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Pathfinder General /pfg/

>not playing a merfolk bard
>daily reminder that Gareth's bean sidhe bard sucks and gives up armor and Inspire Courage for basically nothing

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Old Thread: >>47785867
If it helps he can do most of that without any extra input on your part, he's just being lazy.
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The party is a stalker (vigilante) and an inquisitor (warpath follower), both 4th-level. I am creating the inquisitor.

Should the inquisitor keep Solo Tactics and the bonus teamwork feat for something amazing I am missing, or should they drop it for the Preacher archetype and gain two attack rerolls each day?

Are there any good inquisitor archetypes that stack with Warpath Follower?
>not playing a merfolk bard

Lets be fair, with those stats, they're better off as Oracles.
Oh almighty shareanon we praise thee.....and ask for stuff from the hellknight and spymasters book.
Is it okay to have a fighter cohort if my PC is already a fullcaster?
I'm probably ok with allowing the hair to work like a normal prehensile hair hex, and honestly even the monk scaling on the hair damage (its like what, an average of +3-4 damage per strike? Whatever)

I'm not gonna give him the multiple grapple thing on further thought, there's a feat line for that and he can damn well take it if he wants it.

I'm pretty sure i'm ok with forcing him to deal with the STR limit on the constrict feats too. Those are more powerful
Not shareanon, just a guy who bought the AP subscription for Hell's Vengeance. And maybe Strange Aeons, I'm on the fence about keeping it on for that one.
>I'm pretty sure i'm ok with forcing him to deal with the STR limit on the constrict feats too

I'd let him base it off Int at the cost of a feat or something, similar to Prodigious Two Weapon Fighting.
I like this.
More specifically "trying not to have to spend any abilities or feats"
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So /pfg/, what's your favorite gestalt combo and why?
Why would it not be?
yeah you guys are right

thnx friends its good to be able to check and make sure i'm not crazy
Binder//Dragonfire Adept A L L D A Y casting.
Hey, /pfg/, I'm kind of a scrub as far as Pathfinder goes, as my old mentor and DM passed away a few years back. I'm trying to get back into the game, and want to pick up a campaign that I could suggest to my group of friends that we play.

Any suggestions?
Why don't you ask your GM?
Mystic//Augmented Blade War Soul

You're a fantastic initiator on both sides with access to things Mystic loves like Sleeping Goddess Style built in. You've got the usual Soulknife 'save a bunch of WBL on magic weapons' but without being restricted as to what KIND of weapon - just glue on the magic rock. You count as a fighter, so if you want it, the WMH is your oyster. You're ALSO a shockingly flexible pseudo-artificer, thanks to Psicrystal Power Source, a bladeskill that lets you glue your fancy crystal friend to wands or other spell-trigger items and spend a pittance in PP to activate the spell *as if it were being cast at your level*.

So you can craft bottom-barrel wands and get full scaling out of them for a few PP. It's a really neat trick.
First, don't pay for anything. If you want to get your feet wet run a smaller adventure like We Be Goblins or a module (all of which are available in the pastebin). That gives the benefit of being free and not locking you into a year-long adventure with a system you're unfamiliar with or might not even like.
Rise of the Runelords is decent and pretty noob friendly, given that it's Paizo's first AP.
Barbarian//Alchemist. It's so simple but so good.
Warsoul // Aegis
because /pfg/ make it sound like any martial character is a sin that must be purge.
Paladin/Sorcerer with 3.5 sources thrown in.
Negotiator bard and anything that can get the Sin inquisition. Diplomancy and bluff all over, you don't even need spells to make everyone your puppets.
Although I suppose that now the Seduction inquisition is pretty nice for that sort of thing too.
Literally huh?
Monk/Sorcerer, with spells known being flashy moves like Thunderstomp for the ultimate wuxia fighter.
Well if the shoe fits...
Anyone else have a class that they just can't get away from? Like you'll have an idea for a character and as you work out the details you gravitate towards a favored class?

I somehow always end up with an alchemist or a bard.
>listening to /pfg/

Are you a retard?
I wanted to do Soulknife/Aegis into Awakened Blade but it looks like my GM isn't going to allow Gifted Blade and War Soul at the same time. Is it still worth going into?
That's not a nice word, we've moved onto more appropriate words now. It's "I bet you like martial classes?"
Tell your mom Tyrone and the boys been waitin
I have a thing that lets me choose a combat feat at the start of every day.
What happens if I then pick a feat, through natural progression, that needs it as a prerequisite, then switch the prereq. feat to something else?
Does the second feat cease to function?

