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Maverick Hunter Quest, Thread 67: The Eagle Has Blended
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Prior Thread: >>46562093
Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Maverick%20Hunter%20Quest
The IRC: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com, #MHQ
The Twitter: https://twitter.com/HunterCommand

You are Anode, maverick hunter, and your hunt--finally--is at a close.
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Your target, Hurricane Wren, has spent the better part of a week massacring her way across the French countryside. And now, here she is, kneeling at your feet (with your severed arm close by), looking up at you with lucidity for the first time.

"Yeah," you finally say at length. "Yeah, it did."

Wren closes her eyes, as your remaining arm whines and sparks, trying to raise your buster to keep it on her.

"Not again."

For lack of anything to say, watching the figure who has sown death and terror wilt and diminish before you, you key your comms. "Rosé, Blanc, Wren is down. She's..." you look up at her again. "You should surrender."

"We're on the way," Rosé comms.

She examines the knife in her hand, turning it over before letting it dim, tossing it lightly aside. "I don't want to surrender." She looks back up at you. "Kill me. Please."

You twitch--a not-insignificant part of you was considering it already. "We can help you."

"Lieutenant... Anode, was it?"

"Captain, now."


"You know me?"

"Diamond spoke very highly of you," she says. "That's... one of the last things I remember."

"Diamond didn't make it," you tell her.

She's quiet again. "I see." Another long silence. "He was very kind to me. Was it... was it me?"

"I don't think so," you offer awkwardly, as if it makes it better.

"Two minutes," Blanc tells you, as Wren takes in her surroundings.

"How bad is it?" She asks softly.

>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>...you're probably the worst thing to happen to France since Sigma.
>>...you're probably the worst thing to happen to France since Sigma.
>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
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Morning, folks. This is probably going to be a slow thread--I just wanted to try to round out Wren this weekend because I know I can't run the next.

We can also do that whole "upgrade discussion" thing, when we get to it, rather than start on that clusterfuck next time.
>>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
Sleep in peace, broken bird.
>>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
Respect the hunter, not the maverick.
>>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.

seems a bit more merciful.
>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.

What exactly did Em want us to ask about Diamond?
>Other? I'd like to say it could have been worse, but I can't. Things are pretty bad.
For reference, thread 18 was the thread with Wren's 'interview' in it, where we first heard her say what being a maverick felt like.
I am terrible.
>Doppler went rogue. Maybe someone who actually wants to cure you, could.

>Worst case, they could study you to find a cure. Atone for all this shit, you know?
> Bad.
I think he wanted to know if she knew how Diamond died/ who took him out. But it's seeming like she doesn't know anything.
>..you're probably the worst thing to happen to France since Sigma.
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>People are already talking about getting some kind of cyclonic boost system
And just think. There's space between X3 and X4 for the other MegaMission, Xtreme, Xtreme 2...
If we are fast we don't need a particularly strong range game (not that blackout and lockon is bad). Or melee. We can just always play the game our opponent is worse at.

We'll have nothing but ranged options after Mortarphant. Me, I go for strong passives.
we don't need a ranged game because we can't close, we need a ranged game so we can shoot things that can out melee us to death.

our speed lets us choose the engagement range, so we should build towards making sure we have the edge in either melee or ranged combat .
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Well now that this mission is basically done.
And also something I did up last night.
>>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>You did very well indeed. Gold star for you!
I am ok with upping our jump/flight or reducing cool down but other than that I vote no to fast.

this guy gets it we need at least one of our games to be top notch and able to punch through just about anything and hot just with our super limited lock on ammo. I say we up our ranged game as that synergies better with our speed.
Are we just planing on the vicious discussion portion today or are we also going to do the vote?
>Bad. You don't want to know how bad.
>Not gonna lie, though; people want your head already.

One thing I'm wondering is if we can just switch her LIFE cell off somehow as an act of reploid euthanasia. Maybe get her to do it herself.

How does reploid death work anyway? (I mean, beyond explosions.)
We should not be summarily executing compliant prisoners nor telling people to kill themselves. One is a war crime the other is just shitty and I for one don't want anode walking down that path.
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>Bad you don't want to know how bad.
A reploid can be capable of terrible things... TERRIBLE THINGS
>"I don't want to surrender."
>"Kill me. Please."
How are you misreading this?
Just because she wants to die doesn't mean we should let her die. She can still give the Hunters plenty of insight on Mavericks.
I am fully aware she wants to commit suicide by cop I just find that ethically abhorrent in this circumstance and consider it worth the cost (at least from Anodes PoV whether his superiors kill her is another matter and i would be ok with that).
Live capture
Potentially advance viral cure research (Doppler did suppress the mav virus even if he only did it to give her a deep cover.)
not be evil
maybe save Wren
slim chance of a commendation and no media blitz.
At worst Halcyon makes us a Hero
or Halcyon makes us a scapegoat
or we get docked pay and a minor black mark
or we just get a slap on the wrist
there is a slim chance Wren escapes most likely at the start of X3
this may divert resources to study or contain Wren.
More than the extensive interviews, debriefings, and diagnostics she underwent the last time?
Considering that last time around Doppler was heading things up, and his team was the one that gave her a clean bill of health, yes, more than last time.
That was under Doppler's supervision, if I recall correctly. We can't necessarily trust the prevoius research.
Y'all motherfuckers need Primus.

This is a lot of effort to justify torturing an already horribly tormented comrade just to keep your own hands clean.
not him but possibly yes for 3 key reasons 1 Doppler is no longer polluting the tests and data 2 she has just snapped out of it even part way on her own 3 she is the only example we have of Doppler's successful though bobbytrapped procedure for surprising the Mav virus.
She can still serve the Hunters, and we are morally obligated to take her in alive if we can.
Even if she doesn't want to live, she owes it to the Hunters to help them figure out the virus so that someday reploids will stop breaking like she has.
> Seconding this
Agreed. It disrespects the wishes of everyone involved, both living or dead for a bunch of what ifs that will likely not happen.
She has surrendered if she shows even a slight sign of resistance at this point I am cool with wasting her I am also cool with an execution after a trial I would even tolerate Command saying we cant hold her shoot her but none of that is true shooting prisoners is wrong and anode is a moral guy.
Just because the crowd screams crucify him doesn't make it right or ethical.

