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Protoss in 40k.
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How would the Protoss empire at it's height, fare in 40k?

They are:
>highly psychic, with an innate psionic connection with every other protoss, that is the cornerstone of their religion, the Khala.
>physically powerful; they stand taller than a man, and are both faster, and stronger than average human.
>technologically advanced; posses powerful energy and anti matter weaponry, along with plasma shielding, sophisticated cybernetic technologies, automated factories and robotics, near near instant teleportation, as well as means of manipulating the flow of time and space.
>strong warrior culture, where skill and valor in combat is valued above all. Their warriors will throw throw themselves at danger with no fear, due to their religious convictions, and firm belief that they shall be as one with all other protoss in the khala, even upon death.
>long lived, but slow to reproduce, which means that they place great value upon their soldiers. The Protoss warriors are assisted to battle by combat robots, and upon receiving mortal damage, a protoss warrior is teleported to the nearest safe hub, where he/she can receive medical aid. Even the ones who have received crippling injuries, can continue to fight in the form of a Dragoon exoskeleton.

Also, how would you stat their units, a zealot, for example?
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Here is also some info on the protoss biology.
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You cannot compared Starcraft to 40K for one simple reason!

40k encompasses a whole galaxy, while the entirety of Starcraft takes place in the Koprulu sector a small fringe cluster at the edge of the Milky way. The Protoss Empire on its prime only reached across the Koprulu sector meaning they would be at the very best a minor and inrrelevant race like the Tau.

Even if we do no consider that they psychic power would fuck them up terribly because Chaos would just rush to eat them up like free candy.

Mind you I love Starcraft but putting it into 40k is like pouring a spoon of clear water into a pool of toxic waste and expecting something to happen with said pool of toxic waste. Why can't you just leave the two settings alone?

It'd be better if we discussed Starcraft as its own game.
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Because I want to see protoss units statted in 40k system desu.
Also, we do not know the full extent of the Protoss empire. There is very little info on how big they were at their height, or why they declined.

Those models are pretty shite imo.
The idea of Citadel quality protoss miniatures makes my dick hard.

>Because I want to see protoss units statted in 40k system

You might want to look up Dungeons: the Dragoning 40,000.
Blizzard can take their retarded retcon of the Khala and shove it up their ass.

>Khas developed a radical system of psychic progression that he hoped would discipline the new generation and keep them
from repeating the tragic mistakes of their ancestors. His theory, known as the Khala, or ‘Path of Ascension’, called all Protoss to forsake their own whims and strive to reunify their once mighty, communal race. The greatest hope of Khas was that the Khala would instill
a new sense of essence and vitality within the Protoss race.
Yeah, they did simplify what Khala was a lot, but even originally it was based on their psionic connection.
Probably would stat them as blue mouthless eldar
They aren't as quick as the Eldar. Table top stats for a Zelot I'd say they're BS: - WS:4 S:4 T:3 I:4 W:1 Ld:9 Save: 5+ Inv: 5+
People think the protoss are top tier, they look very shiny and flashy but the Eldar out do them in every way

Protoss got shit kicked in by zerg
Zerg are shittier versions of Tyranids
Eldar can put up a fight against Tyranids