For example, let's say I have it as Dodge.
Then I take Mobility.
Then I swap Dodge with, like, Power Attack or whatever.
What happens to Mobility?
Story time

>Pathfinder group finishes a multi-years long dungeon crawl with no RP opportunities in the adventure as written
>Group decides to play Kingmaker, emphasizing starting a nice RP-heavy campaign
>Talk about not playing the adventure as written, customizing everything to what we would find fun; basically a freeform sandbox kingdom-builder hexploration with heavy intrigue and the skeleton of the Kingmaker plot to prop it all up
>Hell yeah.jpg
>Imagining the group all debating philosophy in character to make kingdom decisions, all with differing pictures of an ideal society
>Play paladin of Abadar born in Galt (a land of eternal french revolution Reign of Terror, )
>His god/faith in free markets conflict with his belief that the people need aristocrats to make wise decisions for them because commoner autonomy leads to mob rule
>Falling would lead to becoming a full-blown fascist
>Have great character
>Nobody wants to DM so we agree to take turns, I take book 1 because fuck high level PF stat blocks
>Show up to first session
>Small number of the characters are good for Kingmaker, the rest are typical adventurers including a straight up C/N gnome stereotype and a rogue who lies to the party about finding loot
>My character is now a DMPC and I play him as such, not saying much and only using a crossbow or disarm maneuvers in combat
>Let the players make all the decisions because that's how the game fucking works
>Flirt with my girlfriend's character a couple times as an NPC, don't make it take up any time, just once every couple sessions
>Get to Book 2, the new DM will be DMing for much of the rest of the campaign
I remember seeing a feat that let you use your INT to meet DEX requirements on other feats.
Anyone know what that might be?
You lose it, same way you would lose it if you took Dex damage and no longer had at least 13.
The feat ceases to function until you meet the pre-requisites. Same thing as if you were using a +2 Belt of Dex to get a 13 for TWF and the belt got removed.
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>>47795109 (cont.)

>New DM hits on my gf as that npc
>He is morbidly obese and married
>Her: nothanks.jpg
>It's 100% in character and I know he's not trying anything but he's too autistic to realize it's awkward, no one has said anything to this day just hoping he'll stop
>Our characters are given the charter to start the kingdom
>A couple NPCs are in the charter as well
>Time for us to vote on who gets what role
>DM "By the way, we're going to use the Relationship rules to make it easier to track which NPCs like who"
>He is the only one familiar with those rules
>Built my stats and concept around being in one of the leadership roles
>Everyone votes in character, my paladin doesn't get a leader role because nobody could see him as a leader, he doesn't take charge or give much input on anything
>tfw you suffer for playing a DMPC well
>DM's character (now DMPC) is voted Ruler
>My paladin is the fucking Treasurer
>nobody really got what they wanted (except for the DM) so we decide to re-vote for everything keeping in mind what everyone wanted out-of-character
>My paladin and DMPC are tied for Ruler so we have a tiebreaker vote
>DMPC wins by one vote of an NPC because of Relationship points gained from off-screen rp interactions
>DMPC frequently steals the spotlight such as by 1shotting a boss monster
>Other nonsense such as a nymph charms/rapes my character and spending an entire session filling out spreadsheets
>We're not playing the adventure I thought we would be playing
>Want to switch to a goof-off character like everyone else but the DM has said that if anyone wants to switch characters they won't be in the charter so they'll have no say in the kingdom
>If I bring anything up he reminds us that he didn't want to DM in the first place and nobody else will step up
>Stuck with a character in an adventure where he doesn't belong
I have said I'd DM 5e but they don't want to learn new rules. It's a shame because I like these guys.
Thanks guys.
Artful Dodge.
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Why do you like these guys again? Pretty much all of the problems there have nothing to do with the game itself.
>DMPCs being pieces of shit
Ugh, god, that shit's the worst.
I was in a campaign once that felt like our party was an escort quest that got passed around, as the DM kept introducing these super cool NPCs using classes we've never heard of, using spells and maneuvers we couldn't identify.
It's like, we had a caster and three initiators and the NPCs kept outdoing all of us. Eventually, one of us got fed up and decided to have a 1 on 1 duel with one of these DMPCs. The DM kept pulling new abilities out of his ass and artificially inflating the NPC's stats (one time a roll of 24 was enough to hit, but later on, with no buffing or changes whatsoever, a 29 couldn't hit anymore, stuff like that) so our poor Barb lost the duel. The DMPC of course explained to him that he needs to become stronger before he can take him on. We were level 7.
It's just the worst, the absolute worst.
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How would you build the Mystic Knight from Dragon's Dogma?
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Honestly, some form of Magus||Investigator (Empiricist) is probably my favorite, simple gestalt. It's two 3/4th BaB, 6th level "casting" classes, but it just covers all the possible bases.