She examines the knife in her hand, turning it over before letting it dim, tossing it lightly aside. "I don't want to surrender." She looks back up at you. "Kill me. Please."

Those are her exact words. She doesn't want to surrender, she wants to die. Chances are she will rip herself apart if we try to take her alive.
>rip herself apart
That sounds too optimistic for this quest.
What she wants or not is irrelevant. It isn't right to kill her now.
I think the best thing to do is see if she knows anything, then listen to her last words and make it quick.

She wants to die, and frankly i think given the situation letting her is the most merciful option. She's lost herself twice, and she knows that if she lives it will just happen again.
Thirding. Time for glibness, and have us start cracking.
And neither does sparing her. This is not standard procedure. This is not a best case scenario. This is neither skipjack or soul foxfire. This is a bloodied, tired, broken bird who finally has some clarity and wishes for peace so she does not kill again. Your actions are far more cruel than you think they are, hiding behind ethics like that.

It's a shitty move, but at least it shows some damn respect to all those involved. Hell, she is the one begging to be on the damn cross, so that doesn't work either.
If she lives she'll never be back to active duty again.
> Other: Change topic. Dr Doppler is maverick, and thats more important right now. Come back and disarm yourself.
“...Bad,” you finally admit. “Pretty bad. Don’t ask.”

She sighs. “Telling in its own right.” Wren makes no attempt to move, not even to stand or sit. “I have to die.”

“Doppler was a fake,” you insist. “His ‘vaccine’ was a trap. Maybe we can still cure…”

“There is no cure, Captain,” she tells you--her voice full of cold certainty. “And I have nothing to tell you. Nothing of use. I’m just a transmission vector.”

“Stand by,” Rouge tells you. “They found a friend on their way.”

“We can try to learn from you,” you insist. “Even if--even if they decide they can’t help you.” Why is this so hard to talk about? You nearly pulled the trigger sixty seconds ago.

“There’s nothing to be gained,” Wren says, craning her head back to look at the early dusk, pillars of smoke blotting dim stars. “I betrayed everything I ever believed in. And then, I did it again.”

“It’s not my call to make,” you say.

“If you bring me in, I’m dead anyway, Captain.” She looks up at you, and despite everything, you find you can’t meet those cool, sharp eyes. “Call it in. Do what you have to do.”

You nod, even as the sound of a Chariot skimmer’s engine hum begins to build. “Command, this is Anode. I have Wren alive. She’s non-hostile.”

A long pause, and then a navigator’s response. “Has she surrendered?”

“Negative,” you reply warily. “She’s… requesting termination.”

“Acknowledged,” comes the response. “Stand by.”

“Move fast,” you reply. “We may not get a say in this otherwise.”

Blanc practically springs from the back of the truck, a buster pistol in his hand and sighted square on Wren as he advances.

“Careful,” Wren tells him, completely serious. “I’m still viral.”
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His finger wraps around the trigger at that. “Duly noted,” he says coldly.

A moment later, Rosé gingerly steps out from the skimmer herself, and for a moment, you think she’s been injured before you remember she never got into contact with the lone threat on the field. You see why she’s moving slowly as she rounds the corner, supporting a human man you had written off hours ago.

Major Lucas, his arm gone from the shoulder, leans against the Reploid, pale and covered with a sheen of sweat, but alive. His eyes remain clear and focused, and after a moment staring at Wren--who puts two and two together--he nods to her.

You eye Rosé. “You have command of the French operations here, what’s their play?”

“I am authorized to turn Wren--and the decision--over to you,” she replies. “But, to be blunt, they are going to want blood.”

“I’m a traitor twice over,” the maverick herself adds, “atop all of this. At most I’ll have a show trial, at worst I could turn again, and escape.”

“Command?” You ask, pinging comms. “Is there a--”

“Copy,” you’re interrupted. “Stand by.”

Gopher’s voice fills your ears. “Anode?”

“Yes, sir.”

“She’s too expensive to contain, too risky to hold, and she’s an infection risk. Ask if she knows anything, then take care of her.“

“Copy.” You say with a twitch, before breaking the line.

Blanc side-eyes you, gun still trained on Wren. “Bad news?”

“I have my orders,” you reply grimly, raising your buster again.

Wren inclines her head. “I’m re-engaging my shields. I want to be sure I go out completely.”

You start to build a charge, the world once again turning into an awful eternity. Wren waits down the barrel, under the glare of massing plasma.
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“Any day now, Captain,” Blanc says hotly.

The human Major just looks at you, studying you quietly. “I can do it.” He disentangles his arm from around Rosé’s shoulder, drawing a scorched pistol of his own with burned fingers.

>Take the shot.
>...I can’t.
>Take the shot.
>Take the shot.
Good bye, mournful song bird. May you sleep soundly.
>Take the shot.
for the record both of those are me.
>Take the shot.
>take the shot
>Take the shot.
>Take the shot.
>Rest easy, Wren.
>>Take the shot.
I'm sorry
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>"If there's anything you can think of that might be useful to know, now's the time."
>Take the shot.
>Rest, soldier.
>Take the shot.
>Take the shot.
I don't think anything has to be said.
>Take the shot.
It's part of our job description. We're not going to chicken out or pass the buck.
>>Take the shot.

she's right, there is no other practical option. She's as much a victim as anyone, but if we don't put her down the virus will use her to kill more humans and infect more reploids.
>Take the shot.
At least you came back at the end


This situation is double shit.
>Addendum; with respect. She was a Hunter once, just like us.
She already said she has nothing to tell us.
> Take the shot

She, too, is a victim of life.
>"If there's anything you can think of that might be useful to know, now's the time."
Supporting this

Yes, but we have orders to make sure she we get all intel that we can and it isn't like we can just say whoops and ask her later.
>Take the shot.

