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CYOA Thread
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Thread replies: 255
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Previous thread: >>46941826

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/vrqYhnpu
To those who still care I'm going to start up work again on Hero Acedemy I've taken your guys advice and decided to expand the class list from 8 to 36 I might also add another school so if you have ideas for a general theme of school lay it on me. The classmates/friends list is also about half done. If there's anything you want to see or a type of choice you think I should add I would appreciate the suggestions
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Dream Princess.jpg
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A anon had some questions about this. I did my best to clear things up.

>Can you tell me how people even arrive to the conclusion that the disadvantages might somehow circumvent the princess type restriction?
Nope. Have to stay with Princess type.
>How do "Superior Princess" stacks with the choices that require mobility ? For example "On Your Best Behaviour"; can the rituals be realised anywhere or do you have to come back to your kingdom constantly?
Most of your duties could be done away from home, but you'd have to occasionally go back to take care of something important. It is a drawback.
>Are the races really supposed to combine ? I can be a Fae Drow Vampire on her way to simultaneous angel- and demon-hood.
The races can be combined. You can totally be any and all of them at once. You have eternity to sort out the potential consequences.
>Do the changes in "Not-So-Royal Behavious" affect the princess, the kingdom or the entire dream world?
>For the "Rival Stepsister", by "she can never gotten rid of", is it meant in day-to-day life, or are any attempts to emprison / exile her fated to fail? Asking because it's a recurrent element in fairy tales.
Mostly meant the latter. It is a drawback, so she'll be around enough to be an annoyance.
>I'm wondering how you can capture a princess if you can't invade a kingdom (since only parts of them are in the "misty realm". How is the captured pricess' father suposed to free her? Send adventurers or a champion? Or is raiding with an army allowed?
Guess it's a plot hole. The way I wrote the dream princess realms pretty much means a princess can't be captured by another kingdom unless she wants to be. Maybe she does want to be captured...
What about an anti-hero school?
is there a one-page version that doesn't look like ass from compression?
I'm for it. Every CYOA needs an edgy choice.
yeah I could do that
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Wonder if he's working on anything after this and the bells.
Body: Female
-Disease Immunity
-Painfree Pregnancy
-Magical ID
-Heavenly Voice

Friend: Francine
Lover (-5 to have them fall in love with me): Orion

Basically I'm becoming someones waifu, and I'm perfectly happy to do so.

>is there a one-page version that doesn't look like ass from compression?

Uhm, that's just how it looks.....
What is this, a CYOA for ants?
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The two page one is at least a little better, I thought.
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Hmmm. Maybe not. Oh well.
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I have an idea for a Pirates and Privateers CYOA but right now I'm busy doing something not CYOA related
Fuck yeah, Box Wine back at it
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Ocean QuestCYOA.pdf
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>Pirates and Privateers

Here's something similar so you might get some inspiration.

>Once And Future Queen
>Warrior Princess
>Rebellious Princess
>Angelic Guardian
>Happy Peasants
>Pirate Princess
by 'element', is it meant by something like "you have elemental spellcasting magic, and your twin has the opposing magic"?

and with the bonus you both have each other's magic as well as your own?

or is it more like "you're stronger physically in summer and they're stronger in winter"? the wording is kinda vague.
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I think it's a bit better, but I never got 1 page version that was quite the same.


A very strong and independent Princess indeed!
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Did Italics ever remake this cyoa into something better? I kind of like it.
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I haven't seen this one before. It looks rather interesting.
I always hated this one because you had to give up your immortality.
>There is be a total dick options in the cyoa.
Italics is an okay guy. Usually you're forced to do some semi-good stuff in quests and what not.
So there's no way to stay in Eden without becoming a mindless NPC, huh? Doesn't really give much of a reason to do any quests that don't have Easy Modes.
You have two choices:

Complete bare minimum quests, leave Eden, lose your immortality.

Complete as many quests as you can, stay in Eden, lose your immortality.

The CYOA does say you're allowed to stay in Eden once you've done the quests as long as you lose the immortality. Basically you're going to die anyway.
Didn't see anything about tracking or dungeoneering. Even good heroes need to know how to scout and stuff.
You can become a Vampire though.
I mean, immortality is overrated when compared to the complete death of self. I wouldn't mind staying at Eden if the place wasn't trying to mind-kill me.
I do believe it means elements as in earth fire wind water and the like.
Meh, I guess. If you really want. Some of the other options might also count, depending on if daemons age or not.