In terms of favorite overall? I'd have to say Synthesist Summoner||Promethean/Preservationist Alchemist
How would you justify a Good Vivisectionist? I noticed it stacks with Chirurgeon, and I was going to take that anyway, but the archetypes didn't seem to mesh very well.
I dont get it.
As the DM, the only DMPC I ever had was essentially a plot-point escort character that was level 3 (with the party being level 8) whose only ability was knowledge skills because no one took any of them.
i'd start by playing a better game.
A surgeon? You just focus less on the whole transforming animals into manimals aspect.
Living Legend//Warder
SAD with Focused Offense, all in on INT.

God, it's just the best. I love it.
What don't you get, exactly?
GM's quite commonly don't understand or don't care about the idea that player characters are meant to be the heroes of the story and not some other guy's fuccbois. Yeah, it can be like that for a while for plot reasons, but not all the fucking time.
I do like that. The backstory involves having a backwoods medic for a mother, so it makes sense that the character would have learned more about practicing medicine than just how to make Cure extracts.
Why be the DM then? Just roll a wizard and fuck over everyone else.

A DM should draw enjoyment from having created a living breathing world and having said world explored and interacted with by the players.
Preaching to the choir, buddy.
Couldn't agree more.

>"Ordinarily, I would honor the oath and do no harm...but, given the circumstances, I'm afraid it would be irresponsible of me not to."
> That reminder

Should note that Mists is on hold during my son's visit and while I wrap up the other thing.
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What's the best gestalt combination if I want to be the sexiest, most dashing man alive?

Who may or may not seek out the Runelord of Lust's longsword and Sin Shard.
Stealing this
I have a question.
Can you counter a counter?
I'm pretty sure you can do so with stuff like Bloody Riposte, but there are also plenty of counters that require an attack roll to negate an attack - could you counter such counters to prevent them from coming out?
Some kind of enchantment/illusion caster, obviously.
Don't even need to be CHA based.
Or attractive.
Or fit.
Just magic it up!
Maybe Sorcerer into Enchanting Courtesan//Unchained Phantom Thief Rogue?
>A bushi and a warder countering each other for 5 consecutive maneuvers
So weeb, yet so good
If you can counter a counter, what happens if two warders use Extended Defense to infinitely counter each other?
Any good way for a bard to get greatsword proficiency without any crappy dips? Asking for a friend.

Bard and Paladin, obviously.

Paladin of Lymnieris or Arshea or Shelyn and Enchanting Courtesan Bard.

You have now become the ultimate fuckbuddy, THE ULTIMATE.
Are there any "elven" weapons besides the elven branched spear and the elven curve blade?

Antipaladin (Insinuator)/oracle

Get that Charisma boosted as high as it will go, and be Prince Charming from Fables plus magic.
They keep going until one fails.
I mean, in Dragon Ball, they managed to have a conversation and play rock paper scissors in less than a second.
I'm sure a 6 second round can support like 50 counters.
This IS Path of Anime, here.
Hey Gareth, a couple questions for you.

One, what >>47795437 asked.

Two, how many counters should I give to monsters that should stand against four to six initiators for at least six rounds? Per round I mean, limiting them to one counter a round is about as effective as not having counters at all.

I'd advocate concealment. 20% or so it plenty. No need to counter if the PC's can't hit in the first place.
Reptoid Cult Leader Mesmer || Heavens oracle

Color spray all the things! Healing and temp HP for days!
Not an archetype, but check this prestige class out for Inquisitor. You flat-out break the game. At level 7 I was doing 3d6+1d10+8 or so damage. 1d6 sneak attack, 2d6 bane, 1d10 for a curved elven blade (counts as a scimitar if you follow Sarenrae, have to play an elf though), and a bunch of bonuses from strength/dex, bane, judgement, etc.