On top of that, the 40k universe encompasses a galaxy, Protoss empire was contained to a small sector and struggled to deal with zerg and a splinter empire of humanity
the protoss were bickering while the zerg attacked them.
I'd give them 2 wounds and It will not Die to represent the replenishing plasma shield. Also, Zealot and Crusader rules, of course, along with furious charge.
Why is that?
Protoss are literally the Eldar. Starcraft started as a 40k-themed project, zerg were nids and toss were eldar. Terrans were imperium.
Are you sure? Zeratul and Artanis anime dash and flips all over the fucking place
yes but its starcraft 2. no one cares
Is what eldar, tyranids, and space marines are parodies of?
They're plants, they need sunlight to live, and i'm pretty sure the Imperium or the Dark Eldar would have no problem or trouble blowing up or stealing their suns.
Hey man did those mini in the board come painted as seen or is that someone else's work
>40k encompasses a whole galaxy, while the entirety of Starcraft takes place in the Koprulu sector a small fringe cluster at the edge of the Milky way.
True, but OP specifically said the protoss empire at its HEIGHT. At one point, their empire spanned most of, if not all of the Milky Way.
For fucks sake, just use an invulnerable save for that.
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The psionic connection was what got retconned, not the khala.
And to hear Stettman tell it, their tech is so advanced that the only reason they don't rule the known universe is that they have no desire to do so.
At this point there's been so much back and forth "borrowing" between the two companies that neither IP would be what they are today without the other.
Their lifestyle and culture denies that sort of personal ambitions, plus some early failures in their expansions caused them to think that maybe they're not so great at ruling everything anyway.

They would do well.

The Khala would shield them from the effects of Chaos and provide them with near instantaneous communication across interstellar distances. They wouldn't be able to travel to new places as quickly via the warp as Imperial ships guided by the Astronomicon, but they would be able to build Stargates allowing near instantaneous travel in areas they already control.

I'd stat Zealots like Eldar close combat aspect warriors, but equip them with dual force swords and force fields.
Dragoons would be equivalent to imperial dreadnoughts, but with a force-field and no close combat weapons.
Archons would be like daemon princes.

I'd stat their anti-matter weapons as powerful as the Necron's gauss weapons or imperial plasma weapons.

They wouldn't even fare well against the Imperium, honestly-speaking, let alone Tyrannids, DEldar, Necrons and even Tau. In fact, orks might even bash their heads in with a sufficient WWAAAGGGGGHHH
Protoss have FTL, so do Zerg and Terrans.
They would be identical to Tau with a few extra close combat units and some psychic powers for their HQ's.
Templar Zealot

WS 4
BS 4
S 4
T 3
W 1
I 4
A 2
Ld 8
Sv 3+

2 Psi Blades, Power Armour, Plasma Shields

Special Abilities:
Furious Charge, Brotherhood of Psykers(Mastery Level 1)(Uses Khalai Battle Discipline), The Khala

Psi Blade: Melee Weapon, S: User, AP3, Specialist Weapon

Plasma Shields: The first save a model with Plasma Shields makes each player turn is a 3++ Invulnerable save: this save is only made once. If a unit with Plasma Shields is struck by a weapon with the Haywire quality, it immediately loses the benefit of the shields this turn.

The Khala: Models with this require triples, not doubles, to undergo Perils of the Warp, as long as there are other friendly units on the tabletop with this ability equal to the d6 most recently rolled to determine the number of power dice.

Upgrade: Leg Augmentation
Grants the model Fleet.

Upgrade: Whirlwind Axe
Two-handed, Unwieldy, Melee Weapon, S: User, AP2, Rampage.

Khalai Battle Discipline:

Primaris Power: Communion-
Blessing, Warp Charge 1, targets own unit. Unit becomes Fearless.


1: Clairvoyant Senses-
Blessing, Warp Charge 1, targets own unit. This unit re-rolls failed initiative checks, ignores Night Fighting against enemy units within 18", and has Interceptor against enemy units within 18".

2: Battle Precognition
Blessing, Warp Charge 1, targets own unit. The unit may re-roll one failed to-hit roll, to-wound roll or saving throw each phase.

3: Phase Step
Blessing, Warp Charge 1, targets own unit.
The unit ignores all effects of difficult terrain when charging, gains +2 to its charge range, and cannot be targeted with Overwatch.