Farewell dear hunter. May you find peace in the next world.
> Take the shot.
Take responsibility, but:

"Last words for the record?"
She can't report what she can't remember.
>Take the shot.
It's how it needs to end.

[Spoiler]So, I think we handled this mission as well as it could have gone aside from losing our arm at the start.[/spoiler]
Just use Ctrl S to spoiler text
I will when I find the ctrl key on my phone.
In a selfish way, I would have rather killed Wren before she was coherent. This talk so far has resulted in nothing but trauma for poor Anode.
Once we decided to try and save everybody we could, trauma was inevitable.
I second adding these
^ This
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You shake your head, however grateful you are for the offer. You have to do this. Lucas nods, holstering his weapon as he kneels and collects what looks like Wren’s knife, struggling to pull himself back upright as you turn back to her. “If you can think of anything that might help…”

Wren mimics the motion. “I’m sorry, Captain.”

“Understood.” You falter again, just for a moment. “Anything you’d like me to tell them?”

For the first time, you hear something approaching a smile in Wren’s voice, behind the emotionless faceplate. “The Seventh was very good to me. Please tell them I said thank you. And I’m sorry.”

The shot doesn’t even kill her. Her shields--as dulled as her, now, the pink of feathers and blades gone--strobe faintly, lost under the blinding haze of the wreath of plasma. She buckles, but doesn’t fall. You charge another, as Blanc fires as well, the shot passing uselessly through the active shielding.

The second shot does the job. Her shields spring to full in overdraw, a last, fatal flash, and she begins to detonate, an explosion in her chest lighting up through a hole in it. The secondaries begin to bubble up and claim her like a seething roil, Wren jerking back as fiber strands snap and tear. You lower your gun, your arm shorting unseen and unheard as Wren’s silent death rekindles the sun for a few more seconds of daylight.

The last thing you see is her eye, the life still in it, gratitude clearly expressed in the last eternity of the night.
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Lucas examines the captured weapon, as Blanc’s falls out of his hand--you now realize, he’s shaking.

“I thought,” he says, voice strained, “I thought I wanted to see this. But she was…” Blanc turns, Rosé giving him a solemn pat on the shoulder as she moves to help Lucas back into the skimmer.

For a moment, you’re alone, with nothing but the cold fusion crater left where Wren once stood, remembering Frog’s words, after watching Tanker massacre Skipjack. Reploids don’t die well, he’d said.

He was right.

Alone with your thoughts for just a moment, the headlights on the Chariot backdropping your shadow, you have another flash of emotion that claws its way through you before you can even register it’s there.

Salute. Salute to the fallen soldiers. Salute to fallen comrades. Salute to those who had to make hard choices and must carry the burden. Salute to those who have been taken early. And salute for those who finally know peace.
>Exhaustion. This won't be the last time it's this hard.
>>Write-in. Howl for Schwartz. You miss him, especially now.
I'll let the song do the talking.
call command, let them know that Wren has been retired. Check on who's left on the battle field. We're still scattered all over the place and they're bound to be survivors that need help. Regroup and fan out for search and rescue. Their has been enough death today, lets try and make sure there isn't any more.
>Resolve you will do what ever you can to prevent this type of tragedy but you will do the hard dirty parts of the job as well
> I think it's about time to get back home. There's a lot to think about. Do what you need to do here and get back; there's more work to be done.

Maybe stop by the 7th as well, a salute is the least you can do.
>embrace the virus

serious vote:
>Take a handful of dirt from the center of her crater.
Accept that it'll only get harder from here on
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This goes beyond cruelty, mercy or vengeance, These are unfair times we live, where loyalties fail on the grounds of infernal betrayal and shifting conciousness. Everyone is a friend, except when they aren't. This is hell.
That seems fitting she needs a proper funeral.
So if nobody else is going to give her an epitaph i think "A Hunter at the end" would be fitting.
Seconding this >>46591453


Only the dead know peace from this war.
Sadness. Turns out life really is the sum of its parts, huh Anode? You're just as much of a process as a person, there's no inherent sanctity to your being. You are just a machine.

All of those in some order. Also, make note of relaying Wren's thanks to the 7th and try to squeeze in a visit somewhere.
Thats my cue.

Sadness and determination to undo this, to make her memory right, to make this all worth it. We can't let it get the best of us, we've all come too far. Respect the fallen, savor those still around and fight till the last for those who you can.

Refuse to believe that it is all there is.
First this
then we go get our missing arm
>Take a handful of dirt from the center of her crater.
Yeah... this. Something to remember the way she chose to go out.

... wait, she tossed her blade away. TAKE THAT, TOO!
>... wait, she tossed her blade away. TAKE THAT, TOO!
Lucas beat us to it.
THAT SNEAK. Oh well, gotta respect finders keepers.
Can we not though? It could still have traces of crazy bird virus. We've got words and the soon to be weapons data. Though I guess we would be taking her home to the 7th.

if that was true then it wouldn't hurt. Wren was a person, as precious and unique as anyone, and then something raped her mind and used her body as a puppet to butcher everyone she loved.

the reason the Virus is so horrifying is because reploids aren't just machines, they are people who are unfortunately more vulnerable to having their brains rewritten than humans.
If your personality can be rewritten that easily, can you really be called a "person"?
I view it as a decision, honestly. If Anode accepts the futility of his own existence, he doesn't have to worry about things like regret, hesitation and doubt. He was built for war, and someone cruel in his design team thought he should be human too.
yes but we can argue weather the being that comes out after the rewrite is a person but before the rewrite yes defiantly.
Honestly, the term 'person' is pretty emotionally charged. Humans that claim they're people can have their personalities rewritten as well, it's just a more crude process.