Bequeath your part of the charter to your next character. Die publicly.
Shit prestige class.
Also, take whatever spells you can use for buffs and spells. Basically, you become an unstoppable solo force. You'll have invisibility and shield of faith at this point.
How is it any better than a normal inquisitor?
What makes you think so? I'm genuinly curious. I was pretty much unstoppable with this prestige class. However, the campaign I played in was urban (took place in Absalom) and we only had 3 players. I'm wondering if it isn't as good in a traditional campaign. I had a friend tell me inquisitor and all of it's linked classes sucked hard, but I've had the opposite experience.
Get sneak attack. Retain other bonus dice. Lol all the way to the bank. Also, your intimidate and sense motive get really good bonuses and eventually your judgement becomes really strong. Basically gets you a lot of dice (potential damage), but you have to use almost all your spells as buff spells instead of utility or you'll be too easy to hit/kill. But if you can dart in and out quick and get your sneak attack dice whenever possible, you can be really strong.
3d6+1d10+8 isn't a lot at 7
Why are you friends with them?
the fucking skill requirements, loss in spell progression, and playing a prestige class in general feels fairly bad though.
36 max damage at level 7
Can't really field questions, will see if someone's on.
If you take a 5 foot step out of someone's reach, then perform a standard action, can you move farther away from that person that round?
I agree that most prestige classes aren't as good as their base classes. However, depending on play style, they can be just as good or better. If you focus on buffing yourself, stealthing, and flanking, Grey Warden can be much more powerful than an inquisitor. On average, you will do 24 damage per attack at level 7, like I mentioned earlier. There are other classes that do more, there are other classes that do less. Grey wardens can melt single targets and have pretty good social skills (intimidate, diplomacy, sense motive), so they can be the party face as well. I really enjoyed playing mine, but it was an urban campaign. I traditional campaign might have turned out differently.
It still averages at 24 and the opponents don't get any saves. You just have to beat their AC. And if you get your sneak attack dice; that means that you are against their flat footed AC, which is usually super easy to beat. The class trades mid-range guaranteed damage and limited utility for a lot of damage or a lot of utility. I mean, a mage would only do 7d6 damage with a fireball at level 7 and they only get a few a day. This is just the base attack for a Grey Warden; they can do it at any time. It's definitely different.
What's a build that I can use to singlehandedly ruin a game?
You cannot move and take a 5ft in the same round.
Anybody know of any way to get more arms outside of being an alchemist or summoner?
I've got a party of level sixes right now consistently pumping out 40+ damage a round.

>Casting offensive spells
Step the fuck up, senpai.
Define "ruin"
Any particular reason to go Grey Gardener over Sanctified Slayer?
Recommendations for getting high AC?
Ah, good to know. Thanks
>ruin a game
Just be yourself. I'm sure your winning personality will do the game in sooner or later.
A wizard who uses the feat "preferred spell: fireball" and then prepares all battlefield control spells like pits and webs and whatnot. You can memorize a fuckton of battlefield control and just shoot off a fireball whenver you need to. Not to mention you get overland flight at level 7, which basically gives you all day flight (an adventuring day is considered 8 hours long).
Heavy Armor and a Tower Shield
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>level 7 mage

I was looking at this exact thing, they seem pretty similar. You'd get your judgments back though and improve your sneak attack.
Any good recommendations?
Varies case by case. What's your race/class/level?
White-haired Witch//Lore Warden Fighter
Dear god the sheer damage + debuff you can inflict in one round with that hair grapple is absolutely absurd.
Do this:


Dwarf Ranger with all shield feats. Not only do you get a high AC, but you use your shield as a primary weapon. Every attack gets you a free action for a bull rush using your attack roll as the bull rush attempt.

>attack enemy
>knock back enemy into wall
>enemy falls over
>get free movement to stand over him
>he stands and provokes another knockdown from you
Heirloom weapon trait.
Be half-elf.
Be human.
Be Tengu.
VMC oracle or that one trait.
Everything you mentioned, a competantly built Inquisitor can already do. The only thing the Grey Warden gets is a bonus to interrogation, and a crappily scaling sneak attack, all at the expense of losing BAB (unless using 1/2 on 0 optional rule), casting, and forcing you to spread out you skill points on some unimportant junk. and SA is not even that good and less you divert your build for purely flanking.

really, it makes you a less versitile and competant Inquisitor, especially since you'd also be losing out on Inquisition stuff or goodies granted late level by an archetype.

if you wanted to be a sneak attack mage, just go UC Eldritch Scoundrel or something. if you wanted to shit out consistent damage, then a Magus would have been a better choice since you aren't as limited as you would be by relying on precision damage.

And this is coming from someone who is actually playing a Grey Warden in a game of Giantslayer.
Grey Warden gives you a few options for you bonuses (judgement can do more things than the slayer ability can), but besides that, they're pretty similar.
Probably because you are in Urban area fighting humanoid. In most campaign, where you are fighting actual monster, the different between normal AC and flatfloot AC is 1 or 0.