[this covers Zealots: Tal'darim Warriors, Nerazim Centurions and Purifier Sentinels will be similar but with different abilities]
Yes, I'm assuming it's standard Warp FTL in the context of 40K. That would constrain them to short jumps of no more than a few light years, which greatly extends travel time compared to the multi-thousand light-year jumps that Astronomicon guided navigators can pull off.
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>>Considering they got dominated by a red Cthulhu spess whale in the SC-Equivalent of the Warp through the Khala in the latest expansion

>>Considering their race is not remotely unified with four different factions, Dark Templar, Purifiers, High Templars and the followers of Amon

>> Considering they are localised to only 1 sector

Yeah, I say they are pretty weak by 40k standards. Any single major faction can wipe them off the board fairly quickly
>>>Considering they got dominated by a red Cthulhu spess whale in the SC-Equivalent of the Warp through the Khala in the latest expansion
That cthulhu spess whale would be the equivalent of a chaos god. Destroying planets is a matter of course for Amon.
>>>Considering their race is not remotely unified with four different factions, Dark Templar, Purifiers, High Templars and the followers of Amon
Purifiers are not a true faction. The Khalai, Nerazim, and Tal'darim are the only real factions, and the Nerazim do not number that highly.
>>> Considering they are localised to only 1 sector
Has it ever even been defined how large a "sector" of a galaxy really is?
>Any single major faction can wipe them off the board fairly quickly
Single major factions in 40k never act with unity. Everybody's got infighting, everybody disrupts everyone else's plans.

Chaos god? Don't make me laugh. If you said old ones or maybe a Greater Daemon/daemon prince, it might actually be believable. A strong enough Wagghhhhhhh would wreck them. End of story.

Chaos-aligned Old One is the closest approximation.
They'd be a minor race ally for the Tau.
Sorry, greater daemons don't destroy planets.

Yes they do. The stronger ones at least but they prefer to just pervert the world into one huge daemonic fuckrealm
Literally the single most powerful of all greater daemons, who puts all his brethren to shame (An'ggrath the Unbound) is capable of destroying planets.
Normal greater daemons can be killed with tanks and guns.
Skarbrand is arguably stronger in fluff. Poor An'ggrath keeps getting dominated everytime he pops out of the warp.

>>Not to mention there's still fucking Doombreed and the daemon Primarchs
I think they'd be an interesting faction, neither overly strong nor super weak. They would probably ally loosely with the Tau.
Protoss controlled a Tau-sized empire, plus meddling in other parts of the galaxy. They use warp travel, but faster than human travel, and have extremely advanced psy and teleportation tech.

Protoss were barely able to survive the Zerg. That would be like failing to beat a minor hive fleet: Zerg also don't have Shadow in the Warp, an ability Tyranids have that would be terrifying for Khalai Protoss to face.

Chaos would potentially be able to corrupt the Khala: Amon was able to.

Also, the Purifier project. Protoss built Men of Iron, and Artanis actually made an alliance with them. This is a bad idea in the 40k universe.

Aren't the Purifiers more like Eldar Wraith constructs, though?
Amon was able to corrupt the Khala because be literally created their pyschic network to begin with. I think something something khaydarin crystals and theyde basically only be Eldar tier fucked, but by Tzeentch instead of slaanesh

Nope. Straight up men of iron.


Makes sense. Actually, Nerazim and Tal'darim would be in the position Eldar are, but Khalai would be better off than Eldar since the Khala acts like an Infinity Circuit iirc.
>Straight up men of iron.

Right, I just remembered they're AIs with 'toss brain styles or w/e. I was thinking they were basically just Dragoon-style things for some reason.
I thought they were digital copies of Protoss personalities, so much so they think they're real.

Anyway, fuck I want that smug fucker from the Tal'Dareem in 40k now. That's how you do a chaos champion right
"Even if we do no consider that they psychic power would fuck them up terribly because Chaos would just rush to eat them up like free candy."

This, considering how fast Amon in LEgacy uses the Khala to basically turn the protoss into a slave race the major chaos gods would have a field day.

The Khala is considered safer in the lore than drawing power directly from the Void.