If everything can be changed about a person, what's the value of anything?
By that argument, a great number of humans could hardly be called 'people' either. Outside forces, both on a personal level and a cultural level, have a hell of a way of changing people in ways they'd rather not be changed.
If you are arguing about potential change not even happened changes than i will go a step further than >>46592725 and say by your logic there is no such thing as a person. I reject that definition as vacuous and untenably flawed. Further i believe person is the only applicable word as it conveys the responsibility rights and the things we consider precious about people and why we should all morn the loss of any person.

I would love to continue this but i have an IRL game to go to sorry.

None of you are people. You're pixels on my screen.
I'm arguing the value of human condition, you dip.
I know what society would tell Anode to do, and it's already been said, grieve and make a memorial to honor her passing. It's perfectly reasonable, given Anode's shitty life, to question why he's fighting. He's fighting for man; therefore, what's the point of man? Is there a point to this existence? It's a personal question that is usually solved by taking up a religion or avoided through copious amounts of alcohol.
Continuing from where I left off:

X's next mission target was a major priority to which he could assign no other forces due to the extreme danger. Magna Centipede, former 0 Unit commander, had led an unexpected seizure of the European Union's central computer facility and its Replibrain, Europa, during X's attack on the remote Maverick factory. With intel all but impossible to secure, a daring mixed force of 1st Advance and 2nd Recon troops penetrated the outer offices and were able to set up a beam-in point near the high-security perimeter where X-Hunter activity had been traced back to. X was able to bypass the initial security precautions but required emergency beam-out when a trapped corridor nearly crushed him to death. Informed of a serious threat elsewhere, X ordered that the beam-in stay secured and withdrew to handle a more pressing situation.
A traitor from the 17th Elite, Flame Stag had seized a volcanic facility and was working toward triggering a devastating eruption using the geothermal equipment deep within the base. X was notified that an X-Hunter had arrived on site to assist Stag in completing his terrorist act and rushed to forestall it. Aerial bombardment of the outer perimeter was quite successful and destroyed many surface defenses, but the main building's anti-air weaponry required an approach on foot. X beamed in to the perimeter and tricked a Beetron Mechaniloid into giving him a lift to the access shaft, discovering en route a valuable Sub-Tank that he elected to put to good use. His approach triggered an alarm, causing the Mavericks to force an eruption in an attempt to kill X, which he narrowly avoided.

Reaching the main regulation building, X discovered that the magma had already risen to dangerous levels. A second Beetron assisted X in reaching the sealed-off access corridor to the control chamber, where the X-Hunter Serges awaited. X was unprepared for the X-Hunter's unpredictable combat style and required emergency beamout. He regrouped, noting the X-Hunter's escape, and determined to go right to the core of the problem, braving a treacherous gas-filled shaft to reach the geothermal regulator core, where Flame Stag awaited. Despite his mastery of the terrain, the vengeful Stag fought with an eye to humiliating his former colleague, and his pride proved to be his downfall.
You’re just…

You’re just so tired.

This is only your second hunt in this “war.” It’s only just begun, and you’re already ready to put your head down. Your mentors are gone, your friends are all broken to some degree or the other, and you can’t really say you’re any better off. You’re alone and outgunned, time and again, surviving on fortune instead of merit.

Then there’s the virus. Then there’s Wren. You still remember “coming back,” and all the little nagging doubts that entails. Pieces of code, the lines and scripts and calls and queries that underpin what you call a brain. Are you really alive? Were you ever? Did the same thing wake up as the one that went under?

Does the virus prove you’re all just complex, heavily-armed wind-up toys, playing at free thought? The doubts themselves should be a comfort, but they’re not. They’re just doubts.

You take a deep breath, acrid with smoke and ozone, and let it out, stepping forward to collect your severed arm from where it fell. As you do, you take a few more steps into the center of the crater, still warm. Wren’s taken so much from France already--but she never meant to. She can have a little more, for herself. Taking a handful of earth, you let it fill a small pocket, to bottle later. You can bring part of her back to the Seventh, at least.

The soil between your fingers helps--it’s something real, something physical, that shows who Wren was, that she was here at all. Standing back up, you salute, for the French, the Germans, for Wren herself. Everyone had a role here, live and dead, human and hunter.
You tune out the debriefing, mostly just confirming what they already know--with a well-established perimeter and a lot of eyes, the details were easy to confirm. A few little nuances you didn’t know, that didn’t really matter--Lucas was brevet-promoted to replace the three men Wren killed in his place, he avoided going into shock via an adrenal stimulant implant he’d opted to get the morning before, should he be caught out as he was, personal words of gratitude from the French and German governments for your role in the operation. You’re worked on as you talk, and told your arm can be salvaged--and that you’ve taken enough damage to rate immediate turnaround to stabilize.

Before Gopher leaves the medbay, he pauses at the door. “Do you know why I sent you on this mission, Anode?”

“Fit the profile best, I guess,” you say, still feeling detached.

“There’s that,” he agrees. “You’re sturdy, more armored than shielded--” You snort. Wren definitely didn’t care much about shielding. “--fast with good movement options. You were my best fit for the list we were handed. That’s not why.”

You look up. “Why, then?”

Gopher folds his arms. “Because you come back, Captain. You’re not the smartest or the fastest or the strongest. But you make it home, every time, even when you shouldn’t. That’s your role in my unit. You are the official last man standing.”

He turns to go. “I’ll have R&D along to work with Wren’s data while you’re on the slab. Anything else?”

>Fuck you, for that order. Sir.
>It had to be done. Nothing further.
>>It had to be done. Nothing further.
It was damn tough call, even if he's a dick about it, but he's not wrong. India would have died. Same with Em. Firefly would not be able to keep up. Any beret would be shredded.

It was a tough call, but thats what leaders do, and its what we did too.
I'd like to see more of Wren's files, if any. Wanna know who I killed back there.
> Fuck you, for that order. Sir.

