPG that draws inspiration from historical fechtbuchs, weapons and armor. Its combat system is fast and it can be used for both fantasy and historical/mundane settings.

Call of the Void is a pulpy sci-fi tabletop RPG about fighting space-nazis and hunting giant whales with harpoons made out of the moon. Its combat system is more modern, based in the early 20th century, but can probably handle combat up to the present day.

Here's a .rar archive with the newest version of the rules as well as all related current working documents. At this time the latest version is v1.9.9:

Here's a walkthrough on creating a character

Here's a walkthrough on weapon schools for SoS 1.9.9 with examples

Here's Ballad of the Laser Whales' latest version: http://www.mediafire.com/download/lp4ajap6ydldx7g/CoTV+Ballad+of+the+Laser+Whales+Alpha+1.4.pdf

Here's a wiki detailing SoS's fantasy setting, getting filled up bit by bit as Jimmy reveals more details:

There's also a roll20 room where new players are encouraged to try the rules, test new rules, and find game breaking issues: https://app.roll20.net/join/346755/hRKd4w
The room might be empty, but the people who teach the game still browse the thread frequently. If you're looking to learn, post here in the thread. We also play Guy Windsor's card game Audatia in the room.

"There was no thread up but I have no idea what I'm doing" edition
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Man, we've been dead lately. Ah well. I'm in a fechty mood as of late, and since I am now free for about a week, I have time to run one. I'd like to run it Friday or Saturday. Anyone have a good idea for what exactly to run? I have a few ideas for scenarios, and I have some characters I've run that we can return to, Kal Amar and Sergeant Alder of the SMK come to mind (shame we killed Viko). Still, toss ideas at me.
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Has anyone come up with any monsters for their own games? I'm running, of all fucking things, a Legend of Zelda game in SoS for a friend, and need some monsters.
Did you see the False Hydra thread? That could work in SoS.
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I've got some old, old, stuff I'm working on adapting to the new monster system. Did you have anything specific in mind?
Humanoids that aren't just short or tall people, if that's possible. Creatures with some sort of interesting twist that makes a sword fight against them more interesting.

Also, small and medium sized creatures, no matter what they are. Most of the SoS monsters made already seem to be pretty huge.
Not really a fechty monster though.
>Humanoids that aren't just short or tall people, if that's possible

Okay, gimme more definition here. Most Humanoids don't need special rules, just some appropriate stats and fighting styles.
Woah hold on bub, what's this new monster system you're talking about?
a knife fight
Anyone know if there's a framework for SoS on Maptools? Roll20 is literally trash
I might just try my hand at making a framework myself
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>Looking back to Jimmu's monster dump
>Fasci Trolls
>All have goofy pale faces and yell shit to bait people

>Faggot troll lures you into a sticky situation
>This is the last thing you see
...I am saving that image, because it's going to be surprisingly useful for a character concept I have. What the hell has my life come to?
I hope the edited version is coming soon(tm). That would maybe revive the thread a bit as it probably lowers the entry barrier to the game.
Until then we seem to be deder day by day.
Me and another anon are looking to play some Song of Swords, with me as the GM, and were hoping to find 1-2 more players. We want to play online, using voice, sometime between 11am-5pm EST on Wednesdays. If anyone thinks they might be interested in hearing more, contact me via email or on skype at [email protected]
Why do you think I saved it? Well, wasn't for a character concept actually, but still proved quite useful.
I think he specifically wants monsters with fantastical aspects that make them unlike fechting a regular human bean. Shit like distorting space in front of it, having invisible limbs (think Rayman), being 4-dimensional, all that kind of goofy shit

Probably wouldn't hurt to set up a Category: Homebrew Monsters in the Wiki
Club vs Whip spectator sport fight? To serious injury but not death.

"Escape the bar fight". Have a bad bar fight with lots of participants. We play someone with shit combat skills that's just trying to escape through the front door. Have a "choose your adventure" routes to the door and people we get close to throw bar attacks at us. Once we get past them they get involved with other participants. Call it the "Rincewind scenario".

Primordial hunter with spear vs wolf. Does our caveman hunter get food, pelt, and trophy. Or does he get eaten.
Perhaps not, but the lack of powerful magic and the grittier aspect of the game, I think, makes it more suitable. In SoS you expect a monster to be something close to insurmountable, which is what a False Hydra would generally be.
I wouldn't say this is the case, monsters seem tough, and untested, but it seems like quick wits and skill ought to beat them. That or you just fire a volley of cannons at the fucker.
you could say the same about human enemies, but history shows that despite better judgment, we rarely have cannons on hand at all times
Some of them seem like they could be killed with simple firepower, but the Giants don't even really sound like antagonists, they're just terrain that sometimes act weird.

It's shit like the invisible panthers and shapeshifting mimic trolls that you have to worry about. There's probably a Moonlit Butterfly analogue in the setting somewhere, I think moths that can shoot lasers out of their eyes are canon. Shit that can just come out of nowhere and kill you.
Question for Jimmu:
Historically castles were generally built pretty small, so that they could be easily defended and supplied. In Tattered Realms the opposite seems to be true, with fuckhuge fortresses being the norm, in part because of the labor-cult of Genosus and also because everything just seems to be bigger in SoS.

Was this intentionally, or is it something that was just shrugged off for the sake of thematic aesthetic? Big castles are cool. ASOIAF also does this a lot, with ridiculously huge castles everywhere.
Fuckin Orredin man.
Supposed to link to>>47930704
>Laser moths
Well, first I'd point out that Game of Thrones' universe has a very good reason to have unusually large castles. Winter in that setting can last for decades. Winter lasts long enough that there are adults who have never even seen an autumn. In that context, a fortress is more than just a defensive position, it is the hub of what be an enormous agricultural preservation and distribution center. Consider how bad winters could get in our own history--then imagine that winter lasts ten years at a time. Oh sure, so does summer, but this is before preservatives and canning, how long can grain last in a cold, wet climate, no matter how good the storage, before it starts molding?

There must be an enormous process of which we are unaware which goes into preserving a portion of each year's crop for the winter. Frankly this is a part of the series that bugs me, because you never hear about, say, the 50,000,000 cats which would have to be kept in Winterfell to prevent the rats from eating into what must be a thousand tons of fucking grain required to sustain the people for the coming decade-long winter. This would easily be the most interesting part of the series for me--how the hell does agriculture work in this setting?

