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>be in dungeon, approaching the boss after many hard fights
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>be in dungeon, approaching the boss after many hard fights
>cleric and wizard running low on spell slots
>DM: "No you guys can't long rest in the middle of a dungeon, it's a dungeon not a hotel!"
>"but DM, what are we going to do when we see the boss? Use strong language?"
>DM: "roll arcana"
>both of them roll high
>DM: "you both know of another way to regain your power, it involves making love to someone"
>both of them immediately look at me because I'm playing female fighter, the only female in the party
>DM: "no it doesn't work like that, only the one 'receiving' gets mana, although two guys can do it to each other
>cleric (old man human) and wizard (young male elf straight out of wizard school) seriously discuss if they should bang each other and weather or not its in character

Is this normal /tg/? Do we just have unusually high tolerance for magical realm?
Your DM sounds like That Guy

Or this might just be a shitty troll attempt
>both out of mana
>they fuck
>0 + 0 = 0
Wow outstanding work, they get to have gay sex for nothing.
Nowhere in OP's post does it say that it's a straight transfer from one creature to another, doofus, just that it's "another way to regain your power."
Look at the image in OP's post and try to understand what he's shitposting about nigga.
> implying I know and can instantly identify every weebshit thing ever
>protect the wizard long enough for him to get off Leomund's Tiny Hut, by ritual
>don't have gay sex
In all honesty? That would be a dumbfuck magical realm shit to pull unless the cleric was worshiping some slut goddess that likes making random people fuck for her own amusement, even then it would reek of magical realm, but still somewhat justified.
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>DM: "No you guys can't long rest in the middle of a dungeon, it's a dungeon not a hotel!"
>>DM: "you both know of another way to regain your power, it involves making love to someone"

So basically the dungeon is at the perfect spot where it's too dangerous to sleep, but not too dangerous to have sex.
I know our DM likes Fate so I presume that's were the idea came from, hence the picture. He's got figurines and posters in his room.

He didn't say if its a transfer of mana or something else.
>both of them immediately look at me because I'm playing female fighter, the only female in the party
Now, replay that moment in your mind. Lock down every feeling that suddenly went through your head when they looked at you, especially in that split second before you even managed to mentally disassociate yourself from your character.

Now, imagine that happens to you /regularly/, a dozen times every day for minutes or hours at a time, every other time you interact with a human, even for simple mundane shit like ordering a coffee.

You now have some understanding of what it is like to be a woman.
Sex generally does not consist of eight continuous hours of light activity.
We're level 3, no hut yet.
>woman have the power over life and death in a situation
Wow how awful, jeez the burden women must feel.
Fuck off Adam.
Fate is pretty well known weebshit though. Learn to identify it or people will be able to sneak it into your game due to having a quasi-RPG flavor.
Just like a restaurant bathroom. But like, a shitty mexican restaurant with the very real possibility of having a large rat challenge you for entering its territory.
Then you use rope trick and hope the blokes with short rest powers can carry you through.
This thread is yet another obvious example of how Wizards are willing to do almost anything for more power.
I haven't seen/read anything set in the Fate universe. Which series is that, specifically?
Sounds like something straight out of Norse mythology. Commend your DM for knowing his mythos.
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Not with that attitude.
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Fate/Stay Night and Fate/Zero are the most popular of the franchise, but you also might recognize prisma illya.
> not acknowledging that inspiration comes from a huge myriad of sources
> implying that something is badwrongfun just because the idea originates in Japan

Keep on truckin', fa/tg/uy
>light activity
I think you might be having sex incorrectly, friend.
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It does, however, mean your attention is taken up, you've put away your weapons, and you're making a bunch of noise.
Our cleric worships Oghma, god of knowledge. He's reason for advanturing is that he's learnt all there is to learn from the library in his temple so he's out seeking knowledge and write a book.

Funnily enough we suggested to him jokingly at the start of the campaign that he should aim to write kamasutra
"And you got rabies because the rat bit you WHERE?!"
Your GM is a cheeky, stupid cunt and you all are idiots.
They're casters, they don't have weapons or armor. Worst case they just can't cast concentration spells, which is probably a non-issue since they're out of slots.
Didn't mention armor, but if you're a cleric NOT wearing armor what the fuck are you doing with your life. Cleric should also have some kinda weapon. Hell, even a wizard should have a staff for these situations (hurr hurr hurr).