We gave up on one of our finest.
I think he means the kill order, not sending us out.
>sir... would you say I did a good job? I mean I got it done but a lot of people died doing what I told them to, but truth be told if I had a chance to go back and try again I'm not sure I would change anything since I don't know how I could have done better.
>I'll take my role as a compliment, sir.
>A lot of people died. By all rights, I should have been amongst them. Everything I do is based on pure fucking luck at this point. Don't count on that luck holding up, sir.
>X have mercy on us all.
Please tell me there's some better news on other fronts sir. I've seen too much death today.
>Thank you for that order, sir.
>She deserved to go out with dignity, not dismantling, and... I don't think I could have done it, without.
"Thank you for making the order. If not I'd have brought her back."
>Permission to go to the Seventh after I'm stable. I have something I need to do. Any updates on the others, if there's anything to note?

Also >>46593609 seriously. At least she came back, if only for a moment.
Third this.

No reason to bitch at him for the order. Somebody had to do it.
>>It had to be done. Nothing further.

It sucked, but even Wren knew it.
With just a dash of this

>Fuck you, for that order. Sir.
>It had to be done. Nothing further.
>>It had to be done. Nothing further.
switching to >>46593697
and doing the seconding for anotheranon as well. It was our role to begin with and there is no point in being a dick.
>Also recommending this as requested.
whoops I meant >>46593636
man I messed that up bad
"Somebody was sending teams to resupply her. It may be worth looking into."
This should definitely be mentioned if it wasn't already in the debrief, though I can't imagine it wasn't.
Why? Seriously, Wren herself was literally asking for termination, and she specifically told us that she wouldn't be able to contribute anything to research. We also knew that the French would want her head (and honestly they had every right to it at this point). We knew she was still viral, so it wasn't a matter of if she'd relapse, it was a matter of when. All Gopher did was take the guilt of the decision off our shoulders and place it squarely on his own, and you guys are gonna accuse him of being an asshole for it? Really?
Because Anode still had to pull the trigger and watch Wren die. No one ever wants to be the one to pull the trigger.
Not those guys, but the research team would be the people to make that call, not the viral hunter. Besides that, there was no trial. She was shot without ceremony, like a dog. What does that suggest about Command?
Gotta do the dirty work sometimes.

We're the Captain, now.
That they're not willing to risk having her relapse and add on to her casualties list before a trial could be completed.
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Yeah well that's Anode's job. This isn't exactly reploid innocent civilian quest.

that during a time of war they will not take the risk of taking a viral SA class marvick alive even if they go into temporary remission.

keep in mind, right now everyone is going to be acting like a cure for the virus is impossible. Since a false cure is exactly why we are in this mess right now.

Well, there's a deficiency in their jailing methods then. There's always going to be that doubt that they had the means to take her alive, even if it meant quadriplegia, but they chose not to.
>the person that wants to die tells us that there is nothing to be learned from her
Good job at addressing one out of my three points.
>Insanely dangerous
When even the jailor is at risk of becoming the next criminal, some cases have to be passed on.
Well, that doesn't rule out anybody that came near her. By that measure, every reploid that was on that battlefield, including us, is an increased mav risk.
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You clearly don't understand the political and social implications of letting someone this dangerous live. Especially since she had a moment of clarity begging for death. She's dead and there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it. Deal with it
The Hunters don't have a lot of lateral in prison-taking, especially after something like this Doppler shenanigan. What happens when the warden you just sent all your S-class captures to is a Doppler agent that didn't show true colors yet?

The pros of taking her in alive consisted almost entirely of speculation on things we MIGHT learn from her, that MAY have been hidden before.

Killing her when we did let her go out with dignity, let the families, friends, and comrades of all those she killed find closure, ended her possible continuance as a threat, and saved her from the absolute torment that was her state of mind.

And don't be a prick to Gopher about it. He may have been under orders, too.
Actually, having those different opinions can help lead to new ideas, so calling out people for having them seems a bit low, if I can be honest here.
I'm not saying that I'm never wrong, nor that the side I take is never wrong. I was genuinely curious what their reasons were. If having different opinions leads to new ideas, it only happens via discussion of those opinions, which is what I started. I didn't see anyone else asking why, just saying some variant of "you're wrong, stop," so I asked.
What's done is done. There are far more pressing matters to debate.

Like how to make her data into a sword that turns into an F5 tornado of razorblades when you activate it.
I wonder if we could combine it with the blackout rockets and make some sort of miniature ceretanium hell-storm rocket...
If we can get her thousand slash thing going on the misericord that would be pretty cool.
And that's cool, I get that. I do think that option is to give people who weren't happy about how this is going to have a voice and perhaps you weren't meaning it in a mean way. I guess it could also be that since it was a very one-sided vote, this allowed more discussion too.

tl;dr; I apologize if it sounded like I was calling you out.
No worries. I'd prefer it if people call me out if I'm being dumb rather than just sitting back and letting it lower the quality of the thread anyway.
Blackout rockets are already in short supply, and we know from the experience of making the blackout rockets that every layer of rDNA added to a VWES entity reduces the ammo capacity. Let's not crimp down the supply any further.
Just a thought guys, but the last guy to handle her went Viral, namely Neutron Zebra. Perhaps upgrades from her lead to some accidental weakening of the systems that can resist the virus? Just a thought.

Also, didn't HC say something about Phasian having an emergency recall last thread? If that is a yes, we should check on her.
Yes, Phasian had an emergency beamout. She survived and is stable.
True. Shame though...
"Can I go see my therapist after this? Or did he die or go Maverick too?"
Thanking her should be on our list of things to do post-repair.

I suspect that it was possible to lose her if we didn't take the shot.
When was the last time we saw that therapist?
Far too long ago.
Think we only saw him when we got assigned one, but that said, that fucker is either dead or currently rich because God damn there are a lot of hunters that could use his services right about now
>It had to be done.
And then,
Oh dear God please no.
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You think about the order to gun Wren down, the spark and flash as she crumpled but didn’t fall, and your stomach turns with a flash of anger--

But, at the end of things, you think you’re angry at the order itself--and the necessity of it--and not Gopher for giving it.

“I’ll take that as a compliment, sir,” you reply. “Did we learn anything about the maverick field team?”