It is yeah, but it seems like that issue goes away if you complete the quests and lose the immortality. Place apparently accepts you then.
>Ruin Witch Hagia
>A.K.A. Alice
>drink connoisseur

This is just the prequel to New World, isn't it.
The white queen wants both war and peace with the queen of hearts
Naming was probably self referential, but I doubt they're related story wise. The story for New World required you to be born in the previous world, the story for this Quests one is that you just stumble there. So it wouldn't be the same Hagia, just the author re-using a character.
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I choose penis cause I don't have one of those yet
Well, I already have great hair (Or would if I gave two shits about styling it) and I'm 6'2" so it's either beautiful eyes or the dong
probably the dong though since I don't even fucking know what would beautiful eyes would entail
>Quest is called "Wonderland"
>Thinks this is surprising

They're mad, what the hell are you expecting?
Does the great hair translate into great facial hair as well?
I'd go with eyes, I honestly have very dark brown almost to the point of black eyes. It would be cool with them being more than pits of darkness on my face.
Shit CYOA, 0/10
Wrong, check the filename. See?
Most likely. Italics might have tried to make New World a sequel to Quests. Sad Italics later said New World isn't what they wanted in a big cyoa.

Both New World Hagia and Quests Hagia might be the same. They both conquered the same city called Veil and what Anon above said. She also owned a wine store in New World.
you can become the god of dragons the underworld and chaos, it's not like anything can kill you at that point. You wouldn't die of biological cause in a spirit world, and you're nigh omnipotent

The only thing that could kill you is yourself, which is always preferable to a complete, impossible to end immortality.
I really like New World, to be honest. The Points system was well implemented, the waifus were great, and the daughterus were better. I really liked how the CYOA made it so that you were legitimately a badass.
2'' taller every day. An even 6' would be perfect
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Can i fuck it?
>I really like New World.
It's an okay cyoa.

>The waifus were great and the daughterus were better.
That's Italics specialty when not actually putting in lore or something.

>CYOA made it so that you wre legitmately a badass.
Villain was the bad ass in New World mate. This man was the most based companion in a cyoa.

I want Italics to finish Witches and Inquisitions or that 0rder cyoa they are doing.
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fucking shit let me post the second part
Villian was a joke and a tryhard compared to the main character.

>opinion of him was meh and you didn't care too much
>always trying to one up you
>married some Empress of the North that didn't interest you and fucked her with you having front row seats
>bought a better wedding gift with his own money
>when he finally tried to fight you, it was anticlimactic and short

I love his character to death, don't get me wrong. but there's a considerable power difference between you and him. And it's weighed against him.
>Basically I'm becoming someones waifu, and I'm perfectly happy to do so.
That is the purest fetish, dedicating your love to one person
>only the shitty virtues
I feel like I could paladin harder if I went with any of the 7 deadly sin-based CYOAs than with this one.
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seven sins.jpg
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good luck. This is the cyoa that's opposing/referencing

>not being diligence aka goku

Blood Princess
Power Behind the Throne
Demonic Contract
Once and Future Queen
Technology Upgrade
Magical Upgrade
Not So Royal Behavior
Already have nice hair, decent eyes and am 6' 5".
My cock is already pretty aesthetic but I guess I make it vapourwave level aesthetic.

will you do a sins one as well?
To be honest I think Villian just wanted the dick from his rival.
Was that supposed to be attractive in even the slightest way?
I pictured someone who looked like Chris Chan typing that when I read that, so if a fat autist who pretends to be woman is your thing then it could be considered attractive.
I made Virtues (credit to a nameless anon for making it not hideous to look at), but some other guy made sins. If I had the stuff to do it I'd edit the fuck out of the sins cyoa. So many errors and imbalances
>not being Pride and subjugating the other sins
>not starting a crusade that begins in Jerusalem and ends at the gates of Hell
I look like Jesus too, it'll be great.
You could go for a remake. The sins CYOA is ass.
>op easy mode
>not being chastity and becoming a literal angel
Though your plight is a noble one. It's a shame being pride forces you to be a douchebag. If you're pride and ever start seeing anybody else as anything other than a disposable tool, your powers weaken

I've considered it on a couple occasions. The main thing stopping me is a lack of a good image editor (I have paint and gimp. Some anon made the visuals for the virtue cyoa)
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Witch is 2 spoopy
How skilled is the Tiefling as a thief?
Will buying ownership to it and command it tosteal from someone I distarct net a quick 50 gold?

It's for the cat
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>A man pretends to be a woman is your thing.
Sounds like a trap.
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Real traps have curves.
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I can't remember if that was made before or after I announced I was planning on making a virtue cyoa. Because there was like, a year between when I said I would make a virtue counterpart and when it was finally finished
Quiet pls.
>eyes look good enough
>8" penis

Great hair it is. Mine's actually kind of shit anyway.
I have a prediction. I'm not going to tell any of you guys what it is though.

"give up your immortality and become a regular person" means aging and dying normally. Becoming a "god" MIGHT solve that, but that particular option (god of dragons) sounds more like a position of power and less spiritual godhood.