Amon corruped the Khala because as a Xel'Naga he knew the backdoor way of entering it.
Depends on who's universe they are in.
khala would actually probably be a lot like shadow in the warp

they basically have the same function: keeping the connected things from freaking out
The Protoss are really cool. I'd love to live in the alternate universe where Protoss replace Eldar as the dying race.
No it wasn't.
The protoss psionic connection is one of the few things that Blizzard did not retcon.
>Protoss walk into 40k Milky Way

>Imperium: When in doubt, throw more men at them. Or call in the Space Marines
>Chaos: Oh sweet, some more fodder for the Dark Gods
>Eldar: Oh please, you lowly plebs really think you can take us?
>Orks: WAAAGH!!!
>Necrons: 01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 01100110 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101000 00100000 01101100 01100001 01110111 01101110 00100001
>DEldar: Oh sweet, more stuff to rape and torture
>Tau: Oh sweet, some new tech for us

Never forget that 40k is a completely over-the-top setting. It's hard to find anything that doesn't also go full over-the-top that could compare.
Protoss actually are a race that has the tech, and fighting abilities to stand a chance in 40k.
Their tech is basically Eldar tier, and some stuff they got is arguably necron tier (their time&space manipulating tech mainly.)
Two wounds and it will not die represents a replenishing extra healthbar far better than just a dull invulnerable save.
>Protoss were barely able to survive the Zerg.

There's a lot of factors that mitigate this. I feel confident in saying that Tyranids as a whole are stronger than Zerg as a whole. There's just so many more of them, there isn't a contest. That said, I think at similar numbers, Zerg are stronger - Tyranids filter in new genetic advancements over the course of generations while Zerg do so over the course of minutes, and their hivemind doesn't require proximity (though I may be misremembering how Tyranid synapse works).

Second, the Protoss fleet is strong. So strong I struggle to think of instances where it's lost in anything short of 10:1 odds. Because of this, the actual land army is largely ceremonial - the whole "fighting our opponents in melee" thing is a product of Protoss not actually caring about boots on the ground in thousands of years; the only territory they care about is Aiur, which is in a secret location and under the most powerful shield their race has ever made, what do they need effective infantry for? So when the Zerg body-slammed into that shield by the trillions in order to get a single landing party down, asking the Zealots to go fight them with psi-blades is like asking the Marines to go fight with their sabres.

The Fall of Aiur was a product of Protoss fighting in their weakest possible theatre, against an enemy in their strongest possible theatre, and being so full of themselves that they're sending military assets away from their losing war to run political errands. It took the capital being destroyed and the entire ruling body being killed almost to the man for the Protoss to actually take the Zerg threat seriously. If the Protoss actually took their heads out of their asses for five minutes at any point before that it would be a completely different story.
>If the Protoss actually took their heads out of their asses for five minutes at any point before that it would be a completely different story.

The Conclave were Imperium tier retarded with their dogmatism. They needed to get rekt twice by Tassadar/forces loyal to Tassadar, before they realized the error of their ways, and by that point, most of them were friggin ded.
Don't forget the zerg forces are hardly mindless or just sheer mass wave tactics. They do actually make use of cunning and strategy if their commanding intelligence is capable. During the assault on Aiur they were directly commanded by the Overmind itself and at least two Cerebrates, one of whom was a tactical genius (i.e. plot armored player character).
The Overmind and the Cerebrates were so much interesting than Kerrigan.
God damn I hate that bitch.
>zerg do so over the course of minutes
now this really requires a source.
The way the mutations and adaptations work in Heart of the Swarm, heavily imply that it only takes few minutes at most, for the zerg to assimilate, adapt, and mutate new genetic material into their being
Hots is shit though, so take it how you will.
You're right actually.

