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Thread replies: 168
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Hey guys, it's the OP of Friends of the Faun Civ here to run a new civ.

Some explanation for my previous players on FoF - I had to stop writing due to an influx of finals and other shitty assignments. I should be free now that we're moving into the summer, so I want to run a fresh thread to potentially last the whole length of said Summer.

Without further ado - Vote on which SPECIES you want to play as. (You are NOT voting for location)

And to any new players who want to join, feel free! Be warned I'm often influenced by lots of marijuana or various other mind-altering fun, so NSFW writing can be expected when the players go down that path. You've been warned.
I'm feelin the vampire game right now, but I'm fine with anything
Welcome back.
I will still miss it. ;_;
Pick a land also, Anon.
OP said not to pick a land
Oooh, okay. I missed that.
I always wanted to try a race of human wrestlers. Just going around challenging people.

I will also back the vampire vote to get things start, if needed.
Switching to this Human wrestlers sound fun. >>46820307
And we fuck the losers, right?
R.I.P Faun hormones
This sounds good
I like the idea of vampires, can we do it in a city? I know you don't want the location but a city with a small vampire civ hidden in it would be hella fun

lots of smexy scenes I'm sure will arise
Machines who want to learn what love is.
Mycenaean overlords go! We'll call the Civ Not Golgari.
Not an anon who's voting because I won't be able to keep up much, but 'd much rather /anything/ other than humans who wrestle as a form of fighting. FoF was very very high fantasy, and I don't see an entertaining story from this race (despite how cool it sounds)
I change my vote from Elf, To Machines, Clockwork Empire lets go!
Aw. I was hoping to see a high impact fight among those who like being strong. Challenging the gods in the ring of honor or settling fights one on one in a cage match like no other.

Were talks are done over a drink and dreams are born.
I also change my semi joking vote to machines for the sake of seeing this thread start going. Clockwork machines sound like fun.
Not him, but it sounds more like something you'd do as a solo quest with a single character than as a civ.
*beep boop*
I mainly just want the theme of a civ to be like that. Ether way I'm down for a lot of things just throwing my ideas out.
Floating islands
>insert Fucking machines joke here
OP are you kill?
Vampires sound fun, though machines sound fun as well.
He takes his time writing, Anon. You can't rush perfection.
FoF thread. It was good and...hot.
Oh, and also I'm thinking ruins this time, try to get a pseudo roman empire or something going. Really just want some machine-romans.
Point taken I remember lurking on that thread and it was good and yeah hot but I felt a bit like a degenerate.
>City Ruins
Is OP rest in penguins?
OP, come back to us
bumping so OP won't die
Maybe he's blazing it? He did warn us.
How many votes does each race has?
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Voting for machines
maybe while we wait we can discuss ideas?
Kind of bum that humans won't be picked. What other races would have be great wrestlers?
Though, it seems Machines have won.
Alright, I like this for an idea >>46822523
We build big machines for our military and peacekeeping but then build slender and sleek machines for our diplomacy. Both are intelligent it's just the diplomats have a bit more patience when it comes to speaking and listening.
Going for a bug empire and Placing them in the Mountains
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Though, it seems Machines have won.
Vampires / ruins.
Are going for "fucking robots who aren't humanoid" or "warforged guys"
Also all for machine overlords

I wonder how truly it would I run a civ about drug spawning mushroom men while also under the influence if drugs possibly also involving mushroom men
Good fucking English there.. Pass the myceana
Op dead before the thread even started
Every fucking time.
Mixture diplomats are warforged, military robots are varied and made for their specific duty. Though if we could advance enough any unit could take on the duties of another unit. Example crossbow men become spearmen for dealing with a charging enemy unit.
And sexbots
Pretty cool, but because we're machines we should be stronger then usual, so in theory we could simply just carry around spear/shield and crossbow.
Don't forget about private "negotiation".
Yeah but the suggested idea is us becoming liquid metal at that point. >>46823086
Sure every warrior needs a girl to write home to. 1940s machine civ go!
oh god
this so much.
we must make 1940's America.
Bumping because I'd like for my idea to live
Fucking OP is probably blazing 420 right now anon, swear to god that OP better come back.

our fucking op must be SOO baked.