The only one that I'm sure will allow you to live forever (aside from being killed) is becoming a vampire in the hard mode of "vampires reign", because a vampire that isn't immortal is just nonsense.
What would you change about the Sins cyoa? Why do you think it's unbalanced?
Not anon but I don't see why the Sins should be a ffa deathmatch or even total subjugation under Pride. There has to be some form of solidarity within hell if it plans to stand up to heaven. This infighting is ridiculous.
Well, it's 2:30 in the morning and I finally finished my Kaifu CYOA, all 3 pages of it. I'm gonna wait to post it y'know, when people are awake.
Just warning you guys that it's not amazing looking right now, and is probably full of spelling and grammatical errors. I could potentially clean it up (And I will), but since I'm at school all day again, you wouldn't get it until 10:20 PM Pacific time.
So see ya in the morning.
That's the thing. The Virtues are all much weaker. They just have the power of friendship on their side.
I hope it's something beyond "here's a bunch of giantesses with tits bigger than their head, they all love you and want to fuck you for no reason"
>virtues are weaker

Like how Chastity has a death ray? Or how Diligence is Goku? And then there's Kindness( I think) with a kamikaze style instakill with guaranteed heaven for him?
Do we become kaijus too?

I'm so freakin tired of goddesses, monstresses and sorceresses lusting after my human dick. Unequal relationships are a major dealbreaker to me.
Isn't that the whole point?
>withholding OC
Oh boy, I already know anon is gonna scream at you.
Clever way to avoid saying
>I want to be a Monsterboy!
When are you making the CYOA you've been begging for for the past weeks?

>Unequal relationships are a major dealbreaker to me
No one forces you to do a CYOA you don't enjoy :^)
A death ray chastity can't use, because even thinking wrath would cause them to lose it.

Charity's sacrifice also breaks Kindnesses wish-granting forever. It's a nice way to completely eliminate one problem, but mustn't be used until everything else is locked down.

Dilligence is basically Wrath, but much slower to build up and with massively long cooldowns. Their theoretical peak might be higher, but the sun will probably nova before they get there.
>want superpowers to not be a burden on my superwaifu
>get accused of being a furry

To hell's infernal depths I banish thee, o lord of corruption, Beelzebub, master of flies and shit.
It's curry!
>wants to be a monster
>gets accused of being a furry
Seems par for the course
I remember back when monster cyoas were popular and if you didn't turn yourself into a 200' tentacle mantis kaiju with heat vision and a toxic goo body, you weren't trying hard enough.

Not everthing is furry.
There's a difference between the sin of wrath and divine retribution. Unleashing Jesus Beams on a vicious sinner, not out of anger, but out of a desire to protect others or ensure nobody has to suffer their atrocities, wouldn't weaken them in the slightest.

Agreed on Charity, though. They basically can't use their ultimate without fucking up the team.
The Barbarian's College for the Bearded and Brawned, now includes the Faculty for the Amazonically bodied and Shieldmaidenly minded Battlewench.

Or basically just a school that sees all things magic and science as weak pansy shit and specializes in training what they consider true heroes: masculine warriors who defeat bandits and monsters alike with pure physical strength and skill.
I don't like my eyes but I recently met a guy that is 1 inch taller than me and I fucking hate that.
Make me 6'6

Use it on Pride and the Sin team loses any benefit to working together, locking out most of their strongest powers. They lose.
It has to be used on Sloth, because there is literally no other way to eliminate him with his Resurgence.
If it wasn't because there's people who'll pick it for their le /ss/ maymay despite it making no sense, I'd want it.
Magic is for pansies, skill gained through experience and hard work is the greatest super power.
Sloth is useless though. He is mostly trapped in an uncaring, mindaddled state and then when gets boosted, he's temporarily as strong and intelligent as Pride is on day 1.
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Vampire King.pdf
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He's the least threat (except for the Secret Room, which is effectively nullified regardless of which sin you remove), but still a threat between indolence and valium, and there's just no other way to remove him whatsoever.
Le /ss/ maymay?

Enlighten me, senpai.
Basically he just sits there in his hotel room while the world slowly dies further and further away from him, and there's nothing you can do about it.
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You wanna know?
the one where a weak manlet wanks to the thought of a hot, tall, muscular, big tittied amazon who for no reason at all gets off to his weakness.
It's even more pathetic than femdom.
You're playing sloth wrong. He can still act, even if it makes him weaker. And he can delegate all sorts of tasks to his subordinates.

You're correct that he loses a lot of potential if one of the other sins is taken out, but that only stops him from taking the godlike artifacts from the Secret Room. He still has access to all that knowledge and all those rituals. He is certainly the biggest threat in the long run.
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Nightmare fuel. The thought my current life is the result of being overpowered by an evil necromancer and robbed of my power is incredibly disconcerting on so many levels.