This is still an absurd situation where the DM tells them they can't even chance taking an eight hour rest in a giant dungeon (because if it wasn't giant they could just go outside) but they can easily have at two people have sex twice. Also semen is somehow a mana potion.
>Also semen is somehow a mana potion.

I wonder if you could bottle it...

You wouldn't need to do it twice, just do 69.
fate is utter shit on it's own merits though.

Dragon semen mana potion
>>46538529 (OP)
>Dare you enter my Garden of Sinners?
Maybe if it's the appropriate magic type sure. In a game we played, one of the ways the blood mage could gain magic power was by having sex, though it stemmed from being able to cast magic in that way as well, so it was something she did sometimes until other PCs wised up to how risky it was to do it with her.

Something like an arcanist, standard magical user regaining power through sex though? That's not even trying to be clever or non-magical realm.

Old Men

Don't both of those classes prepare spells in a different way?

You are playing D&D after all considering that it is the Forgotten Realms
Doesn't make it less retarded and nonsensical
Your DM is either a bad Troll or forced his Gay magical realm.

Anyway any caster should prepare LELmunds tiny hut for these scenarios and if the dungeon is too small enough for the hut to fit in then you can simply make a defendable blockade.
Letting adventurers sleep every time they run out of spells is stupid and just contributes to Caster Edition, where everything is tilted towards the magic users gaining power and tilted against physical fighters even when its implausible to do so.
It is extremely magic realm and also a test to see how low you would go in the game.
>Sex generally does not consist of eight continuous hours of light activity.
Umm... I think you suck at sex.
Your DM is clearly that guy, so why bother?

Just let your characters die at the boss fight, and then tell him to fuck off back to whatever basement that spawned him.
Spider wizard would never do anything like that.
Sex is more like
>Half an hour of vigorous and loud activity
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Youre not going to get your point across here. This is /tg/, land of the sad, hypocritical social rejects.

And dont act like you fucks wouldnt rape a woman who's looks conform to your fetish. This is an anonynous site, so you take refuge here to talk shit about raping elven people because "lel muh funy meme kek kek" without for a second thinking "this joke is overused and no longer funny, lets just put it down and move on to something else".

Youre all about denying the fact that women are treated like dog shit in modern countries AND in the roleplay community, and even worse in places like south east asia. Sure that tumblr bitch (and I say bitch because I have the right to hate who I fucking want like you fuckers do) may have lied in that post that everyone wants to rage about, but guess what: it doesnt fucking matter what she does. If everyone hadnt attacked her as a person then she wouldnt have gotten support in the first place. If you want to discredit someone without being called a "unprogressive 4chan shit", then you should do so by arguing against her ideas and story, NOT BY ATTACKING THE FUCKING PERSON. It is the reason people like Anita Sarkesian are so popular and rich; because everyone and their mothers decided "hey, its a woman trying to start shit! Lets send her death/rape threats! That should shut her up!"

Only it didnt. Because you proved her point for her. Just as you mother fuckers are doing for this tumblr bitch. You immature, hypocritical, magical realm loving mother fuckers.

And listen, im not defending women here. Thats their job. But if /tg/ wants to point fingers and cry liar, then it should first take a good look at the mirror and decide if it should change its tactics or remain the same shit hole refuge for social rejects who cant decide if they want to protect their community name or keep shitting on its reputation for the sake of personal belief.

I got the best b8t
>Half an hour of vigorous and loud activity
Which is a lot like saying
>Videogames is like an hour of 12-year olds screaming "nigger" at the top of their lungs over Xbox Live

There are other options, yo.
>Letting adventurers sleep every time they run out of spells is stupid and just contributes to Caster Edition, where everything is tilted towards the magic users gaining power and tilted against physical fighters even when its implausible to do so.
To be honest, encounters shouldn't be structured in such a way that casters have to blow their entire load every time.

Then again, if the encounters aren't difficult but they're dumping their whole spell list to show off what big numbers they can get, they deserve to be useless by the time they reach the boss.

They had a third-player on lookout.
All I see is a girl with a bad case of ringworm.
Sounds like your GM is a disgusting pervert and you should tell him to fuck off.
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>fate shit
>Magical girls doing magical things
>8 hours of lovemaking
My genitals are already hurting
Ãœberman sleep schedule, thank me later.
>Kissing is the way Kuro gets mana
Considerig Prisma is seen by many as some kind of a quasi-canon, OP could propose this as an alternative next time.