“No, but we did find a beam-in pad. Looked like trained handiwork, we’re guessing it was set up by defectors from Recon. Speaking of, Kilroy sends his regards.”


“The Geist who got you that intel,” he replies. “He made it back, safe and sound. He’s already on another op.”

“Lucky break, I guess. I don’t want to think about how much more damage Wren could have done repaired.”

“No luck there,” Gopher replies. “Just calls to field the right people, and the people on the field making the right calls.”

“It didn’t feel like it.”

“It never does, when you’re choosing the better of two shitty deals,” he tells you. “You just get used to it. They’re crediting you with a live capture, by the way, even though I gave you the retirement order.”

Gopher leaves you to your ruminations--fortunately you don’t have too long to chase yourself around your own head before you get a ping. A Lifesaver helpfully offers you a tablet with some preliminary data options from R&D...

Combat mission and completion of objectives 30000
Live capture of high-value maverick target 30000
Target bounty - French government 10000
Gift of gratitude - Deutsches Heer 5000

Total: Z75,000
Account balance: Z192,505

In addition, you have received the following:
Awarded distinction: Verdienstmedaille (Order of Merit, Germany)
Awarded distinction: Medaille militaire (Military Medal, France)
Basket of bread and wine, courtesy of Capitaine Rosé, along with her thanks.
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In addition, you have received the following intel:
French assets that have been rapidly displacing civilians in Wren's wake have been redeployed and are now entering Germany to assist in maverick sabotage there. 1er RPIMa is assisting special forces teams in navigating Disruptor Sabomole's tunnel networks.

Recon is reporting mechaniloids capable of mounting and firing weapons that match the signatures of several prominent retired mavericks, likely using data stolen from hunter archives in the defection. Codenamed DNA Mimics, these mechaniloids are extremely powerful and pose a significant threat. Be wary moving forward.

Technology marches on: One of your special weapons has lost effectiveness. Investing resources into modernizing outmoded VWES entities can keep them competitive, or even pull them ahead of the curve.
Highball Skipper: As shielding technology continues to strengthen, the already-middling output of the grenades has been reduced further, dealing minimal damage to most concurrently-shielded targets.

R&D has projected the following options from preliminary scans of Hurricane Wren’s salvaged DNA:
Wind Shear: Wren’s base weapons data. Launches a storm of aerodynamic ceratanium blades, propelled in a forward-firing blast of wind. Shreds and pushes back. 8 shots.
-Alternate configuration: A much more powerful, but limited, version. Immobile while firing, 4 shots, actually will push you backwards if not fired while firmly braced on the ground. Larger, heavier blades of ceratanium in a harsher gale, far closer to the original’s hurricane-force winds.

Hello there, I'm Dr. Cainlabs, your NEW therapist.
Havoc Eye: More costly to outfit and requiring a VWES slot to equip, R&D could concentrate the power of Wren’s data into a “Giga-Attack” type weapon, projecting a massive column of wind and blades that could devastate groups of enemies. 2 shots.

Gale Sustain: A sustained forward conical wind blast that checks enemies and arrests physical projectiles in flight. Fires occasional bursts of ceratanium shrapnel. 16 shots.

Typhoon Booster: Modifications and additions to the jumpjet system will allow wind-based propulsion, providing short midair hovering or higher jumps, depending on where it’s used.

Wren data (choose only one):
>Wind Shear (A)
>Wind Shear (B)
>Havoc Eye
>Gale Sustain
>Typhoon Booster
>Other? (Invent, discuss)

>Spend zenny to develop other resources?
>Replace expended Backup Battery?
Check any/all that apply.
>>Havoc Eye
>>Typhoon Booster
because we need both a heavy damage weapon and the double jump is always good.
>Replace expended Backup Battery?

Also, do we have any options about what to do with the Highball other than throw it into a dusty archive? And what exactly does the 'sustained' in Gale Sustain means? A single shot being worthy of some seconds of wind?
>Wind Shear (A)
Mild ranged control and deterrance is good. I don't like single-use "alpha strikes."

HC basically said "either spend some cash to modernize it, or junk it for another VWES weapon."
I'm liking the look of that Havoc Eye, but only having 2 shots is a bit of a drawback, Wind Shear (B) is also very tempting. Think I'll be fine with either.

>Replace expended Backup Battery?
Well I'm thinking either the more powerful version of the Wind Shear or else the Havoc Eye. We keep running into things who's armor doesn't seem to give a damn about our weapons (except the Lockon Hunter) and I'd like to change that. On the other hand, I have a feeling the Havoc Eye would probably require an unlock from Command given how stronk it sounds.
Wind Shear (B) or Havoc Eye
I want a long range attack that hits like a truck.
Besides, Anode already has an alpha strike of his own, and that's his electricity discharge.
You can hold down the shoot button to make it continuously fire.
(For Another Anon's vote)
>a vote for wind shear (B)
>Replace the expended Backup Battery
Havoc Eye is a short-range attack that hits like a truck. Unless you want to smack something above you.
>Wind Shear (B)
Assuming this is the heavier one. Shouldn't damage any coils we lay down as we keep the target in place.

>Replace Battery

Havoc Eye is just as important, but only just. If it's between the two I'll take the cheaper option that does less invasive mods.

We're gonna need the money to spend on Highball, the Berets, and/or upgrading those jumpjets.

Not keen on the Typhoon Booster when it doesn't supplement the fire radiation or decrease cooldowns.
>Replace expended Backup Battery
>Typhoon Booster or Gale Sustain, since we're basically losing a weapon here.
(Unless we can go with that combining thing, then I'm totally all for that)
it's sixteen shots, not a machinegun. WHY?
Thank you
Then adding to my vote here >>46596527
>Gale Sustain
>Retire Highball Skipper
well looks like our highball skippers are becoming useless, and they were never really that popular anyways so unless something happens I'm guessing we'll be shelving them.