And at level 7, my Inquisitor can do around 105 average damage. by standard action summon 1d3+1 Smiting Leopard
Other than a Lance on a mounted charge, are there any one-handed reach weapons?

Small-sized longspear
Unless you custom made it via weapon creation rule, no.

Doesn't really matter anyway, with shield brace you can cover both melee and reach, while you still get benefit from two-handed goodies.
Oh yes, certainly. I just want to speed up the process.

Thank you.
ERP build.
Follow-up question: Does a Sash of the War Champion let me ignore the Shield Focus prerequisite of Shield Brace, since I count as a 4th level Fighter, who would get Armor Training?
You're welcome. And I meant overland flight at level 9 (5th level spell), not level 7. But same concept. Basically just pit and trap every single enemy and use fireballs if you have to.
Kitsune... bard then?
> Using fireball at level 7
> Not doing (10d6+30)*1.5 damage
Worth a shot. Is there a published reason why it wouldn't in a group that has a precedent of allowing the Sash to grant Armor Training to non-Fighters?
PrC into Enchanting courtesan.
Explain? I've never heard of anything like that.
Because the Sash doesn't grant you the class feature. Even if you are a fighter, if you trade away your armor training via archetype, the sash won't grant then back.
Ah I see. So in my group it would probably work because of our old house rule, but it wouldn't legitimately. Good to know
What? Are you new in here?
Crossed Blood Orc/Draconic with Sorcerer with Blooded Havok using metamagic rod Empower spell.

It's the new stadard of blaster mage.

Flying guardian of the whole group by 5th level, not to mention the extra stat boosts, DR, and other goodies aegis gives while ranged warder-ing it up.
If a counter is a valid situation to be countered (such as an attack being made against you, but not necessarily an attack roll opposing your own attack roll, since that's not an attack targeting you), then yeah, you can counter a counter.

Most won't have that happen though.

Depends on the counter. Mithral Current "negate then attack back" counters could loop back and forth until someone fails.

I'm not Gareth, but from a completely non-official, personal standpoint, I tend to give important monsters a counter equivalent of Wings of Cover from 3.5, and then give boss fights PoW counters on top of that 1-2 times per round. Depends on who I'm DMing for (got several groups of different op levels) and what their characters do, though.

what is blooded havok?
I finalyl found a PF game accepting path of war stuff, 15 point point buy. Do I make a melee warlord or an archer stalker?
nigga what
>Depends on the counter. Mithral Current "negate then attack back" counters could loop back and forth until someone fails.

This is some absolute weeaboo right here.
Don't forget this.

Elemental Boost
Spells of your chosen element are infused with extra power.
Prerequisite: Spell Focus (evocation)
Benefit: Choose one of the energy descriptors (acid, cold,
electricity, fire, force, light, negative, positive, or sonic).
When casting spells or using supernatural abilities with your
chosen descriptor, you inflict +1 damage/die rolled.
Special: With the GM’s agreement, you can choose a
descriptor not in this list. Elemental Boost may be taken
multiple times, each time choosing a different energy
descriptor. The damage bonus can only be applied 1/dice of
damage even if the damage is of multiple energy types for
which you have Elemental Boost.

Get a Goblin Fire Drum too, and see if you can get it swapped to your element.
>Mithral Current "negate then attack back" counters could loop back and forth until someone fails.

*Bloodline Havok

Bloodline Mutation. You can choose to trade away 1st level Bloodline power to get +1 damage per dice from bloodline spell or spell from school with spell focus.

It's from Magic Tactic Toolbox. lurk more?
> 15 point buy
Only fullcaster allow. Not even PoW can fix that shit.
I've heard Greatsword Paladins are a bit feat heavy. What do they really need beyond Power Attack and Furious Focus for combat?
That's a new kind of broken that I didn't even know existed.
Only Power Attack, and not really until level 3 or 5.
that bad huh? Maybe I should renege on that group then.
Generally, less than 20pb is pretty much unplayable for martials, and 20pb is still pretty rough.

at least it wasn't a fuckin 10pb. i need to ditch that group but so many of the people are new and i'm the goddamn spellcaster.

1 Fey Foundling
3 Power Attack

... that's it. That's all you need as a Paladin.
>buying splatbooks
I mean, you could theoretically grab both at 1st level, but I understand if you don't like playing humans...
> Doing damage
> Broken

It's optimizing for bloodline with weak 1st level power (but you can already trade those with bloodline familiar, which is better than damage).