Meh, anyone who gave Sarkesian shekels and bought her bullshit deserved what they got. She's a problem that solves herself.

You ain't kidding. B8 game stronk.
When there's a will there will be a way,
I didn't say it was smart or that I'd allow it in my games, only that it's doable.

It can work in ideal conditions but the moment something throws you off the rhythm your body will realize you've been cheating sleep, will immediately try to catch up, and you're going to crash pretty damn bad.
Your DM is a fucking faggot.

And on long resting in the dungeon, all dungeons should be designed as massive labyrinths that are supposed to take days to get through.
This is game with elves and wizards. What does or doesn't make sense works under different conditions than our mundane world.

I'm surprised they missed the obvious question - how do we make the warrior girl grow functional penis?
That really depends on what it was built to be, doesn't it? Ancient ruins of temples should be built like temples and only include extensive mazes if it would make sense in the context of the deity or culture.
I recall similar thing in WoD: Vampire - there's a Merit that for every 2 dots you drink you restore
3. Now imagine two such vampires sucking each other.

When the system is built on the assumption that the mage is capable of going nova to end an encounter, it's really not a viable option to continue without giving the mage a chance to rest.

I mean, you wouldn't necessarily want someone to be down on resources in any team oriented RPG, especially if there's boss on the horizon.
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>you can't rest in a dungeon
>it's a dungeon not a hotel!
>you can totally fuck though
>oh btw you can recharge magic by fucking

Here's a reply
Why did you call him Adam?
Because he's not Aaron. Duh.
Why do people even like fate?
The waifus aren't even that great to begin with.
Sakura is a wormslut.
Tohsaka is a literal whore
Rider is a monster
Saber is a mary sue
Its like those flashlights that recharge the battery by shaking it. The anus walls are like the coil of wire that the magnet (the penis) passes through to generate electricity (mana).
Bait god, witness me
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Because the shows have a budget, unlike almost every other anime.
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wrong girl.
Isn't it an age old wisdom that women (and especially vile magical women) steal magical power from men when they ejaculate?
What is that?
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Rin is cute.
What is this a reference to? Not the bait part, the other bit.
the only good fate waifu is ayako
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>The waifus aren't even that great to begin with.
More or less. It's prominent in a few traditions, including some Asians ones, which is where Nasu got magic semen from. And then many nerds got it from Nasu.

I suppose it's possible that the DM got the idea from actual occultism, but I find OP's suggestion more likely.
>Sakura is a wormslut.
Undeniable truth, but some people are into that.
>Tohsaka is a literal whore
Shitty meme
>Rider is a monster
Like that's ever stopped anyone
>Saber is a Mary Sue
Like that's ever stopped anyone

You also forgot Caster, Taiga, and Illya.

But back when Fate originally came out the reason people jumped on it was the famous myths battling thing. It's cool. Saber being cute was a bonus.
I didn't realise there were that many spellcasters wandering around on the street looking to leech mana out of women via sex.
Being a woman means to be aware of the magical world overlapping with our everyday mundane world then? Seems pretty cool you have it good.
Taoism specifically mention this. Men should reframe from doing it with women too much because them bitches be leeching your life energy.

The taoist saying on this goes "one drop of semen is equal to ten drops of blood".

I found that out from Legends of Wulin. That was a strange chapter.
That's a reference to Zero!Berserker's Noble Phantasm, "Knight of Honor: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands"
Aw shit nigga, is that Durandal I see?
So not much different from being a man, except that you replace "Sex" an enjoyable activity that can be done safely if both parties are smart, and replace it with "Working to provide money" which is usually stressful and unpleasant, and can be extremely dangerous depending on the profession. And add in the fact that society doesn't give a shit when it happens to you. Oh, also throw in the fact that you'll get double the prison sentence of a woman for the same crime, are significantly more likely to be murdered, robbed, or beaten by criminals, and as of a few years ago are actively passed up for enrollment in higher education in favor of people with different gentials or certain skin colors, and despite that blatant racism or sexism, nobody seems particularly interested in speaking up about it.