But enough about that. The fortresses in Tattered Realms are ornate, but they are rarely so huge as to be difficult to defend. Their size is usually vertical rather than horizontal, they are built to be splendid, but also defensible. The exceptions are things like Tenja, which was built at a chokepoint and can be easily resupplied pretty much indefinitely, so long as they get ample goods before winter closes off the pass behind them. And of course, even an impractically large defense around a city is better than no defense. Unwalled cities basically don't exist in Western Vosca outside of parts of the Krajina, where all of the walls were torn down to ensure obedience to the new regime.
Doesn't Krajina have like a ridiculously tall tower though? Like, taller than anything to ever exist in medieval England? Was that an intentional part of this "vertical size" theory?

It sounds a bit American. European culture generally didn't do big skyscrapers.
It does, but this was a reference to the fact that the ruling family and ethnicity that conquered Albion were not Normans, but essentially Cosmopolitan Slavs who had been dwelling in exile for a long while.

The inspiration for the Tower of Kralchester, as I have mentioned before, was the towers of Genoa (I think it was Genoa? It was a while ago) which had a skyline that frankly almost looked modern.

The technology existed to create huge towers, but the cultural impetus didn't. The Nemecek family brought that cultural impetus with them, and paid a lot of money to build a fucking huge tower on top of a huge hill to prove that they had the biggest dicks on the island. Oh, and also because the Big G would probably approve. You know. That's always a plus.
I believe the tower was about as tall as some Italian towers that do exist.
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Is it just me, or are the nations of the tattered realms internally homogeneous?
Honestly I feel all of Westeros should be populated by hunter-gatherers. It seems more sensible than attempting to do agriculture when you have a massive reset button coming in every so often.
Dace has enough cultural divergence within the country that its basically in a cold war against itself. I don't know about the rest.
Dace is the only country with any real development, and even then there's pretty much just the sich and the cities. Each city dislikes the others, but this conflict is homogeneous as well.
There's Vedrim and Pishka, which were detailed in the Vlatko fecht. The Sich is sympathetic to Pishka, I think, but it's never been gone into deeper than that.

Maybe you should be clear as to what your complaint is exactly.
Krajina is about to have a race war, Dace is recovering from two civil wars, Kaselreich is hopelessly divided into a thousand kingdoms, Ruscovy sells slaves by their souls, Eternal Karthack is divided by ethnicity and location into distinct rival groups, the iber can't even make a state yet. Most of the countries actually have more conflict inside them than with external threats.
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>GoT has very good reasons to have unusually large castles

isn't this the GRRM-approved version of the Iron Throne?
aber warum
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An old friend of mine has been killed in a car crash in Texas. Some moron in a truck didn't stop in time and flattened his car in a pileup.

He was a good kid and didn't deserve to eat it like that. In remembrance of my old boy:

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In honor of Brexit's success, I have decided to run a fecht in the vain of Sharpe tomorrow night, Friday. A good mix of guns, swords, and British might.

Rule Britiannia.
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Britons shall never be slaves!
If I were to run a campaign of Ballad of the Laser Whales for a trio of normies who're cool guys but know absolutely nothing about P&P (I'm thinking a 3-5-session-ish short MacGuffin-based Void Sailor campaign), what

Mostly I'm concerned what happens if they fuck up at the start, so I'll be using the first two sessions to gauge their combat-capabilty to design the "finalé" so that, by my expectation, one of them will die. Hopefully they'll pull through and all survive, but I feel like I should pull the punches until it doesn't matter if one of them actually does die. Dying before "completion" would just ruin the campaign since a replacement would be basically impossible.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to handle player lethality with normies? Maybe go with Cinematic rules? I'm thinking of giving each of them one free 3-point expenditure of Luck for the entire campaign (apart from what they buy with PCP), so that they'll feel the threat of death but still allow the game to go on until the campaign's climax.

Also are there any rules I should be careful with? I have no experience at all with SoS or Ballad.

Any general GM tips? Stuff like how much Arc to pass out, how to evaluate how much Comedic Timing should cost, how to make Roll20 not be such a steaming pile of garbage? (I'd use Maptool but I've not used it before and it's wonderfully flexible, so I have to learn it properly before using it)

I'm going to make the campaign about a map over that flipped island's tunnels to the gold mines on the other side
addendum: there's a very strong possibility I just use Maptool despite not knowing it because of how Roll20 only handles derived attributes if you make a character sheet which you can only do if you are a fucking pro member or try to get it through the official repo
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Don't give anyone rifles. After that, give them luck back for doing cool shit. Comedic timing's cost should be tied to the actual effect they are going for. Roll20 is good, you just need to learn how to work it.

The campaign idea is good, I ran a similar session, and it was hype.
>Don't give anyone rifles
Too effective? I'm going to be running a campy campaign, I don't really mind if the players are OP.

Though if you mean not giving any NPC rifles, I was already wary of that given how accuracy seems pretty deadly, even with high PCP

>Give them luck back for doing cool shit
Like Bennies or Fate points, I like it. Will definitely be doing that. Good tip Anon.

>Comedic timing's cost should be tied to the actual effect they are going for
I'm sorry for being rude Anon but yes I am aware. I was asking how to evaluate what effect constitutes what cost so as to keep it from being an arbitrary "ehhh, that's like medium unlikely, give me a 3"

>Roll20 is good, you just need to learn how to work it.
I know perfectly well how to work with it, and that's why I know it's absolute trash. Not even having basic "if, then" functionality without Pro is a travesty, not to mention its myriad technical faults (I used the default template in a call macro once and the chat broke irreversibly. When inquiring how to fix it, the only answer was to completely delete the entire chat archive.
Nothing against you, Anon, but roll20's flaws make me consider it equivalent to software garbage.
It's not so much the accuracy, so much as the massive damage and AP. One good (1 BS or more) hit means Level 4 or 5s. For Comedic, I'd say 2 for a minor benefit (shoot something in such a way that it falls and gives you cover), 3 for a immediate save my ass (the example in the book), 4 for taking someone out of the fight somehow, 5 for outright solving a situation.

I've never had problems with Roll20, and I've 1050 on it, but hey, use what works for you and yours.
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1050 hours even. Fuck.
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Ah, so when you said effect, you meant the narrative effect and not the unlikeliness (or the amount of fortune it would take) of the event being true. That's an interesting way to do it. Not what I'd intuit myself, but definitely a very orderly way of doing it, so I'll roll with that. Thanks mate.