I'm actually between wind shear (A) and Havoc Eye here. the first wind shear because the second one doesn't seem all the useful in a fight since we're kinda building ourselves to be more of a hit and run fighter and because that knock back could really save our asses if we get into a fight with someone we don't want to face up close. And Havoc Eye because even with only 2 shots it might be nice to have ace up our sleeve just incase.

Eh I'll vote
>wind shear (A)
>spend zenny to develop other resources
upgrade our VWES
>replace expended backup battery
because those things are really saving our asses when we get in over our head.
Yes, Wind Shear B is the heavier option. It's a broad-range shotgun with so much kickback we need to brace ourselves if we don't want to move. Naturally, Anode will be using this as an alternate movement method.
> Wind Shear (B)
Pushing us back is useful, it adds to our mobility, while giving us a powerful attack. We might also be able to use it to help set up charging patterns with our lance.

> Backup Battery

> Other
I say we let the Skipper go, but see if we can do anything with the rest of the weapons.
>Wind Shear (B)
definitely replace our back up battery
how odes the weapons energy work? and can we somehow convert some of our electric charge into weapons energy?
Sixteen activations, much like how you activate the Ray Splasher and then it does stuff for a bit.
What would happen if we tried to put Wren into, say, Foxfire's dagger? Also, mind if I ask on investing in slaved weaponry and what mavs X has retired so far from his roster?
Here's a thought: will the kickback from Wind Shear B charge Anode's coils? If yes, it's an amazing choice for the synergy.
>Typhoon Booster
Not natively, no. And I should point out that firing it when not braced won't catapult you predictably backwards. It's not a reliable movement tool. Of course in time and with investment that could change, but the original... not so much.
We should probably check up on some of the tertiary characters, like the therapist or Toolcircuit, just so we don't keep wondering if they're dead or not.

>Replace battery
need it

>Havoc Eye
sounds good for large numbers and zippy bastards

Can we get something like the Arrest Buster but for the Misericorde? It'd be nice to be able to keep it at the ready instead of having to draw it.

You seem trustworthy, let us discuss all my psychological weaknesses
Well then the question becomes how far up? Because if it out-ranges Wind Shear (B) I want Havoc Eye for anti air as we have gotten our asses kicked hard by flyers.
>Wind Shear (A)
>Replace expended Backup Battery
Is there any way we can combine this with the blackout rocket data? Both of them spread a huge cloud of blades, and it might help prevent blackouts from getting obsolete.
>Using an anti-air gun you can only fire twice
That's a terrible idea.
I predict that until Reploid and mechanical systems become more hardened to signal-scrambling chaff, the Blackout Rockets will never go out of style.
Funny how one of Anode's most staple tools came from his very first Maverick.
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Dammit, Seven.
- Replace the battery.
- Wind Shear.
- How much would it cost to keep the Skippers viable?


Wind Shear: CoE mid-range damage and pushback, which sounds nice for us. Get it.

Havoc Eye: might come in handy situationally, but Wind Shear could do the same, just aimed. Redundant.

Gale Sustain: Wind Shear with less hurt and more push. Stops projectiles, which is redundant with Tumult Shell.

Typhoon Buster: We can air-dash on fire, we're mobile enough for now.
Not if we get it to hit by blinding them with chaff first.
>Typhoon Booster
Pile everything into speed. Wren was able to kill everyone because she was too damn fast to catch. Let's follow the same path.
Havoc Eye

We hit like a wet noodle against anyone we need dead now. Lets fix that.
>Dammit, Seven.
Seven got away with (old) weapons data. It was either that or the active Hunter roster.
>Gale Sustain: Wind Shear with less hurt and more push. Stops projectiles, which is redundant with Tumult Shell.
Gale stops physical projectiles, doesn't the Shell only stop energy?
Would like to buy the next Backup Battery.

What would it cost us to upgrade our Blackout Rocket capacity, or Lockon Hunter capacity? Think we could use more of those two on hand. Also going to let others choose what to use with Wren, while asking if there are any other DNA sets from recent hunts that people are looking to trade for.
being smacked by a solid shell rather reduces one's momentum.

Not quite appropriate for shrapnel, but...
Again, Anode doesn't really need another alpha strike. When he can get his electricity discharge to connect, it's almost always for major damage and is never wasted. I prefer the basic Wind Shear to better improve his ranged game.
It's made of energy, but I could swear it broke incoming missiles once. Maybe from Wolfspider.
Go for wind shear A. It's a good alternative and offers some nice aoes and armor piercing without requiring prep or the like.
>>Spend zenny to develop other resources?Y

>>Replace expended Backup Battery?Y
Wolfspider didn't have missiles, though...although that said, I guess it would make sense for it to wreck missiles since it would be like shooting the explosive in the air.
>Havoc Eye: More costly to outfit and requiring a VWES slot to equip, R&D could concentrate the power of Wren’s data into a “Giga-Attack” type weapon, projecting a massive column of wind and blades that could devastate groups of enemies. 2 shots.

I think we should really get this, because it *covers a field we currently lack*.

It gives us a new *option* to deal with enemies, a new tool.

And besides, a "heavy hitting" heavy damaging attack would just be useful.

The other options just... don't really interest me. "Shoot wind", "shoot wind but differently", "shoot wind but you need to anchor yourself". The Typhoon Booster is the only other interesting one, but right now I'd rather go for damage.

The Havoc Eye (and the Typhoon Booster) seems the only one that really adds something *concrete* to our options.

Also, it does a lot of damage.

You know how much we love being able to dump a 100% charge of electricity on some motherfucker as a sort of "fuck your shit" move? Well this gives us a VWES that does that, up to 2 times, and doesn't need charging.

>Replace expended Backup Battery?
Of course.

>Spend zenny to develop other resources?
... Actually, hey, what can we spend our Zenny on Hunter Command?
>Again, Anode doesn't really need another alpha strike. When he can get his electricity discharge to connect, it's almost always for major damage and is never wasted. I prefer the basic Wind Shear to better improve his ranged game.

