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One on one campaign
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Can a tabletop game with just one player, and one GM work? I tried doing this once, because a player wanted to continue his character's story and I was open to try it, but it didn't work out for more than one reason.

If the intention is to do this online, is voice or text preferable? Is it awkward? Experiences or advice?
In theory it's possible, but that sounds fucking awful, even if you're extremely comfortable with them.
I don't know, you do you. Sounds fucking awkward to me though.

Unless you're a dad trying to entertain your young child and treat the game like an adventure story. That would be kind of endearing I guess.
My second DM played with just me. She was a great DM and it was fun, even if she had some weird habits.
It can work, its much better through text in my opinion.

>Unless you're a dad trying to entertain your young child and treat the game like an adventure story. That would be kind of endearing I guess.

I'm stealing this idea and making a "choose-your-adventure" -rpg for my kid. Brilliant idea, sir!
>yfw your kids decides to go to a magical realm...
I've GMd one such campaign (face-to-face, Evangelion, lasted a little over a year and played to conclusion), and am currently running another (over voice-chat, Infinity, a year in and going strong). Both went/are going very well.

I don't see it as being markedly different from a "normal" game with GM and 2+ players. In some ways it's easier - there's only one PC to focus on and prepare stuff for. Also, it can give an opportunity to maybe play something that you otherwise couldn't. Like, some plots also simply don't work too well with a bigger group - like my current campaign, there isn't really a good place for more than one PC. Or you simply have only one interested player, but you both want this bad enough that you say "screw it, we're doing this on our own".

I don't see it as awkward at all, though I only ever play with friends nowadays.

As to "magical realms"... Well, if you both can agree on it, then it's a perfect opportunity to indulge, without creeping out other people, and I can't see anything wrong with that.
I'd like to try running one for my wife to play, but I don't know where to begin.
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Begin from asking her what she wants from 'dis game. And clarify the terminology, to prevent pic related
I honestly prefer them to group games, though they're hard as hell to find, and I haven't had one in years. Allows a stronger character focus, a more tailored experience, and a lot of concepts that wouldn't work in a normal game (like a focus on stealth and infiltration, since no one wants to sit on their hands while the rogue plays Hitman by himself, and their old man wizard, or slab of meat barbarian can't help.)
Loads of books for that one. It'll help with his reading comprehension as well. Then there's the part where he can go back and see other outcomes when it comes to different decisions.
We had these in my elementary school library when I was a kid (mid 80s)
I read the crap out of several of them. That + Nes Gauntlet + various old PC dungeon crawlers actually kicked off my interest in tabletop games.
Those books plus Heroes Quest are a nice intro tabletops.
>Can a tabletop game with just one player, and one GM work?
TSR certainly though so, they put out at least 10 1-player-1-DM D&D modules.
Honestly, I expected the Aristocrats ending.
Yes but you have to be able to take on a variety of RPing.
It absolutely can work, and be great. I've been running one-on-one games for about eight years with my wife. It allows more character development, and a more custom-tailored experience. It can require more fudging of dice, or a plan for what happens if the PC dies. As the GM, you have to do a bit more work with the NPCs; I usually have 2-4 "core" party members to help the PC along (and provide romantic subplots for, since it's my wife).

>Hero Quest

Damn I loved that game, now I wonder if my parents may still have my original box for that somewhere in their basement. They normally never get rid of old stuff, especially nothing that was my brothers or mine... I'm gonna have to rummage around there next time I go visit. Although if I find it its gonna require some fixing up... I remember coloring some of the orcs or goblins (can't remember which ones they were in the game) with magic markers... Would be cool to repaint all the minis and fix it up and then teach my son to play it.
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