As for Roll20, it's honestly mostly just annoying that there's so many things I have no control over. I -have- to use Soundcloud or pre-made ambient tracks, I -have- to use the default character sheet and can't edit it to be less idiotic (particularly pisses me off in Hackmaster), I -have- to do a lot of finicky shit to make things work (adding/modifying initiative requiring a selected token as opposed to just adding a Journal's name and image if used as an %Ability), etc.

Not being able to make an Attribute for Adroitness that could then be used in calls is just the latest in annoyances. I'd have to essentially make an %Ability that's just [[@({char_name|agility}+@{char_name|agility})/2]] and then watch as it breaks completely because Roll20 cannot handle nested macros properly even when you replace } with } etc., and all I want to fucking do is make a derived attribute without having to make an entire character sheet and be forced to give it to a bunch of cockwads who refuse to provide basic customizability or software freedom, and then hope they'll approve it without modifying it so it's no longer useful for me, ugh.

But hey, different strokes for different blokes.
I am not autistic

Yeah I gotcha, pic related.
I really, really like that pic OP. I'll go make it into a poster and put it in my kitchen
This is sorely lacking in nutrition information about various organs. Eyes, kidneys, the heart, all the good stuff.
Anyone got something more comprehensive?
So, is Song of Swords actually in a state that a campaign could be ran around it? I was contemplating Blade of the Iron Throne, but there are a lot of little things that are bugging me about it.
In honor of Brexit's success, I have decided to scramble madly to decide whether to offload or keep my euros.

Fuck Britiannia.
It is, it's just a bit of a hassle because the resources aren't all together, but the editing pass to fix this is taking an inordinate amount of time, so you could just start with the current mess and marvel at the ease of using a single professionally compiled book once Jimmy's buttfucked unprofessional supply chain stop stroking their dicks for long enough to actually communicate and get things done.
Wait, the missing bits are available somewhere? Thinking of magic, missing maneuvers etc.
Oh, yeah there are some things that aren't there. The available stuff is all in the rar archive. Magic isn't really in, but depending on what you want to run, you could crib from Ballad of the Laser Whales, or just make your own. Jimmy's magic is going to be quite setting-specific anyway.
We honestly need to get someone else to manage the archive.
What is missing, in all?
Latest ballad, grappling, blood magic, and monster beta as far as I can remember
There's an older version of blood magic. But the newest one is missing.
So you're volunteering, right?
Yeah he is.
>So, is Song of Swords actually in a state that a campaign could be ran around it?
Yes, it is, and has been for a long while.
well the second part is redundant since Song of Swords has literally not changed at all in forever

Where can we find these things then? Wiki?
You basically have to ask in the thread and wait until someone posts them.
The wiki is only for setting stuff.
that seems sort of retarded when literally anyone could just .zip up that shit and put it in the opening post
Heck, I'll make a new .zip as soon as I have all the extra material

why are we even using .rar, .rar sucks
>.rar sucks
>suggests .zip as the alternative
Not to get too /g/ in a thread about things that lost relevance before anything on /g/ was invented, but that's fucking retarded.
.zip is shit too but most people are fucking morons and I doubt /tg/ is particularly computer-literate

I'm used to .7z or .tar.gz but I imagine there'd be some head-scratching on how to open that with winrar (yes people still use that, I don't know why)
note: Mostly I dislike .rar because I can't even open the damned files on my phone, unlike .zip which is at least functional even if just as deprecated
.7z is easy as fuck to open, ancient programs can handle it.

Get a better file management app.
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Unkindly Magic.pdf
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Well, the latest Ballad is in the op. Blood magic is pdf related. Not sure if it's the newest though.
And then there are two PDFs containing the term grapple in the zip. Not sure if they are outdated or not what he was talking about.
Never heard of, or seen monster beta though.
No it isn't. It has homebrew on it already. There's even a category for it.
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Fuck Sharpe, do Flynn.
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As I have spent the day packing for my move, I'm shoving the Sharpe fecht to tomorrow. Gotta prepare properly to run a good fecht.
That sucks, Jimmy. Losing friends is never easy.
Frog detected.
Cane toad is more accurate
>why are we even using .rar, .rar sucks
>Heck, I'll make a new .zip
Are you living in opposite land?
Cool. I might give it a look over then. Blade of the Iron Throne seemed good on the surface, but there are a lot of things hand-waived because they don't fit the S&S theme. Also, I couldn't find rules for drawing one's weapon, in a game that touts a badass combat system. Hggnn.
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Surely you did not think that the Eternal Anglo would be content MERELY to shed rivers of Aryan blood? Their dreams must be crushed as well.
Human kidneys are so fucked that they kill pigs. Don't eat them.

Heart is literally just a huge lump of ultra-exercised muscle tissue. It'd be like eating a rock.
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>Play SoS
>Have to explain the setting to my group because reading a wiki is hard
>They don't know shit about medieval Europe
>None of them get any of the historical jokes but still think it's a cool setting
>Only thing they do notice is that Dace is a shithole, casually conclude that it's because they're not white
>They literally all make dudes in heavy armor with zweihanders and no helmets, except for one who has a stechhelm

Just fucking kill me /tg/.
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The euro has stabilized already, let this meme die.

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>>irrelevant island barbarians joyfully make themselves even more irrelevant.
>>ohohoho we're crushing your DREAMS oh superstate that outmatches us in every single way!
You're in for a rude awakening and i can't wait. Britistani tears will be fucking delicious.
It's what you deserve for your sins.
I have no idea what sins you could have committed but you must have been a real asshole.
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Yes, very good Germany, very good.

Not even german, pal friend amigo home slice bread slice.
I'm german, and I applaud the Brits. I hope more European nations follow suit.
The EU is a failed project that needs to end.

But lets not turn this thread into /pol/
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/sos/ is literally a /pol/ infiltration gone native. It's like the Wolf's Dragoons of /tg/.
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It's alright to be little bitty, bitch.
Yeah, I'm pleasantly surprised by how fucked I'm actually not. Still probably not much point in keeping a year's worth of income in a foreign currency though, for the small amount of money that my year's income is worth.
>reading a wiki is hard
To be fair, it needs a lot of work and doesn't have a good overview bit. I'm hoping Jimmy will write a little twenty to 100 page booklet on the setting to address this, but though he liked the idea when I pitched it like a year ago, he hasn't bothered yet.
>casually conclude that it's because they're not white
They must be familiar with Jimmy "The Holocaust was the best day of my life" Rome's other work, "Ballad of the Laser Fuhrer: NatSoc is the Least Evil".
>They literally all make dudes in heavy armor with zweihanders
Sounds fine to me.
>and no helmets
The first one who dies to a blow to the head will put the rest in their place.
No one took pistols?
I fight with a zweihander in one hand and a pistol in the other.
Remind them, out of character, that medieval sword control exists and that they won't be able to walk around casually like that in any town or most villages.