It's literally mindbreak and powertheft, and there's nothing I can do to change what happened. It might also happen again.
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so post a cyoa you *are* capable of doing
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So those people get the chance to become a manly, bearded barbarian and instead choose to become a wizard manlet and waifu a girl who can snap their pencilnecks with her fingers?

Creepy. Shameful and creepy. I don't think any Battlewench with an ounce of self-worth would want to be seen with a tiny magical pansyman though. Meh. Not my problem.
Yes, but New World requires you to have a background in the setting. You were born and raised there. Quest involves you having no such thing. Background wise, they're incompatible.
Angel lives!
>waaaah, mommy, I don't wike it!
The CYOA tells you outright that you can get your memories back with time and killing the necromancer.
So the whole mindbroken and powers stolen aspect of your past doesn't bother you?

Guess I'm weird then.
Altin please go.

You can also conquer Death making him your bitch; maybe ordering him not to let you age and die.

You can also fuck Memento and make her your waifu.
Aren't we supposed to fuck Death into submission too or did I read that wrong?
> Quincy Barker and Jonathan Morris
> Dracula
> Archduke of Banana Republic got shot starting the World War.
> Zukov and the Red Army

Sure are a lot of refrencez
I guess that's one possible way to interpret 'make your bitch'
There isn't much information on how the necromancer defeated you, so there is the possibility that completing all the quests should strengthen you enough to win.

Besides, isn't having sealed memories and powers from being defeated a fantasy trope? I just don't think it's as bad as shit like Quiet.
It's basically memory death combined with power loss. Or it was that at least. The fact that we can undo it makes it somewhat tolerable.

Full on memory death is absolute trash though.
It's fine if it's used as a temporary way to explain why you start at level 1.

And I will disagree on the view of memory death, because it can be undone. Death is one way, for the most part, and memory death would leave no window for return.

Overall, I'll allow it for story-telling purposes.
>become a wizard manlet and waifu a girl who can snap their pencilnecks with her fingers?
nono, they want to remain the weak manlets they are, but get a girlfriend who has no reason to be attracted to them
> I don't think any Battlewench with an ounce of self-worth would want to be seen with a tiny magical pansyman though.
People still don't recognize you're that 'black men and monster boys' guy?
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/ss/=Straight [Shota/young boy]
It actually refers to an elder lady teaching a 10-15 year old boy the ropes
You're too attached to your memories. Do you have any idea how much shit you've forgotten, either in part or entirely? But you're still here.

I'd rather forget everything and maintain my core personality than remember my entire life as someone else.
I am?
I don't see a reality where a "strong independent woman" would settle for a weakling.
If she wanted a slave, maybe, but then it would be femdom, and that's not what you want
There's absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting to be killed.
There is something wrong with thinking amnesia equals death.
Not really, you have no idea how important your memories are as far as making you into the person that you are.
Unless we ascribe to a philosophy that says otherwise.
Jesus, Elely must be fucking buff if she easily beat up a Bold kid with Training, Power, Shield, Health and Sustenance. The fuck did they feed that girl?
If you believe in souls you pretty much can't debate with people who don't. Your frames of reference are entirely different.
Not being able to remember why you help people in need doesn't change the fact that you help people in need. Amnesia, in most instances, gets rid of the "why" part of your character.

Example: You used to be a thief, you got caught by a priest. Instead of turning you in, he forgave you and had you work with him to redeem yourself. Therefore, you believe in redemption. If you forgot that memory, you could still believe in redemption, you just wouldn't be able to answer "why".
No you wouldn't. This idea that memory and personality are entirely separated is a complete illusion.
What was your first word, anon? Not what your parents say it was - what it actually was.

How many school days can you account for?

What is your most important belief, and can you tell me the moment you developed it?
Trying to find a CYOA where you're stuck in an island with a bunch of women. I think there was a slime or office lady in there. Anyone know it?
Says you. Unless there's sources I'm not seeing.

Amnesia doesn't take away all of your memories usually: most of the time all it takes away are your conscious memories. Your subconscious and unconscious memories still stay with you, and they help develop your character as well.
I have this strange feeling you'd be a much happier person if you lost your memories.
Imagine never learning about 4chan or shitposting.
I'm guessing
>Stranded Harem
It's in the dropbox link in the pastebin, the "other collection of cyoas"
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This one, right?
Anon once again equates the slow fading of older memories with the all-at-once elimination of everything that he is.

I think that assumption is why so many people in this thread want to lose their memories. They hate themselves and want to forget, so they don't understand people who don't.
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Second part.
Well, I never said that I want to forget, only that forgetting your conscious memories doesn't kill the rest of your memories.