Also, as an aside, who would dislike being found attractive?
>Because the shows have a budget

That's not a reason to like something, /a/. Christ, I'd forgotten just how shit your board's taste was.
>Sakura is a wormslut.
>Tohsaka is a literal whore
>Rider is a monster
>Saber is a mary sue
Yes, and?
Sounds like the latter OP, keep your eye out for magical realm shit in the future and call your DM out if it starts cropping up more often.
Assuming of course your group actually mind sit.
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>8 hours

Tumblr, unless you're growning up in a majority black or majority muslim neighborhood, you literally have nothing but your own paranoid, delusional mind to blame for the ever-present feeling of might-be-raped.
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where is that image from?
>"hey, its a woman trying to start shit! Lets send her death/rape threats! That should shut her up!"

"If rape threats did not exist, it would be necessary to invent them"
t. feminists
>Learn to identify it or people will be able to sneak it into your game due to having a quasi-RPG flavor.

>don't know about [THING]
>player sneaks [THING] into game
>still don't know about [THING], so it doesn't matter
>go on with life as usual

How terrible
>Now, replay that moment in your mind. Lock down every feeling that suddenly went through your head when they looked at you
A real bro would do it for the team.

Asimov predicted it in "Foundation."

>A fire eater must eat fire, even if he has to kindle it himself
Calm your bitchtits.
>My genitals are already hurting
Slow down some, yo. It's a journey, not a race.

>I lernd secks ferm teh pernos!
Oh, you poor thing. Try slowing down, you don't chafe with slower, longer sex.
>only the one 'receiving' gets mana
Meaning a transfer, "doofus".

This thread is just a fake story and veiled opportunity to discuss sex.
>learnt all there is to know
>only level 3
>>Tohsaka is a literal whore
>Shitty meme

She has three H-Scenes, and fucks women. How else would you define her?
If she's so pure, how come every doujin artist ever is dead set on depicting her pleasing old men for money?

Check mate magi
>from the library in his temple

He never said it was a good library.
If you regularly play female characters, is there just inevitably going to be a point where you're asked to take a dick for the team? I was playing a professional soldier, but I had 12 charisma because half-elf, and between that and having a vagina I was apparently the best candidate to fuck a local lord into giving us a quest item from his treasury.

I politely declined and the rogue stole it.
You should take that as a complement. Too often people play female characters just like a guy to the point that the party always use the wrong pronoun.

faceless old men are a miracle of the universe.
Sounds like your GM is a fat weeb trying to force his magical realm into the campaign.
I'd actually feel offended if I put effort into making a decent female character only for the GM to expect me to be the party's slut (unless my charactee is a slut, obviously).
He didn't make the fighter be the party slut though.
Not even remotely true, if you live in a first world country. Which since you are fagposting on 4chink clearly you dont have to worry about your safety.
Wait, that was a real thing?
I've literally only seen the animu waifu one before which, ironically, actually IS a fitting analogy for how waifus work, but not real women

Fuck everything

That quote?

Yeah it's from some shit movie I can't remember anymore.
>not pegging your Healer
Shitty Tank, would kick
It's legit. Eastern monks where banned from from jacking it so as to keep all their power within their bodies
I would end up getting bored and wanting to play some video games or something part way through.
Caster is my villainfu, Gilgamesh a shit.
The perfect wingman. How many girls bring you a second girl to share together?

She's not that way inclined though.
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Women are lucky.
I really don't want to have a hard on for eight hours or to deal with the level of dehydration it would entail.
Don't tolerate that horse shit OP.
The GM just held the game hostage until you played on his fetish.
Are you a numale or a butthurt woman?
Genuinely curious here.
>not pegging your Healer

OP here, that's kind of hot. But I don't think in our case being pegged will restore your spell slot.
I don't get your logic, if there is any. Wiping encounters wiht spells is a lot more economic than healing up fighters.
>And dont act like you fucks wouldnt rape a woman who's looks conform to your fetish.

UMMMM, I'm not going to provide my services for fucking free to a woman who won't even thank me afterwards, k?
And instead of saying "it only works the first time blood is taken" they made it canon that it works.
>And dont act like you fucks wouldnt rape a woman who's looks conform to your fetish

nice projection you got there, friendo.

It's called impulse control, you stupid twat. Look it up
Your GM is kind of fucked up. He should see somebody about that shit.
That sounds kind of uncomfortable.
How slow do you have to go to last 8 fucking hours!
It's pretty magical realm.