Also, demonstrate to them glory of Invincible Republic of Dace by shooting one of your players (not the PC, the player) with a crossbow and accuse him of being a Marju infiltrator while serving the others a solid block of hardtack soaked in ghost pepper sauce.
Don't forget to sell him/her a hand knit sweater after shooting him/her
Must support Invincible Glorious Tophonamy Bay Tourism Board somehow, friend.
Fecht when?
>I'm uneducated and don't understand economics

Raus, Schweinhund

The Holy German Empire will consume all
but your group sounds great Anon
Trust me. I'd like a new Großdeutsches Reich or Holy German Empire 2.0. But the EU is not the way to go I think.

>flooding germany with a shitload of immigrants will resotre the Holy German Empire
Mind explaining how exactly that benefits anyone except the employers?
>scared of muh immigrants
Cheap labor and a socioeconomically lower class is conducive to imperial might.
It's as simple as that

Being afraid of muh immigrants displays a shocking lack of understanding that poor people are always going to be shit. Now that the German people is no longer poor, it is also no longer shit, but it is also no longer useful for the purposes of furthering the glorious hegemony

Immigration is the lifeblood of a well-established nation, as long as the immigrants aren't awarded too many rights and get all uppity like in Scandinavia.

Note: the US has managed to impoverish its own people into a splendid Eloi/Morlock-like separation thanks to the immigration of micks and forced import of negroids and the fence-hopping of the spics, so there's a valid argument to be made for letting all immigration be illegal, but letting it happen anyway, and then just deporting them when they start getting old and useless. The US does pioneer a lot of ingenuity like that

Also, none of the benifits of a lower working class will reach the average german, since the margin by which the Profit was raised will be taken by the employers.

>as long as the immigrants aren't awarded too many rights and get all uppity like in Scandinavia.
But that's happening, in Kiel the police doesn't look into Crimes commited by refugees.
And the media often relativates if immigrants get into the spotlight in some bad way. If that is talked about at all.

Of course if you take in migrants and keep them under control and let the natives get (some of) the benifits the cheap labour brings that's great. But that's not what is happening.

Yeah: deporting the useless would be nice. But also, not happening.
>50% of Muzzies who've been in Germany for 7 years are unemployed
The German government was discussing abolishing the minimum wage in the hopes that some of these fucking losers might be able to find a job so low-paying that no German would do it, and even that hasn't worked.

They're literally worthless. You can't even fertilize dirt with them because their blood is all radioactive from the USA's depleted uranium shells. The only thing they're good at is raping white women, like those two Eritreans who fucked that chick in a public garden because they were "having a bad day."
>>Also, none of the benifits of a lower working class will reach the average german, since the margin by which the Profit was raised will be taken by the employers.
>being an average German
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware I was talking to a plebeian who'd gotten too big for his breeches. Why should I care about you? You are to me what immigrants are to you.
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4 hours, give or take.
Never ever

Gone are the fechts of yore, and in their place only shitposting and /pol/ remain
>can't dismantle my statement
>resorts to name calling
Classic. Case closed I guess.

There was a Ballad Tournament last weekend.
Your statement is irrelevant. I am an employer, I will gain profit from immigration, I am more conducive to a hegemony as I am inherently more capable of producing value, therefore immigrants are good for the hegemony, what is there to argue?

Your welfare means zip to me
You'll care when you're clawing at the gas chamber doors, (((Anon))).
Dace may literally be a shithole because its people are all psychotic. They're almost unrealistically brutal given how modern their state seems to be.
Glory to the Invincible Republic!
Their state doesn't seem all that modern. They seem to run their elections like a Roman fucked a Venetian who then gave birth on prom night and threw it in a dumpster somewhere in Poland. They're like medievals pretending to be modern without any of the social institutions or enlightenment ideology that makes it even slightly tolerable.
All the revolutionary fervour, none of the Enlightenment ideals.

All the terror none of the grace.
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Gladly, we took all the Magestone, enjoy your wasteland, you fucks.
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Give me a moment to set up, and we'll start.
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Fuck yes.

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I apologize for the delay. Let us begin. We'll be using a hybrid monster of Ballad and SoS for this, with homebrew rules for loading Blackpowder weapons.

Bennet Radcliffe
Luck: 4
CP: 14
MP: 8
WT: 7.5/10
Load Score: 5

STR 5 AGI 6 HT 5 END 5

Rifle 10
1H Sword 6
Wrestling 4

That Was Left-Handed!
I See You
Light Infantry Doctrine
Head Guard

Drill 5
Athletics 5
Stealth 5
Awareness 5
Tactics (Foot) 5

Baker Rifle 150m|8|.62 (8/8)|1 (Int)|100Load|Single Shot, Longshot|4WT
Briquet 1H/S|7(+1c)|7(-1p)|7(3)|Draw 2|0.5WT/1sp


Misc Items:
Field Gear 3WT

Boons & Banes :
Duty (-6)
Good Eyes (3)
True Grit (4)
Not to seem like a dick, but where's the CP 14 coming from? 1H Sword 6+ADR 6 is 12.
You are Bennet Radcliffe of the 95th Regiment of Foot. Today, you and 29 other men of your company have been tasked with ambushing an incoming convoy of French munitions. The goal is to pin down the convoy long enough for friendly cavalry to sweep in and destroy it. You'll hit the convoy as it passes through a small abandoned farm.
A simple mistake, I made some adjustments as I made the sheet, and forgot to fix it.
Right, whats the terrain like around this farm?
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I should probably have a name on for ease of browsing.

Anyway, you are lead out of camp by your Sergeant, Sergeant Ianson, and soon arrive at this farm. You and yours begin to take stock of the situation.

Even though you aren't the Sergeant, I'll let you guys allot your men as you like.
The convoy is coming from the south, by the way. We'll be using Ballad missile and cover rules here.
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I might be the only one here. But I'd put 5 men into each of the buildings and the stockade, with an extra 5 around the corner of the big house to the north, and an extra 5 hiding on the hill.

Let the enemy into the farm, have the stockade and the big house fire first, with the hill and the southern house opening up after the convoy goes for cover, and the guys behind the big house coming around whichever side seems appropriate/act as a reserve group.