And Amnesia isn't the "all-at-once elimination of everything that (you are)". It's just loss of memories, partial or total. And a lot of memories can be found after you lost them.
Except that in this cyoa you didn't lose some childhood memories, you lost a lifetime of being a hero in a fantasy world and all the powers you had and became a french foodie fetish forum browsing average guy. That's the exact opposite of every cyoa: choose the life you lost.

Thank god we get a second chance.
Yeah, you should probably confront your mom about that.
Anon once again refuses to explain why he's making a claim, and just responds with the equivalent of a "no u!"
I really want to work on my OC but I've been ill and in constant pain for months. It sucks.
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You guys do realize that this memory/self argument will just go on forever, right? Regardless on who's ultimately correct, you'll all just disagree one way or another.

Can we start talking about CYOAs now?
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>You guys do realize that this memory/self argument will just go on forever, right? Regardless on who's ultimately correct, you'll all just disagree one way or another.

But that's what people want to do. They want to argue endlessly because this entertains them.

Currently working on a cyoa myself.
Nah, I stopped arguing my side because I wanted it to stop.
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Suu - E08 - 1958 (Doctor Suu).webm
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Just leave it to me!
They'd make a pretty good compress, to be fair.
Yes. Here's a fun question about cyoas. Which part of making them do you hate most?

Gathering the pics. I spend hours and hours on end to find pics that fit together. It's a huge timesink. Even worse is when you end up aborting a half finished cyoa because you're running out of pics and don't want the thing to look as if 200 different artists puked on it.
In-depth biological research for details nobody but me cares about.
Every video games for me then
Who makes the best waifu cyoas? Kit? SDA?
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in progress.png
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Semi-related, I'm workin' on one o' those right now. I'm about to go out, though, so I doubt I finish until later this evening.
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>making them

>anon actually thinks there are more than ~5 people who make cyoas
no but seriously, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if 95%+ of the posters+lurkers have never made or attempted to make a CYOA
Neat stained glass CYOA.
I don't hate it but writing stuff, I enjoy designing pages more.
I made a Jump once. Does that count?
I didn't want to post it while incomplete, so I turned it into stained glass so it couldn't be read.

Images, definitely. Writing is easy. Layouts are pretty much copy-paste after the first one in the CYOA. Though sometimes, if it is something I have countless images for already, it is remarkably easy.

My typical build


Rebellious Princess
Magic Upgrade
Millenium Princess
Blast From The Past
Not-So-Royal Behaviour

Live as a powerful sorceress princess throughout the ages, from the Classical era to the far future. In between the opportunities for adventure, my lesbian slave harem, and the ongoing technological revolution, I'll never be bored.
I don't think SDA makes for a good waifu.
I'd probably pick Berri - she seems like the kind of girl who'd be fun to be around: Makes lots of content, doesn't get mad, updates her CYOAs if people bug her enough.
That's probably her drawback, she cares too much about your opinion, more so than her opinion of herself. You could talk her into doing things she wouldn't like.
Yep. Thanks.
Anon that comment was about who makes the best waifu cyoas.
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You really shouldn't be divulging peoples' weaknesses like that.
I know. His question was shit, so I answered it differently.
The amount of shitty 'bait' questions that get posted ITT is phenomenal.
I wouldn't, anon. That's why I'm saying it's a drawback - she's too focused on making me happy that she forgets to think what makes herself happy.

My canonical build here is a Light Princess styled along the lines of a Zelda who wants to be Galadriel when she grows up. But I'm thinking maybe there's potential on the other side of the board. Evil Willow was just awesome, wasn't she?
> implying it was shitty bait and not a legitimate question
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Anon who made this, can I steal your over-all "system" and apply it to a mind control one?
So first option would be "how did you mind control her", with three options?
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2400Racoon girl
1900The Harpy
1350Nightmarish Doggirl
800Elven Scholar
100Loyal Poodle Warrior

Doggirl, poodle and me work the land.
Elven scholar teach magic to racoon girl and the harpy with the spellbook, the rest of us too when there's no field work to be done.
A special assignment to the scholar is learning how to turn us all into liches.
As soon as possible, all willing will be subject to it, me first. Hopefully they all agree, i'm sure i'll grow fond of them all by then.
After that, we'll spend the next centuries learning even more magic.

After that i dunno, building a civilisation on the moon, colonising hell, making all mountains float because why not, the possibilities are endless for irresponsible fun.
That spirit animal CYOA looked neat. Hope that goes well.

Reminds me of what happened to that guy who was doing the norse witch familiar CYOA
Images, but I guess I dug that whole.

Kind of a shame, given the ease that it takes to pick up this medium.
>no more neuropozyne can be produced

Wow, what's the fucking point then?
> Remind me what happened to the guy who was doing the Norse witch familiar cyoa?