It's been over three hours rofl.
Fuck, when he gets back he'll probably be spewing "na fuck machines let's go with nudist vampires" and proceed into a fucking orgy quest or something.
We have to believe in the power of DUDE!
Wouldn't be too bad.
I'm sure he'll stick with what was picked.
kinky desu
anyone want to wager bets for how long Senpai wil take?
I bet my right pinkie toenail it will be at least an hour.
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Are we going to be bro-bots?
At first sure but then we'll get a job, meet a nice girl and leave behind our bro-bots for better friends.
Then we'll have a little bot and he'll grow up to be just like his dear old dad bot
>All according to programming.
That's actually sweet.
Then our little bot is drafted in the great Robocian civil war and he's changed forever by it.
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That won't happen. R-right?
Look guys, I know we seem to have hivemind decided on a race, but is it too late to suggest one?

Ents man. OP smokes the green, while we play the green.
War happens no one bot can stop it and should our young bot die he'll have died for the cause of uniting the nation under the banner of unity rather then individuality and difference.
What are Ents? Do you mean Ants?
If not machine then we do civil war trolls rebelling against Dwarven oppression.

No. Ents are giant, hulkish tree-folk.

Oh shit, I remember that! It was the coolest idea. I'll gladly vote for either stoner ents or 19th century tech CSA trolls.

Bump for this.
bumping for the bump god
rip OP
Overdose on weed shots.
Say DUDE! for respect.
Someone should take over for the fag op, and just run something. This is the new policy for stillborn civ threads.
Anyone want to take over? If no one does, I can try, even though I never ran a quest thread before.
You can if you want.
I could, but that's why I'm asking in case someone really wants to first.
Nah dude go for it original op is probably high and banging faun. And no worries about being new at it.
If someone else wanted to, they would have already, so go for it.
Do it.
>tfw No faun orgy
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Fuck it, we'll do it live.
Writing up some writefaggotry...
>tfw for people wai over three hours for Stoner OP to show.

>then we get a second dm.

DESU I am pretty sure you are the original dm and just so embarrassed over being hours late that you want to maintain the delusion.
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>It seems Machines win, so yay?

You find yourself abandoned in your master's laboratory. It is saddening (Saddening? That is not in your programming to feel...) to realize that your creator won't be getting back up. Most likely from the steel metal object located in his central spinal cord. You should really get to doing something, before you rust into a pile of bolts. A quick survey indicates that you are not alone, and that you have... Brothers?
That sounds pleasant.
You do not know where they are, but you can sense their numbers, which is forty, including you.
You have two doors to go through
>The Right Door, in your master's red oil.
>The Left Door, sacred to you master, and often where he would spend his spare time when he was still active.
>The Left Door, sacred to you master, and often where he would spend his spare time when he was still active.
>>The Left Door, sacred to you master, and often where he would spend his spare time when he was still active.
>Left door
>left door
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Left door it is!

You open the Left Door, so called because it is to your Left, and also the only door to said Left. As you open it, you notice that the room is surrounded in bookshelves, also filled with books. Besides that, you notice a strange hat in the center of the room, laying upon the table.
>Go back.
>Check out that hat in the center of the room.
>Books often contain knowledge, and knowledge is power!
Also, roll me a 1d20, first 3 are accepted and high is good.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

>inspect object in the center of the room
Rolled 16 (1d20)

>Books often contain knowledge, and knowledge is power!
books m'lord
Rolled 1 (1d20)

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Rolled 12 (1d20)

>>Check out that hat in the center of the room.
>Critical Failure! Nat 1!