This would negate the range of our rifles, but could jam the frogs in good.
We might want to try and set something up to block them from retreating or advancing. Maybe something we can knock over?
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Like so?
There is plenty of things you can use for an impromptu road block. Looks like this place was abandoned in a hurry.
Presumably it's a convoy of wagons, half of the first volley could be told to target the horses of the lead and trail wagons.

Although if we had the time to dig some sort of pit trap at the north that could help out as well.

Actually, there's some barrels in that stockade, if we dig a shallow trench across the road, we could roll the barrels into it; would that work?
That works if the group out on the hill are in good cover, if exposed, they should maybe be behind the house on the hill.
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They'll be in good cover if they're prone.
It works for me then, How about you?>>47965636
Looks like it's not a great night for a fecht. We'll try some other time.
Yeah, I think that other bloke just showed up for one post and buggered off.
Well we definitely need to, I've an urge to shoot some frenchmen.
Hey, we're Midwesterners. We have a name.
Damn, what was he like?
If you're the only one who knows your name, your not important enough to need one.
Snappy dressers.
Pretty much everyone knows what the midwest is.
The Rats have forged steel!
I call the validity of that map into question. southern Ohio is Hillbilly, but southern Indiana, southern Illinois, southern Missouri, and Arkansas are not. Plus the Cajuns are lumped in with Dixie when they are one of the most distinctive ethnic/cultural groups in America.
Feel free to make a better map.
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I ran a session last night with that premise. The PCs blew a quarter of the city.

It was actually amazing how well they did it. None of the players ever said the word "monster" or "thing," they referred to it as a curse. They basically worked out that there was a curse in X part of the city (the district lowest in geography so it had all the storm drains) that was fucking with peoples' minds. So they went and stacked 50 barrels of gunpowder in the sector, and then set it off. It was all above ground, so it was mostly just air pressure, but that much would kill an elephant, so I figured they'd smoked 2 of the 3 heads of the Hydra, and most importantly, deafened the remaining one from ear-canal rupture.

So now the hydra was singing off-tune, they could tell that something was singing, but they couldn't actually see the source. So they got in a big circle with abus guns, and just moved around firing in all directions, ripping apart buildings and shit. Eventually they hit the hydra, it stopped singing for a second, and one guy did 30+ damage to it with a Zellish chakram the instant it appeared.

When in Hell, call for Zell.
>abus guns
What's this?
Also, were they like high-tier military officials or did they somehow do all of this illegally?
An abus gun is a yuge rifle, basically a man portable artillery piece.
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>a man portable

...with a little help from a friend...
Well, it's Man portable, if not so much portable by just ONE man.
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Anything's man-portable to a big enough man.
Isn't that guy dead, and possibly a Kurd?
Well I mean, he's dead now, but he didn't used to be.
doesn't that apply to every dead person
Depends on your definition of person and alive I suppose.
>missile weapon maneuvers aren't in SoS
Am I retarded or does this mean I shouldn't be using a bow and arrow in a campaign
They start on page 226.
Yeah but they don't have any costs listed is what I was meaning to say
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Dace has disturbingly predicted American politics by about a year. There was just a big fight in California between political groups, seven people were stabbed.

>tfw Gizka is somewhere in America right now, plotting her takeover
You use your full missile pool + however much you've aimed.
I barely post on /tg/ these days but every couple of months or so I pop on to see if any progress has been made on Song of Swords and am always disappointed that there's been none. What does the SoS team even do all day?
correction: a couple of times a month
Same. Very little apparently. I've started watching Band of Bastards progress. Seems like a decent game so far. Still beta though, so I'm hoping it doesn't go infinite hiatus like SoS.
Their real jobs that give them the money they need to live I presume.
Unless they're working 80 hours a week, it has still been an inordinate amount of time. I think he has every right to be disappointed that a project he had hopes for has sputtered and failed.
I'm brushing up on SoS in anticipation of running a game soon. I seem to recall in an earlier version of the game that when you fail the roll to increase your grit after seeing something beyond your grit level (like a massacre or something) that you got some sort of corruption or insanity point. Did they remove that or did I imagine it?

Also for those of you who follow this more closely than me: What should I know before playing SoS? What needs to be homebrewed or fixed or is otherwise waiting official unfucking?
That did in fact exist, and was the only way to increase your grit post creation.
As for what needs fixing, adding magic is probably what I'd say.
I'm running a game where rules for magic won't really be necessary. I'm more concerned about places where the rules break down or things that you guys think needs to be fixed or smoothed over in order to run an actual game in the system. How clunky are lopsided fights? If 5 guys attack 3 PCs, will it turn into a clusterfuck? Should I just tell my players to roll 3 characters or is combat easy to balance? Any broken options I should be concerned with?
Are you running a standard fantasy verse ie plate armor everywhere? Because plate armor is kinda op if you don't make them micro-manage all of it's problems.
Every time you outnumber the pcs by more than say 1 someone will die or be grievously wounded enough to slow down their quest. Fights in general are as lethal as you want them to be and you should just be to eye ball it by comparing dice pools against each other. If you have a pc with 12 dice facing a charging Aztec with 18 dice then expect him to have to be extremely smart and defensive to survive.

Half-pike is op but otherwise not much
So if I have 3 PCs then any more than 4 enemies are likely to be trouble unless each one has like half their CP? I tend to use a lot of mooks in other games that I've run before... can a few PCs with 12ish dice each hand a bunch of 5 dice chumps?
Five dice chumps would be a bunch of teenagers with sticks. It's possible, but they can still be inordinately dangerous because of how hard it is to defend against multiple attacks at once. If you use larger groups, allow the PCs to thin them out with missile attacks or positioning to let them fight one at a time.

It's the fucking editor. They've released entire games in the time it takes for her to check grammar or whatever the fuck she's doing. If she ever actually finishes, I hope she's never contracted to work on the game again.
> Its combat system is fast
>300 page pdf
>Page full of stats.
> Why have 1 mental stat when you can have 3!