You mean Italics. Last time they posted (Which was slice if life waifu-daughteru cyoa and If) they were still doing it under the title if Witches n' Inquistions along with a few other cyoas.

Next cyoa according to them is Girls Military
yep. I'd ask why people don't make one themselves but, well, I wouldn't get responses.
Why would you admit to not contribute?
I'm not sure, witches and inquisitors is about those two groups fighting, the CYOA I'm talking about is about being a witch's familiar, customizing your form, and buying companions who are other familiars/experiments.
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Alright, here it is. My 5th CYOA, and the first one that is a waifu one. I tried my best with it, and actually had a lot of fun doing it. It's definitely the most world building I've ever done.

Like I said, it's not the most amazing looking right now, and probably has a ton of spelling errors, but it's either get it like this now, or get it 14 hours later. I'll definitely proofread it when I get home and add things like actual boxes around the text so it's easier to read.

I was honestly surprised by how much text I wrote. I'm kinda worried it looks pretty cluttered. Please point out any spelling or grammatical errors. I wrote most of this on a phone.

Hope you guys enjoy.
>spirit animal

It is going pretty well. Except for me stubbornly sticking to using precropped images and slowing the whole thing down that is.

It'll go faster once I've got the last 3 animals out of the way.

Tell me if there's a specific animal you want to see. I'm pretty open to suggestions since having to discard half my ideas for lack of imaging.

I never knew deviantart had so many unicorns and horses going on. Very creepy horses too.
Beautiful Eyes for me.
You said Norse and Witches. That was Italics thing.

The second thing you are talking about sounds like a different Anon who posted that idea a few threads ago.
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And Page 3.

Like I said, hope you guys enjoy. I tried to make it so that people who don't care about fetishes can still do it.
so, is there anything to it beyond "you get a big-tittied girlfriend"?
Nope, the CYOA I'm talking about had an anon posting about it. It was about being a witch's familiar with a vague norse inspiration. This was before witches and inquisitors was mentioned.
Already gave you my suggestions a few threads back, so I'm all out in regards to those. Not unless you want to put moths in.
Is there anything preventing these girls from going rogue? Or you know, seizing control over humanity?

"In my world there are people in chains and we can ride them like ponies."

Dark Princess
Magic Upgrade
Blood Princess
Mistress of Dragons
Not So Royal Behaviour
Demonic Contact
Peasant Revolt +2
Princess of the Undead
Once and Future Queen

Strong magic is the theme here, magic of the blood and of the bone, magic drawing on the darkness in us all, the temptation that gnaws at humanity, given flesh in those of us who are something else.

In my home city the rich wine flows freely as merchants and artisans, craftsmen and guildsmen, lords and ladies and street urchins and costermongers and whores and thieves and killers ply their trade. It's a town of opportunity - where people come to seek their fortune and sometimes find it.

But outside the walls in the wide lands beyond the serfs have a very different lot. It's a life of labour in the mud for them. Rarely will they ever see their princess; few have the chance to visit the city. Theirs is only to work the fields and pay rents to their betters.

And there's a greater terror, for by night from time to time the Princess hunts.

Dragonfire in the dark announces the start. You might run and hide. Run to the woods, take cover. You'll find skeletons prowling at your heels. You'll flee, perhaps, but black magic will maze your footsteps. And in the end, exhausted, desperate, your blood full of that delicious cocktail of fear hormones, you'll fall down before me.

And then, beautiful boy, I'll have my way with you.
Well there is a lack of motivation, CYOA is odd in its nature, a hybrid between player choice, writing, fetishism and focus. It has no concrete reason for existence besides those that would create with it. No one pays for a cyoa and no one is paying for a cyoa,

The closest other mediums I can think of are scripts [which by default leave room for interpretation] and vidya [in which the medium relies on player interaction, otherwise no bus.]

It's odd, and a bit of a shame, CYOA deserve a bit more, given all that I've derived from this general. Say what you will, I've learned a lot here.
I tried to my best to make it so that it's not. And they don't all have big tits, though there is a literally titty monster.
Not really. Look at Emiko's profile. I decided that if you want to try and convince your girl to take over the world, you should be able to make a build for that. I was thinking of putting in a line about the communicator chip in them also be able to disable them, and then have an option at the end to sabotage said chip, but I never put it in.
Pretty sure that should be "forearms" instead of "front arms" in the description for Celtic Mantis.
Nah man. Italics was going to use nits influence and said they been working in Witches and Inquistion s for a very king time. The whole story of it was you were a familiar for one of the two factions.
'Nah' nothing. I know what I'm talking about here. This was a CYOA I remember a month or two ago. I'll check the archive as soon as I finish reading this kaiju CYOA.
Ew, you made the Russian gross.