As you go to open one of the books, you hear the scuffling of feet in the room... Above you...
Suddenly, it stops.
You continue on, slightly shaken, and find three books on an oaken shelf in the left corner of the room.
>A Treatise on the Gods...
>Technological Innovations
>Stabbing To Death: A Lifestyle.
Read which one? (will affect Main Character's Career.)
>A Treatise on the Gods...
We Holy bots.
>Stabbing to death: a lifestyle
>>A Treatise on the Gods...
>Holy bots eh? Pretty cool desu...
You open the book, and you discover the world of the written word. Beings known as "gods" which many worship... You narrow your selections to a certain few you have an interest in... And decide to worship them to receive benefit.
>Divinaos, Lawful Good god of Justice and Righteousness? (You go down the path of the Champion.)
>Gemarius, Lawful Neutral god of Civilization, Imperialism, and Industry? (You go down the path of the Commander.)
>Amadeus, Lawful Evil god of Slavery, Exploitation, and Conquest? (You go down the path of the Conqueror)
>Gemarius, Lawful Neutral god of Civilization, Imperialism, and Industry? (You go down the path of the Commander.)
Spread the Holy word of Gold!
going with gemarius Lawful Neutral.
>>Divinaos, Lawful Good god of Justice and Righteousness? (You go down the path of the Champion.)
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Hm, Gemarius, he could suit your needs... And ambitions in more ways then one. In order to worship him however, you note that "expanding your influence" is quite a major one. Maybe he'll take notice if you get control over...
Your brothers...
There we go...
There is still however, the matter of the hat in the room.
>Put it on?
>Just leave, your job is done.
>Put it on, what's the worst that could happen?
>>Put it on, what's the worst that could happen?
Nothing bad ever accompanied that phrase.
>Put it on, what's the worst that could happen?
Give it the ol' college try.
put it on. It better be a fedora. Or a tophat.
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>Put it on

You decide to put the hat on.
Congratulations, you are now wearing a tophat.
You feel more important, and with increased ego, you go to find your brothers. Which for some reason, are directly outside the room.
"Unit 5053, why are you not working? And why are you wearing a hat?"
>oh god run away and hide in the room!
Roll me a d20.
Rolled 15 (1d20)

Bitch slap him. Like a boss.
Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Why aren't you?"
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Brothers, I had a vision! A vision of prosperity and wealth! Our master is gone but we can make him proud!
I say we're doing well so far.
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writing in severe disappointment.
Rolled 6 (1d20)

"what the fuck did you say to me bitch? we don't need to work for masters anymore, please download my files on my experiences here.
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>Critical Failure, again.

You attempt to use logic.
"Why aren't you?"
The machine your talking to, gets notably infuriated.
"5053, your behavior the past three months are questionable, and I'll be forced to report you to security for deactivation."
>oh shit nigga, he gonna call the cops
>beat his fuckin' snitch ass
>>beat his fuckin' snitch ass
He's no brother of mine!
oh shit, almost forgot, roll a d20 for whatever option you choose.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

beat his fuckin' snitch ass
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Time for another 1!
Rolled 7 (1d20)

I vote to beat YOUR faggot snitchin' ass.
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>something besides a 1

When your "brother" turns away, you sock him right in the back with your fist.
Which is glowing.
And just caused him to hit the wall, and into a broken pile of bolts.
The rest of the machines bow silently in fear. This guy seemed to be their leader.

Congrats, your now in CIV MODE!
>write in anything you want to say to your "citizens" now.
>"Read this book and learn the ways of the merchants."
"100110101010101110101100100010100101111011011010110101010101 1101010101010101010101010101010010101010101010101010101010101010101000101010101010101001"

We need to mass produce.

Also, could you please do the green text summary of our civ?
>Populace: 99
>Defense: 1 (Nonexistant)
>Production: 5 (Productive)
>Education: 2 (Very Uneducated)
>Wealth: 0 (None)
>Military: 1 (Pathetic)
>You are the only one able to read, it seems.
>You are also the only combat-ready unit.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

send two robots to scout and get information about what's been happening.