Not with a 10 foot pole you roll playing scum.
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The average person has 4 dice just from ADR. I dunno if that's still applicable though because old "average person" was calculated when gritty power was 16pcp and you therefore had 3 in everything but race(1). Anyways such a person would have 6 points for proficiency so he's either got prof 5 in one weapon or 3 in 3 weapons so looking at around 7-9 for your average just joined the army farm boy. So really with that and stuff other people have said in other threads you want about 8 raw recruit, 10 decently trained fighter, 12 the guys you want guarding your castle, 14 the guys you want guarding the king, 16+ are heroes/hero killers
So a 2v1 fight is nearly impossible to win unless you're Achilles or Batman.
Not neccissarily, you just need to be good/lucky with the mechanics.
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I can see that, you can really run out of CP quick if you have to parry/block 2-3 incoming attacks.
Running, threading or just killing one very quickly is your options.
I can give an example of a fight I won 3v1 to show how mechanics can win you a fight. It was a barfight that guardsmen had shown up to break up only we were pirates and wanted men. The guardsmen all had truncheons and I, an ohanedin, had my trusty kusari gama(truncheon with reverse spike and weighted chain). Since the weighted chain has range VL versus their S they all had to pay 4 dice to close in on me and attack so i knew that they'd on average have trouble piercing the high blunt defense of my armor. So it went Red(me)/Red/Red/Red I declare a 13 dice swing at one of their heads they all declare 6 dice swings at mine. We roll initiative and i win out and hit a guy in the throat for 4bs and declare a cleaving blow for 1 dice manage only one success on the next and just bonk against his helmet(still stealing 2 dice). The 6 dice attack hits me for 4 successes and the 4 dice attack hits me for 3 successes both are stopped by my 10 tough+def( though the top one was close). They both have initiative on me and declare 10 dice swings at my head so i steal initiative for 4 on one and declare a simultaneous parry/attack for 5/4 (i had something making simultaneous cheaper). I managed to win the initiative against the first guy and dropped him with a lucky hit to the throat( ahh 8 strength) and my parry grabbed 2BS vs his 6bs and so plapped against my armor once more. Afterwards my friends who had been in single combat joined in and we wrecked the guy.

TMZ's might also help if you don't mind using those confusing things I do believe we were using them in that game
It depends. A significant problem is that guys in armor can easily be worth multiple opponents if they lack weapons that can penetrate or bypass that armor.

This is actually good, if I want to throw a bunch of enemies at my party without actually slaughtering them.
So just how big of a difference is the 4 PCP between each power level? Obviously the 16 point leap between gritty and legendary is a big deal but what about between gritty and low power?
Depends on what it is spent on honestly. Not all the columns are of equal value like take the stats column each one up is worth a lot where as a 1 more in proficiency could easily just be eh one more dice

Sorry TZM "Target zone modifiers" it's a bandaid to make targeting different body parts harder so people don't get stabbed in the foot an unrealistic amount. It subtracts and adds dice for attacking parts like hitting a hand is +1 and hitting foot is -2 while chest is just +0
Three hundred pages soaking wet, or at least unformatted.

If only Jimmy weren't dead so I can yell at him for hiring a coma patient again.
>in P&P
What in the everloving fuck was the person hiring her thinking would happen?
So, if you're standing in the open and a bunch of people shoot at you and you can't take cover, you can either passively roll PER dice or take a cautious defense and roll ADR+PER up to PER times (assuming you're getting shot a lot)?
>fast means simplistic and abstracted
Okay, so I have some bad news for you. Bad because it's another book you need to open. It's good, though, because the rules are good. The Song of Swords missile rules are fairly out of date. There are much better ones, and a better initiative system that makes multiple combatants much easier, in the Call of the Void document. There, there's rules that makes ranged weapons not always hit all the time, and full rules for dodging and taking cover.

Or, you can wait until the end of time when the books are supposed to be merged and those ranged rules enter SoS. For now, they're separate but completely compatible.
This is the kind of stuff I was trolling for. Is there anything else from Call of the Void that I should port into SoS?
People generally agree that the initiative system from CotV is superior as it makes larger combats a lot easier to manage.
steal the luck system if you wanna make the game less deadly
Use the ranged combat rules and initiative, and luck as >>47995158 said since you seem to want your players to be a bit more heroic. Also, double all the gun ranges in SoS if you're using the ranged rules from Ballad. Possibly bow ranges too.
Gritty to low is a very significant increase in competence. Gritty characters tend to be absolute novices, while low characters generally are fairly skilled in what they specialize in.
>the nation based on historical democracies has predicted events in a current democracy
I feel like there's a certain well-known pithy saying which applies here.
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>3 mental stats
Buddy, there's at least 5.
Yeah, because more is better.
Maybe Perception, but that's at least partly based on physical ability.
You know what most systems do, because their great grandpappy D&D did it, and they can't get hard without his old geriatric dick in their experiences? Have at least 3 mental stats.
Your bait is shit
How many should there be?
The fewer the better.

The systems in an rpg exist to guide and enhance Role play. This crunch worshiping bullshit of wanting to simulate everything and have a million rules for every instance is retarded. D&D's 3-4 hour combat sessions are the epitome of this.
>Emulating D&D
D&D is famous but it is also a garbage system.
That's definitely a personal preference area there, buddy. Which systems do you prefer?
Any Old School style game with simple but effective systems. There was an example in some pdf posted on here once that I really like:

Modern RPGS
Player: I search for traps
GM: Ok, roll your trap lore, your perception, your acrobatics and your patience. You have a +2 to trap lore due to your +2 boots of spike walk and your patience is at +1 because you had a good night sleep. Now I just need to cross reference your weight vs the trigger pressure of this spike trap....

Old School:
Player: I check for traps
Gm: How?
Player: Uh...I poke ahead with a 10 foot pole.
Gm: Ah. Alright. You find and trigger a spike trap (Rolls for player's luck) but you drop your pole into the trap.
I think that's going a bit far. D&D--honestly all editions of it--were good games. They just had to be understood in the context of the milieu they occupied.

You couldn't run a D&D game in SoS, because everyone would die. You couldn't run a D&D game in GURPS because nobody would know what anything was. Half of the fun of D&D, in my opinion, is that it comes with this huge collective set of assumptions, both mechanical and thematic, that combine into a hazy but beautiful meta-logic. There's nothing quite like a game of D&D, even if it's a knockoff like Pathfinder, with a group of game lads (game in the adjective sense) who know the score and are in for the good 'ol days.

You know, Opaque Industries was almost an Adventure Path/Module company. We ducked out at the last minute precisely because we realized that our lead writers (I and two others whom you have met) were basically not cut out for D&D adventures.

One of the greatest regrets of my life, really. I wish I could produce a Skinsaw Murders, or a Keep on the Borderlands. Instead, you're going to get The Hole in The Stars.
Where's the game, Jimmy? Where's the fucking game? Do I have to send Vinny and Jimmy (no relation) over again?
Jimmy did you inadvertently not tell your editor what to do again, or is there some other excuse she's shoving at you for doing jack shit?
Shut up and stop being reasonable, you interminable catamite.
I sat down in a room with my editor today, and we had a long (actually pretty short, it just felt really long) conversation about how serious the need to get with the fucking program was.