Lesser Daemons can blow up stars as of the Ultima Incident.
no, it was more like Abathur had the creatures seeded for any eventuality a long ass time ago.
In some cases, yes, but in others, the shit they do literally involves them just eating some critter with an ability they want, cocooning up for a moment, and then emerging with that property.
Yes, it seemed like an abstraction rather than something happening in real time. But then the entire thing might have been a Rule of Cool Wank
They'd do okay.
If we consider HotS there's several times where they steal the 'essence' of creatures moments before an incoming attack. Though in Starcraft and Brood War Terrans could be infested in at least hours.
yes, but the game was full magical realm by then.
>The Protoss Empire on its prime only reached across the Koprulu sector
The koprulu sector is only on the outer edges of their territory.
>protoss empire at its HEIGHT. At one point, their empire spanned most of, if not all of the Milky Way.
Also nope.
The xel'naga ruled over "thousands of worlds" in this galaxy, and at the height of their power, which is right at the beginning of starcraft, "All in all, the Protoss
inadvertently succeeded in reclaiming an
eighth of the worlds once presided over by
the Xel’Naga".
That's true. During the attack on Aiur most of the Protoss forces were fighting one another rather than the zerg because muh heresy.
Even so, Space marines have been described as making movements so fast that humans struggle to follow it

Basic Eldar guardians are faster than space marines, that's not even the military. Aspect warriors are above that in speed. One Eldar guardian beat some imperial shmucks by seeing the movement of their muscles tensing, allowing him to predict what punches and kicks he was about to throw
I too enjoyed the Kamehameha battles and power levels and phoenix force Kerrigan angel xel naga :)
>Single major factions never act with unit
But yes, the other ones rarely do. Although the Imperium could still likely muster enough forces to crush the Protoss.
I think the Tyranids have the advantage over the Zerg because of greater variety. They have more swarmy creatures, more monster pis creatures, even more medium level beasts. Any time the Zerg adapted to one thing, the Tyranids would just throw something new at them.
>monster pis creatures
Meant monstrous creatures. What the fuck auto correct?
Before or after they severed themselves from the Kala?

The Kala might provide them with a psychic shield from chaos. But once they severe their connection, they instantly become demon chow.
At their height, they barely went out of the Korpulu sector.
Anyone who thinks the zerg would stand a chance against Tyranids is an idiot, unless theyre doing a gaunt vs an ultralisk
Khala is basicly more posh version of WAAAGH!
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Yeah, basically. I mean, hell, Swarmlord would wreck Kerrigan in a fight, given that his swords do instant death.
Hormagaunts with toxin sacs could probably wound an Ultralisk to death.

Like the Tau.
Korpulu sector was just one of the regions bordering their realm.
You're thinking of Alarak.
He's the only notable character from the entire expansion that's not boring. I expected at least one joke from Artanis because he's young, but nope.
>Zerg are shittier versions of Tyranids
You got that backwards
They are at least twice as powerful as marines in the game, which means this would be represented in their stats. They are also basically wearing power armor.

Toughness and strength to 5
Give 3 wounds (represents shields) and IWND
No psy powers, they aren't there yet

Make your D3 an allegiance upgrade
Not neccecerily. 40k changed throughout the years to more closely resemble Starcraft. Blizzard art in general has inspired the evolution of GW designs.
Artanis gets "Skippy?"
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Tyranids have way better flavor and lore.

Zerg have way better aesthetic.
See, I actually prefer the Tyranid aesthetic to the Zerg one.
The Tyranids have running themes in their design. Everything from the mightiest Trygon to the lowly Hormagaunt looks like they belong in the same army.
Zerg are just a random mismash of units. Zerglings, Ultralisks, Hydralisks, Roaches, etc. have nothing in common design wise.
It's implied in gameplay, of course, but the Zerg Virus was present in SC1-era lore (though not the actual game), and that's entire shtick is that it's impossible to devise a cure for because it is continuously and radically mutating. Also, the complete rebirth of Kerrigan from human to Queen of Blades was measured in days at most.
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Fair. I was more saying along the lines of shit like the Termagaunt in comparison to the Hydra.

See this shit? I absolutely do not care for "bio guns/swords", they're just way too stupid for me to get behind them while the zerg have atleast an extremely alien feel to them, even if they have less overall unified aesthetic like the tyranids.
yeah, the good thing about the old zerg was that they gave off that bug vibe.

newer ones are meh

You've got to be joking.