I disagree actually; we could totally use another alpha strike.

This one we can only use twice (it's not like we can often get to 100% and dump it all 3 or 4 times, so 'only' 2 charges isn't a problem) but we don't have to charge first.

Plus, it means we can alpha strikes *two times in a row*.
I doubt one hunter's salary will do anything. Need to pool in for that kind of thing.

I wonder if it's a supply issue rather than a money one, though: not being able to get construction materials where it needs to go, even if they can pay for it.
You can upgrade your components (shielding, busters, even armor, but you're well above current specs on that front and it'd cost a doozie), you can improve your existing VWES entries/equipment, and you can often purchase additional equipment.

Stand by, longer answers to questions will follow. Cain Labs and I each have some real-life tasks to attend to. Mine involve cookies.
>Wind Shear (A)
>Replace expended Backup Battery
These seem both good and economical. We need something to replace the Skipper, and the shear would fit the bill. Lockon already does massive, concentrated damage, so I doubt we need the more powerful shear versions.

Alternatively, I have a question: Could Wren's data be used to update the Skippers?

Is it possible for the Skipper grenades be upgraded with ceratanium fans, to make them simultaneously more erratic in flight and more accurate, and even more dangerous on explosion? It's what her data seems good for, spewing ceratanium bladed shrapnel everywhere. And the fans might suck mechaniloids INTO them while functioning as mines underwater. Or something.

I kind of like our springy chaos-grenades. I'd hate to see them become outdated.
What about combining them into one heavier hitting Alpha Strike? A giga attack that is just razors and wind everywhere, with our electricity just pumped into everything around us to arc off the metal blades?
Really, if we want long range oomph I say we go with Mortarphant's weapon when we go for her. Her weapon is practically designed for both and is S rank in it's own merits. While a giga crash is nice, we are wasting a utility slot for other weapons to bring it with us. If a fight is long or sustained, that will only hinder.

The wind boost might be nice to give us back some of that mobility options we could have had with the other backpack upgrade, but a reusable wind aoe that shreds shields is damn handy. Could even push away mortarphant's ranged artillery.
That's what I'm starting to consider.

Gale Sustain "arrests physical projectiles in flight," and at least one of our remaining Mavericks are all about physical projectiles. It sounds like a hard counter to artillery.

This choice is tougher than I thought...
in all honesty that should seriously be named into the fuck your shit blender, cause god damn.
For real, we're almost assuredly going to get stronger long-range options from the other Mavericks. Using the basic Wind Shear provides range and utility.
Yeah, Gale sustain seems like a weaker shield only function. Wind Shear A is a mix in terms of ammo and ability. Wind shear B is a god damn hurricane shotgun. The eye is just way too costly and situational to use. Like elixers in a rpg.
shielding and busters would likely be the best options for keeping us well rounded. Maybe if we hit a wind fall we can go for armor.. though, how much would armor cost exactly?
>Gale Sustain "arrests physical projectiles in flight," and at least one of our remaining Mavericks are all about physical projectiles. It sounds like a hard counter to artillery.

Huh, picking for an anti-artillery (if it works like that) sounds sensible. That makes sense.

>You can upgrade your components (shielding, busters, even armor, but you're well above current specs on that front and it'd cost a doozie), you can improve your existing VWES entries/equipment, and you can often purchase additional equipment.
How much would it cost to get an extra VWES spot or two? Approximately how many organs and limbs?
>Stand by, longer answers to questions will follow. Cain Labs and I each have some real-life tasks to attend to. Mine involve cookies.
I'm eating a cookie right now.
waiting for Hunter Command to elaborate, but Gale also has a stun feature, which would help against enemies faster than us. Plus as >>46597547 points out, it is an obvious counter to a seriously troublesome Maverick. If we bring both Tumult Shell and Gale Sustain, we might only lose HALF of our body making to fight Mortarphant
I'll remind you that not unlike a Wind Wall, Gale Sustain can't stop ALL physical projectiles. It's good for a lot of them, though.

>How much would it cost to get an extra VWES spot or two? Approximately how many organs and limbs?

Oh, yours, Cathode's, Emerald's...
>Wind Shear (B)
>Spend zenny to develop other resources?
>Replace expended Backup Battery?
What I'm concerned with is that we'd be taking a defensive upgrade. Again.
>Oh, yours, Cathode's, Emerald's...

Hm, costly. Hey, are they all that /picky/ as to who the organs come from?

Also, do you accept collateral in the form of the soul of our firstborn child?
The more I think about it, the harder this becomes. So I'll look at the big picture.

Anode can die. Anode almost died this time. Official Last Man Standing is just a title. I'd like to change my vote.

>Gale Sustain: A sustained forward conical wind blast that checks enemies and arrests physical projectiles in flight. Fires occasional bursts of ceratanium shrapnel. 16 shots.

We are eventually going to be rained on with artillery shells, but that's not all. Sabomole's weapon releases an EMP burst, and we are electric. Moloch's weapon does grievous damage to armor, and armor's one of our strong points. Yamatoad's weapon... we don't even know what it IS.

Defensive upgrades aren't dramatic, but where would we be right now if we hadn't made Saetos's data into the jumpjet?

Consider also that we've been caught against superior melee twice in two consecutive missions: Foxfire with Em's DNA and Wren with... Wren. We could've avoided a lot of hurt with a strong shove-away weapon like Gale Sustain.

And it's not just a shove. There's a little ceratanium hurt in there, in "occasional bursts," however often those are. But we have 16 shots of the stuff.

My only question now is, "would it work underwater?"
>Wind Shear (A)
>Replace expended Backup Battery? Yes

>Spend zenny to develop other resources?
What is the cost of updating our Highball Skippers and what would the cost to get the Typhoon Booster as well?
I'm pretty sure Anode is specifically STRONG against Sabomole. Rather than a risk of death, the problem will be finding him in an increasingly large tunnel network.

But will Wind Shear be more effective than a cone travelling down a tunnel?
Voting for
>Havoc Eye.
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