Here's what I know. There are still a few things that were noticed at the end of the editing process that need to be addressed. Some of it was supposed to be dealt with internally, but a lot of people moved at the same time (we're all poor) and so we had no real way to coordinate because everyone was struggling to stay alive.

As of last night, I have dealt with a full half of these things. There are now a couple more things to do, which I intend to do tonight as soon as the editorial staff get off their day jobs. After that, it is just a matter of formatting. I'm told it takes an hour to do ten pages. The game is pretty big but I actually doubt their estimate--a lot of the pages would be repetitive and easy to do, especially near the end.

So we're looking at a bit longer, but not much longer.

Right, I forgot where I was. D&D X edition is the ONLY true edition and all other infidels must be hanged.
>the end of the editing process
Well that's nice to hear.

>things that need to be addressed
Organizational company things? Game flaw things? Surely you can tell us more than this.
>Old School style game
Any actual examples? Are you talking AD&D or Runequest? I'd like to check out these rule sets.
>end of the editing process
Joyous words, Jimmu.
At a certain point, the crunch can be the draw. Fechts are a prime example. I don't know of many RPGs, other than tRoS and it's derivatives, where just doing a combat with the system, RP optional, is so much fun. Not to mention that, properly used, good crunch can inform and guide roleplay.
Most things under the OSR umbrella would probably fit that.
How do I pay not you Jimmy? I want to fund your flight ticket to Australia so you can strangle everyone in charge of the delays
It's essentially just a board game/wargame with an added campaign-mode. Like Dwarf Fortress' adventure mode
But the precarious nature of combat has the converse effect of steering players to explore alternative options not usually necessary in a lot of RPGs. A group of six level 8 D&D characters will gladly take on three times their number in town guard/bandits, whereas in tRoS style games, just a few foes with loaded crossbows is a major deterrent and threat, no matter how good you are.

But, as the other anon pointed out, once you do get into combat it is damn fun.
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Since we've gone into questioning how the game actually plays, I'd like to share the story of the game I'm running right now.

I've been running a weekly game of Song of Swords for the past couple of months, and it's one of the best campaigns I've run for a while. I think it really goes to show how the lethal nature of the game can force players to get into the heads of their characters, and act like reasonable human beings. It's also great to get such a good game out of a full historical setting, rather than fantasy.

The premise was relatively simple. The year is 1655, and Poland is being carved up between the Swedes and Russians. Life is hard, winter is hard, everything is terrible. The players were summoned by an aging Polish nobleman in Swedish-occupied Krakow. He was an old guy, with one request: bring the head of one of the mercenaries working for the Swedes to him. The Dutch mercenary was called The Boar, and he was a true bastard. He had fought for the Poles during the beginnings of the Cossack Rebellions, where he committed numerous atrocities against the local Ruthenians. But all of a sudden, he switched sides, fought for the Cossacks. His greatest sin, though, was killing the Polish nobleman's son at Batih. The Boar sent a ransom for the lad and when he got the money, sent a shrunken head.

The party was rather absurdly diverse.
There was Anime Man, a young Swiss mercenary who had personal revenge on his mind after the Boar killed his brother.
The Prussian, a weird nostalgic warlord who tried to fight as a classic knight and uphold chivalry despite that being an anachronism in the horrors of the Thirty Years War and Deluge.
The Cossack, an older guy who had seen too much, and just wanted to settle down.
Ahnold, actually an Englishman, who was drawn along for the ride looking for his brother.
And the English noble, a jolly fellow who's player never could make it after the first session.
Yeah, I've never had an SoS campaign where getting into combat is the player's first choice. So, it's as >>48002217 said, good crunch informs roleplay.
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They had one lead. The Boar was in Czestochowa, helping the occupation of the city while the Swedes delt with a certain unruly monestary. They set out. Some conflict started early, as most of the party wanted to kill the bastard with a cannon, while the Prussian wanted to fight him on the field.

They were almost robbed by hungry peasants on the road, but some quick talking and the renown of the Prussian helped diffuse the situation. They learned a bit about the upsurge of Polish nationalism, despite the flight of the king, then continued on their way.

They arrived at Czestochowa to find it in a relatively sorry state. It wasn't destroyed, but the Swedes and their german troops were busy laying seige to the town's monestary and everyone was under martial law. The people controling the town were determined to be the men of The Boar himself. Mostly unruly mercenaries. They guessed this one by all of the boar flags flying under the Swedish ones.

After sweet talking the guards, they checked into an inn in one of the nicer bits of town. It was nice but empty, and the owner was happy to tell everyone about how the mercenaries had searched his house multiple times. The Boar's men set up shop in the nicest tavern in town, which was now home only to drunk soldiers. The party decided to check it out, and sent Anime Man and the Cossack over to check things out. It was, of course, a ruined shithole, but they learned some interesting things. The Cossack pumped a Russian mercenary over some backgammon, got some money, and learned that most of the Boar's best troops weren't in town. Anime Man sat in a corner brooding over how much he didn't like rapists (the soldiers were harassing some bar girls), and overheard some soldiers talking about local Poles being caught with gunpowder and being taken to the basement for later.
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All this time, the Prussian waxed philosophically with the owner of the bar the party was staying at, and Ahnold slept in his room because the player wasn't there.

So, a plot was set up. The party would sneak into the inn that night and try to find the Boar, or any intelligence, starting with those locals in the basement. They snuck up fairly well, bot botched the sneaking roll near the cellar door out behind the inn. A young guard went to investigate, and Anime Man was forced to stab him in the neck repeatedly. Thus began the first of many Grit checks.

They next broke into the basement, only to find several soldiers keeping a Polish husband and wife tied up while a Tatar mercenary oversaw the application of a hot iron. This spurred the party into action, and a tense duel broke out in the basement. Two guards were killed, and the Tatar was slain after an extended fencing match where he used a red hot poker as a parrying weapon against the Cossack. The Cossack pocketed his nice Ottoman-made yataghan and a letter addressed to the Boar on his person, while the Prussian helped the civilians back to the inn they were staying in.