Also didn't you promise that these would all have a human form? Shiv'ska doesn't. She's an outright furry too, bug face and everything. I recognize that character, and you made a huge mistake there by not paying enough attention to the angle. Her face is pointing downwards.
Polymorph in the bedroom.

Magic prep trumps every where.

Some of them, the most dashing, the most delicious, the most satisfying, the ones whose terror and horror are matched only by their eventual desperate lust for me... those I'll keep for a while. My own attendant manservants. When I tire of my pets I'll finish them off and make some revenant servitor of them. But while they amuse, they'll breathe another night.

And I know what comes with the territory here. From time to time one of these fair boys I take to my chambers will try his luck with a blade or stake, tear down the drapes to let in the sun, behead me, impale me... oh, how they long to impale me! Or else a mob at the gates, torches, pitchforks, howls of fury at one lost son too many.

It's the lot of a vampire princess. From time to time the stake and the knife. But the other side is this. I'll always, always come back. Rising again and again from the grave to take back my principality and stalk the nights once more!
I mean, she's an alien, so I feel like it's okay to have the one exception. And I would hardly call xenos furry.
Other than Pacific Rim, Godzilla, or some of the kaiju pictures, I have no idea where the pictures are from. With Shiv'Ska I was always going to do the wraith for her kaiju form, and I wanted her to not be able to speak, so when I found that image of a bug girl with no mouth and had similar arms to the wraith, I thought it was perfect. And when you say her face is pointing downwards, you mean she has a mouth under there?
As long as the core personality and principals supporting it survived... sounds like a decent restart
Someone explain the appeal of having a superpowered waifu. Is it always a femdom thing?
>Shiv'ska doesn't
Yeah how dare someone that doesn't live in earth not have a human form, don't they know that they're inferior.
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>Ew, you made the Russian gross.
Yeah fit, muscular, sweaty women are so gross. A Virgin NEET wouldn't be able to deal with it.
Don't worry, I'll take her for you.
> And they don't all have big tits,
That isn't a problem. It's when their tits are larger than their head it's a problem.
You better not be lying to me, boy, 'cause I'm going in.
She's not an alien. She's an anthropomorphic mantis.

And yes, she has a mouth under there. Not the same character, but two more examples of that 'race' showing the mouth.
>I've learned a lot here.
Through making cyoas, I've learned there are fetishes I didn't know I have.
God, the things I would have included if only I didn't have to restrain the text for each option.

I suggest more mutations that aren't fetish-y. They're all pretty bad.
I have! I just really kinda suck at it. Yaaay.
But at least I made an attempt and posted stuff. Bad oc is still oc amiright.
If I make a CYOA today, can someone make a "you get one power" or similar cyoa set in real life where "you lose your sugar addiction" is an option?
You can get addicted to sugar? If so and you're going through that, I know your pain. I'm currently going through caffeine withdrawal and it hurts.
Huh. Well I'm just gonna keep pretending she has no mouth then.
And plenty of aliens look like animals. Would you call the snake girls from X com furries? If you're the same guy who hated them before, there's not much I can do to help you.
Ya, It's pretty much where I stuffed all the fetishes.
However, I tried to at least make most of the options also have a combat option, like nuclear assets has godzilla style atomic breath, and acid spit for the tongue.

And ones that are potentially non fetishy: Invis, healing factor, mech, examplary qualifications, and champion of earth. So that's almost like, half of the choices for people who don't care about fetishes at all.
This was always a fetish CYOA and I'm not going to pretend that it isn't, but I tried to include options for people.
Aliens that look like anthro animals are still anthro animals and thus furry. It's not an escape clause from being an anthro animal.

Hell yes I would.
None of the girls particularly appeal to me. They're not bad, but none of them really stand out. I guess I'll go for Northerner, because she seems like a sweetheart. Anna's a close second, but I don't have any psychological expertise.

As for my mutations? Tongue (so she has fine manipulation skills), Camoflage (useful and fun), and Healing Factor (because what's the point of a dead KAIFU?). Rolled a 9 for blood compatibility, so I'm pretty happy there too.
Yeah, I kinda rushed through due to a headache and I'd pick some of these. A few more non-fetish options than I thought.
I'm in the middle of one where "sugar addiction now has absolutely zero downsides" is already an option for your one power.
OC is better than no OC.
You tried, and you learn by failure - you learn nothing from never doing.
Though to be honest I'd fuck the hell out of Nae so I'm having a hard time getting mad at you for including her. Goddamn me and my weakness for bug ladies.
sugar or caffeine, same difference. I get my caffeine with my sugar.
"addiction" is too extreme, I just really wanna have sugar. And every day I indulge, quitting only gets worse.
But I don't want it to have no downsides, I want to not get/be addicted.
Go ahead. Have you been paying attention to people's criticisms of the system? Even people who didn't speak critically would almost always make accounting errors in their builds.