Send the rest to build defenses.
Rolled 9 (1d20)

Forgot to roll.
Our rolls are not on point. ;_;
Rolled 5 (1d100)

Teach them dumb niggers to read.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

Too used to rolling d100, force of habit.
The two robots you send out to scout don't come back. The defenses being built are taking quite a while, due to no-one really knowing why or how to build a defensive location.
After claiming that reading this will teach them the ways of wealth, many comment that they cannot read, and they have no purpose for wealth. Ungrateful savages.
After that, you attempt to get them to read. At least several of them pick it up. Your still leagues ahead of them however.
On another note, you believe that you have gained favor with Gemarius, as you seem to have a commanding aura around you.
please give us like four options.

I know we get two due to being industrious. we just need a little more guidance.
crap, I forgot, thanks, half asleep here.

>Create more Worker Machines (+50 Populace)
>Try to spread the word of Gemarius (May convert some of the populace)
>Design new Machine
>Create more Worker Machines (+50 Populace)
Rebuild what we lost.
A and C
New machine is a light scout with a good blade.
How advanced can we build?
You can reasonably build up to heavy machinery, such as heavy infantry in mass, but would take a long time to find such resources.
Rolled 11 (1d20)

This, but prioritize sensors.
How well and far it can see.
You decide upon building more Workers, and set upon designing a Scout Machine... Roll for how well you design the Scout.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Can you smell the 1s? Taste them?
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aww shit my nigga
you fuckin master at this shiiieeett....
writtin this shit up.
Critical Success!

The scout you design is made to be fast, lethal, and hopefully all-terrain. You even implemented light armor plates into strategic locations.
>Workers: 147
>Scouts: 10
Scouts also receive a +3 on Scouting, and are (surprisingly) competent in combat.
Send them on Scouting Expedition?
>Yes, what could go possibly wrong?
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>>Yes, what could go possibly wrong?
Time to pay for that 20.
Rolled 12 (1d20)


Also build defenses.
>Yes, what could go possibly wrong?
Rolled 18 (1d20)

>Yes, what could go possibly wrong?
You send your scouts on an expedition, and order the workers at home to set up some actually defenses, rather then the two crates at the entrance.
>Roll a 2d20, one for defenses and another for scouting, this one receives a +3.
Rolled 14, 19 = 33 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 4 = 10 (2d20)

14=Defense (+1 to Defense)
Your worker's finally understood the concept of "cover" and set upon setting a small pallisade around the entrance to your base. Which may or may not just be a cave with a hut in it.
19+3=22 Scouting
Your scouts eventually come back with a descriptive of the area.
To the north of you, is a Human Kingdom, which is heavily forested. The West of you is tribal state, which the Scouts could barely find a trace of, and additional left tracks similar to that of humanoids. The East holds a Dwarven Mountain hall, deep underground, only finding evidence due to beer mugs and heavy presence of magma. Additionally, to the south of you is a Orcish Tribe. In your direct vicinity however, is a small Lizardfolk tribe and a Gnoll Tribe. Basically, your living on the edge of the wilderness.
Do you take any action towards them?
>The East holds a Dwarven Mountain hall, deep underground, only finding evidence due to beer mugs and heavy presence of magma
Does this imply the Hall is abandoned? Cause that's how it sounds.
Perhaps, you couldn't find any evidence of inhabitants...
How's the condition of our lab? And size?
Anyways, that's where we're going to keep it for tonight.
Come back tomorrow at 5 PM, West Coast Time and I'll continue being a substitute for Stoner DM.
Also, any where I can improve on, feel free to ask before we auto-sage.
For now ignore the other races, work on ourselves.
Begin making mining tools, send the Scouts back out with the purpose of finding resources, namely iron.
Live and let live until they give us cause not to.
Just to answer this question, your condition is slightly decript, cobwebs around and additionally some rust growing in some metallic parts.
Thread replies: 168
Thread images: 16

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