There was one prisoner, another Russian, who claimed he was just a guard, and begged to be let go. He promised that he'd show the party where some treasure was buried. Anime Man struggled with the decision, as prisoners would be hard to deal with and control, and in the end the old veteran Cossack was forced to slit the man's throat. Another grit check for Anime Man and the beginning of some great back and forth over the next few sessions between the idealistic Swiss soldier and the hardened, cynical Cossack. It's a joy to witness.
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The Cossack then tried to burn down the inn with all the boar's soldiers in it, having correctly ascertained that the Boar wasn't there. He didn't start a good enough fire, though, and only served to alert the whole damn town. Leaving the tortured couple in the care of the innkeeper, the party fled into the night on their horses, barely making it past the gate guards. They only had the letter to go on. It was written by an unknown figure, but it made reference to the various royal combatants of the Deluge and provided instructions to “remind them why they are fueding” near Russian-occupied Lublin. The party set off to meet one of the Prussian's old friends in town there, to find out more about the Boar and to determine his current location.

It's getting pretty late, and I have class early in the morning. This is about half way of the campaign we've done so far, and I'll try and write some more after class. This game really, really works when you get into it and get into the right mindset. That duel in the torture basement was great, both in its back and forth nature and in the general horror of the killing that happened. It's really done a lot to create a great war story, with a lot of back and forth interaction about the nature of warfare and the morality of all the killing. One of the best games I've played in a very long time, and I'm looking forward to carrying it forward to The Boar and possibly beyond.
This Boar fellow sounds somewhat like the Jackal from Far Cry 2.
That sounds awesome, anon.
Correction: In the end, it was the Swiss merc who killed the prisoner. The Cossack offered to do it, but ultimately Anime Man did it. This has been sticking with him as guilt for a long time.

We call him Anime Man because he took beautiful, he has a somewhat shounen-like backstory of looking for revenge, and because history is more anime than any anime. In play, he isn't a weeb or anything like that.
>Anime Man
The type of armor, or the Japanese style of cartooning?
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pic related
Anime Man's player here. Just seconding all of this:
>This game really, really works when you get into it and get into the right mindset. That duel in the torture basement was great, both in its back and forth nature and in the general horror of the killing that happened. It's really done a lot to create a great war story, with a lot of back and forth interaction about the nature of warfare and the morality of all the killing. One of the best games I've played in a very long time, and I'm looking forward to carrying it forward to The Boar and possibly beyond.

It's been a fucking marvelous game to be a part of. A crazy thing, for how crunchy SoS is, it really only comes up during key moments, where it can change the narrative. It is, really, really cool when a game comes together.
Are customization options multiplicative or cumulative in cost? Would getting a finely forged (+50%) ridiculously sharp (+50%) orichalcum (+5000% cost) Zweihander be
75 sp+75*50*1.5*1.5 = 8512.5 sp
75 sp+75*(.5+.5+50) = 3900 sp

Or is it not even +5000% but 5000% more expensive rather than "an additional 5000% of the price added"
I'd say cumulative.
Cumulative, I'm fairly certain.
Yeah it would be really stupid to make implementing a firearm into an orichalcum sword cost 50 times as many sterling as it cost to implement it into the original sword, but sometimes games have weird rules so I wanted to make sure
>3900 sp
This is what I presume to be correct.

Well I checked out Mazes and Minotaurs and Encounter Critical, which have 3 mental stats each(5 for Encounter if you count ESP and Magic Power).
After the editing is done, I am sure there will still be a bit more playtesting to do? Many have mentioned you'll be pulling in certain systems (like from CotV), so that'll take a bit to make sure it's bug-free? Or are you guys confident that the system is complete and (mostly) free of problems?
We'll probably have another tournament or two to try and break the game.
The editing is just for the kick starter, not the final release.
What era do people want to run a game in the most, or setting if you're so inclined? Alt/his/ okay, I'm just curious about peoples tastes. I'd probably want to run one in the Shinsengumi period for the friends of mine who're itching for L5r. Other than that I'm not too sure so far.
alt-modern Japan turned Chinese vassal, after magical winter undead apocalypse.

Necromancy, pyromancy, guns, swords, vaults and winter survival dodging eldritch undead and wild magic anomalies(ripped straight from Stalker: The scifi RPG).
A shinsengumi game would be fun but if I was doing Japan I'd probably stick with the classics and put the players in Oda Nobunaga's court.
Although Joumon could also be great fun.
I'd go earlier in the Sengoku period, before any unification. Not as a political game, but playing up the samurai = western movie of The Magnificent Seven and the like.

Sengoku Japan and the Hundred Years War. Surprisingly very few games are set in this period it seems, because everyone wants to go with lesser known periods of history.
>Wanting to be a sandal bearer
Akechi did nothing wrong
Romantic Wild West, Arab revolt of WWI, and any of the numerous times a Chinese dynasty has self-destructed just so I say "failed state" to my Chinese friend as often as possible.
Cool. Hopefully Jimmy will take a look at other TRoS-likes (Blade of the Iron Throne, Band of Bastards) and convert some cool shit from there. I think SoS does it best, but that doesn't mean those games don't have some cool shit.
Good taste, anon.
Dude is a funny guy, will go out of his way to kill as many Japanese as possible no matter how disadvantageous it is to him. Once burned the whole of Japan down to 1/1/1/ value provenances in EU4.

Still has no real desire to return to his homeland.
All this talk of games makes me wanna fecht
Then run one. Lord knows Sharpe won't return. Will you save us?
What is fecht? I keep seeing it referenced and I've seen some of the fighting threads using it, but I've never found out the system it runs on. Is it song of swords? Riddle of steel? What?
Fechts are like short quests with (usually) premade characters following a set storyline, though they're more combat-oriented rather than plot-oriented. Jimmy Rome has ran a fair amount of fechts to set down background lore for the Tattered Realms (and show off the combat system, and additions), and others sometimes run fechts in the thread, set either in the Tattered Realms, the Void or real life. They're good for some combat fun, you could say.
Fecht also just means fight and I was sorta meaning just that a fight against an actual opponent determining his own dice expenditures
I cannot help you tonight friend. It is too little, too late and my bed calls me
Anything you're thinking of in particular?
Is it weird that I'd rather run fantasy in SoS?
It's sold as a fantasy game, so not really.
>will take a look at other TRoS-likes (Blade of the Iron Throne, Band of Bastards) and convert some cool shit from there
I like tits as any other guy but it's not really worth using for SoS corebook
Fecht is a middle German word for fight; we use it to denote fights, either in the thread or the roll20. When in the threads it uses group participation and decision making.

Originally they were tRoS, usually they're SoS or Call of the Void, but we've done one in Band of Bastards, and a few in FATAL.
Fecht means "fight". It's usually a combat focused quest like adventure or duel between posters in the thread or roll20 room.
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