My own view is that it would have worked better with more Session options, especially more without prerequisites.
Most of the girls are cute, so I like it. Feels a little bit like the Colossal CYOA.
I like it, but I'd really love a way to get more than three mutations.
Also, if you were to add more options, and then maybe split up the mutations and the bonus items into separate categories, that would be awesome of you. But yeah, I like it.
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I'll take ivanka Kotov.
Nuclear Assets, Healing Ability, Camouflage.
I'd take the penis mutation but I'm not sure I want to subject my ass to destruction by her.
I think I'd rather follow your setup than what I was currently doing, giving points.
I didn't follow the point system in your CYOA since the only way I could get Obedience (I think) was by picking an unappealing backstory, or by forcing her to use some sex toy I found unappealing.
It'd be nice if a couple of the mutations were considered drawbacks rather than perks. E.g., libido - having to fuck someone two to twelve times a day to keep them from using the Washington monument as a sex toy sounds fun for a while, but not for the rest of my life.
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I'm honestly disappointed with the mutations. The majority of them are just fetish stuff. I would have made a build that both made me the protector of humanity AND gave me a waifu. Also Laura a best.
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Operation "I am not developing alcoholism" is about to start. Unless anything else is suggested, I'll do the lewd allies expansion to "A Pokémon CYOA"
Lewd allies sound fun
>ADD girl
She was so close, and yet so far.
I really would like to make something not-fetishy, but they're just so damn easy and fast...
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>'It's not enough thatI have a special snowflake GF, I want to be a special snowflake too'
Laura is worst girl btw
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I'm working on a fantasy villainesque type cyoa where most of the previous gang got taken out so you have a chance to take over. I'm never great with point systems so we'll see how this goes (eventually. Slow slow progress).
I have ADD. It's terrible. It's basically ADHD without the energy so it doesn't make you fit either. I would advise against it.
Well, considering the Colossal CYOA is one of my favorites, and the reason I decided to get off my ass and make another CYOA was because Beri added a page to that as thanks, I'm not surprised.
Ya, there's definitely room for an update. Another page of 6 girls, and I could definitely split up items/mutations.
I was originally going to add drawbacks so you could take more, but considering 3/4 of my cyoas have the same system of perks and drawbacks, I decided against it to change it up.
I'm not a fan of futa myself, but I knew there was a market for it here and wanted to try and be as inclusive as possible.
It upset me how many futa pictures I had to search through to find a SFW one that wasn't just a blatant penis bulge
Like I said to the other guy, there are 5 options that are non fetishy. That's almost half of them.
>No "become the kaifu" option beyond mind-melding
"We found out that, if it weren't for your pesky Y chromosome, you'd be an ideal candidate for the other side of the program. Fortunately for both of us, we just finished an experimental retrovirus that can fix that."
"You'll gain traits roughly based on one of our 'standard' kaifus, but skewed towards your own genetic factors."
"We'll pair you up with a handler who chose the same options as you, minus this one of course. There should be enough that you could limit them by personality or demographic, if it'd increase compatability."
Hear me out. I can get kinda autistic about things and am way too ambitious but I've got it in my head now to turn NTR/cucking into something positive. I want my cyoa to shock you because hey, you actually don't mind it for once.

Can you think of any way for me to integrate cucking into a cyoa in a positive way?

Serious replies only. I'm trying to revolutionize here.
I thought about it, but I wanted to mostly make this a waifu CYOA.
That's not a bad idea for a "become the little girl" option though. Might add your idea in a future update if I ever get around to it.
ADD doesn't exist. You were a kid who was acting like any other normal kid when some dumbass doctor told your parents you needed to be medicated.
Terminally ill man tries to hook you up with a bunch of his daughters so he can see them married before he dies?

Not really cucking, but it's all I got.
You are part of a team with a guy and his harem
But he's gay for you
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>serious replies only.
I'm going to be honest with you, you sound like you got off to the wrong side of "mindbreak" porn in real life and now you think you can make NTR/Cucking something positive.
Chances are I'll be dissapointed
If you're going to add some Kaifu, maybe a strategy gamer who can "bud" short-lived mini-Kaiju? I dunno, I just wanna get my smart girl moe on, and that's the first thing that came to mind.
Hope there's a skill section.
>Woman gets abused by guy.
>She stills having feelings for him.
>You steal woman away from guy.
Gee the NTR that has been done a thousand times.
>No UK Kaifu
>Still has feeling for him
>Hurr it's positive
The Queen is sadly out of your league.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Blood transfusion go!
Hope you like your kaiju aids anon
Thread replies: 255
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