I honestly see little reason to take Power Attack at level 1. That -1 to hit is pretty massive at low levels, and you'll typically 1 shot whatever you're hitting without it anyway.
> buying
> not here when shareanon giving us the scan for free, together with Inner Sea Intrigue

So you are really a new fag.
It's adorable how you guys think a net difference of +2 to +3 in non-primary modifiers makes a significant difference to characters beyond the beginning of the game. The best you get out of high point buys is casters that are less fragile, while everyone else's saves remain mostly static.
> All Paladin were raise by Fey
I think we could make a campaign out of this.
Can you reup it so trove anon can add it?
Gosh, you're cock is so thick and hot
I don't think it'll fit inside me!~~
That +2 or +3 HP per level can make a world of difference, especially when your GM likes to dump APL+2 encounters on the party at first level.

For that matter
>beyond the beginning of the game
You must not play very many games that start at low levels, if it's that laughable to you.

Are there even any Lawful Good Fey out there? I know there's a bunch of NG or CG ones...

Also, WOW Fey Foundling is a lot more powerful than Fast Healer. Just embarrassingly so.
So, you like having character with multiple stats at 7, AKA "You are legitimately retarded in this aspect", just in order to make a functional martial, meanwhile any full casters are just throwing a max of 16 or 18 in their main stat and laughing at you?
Whip, technically. But it doesn't threaten or deal much damage unless you take feats.
Well the Fey generally aren't very lawful in their lore.
Didn't our neighbor 3 house down has them now? I think they uploaded it on sunday?
First off, that's not really necessary, secondly, a 7 means a -2 modifier, which is a far cry from "legitimately retarded" (which would require you to create new conditions to actually represent in any reasonable fashion). Which means you are 10 percentile points down the RNG from the average person on rolls using that modifier, assuming no skill points or anything else. Amazing.
Brownie from ToH aaaaand that's it.

Eh, that depends. Their morals weren't exactly how humans see 'em and they were pretty universally mischievous but the Seelie fey did value honor highly and always repaid their debts (both helping those who did them a good turn and getting even with those who did them a bad one).
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What's something good to gestalt with a scarred mourner beguiler lock-down build?
Help me /pfg/! I can't decide what Sleeping Goddess maneuver to pick up with the trait. Is call the souls blade good if I'm a soul knife, a lot of the +1 enhancements aren't really impressive.

Aren't Erlkings and Hamadryads Lawful?

They're literally the Fae royalty, above nymphs.
Having a 7 means that you're a full 3 points lower than even a low-average baseline human commoner. 10-15PB means that you just are not, at all, getting shit higher than a 16, probably even after racials. It NECESSITATES that you dump stats to 7, just to get even baseline competence levels of Str, Dex, and Con. You're going to have shit Int and Wis, which means you're shit at skills, which means you have no utility almost at all.

It renders classes like Monks, Paladins, and other MAD classes all but literally unplayable due to how weak you'd be.
Am I high right now?

Hamadryads are CG, Erlkings are CN.

Admittedly maybe the Paladins are just picking up the Good part and relearning Law in civilization.
Hey /tg/ my friday PF game died recently and now i need to make a new character for a new game, got any suggestions for what will essentially be an time-displaced caveman possessed by the idea of wrestling and/or lucha
I might be.
threadly reminder that not killing your players is for cucks and if you like low lethality you are subhuman
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I agree, but.
Hello Dan
Something along the lines of the Nope-Zone Warder discussed above would work well.
There's a homebrew luchador class floating around.

Other than that, a schizo Brawler that adopts a new wrestling character every time he uses martial flexibility.
s-so how do you guys hide the bodies?
Does Greater Mercy work on yourself?
no but Ultimate Mercy does. bit trucky actually ising it, though.
What's some good scenes you've played, ran, or thought of? A cool place or event, or even a cool character.
I'm Homebrewing a discipline based on the concept of growth and natures wrath against the unnatural utilizing primal forces in the form of grasping, reaching, exploding phantom plants.

Is Verdurous Tendency too on the nose as a name?
Also making a harbinger archetype with access to it called the Verdurer.
Why do you think it wouldn't? Do you constantly have a condition removed by one of your mercies at all times or something?
verdurous is not a word, sir
you are thinking of verdant
kys cuck
google dictionary says it's not a word, you must therefore be wrong

Why wouldn't it?
Ignoring Shitpost McGee
Verderous tendency sounds fine. It's the kinda cheeky thing that shows up occasionally, especially in 3pp.

>exploding phantom plants
I would think it would, but I was wondering if there was a clause somewhere obscure that said it doesn't
How do I Dragoon Fighter?

Should I invest in Animal Ally? Should I ignore all the mounted combat aspect and go melee?