Your GM needs to get laid or stop getting laid.
Go cry to tumblr about it, bitch. This board is for talking about traditional games, not to listen to some cunt whine and complain about her first world non-problems. drink bleach.
>How slow do you have to go to last 8 fucking hours!
Couple things you should know for that answer:

1. You don't have to be hard the whole time, mang. You have hands, use them. Just because you're spent doesn't mean you can't keep going. That's what you were given fingers and a mouth for.

2. Ain't nothing in the rules that say you can't take breaks. Fuck for two hours, take a nap, fuck two more hours, order some pizza, fuck until pizza gets there, watch dat ass eat pizza, fuck some more, watch some cartoons, et cetera. You'll like it more if you stop looking at the clock and just start enjoying it. It's not an endurance match to the end, but a manually-controlled ecstasy machine.

>I would end up getting bored and wanting to play some video games or something part way through.
Do you know how I know you're an amateur? Because you think that you have to play games OR fuck.

>I really don't want to have a hard on for eight hours or to deal with the level of dehydration it would entail.
You can get a blowjob while you drink Gatorade. I'm just sayin'....
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Just maybe

He might be implying that the budget allows the delivery of an already enjoyable piece of niche media to the more mainstream masses through the form of a A/V adaptation that looks good and/or doesn't make your eyes bleed, thus increasing its popularity further.

But if you'd rather roll with the "le Fate is shiiit bleeeh bad taste" crowd whenever the megafranchise gets brought up around these parts, who am I to stop you?
The first alternative followed by the second one.
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Sex as a transference of life energy to magical power has existed for thousands of years.
Some sects of Tantrism and all sorts of pagan rituals were basically excuses to have wild orgies.
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>turns out their "magic knowledge" was just the dungeon's boss floating homoerotic ideas into their heads for kicks

good thread op but check my 3

Anyway, in my system, I made lesbianism a consumable spell resource for some of the longer-duration spells.
>So you have to sacrifice lesbians?
No, -being- a lesbian is the spell component. Not lesbians. You put x lesbians in and get x hetero or non-sexual girls out.
To keep the high powered spells powered, you'll need to either find lesbians, or convert non-lesbians INTO lesbians (via non-magical means).
>What about magical means? can I use magic to make more lesbians?
I closed that loophole! Summoning lesbianism always costs more lesbianism than it creates.

I'm waiting for the players to start the industrial revolution and create some kind of factory that massproduces lesbianism but they haven't done it yet.
>So the Wizard just has to find lesbians in the middle of a dungeon
No, combat spells and short-term buffs do not require lesbianism. They tend to require things like a pinch of sulfur or a feather or a small marble. Things that you can bring with you.

>What about if there's portable lesbianism
How would you realistically transport lesbianism? It takes (Spell level squared) / 4 lesbians to cast a spell (Rounded to the nearest whole number, except for 1st level spells which consume the lesbianism on a roll of 1-5 on a d20 and leave it intact otherwise).
Even a 5th level Wiz with 16 int would need an average of 8 lesbians (and should probably take 9 to be safe), which is more lesbians than most parties can support, and you can't rest to refresh your spell slots either.

>Can't you cast some magic so that your spell consumes lesbianism in some other area?
Yup! +0 spell levels if the lesbians are within 10ft of at least one of the spellcasters, +1 for within 400ft, +2 for within 2 miles, +3 for within 100 miles, +4 for "on the same plane".
And don't give me that "lesbianism crystals for storage and transportation" nonsense. Lesbianism is not a hordeable resource. It disappears outside a person.

>Can guys be lesbians?
*A woman who is a lesbian, and who is changed into something else via magic but remains alive, stores her "lesbian" state and it may be consumed as normal. However, the lesbianism may only be consumed once.
Characters who "would totally be a lesbian if I turn into a girl bro" WILL totally be a lesbian if they turn into a girl bro, but that lesbianism cannot be consumed or spent unless they actually become a girl for some period of time (and it persists if they change back).
For the sake of convenience I allow Polymorph (but NOT Alter self) to be a combat spell, so that you only need 2 coccoons to potentially produce a lesbian.
8th level Wizards are uncommon tho.

Are you kidding? She has sex with more girls then boys in all of Fate.
Why do vampires go after humans at all when they could just have sucking parties?

Doesn't vamp blood canonically taste better too?
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