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>GW has been producing exclusively shit fluff for years >Almost
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>GW has been producing exclusively shit fluff for years
>Almost exclusively shit models for years
>FFG has abandoned 40k entirely for Star Wars. They don't even reprint old 40k books
>Fantasy is dead
Has there been a worse time to be a Warhammerfag?
FFG's active on the 40K front. Don't you like card games?
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Times are grim and future is unclean, but there is still glimmer of hope. GW is remaking Specialist Games and Forgeworld brings only quality models and fluff.
Not particularly
>numerous videogames
>forge world in charge of specialists
>mechanicum, knights, genestealers cults, deathwatch and more smaller factions
>kirby gone

the worse is today, tomorrow holds hope
fantasy will go in the hands of the players in heavens
Also GW is on overdrive producing new content almost on a weekly basis.

previous it took years for GW to do stuff. Now each week has a new release. You guys are spoiled.
I often wonder how much it would take for a Warhammerfag to give up being a Warhammerfag and go find another game to be a fag about.
>Now each week has a new release.

Anything related to Age of Sigmar can be thrown out right away since 90% of it is garbage, and the few decent models aren't worth buying because the game itself is worse. Other than that, most of GW's recent offerings are mediocre board/minigames, which are great when they actually feature new stuff, but don't do anything to salvage 40k's chronic imbalance and often add to its growing bloat of minor factions.
Not too hard. I got into other games, but I still have my old armies
>and Forgeworld brings only quality Space Marines and 30k fluff

Fixed that for you.
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FFG has some peculiar practices when it comes to new print runs, and after several years of rapid fire releases, they really do need to let the 40k RPG stuff shake out a bit.
I keep hearing people both saying 40k is going to shit and that 40k is getting better

Is it still feasible to start 40k or not?
>AoS yadda yadda

I know we all love bashing that shit, but do we have actual numbers on how hard it bombed?
And Im pretty it did, even my local manager had to weasel his way around a proper explanation.
Go for it senpai. 40K is still fun to play no matter what people here say.
>>FFG has abandoned 40k entirely for Star Wars. They don't even reprint old 40k books

FFG has been pretty active with Dark Heresy, so I don't know what you're talking about. We'll probably be getting Rogue Trader 2nd Edition in the next year or two, too.
I think it's fun but there's two caveats:
1) You have to enjoy the hobby aspect of it. You're going to be spending much more time cleaning, assembling, modelling, and painting your models than you are actually playing the wargame.

2) Understand, along with your playgroup, that 40k has fairly poor balance. If you or someone else is one of those power gamer types it's easy to make a list that will smash the vast majority of comers. On the other hand if people make fluffy army lists then you'll have a lot of fun with fairly even games. Personally I prefer to play 30k instead as it has far, far better balance.

I honestly think at 40k isn't worth playing unless you're a big fan of the setting and stories already. I enjoy reading the books, playing the video games, playing the RPGs, and painting and collecting the models. The wargame is just a final bonus on all that.
>>FFG has abandoned 40k entirely for Star Wars.
FFG is, entirely understandably, riding the utterly immense hype train of one of the biggest multimedia franchises in history, you mean?
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