Would Trained Grace give spear training +4 damage bonus?
Actually not only does Pb15 mean lower probable primary modifier (in particular for non fullcasters, meaning even PoWs lose out on output another time from "add initiator bonus" and on save DCs) but also significantly modifiers survivability; for example someone who went from 5% chance to be hit to 10% would be doubling the expected incoming DPR, and this is compounded by the lower HP modifiers as well from lower CON.

So you're looking at a character who hits less often, hits less hard, is hit more often, and proportionately is hit harder. You're ALSO looking at a character with lower and less skills to play with.

All of these combine and compound to make you just THAT MUCH LESS capable than a fullcaster whose every factor affected above is either overridden, replaced, enhanced or otherwise compensated for by spells.
Mounted combat is absolutely awful. Avoid it at all costs, it's clunky at best and flatly nonfunctional at worst.
All of them make you psionic, so any are good. The best one in my opinion is Flash of Insight as that lets you give everyone +1 save against all non-instantaneous effects.
it's pretty shit honestly.
can't you grab another discipline's maneuver?

If not the harmony-strike increases every hit by your allies by +1d6, which at least grows nicely as they do later on.
If you're only getting hit 5% of the time at levels 1-3 you've min/maxed like a shitter, that's a very poor example.
Like explosive vegetation in MTG, but phantom plants so they don't need fertile soil or whatever to burst from the loam they rise from is the initiator's primal acumen.
Call the Soul's Blade is good for the versatility it offers, but the Body Delusion or w/e the counter is has amazing staying power; ignoring half damage early on and later all damage entirely for a 1st-level maneuver is fantastic, especially with an easily-boosted skill like Autohypnosis. Granted, it'd be better for Psywars for the WIS synergy, but you can get a lot of mileage out of it, especially considering you can get a good +6 to Autohypnosis easily just by taking a rank in it and working out a masterwork tool of it with your GM.
Taking Sleeping Goddess will also net me Psionic Talent at level 1, for a total of +6 bonus HP for my Soulknife. Right now I'm torn between call the soul's blade and body of delusion. The DC for the strikes are a little low.
Is there anyway for Fighter to get Mirror Image and Haste on the first round like Arcane Bloodrager?

If they can't... are there anything that fighter can do better than Bloodrager..? Other than playing around with shit build bloating with feats.
No to both
KEK no
That's not how the example worked, it was an explanation of the varying value of what a change in AC actually indicates.

Go back to telling everyone how guns are strong on the paizo forums or something.
Fighter has the Myrmidon archetype, giving it initiating, which is better than Mirror Image and Haste anyway, and Armor Training lets them maintain full speed in fullplate from rather early on.

Bloodrager does neither of these things.
If you're expecting to get hit 25% of the time and you drop to 30% you aren't taking double DPR. The only way you're taking double DPR is if the enemy can only hit you on a 20, but suddenly can also hit you on a 19.

Guns are shit and you are too, fuck off.
What's the neatest build you could make using only feats, as many feats as you wanted, and no other class features?
Melee inquisitor at 20 point buy, good or bad idea?
Has there ever been a good reason to wear Stoneplate Armor?
Most Fighter builds.

Unlimited Veilweaving and PoW usage.
call the soul's blade is TRASH for a soulknife.

+1. Oh, +1. Isn't +1 great?

FUCK NO it isn't great. Your other abilities are way better. Fuck you can't even augment it. You want more damage, other options are just better. You want utility, other options are just better. Call the Soul's Blade is the worst of the sleeping goddess maneuvers, period.

Shit man at least like, learn the "it becomes walk on air and spiderclimb" stance or something.
Not terrible, but not good.
Trait doesn't grant you stances.

Infinite feats at level 1 would equal to kitsunes casting dominate person at level 1
Trait doesn't grant stances
Any way to make it work? Or am I just gonna be hosed?
Are you committed to a race? If not, any preferences? There may be a way to force it to work
Human, i'd prefer not to dip any stat below 10 because I don't want to RP an idiot/boor/etc. I guess thats double plus gimping myself so I imagine it would be hard.
Well, being as MAD as a Melee Inquisitor, you'll need a stat below 10, but you don't necessarily have to be an uncultured bastard because of it.

Have you already chosen an Inquisition? If not, Conversion allows you to run Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate on Wis instead of Cha.

With that in mind, your Human array can be Str 16 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha 7 with next to no repercussions for low Cha.

That said, a Dwarf works just as well, but with Str 16 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 12 Wis 16 Cha 5, giving you three 16s without any real issues.
It's skulls and shackles so I just the drunk hero good for the liberation/freedom of movement domain, but I am open to others. Conversion isn't quite in his domain, but I could tinker around and give him a different god.
>>47797486 (me)
Also, the Conversion Inquisition gives you a 1/day Dominate Person at 8th level, which is fantastic. It only lasts 1 minute, but that is more than enough.
yes almost as if varying numbers meant varying percentages, indicating that a +1 is not always 5%, and that it can in fact go all the way up to +100% for certain things. 5% taken to 10% taken, or a 100% increase.
25% taken to 30% taken is a 20% increase.

By the way, someone starting with a hide armor and a heavy shield that had, say, 16 dex because he's not stuck on 15 pointbuy would have AC 19 without any real effort whatsoever at level 1. Depending on his class or race, that could easily be a 20 AC.

CR1 "high attack" averages a +1 to hit. I do hope you don't consider needing a 19 or better to hit that character "min/maxing like a shitter" too?
Domains on Inquisitors are generally not a good idea. They already aren't good, and Inquisitors don't get as much benefit out of them as Clerics.
I might change his deity or at least inquisition to something better, then.
If you don't like the idea of Conversion, Reformation gives you Diplo, Intimidate, and Perform (Oratory) with Wis instead of Cha, so if you won't be bluffing much, it would work great.

It also gives the ability to roll twice and take the better result on those skills, and gives a [wis modifier]/day Charm Person effect
I'll see if my DM will allow that, i'm playing an inquisitor of cayden cailean who kind of became one by accident? So, the thought of him being able to use wisdom for guile stuff and charisma would certainly help.
Diplo/Intimidate are all you actually need in S&S.

The only time you need to bluff, can be easily worked around with a good intimidate check or a really good diplomacy check.

Or, you know, Charm/Dominate Person.
If you just need someone to carry your stuff and fan you with a cool breeze, I don't see why not.

Or you could have a gish cohort, who can do all the above except you actually have stuff in common to talk about.

Don't get a fullcaster cohort though, they'll act all easy-to-please but secretly be jealous of your level lead.
I've got 6 bonus languages. What should I pick to talk with everyone?

Sonic Thrust / Smite and the image of a holy warrior singing inspiring tunes as they go into battle are doubly awesome.
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Maybe not the best place to ask this, but my next game will feature warships and eventually some naval combat but i'm having trouble finding good information on what medieval naval battles and warships were like. Are there any good resources for this?

And are there any good rules for naval battles in PF or am I going to have to make shit up?
I am thinking of taking stern gaze to make myself a bigger intimidate beast, I admit. I don't really think anyone else is powergaming so far, but I just want to not suck at the least while hitting shit with a big sword and being a semi religious pirate.
How would one convert 3.5e's Radiant Servant of Pelor PrC to PF?
Stern Gaze it up, man. Intimidate is how you become pirate.

Any ideas as to who's gonna be captain? Because you gotta know that's coming.
That really doesn't cover the specifics of how to translate Greater Turning in, what with channeled energy replacing turn attempts.
So far the captain seems like it's an NPC, butno one really has the chutzpah to be captain yet. I'm rocking +12 cha at level 3 (lol as if that's a lot) and if nothing else my inquisitor could make a decent shot at it if necessary.
There are rules for naval combat in PF, but they're not good.

"Extra Greater Turning: The radiant servant of Pelor can perform a greater turning (the granted power of the Sun domain) a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier."

Seems pretty clear to me
+12 or just 12? Because there is a very big difference there.
>there are rules in PF but they're not good
As in it's 1d20+12 on the roll.
The general siege rules are much, much better for naval combat.

Being captain is pretty easy. You just point and shout and demand other captains/crews surrender or die.

Another plus to having intimidate. Make sure your first mate is a decent treasurer, btw. They've gotta have /something/ to do to go with that title.
How did you manage that? That would be 34 Charisma
I-it's just my intimidate rank+bonuses in total. Maybe I just explained shit badly.
Are any feats particularly relevant for the Halberd?
Power Attack.
Yeah, you said +12 cha when you meant +12 intimidate.
Oh I see, I thought you meant raw Charisma. I may need some sleep.

+12 Intimidate at level 3 seems about right.

furious focus
Sorry, I meant +12intimidate

No, the other anon was right and i'm a dip.
Druid-friendly? No electricity getting bonuses to hit you? No rust monsters? Being Havel?

As with most reach weapons, Combat Reflexes is your friend.
? it's a "no combat for the 6th session in a row" episode
Halberds aren't reach weapons

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