Marines in Starcraft are the equivalent of IG in primitive power armour, they are not Space Marines.

Zealots don't have powers per se but they have a psionic presence that enhances them in battle.
Instant daemon chow the second one of them tries to do anything remotely psychic.
Some people seem to think that the fact that all their minds are linked would give them a barrier against chaos, but to me it seems more like a case of giving Daemons a sort of superhighway they can use to attack any member of the race that they want the second one of them falls, which means the whole "A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link" thing becomes their sole defining feature in the setting
>Instant daemon chow the second one of them tries to do anything remotely psychic.
Just like the Eldar are, right?
That's mainly cause they literally spend their entire lives building up their resistance to that shit
And why couldn't the protoss do the same?

They did and ultimately failed/got mind-raped by Amon
Because it is the most fucking epic RPG to ever be created.

Seriously, try it. It works.
Well, that's actually mostly just the one faction of protoss still living on aiur (the 'Khalai" I believe).

There's a whole lot of other protoss subfactions that spread all over the place; like the Nerazim, the Tal'darim, the purifier initiative and more.
Protoss have never had a problem making artificial suns.
Because of a backdoor into their pseudo hivemind that they never knew about. The dark templar only got out of it by luck.

The warp doesn't exist in Starcraft, the protoss are not dependent on it for their powers.
Eh, kerrigan is all right at times, but much like diablo 3, starcraft 2 requires some out of game explanations to make sense of shit.

1) Creep carries zerg mutagenic viruses, these tend to turn people into abominations (infested terrans). Psychics tend to just die horribly.

2) Terran psychics have various psi ratings, 1-4 psi index are sensitive to other psionics but can't really do anything, 4-8 are telepathic, 8-10 are telekinetic and so rare as to be myth. At around psi index 7, it's harder for telepaths to not read minds than it is to read them - this transfers over to non-human minds too. Kerrigan was a psi index 10, Nova is also a psi index 10. As a 15 year old girl with the first use of her psionic powers, Nova ripped the minds out of 307 people in an instant - and COULD have done more. Psi index 10 was thought to be the extent of psionic power for a very long time (barring shit like archons, who collapse inward due to their own power).

3) The zerg were desperately searching for a high psi index mind to experiment on.

4) Zerg have creatures devoted to figuring out genetics, they can take in the knowledge of how to do shit very quickly, but sometimes it takes a few strains to do so.

5) Were it not for kerrigan being captured due to mengsk's betrayal, Nova would have ended up being captured (and turned into the queen of blades). When kerrigan was turned into the queen of blades and she undid the shit that was wrong in her head (thanks to safety protocols in the ghost programs) she jumped up to psi index 12

6) When kerrigan was 'saved' by Jimmy and his artifact, almost all of the zerg mutagen in her was gone (which is why valerian and the umojan's were running all those tests; they were trying to find out if there was a way to cure infestation).
7) Valerian then introduced a drone to kerrigan and asked if she could take control of it telepathically (at this point she's back to being like 99% human). She initially balks at this because everything screams THIS IS DANGEROUS. But she was capable of doing it, and she used her previous human experiences to say "THIS IS WHY WE DONT DO THIS SHIT".

8) Kerrigan had basically jumped 4 years backwards in time to the moment of mengsk's betrayal. She was unbelievably pissed about it.

9) She then went and contacted the zerg and this *could and should* have gotten her killed, but the zerg queens still remembered her as the queen of blades. So they were like "Yo, we gunna go murder some shit again?"

When she became primal queen of blades, she couldn't even be fucking *registered* on a psi index rating. She was the azidoazide azide of psionic power; so fucking sensitive it breaks the goddamn equipment even trying to measure it.
She is still a lot less interesting than the overmind/ cerebrates, they felt more suiting and alien for the zerg
Tyranids trump zerg in everyway
Not really.

They don't have the Booteh!
its space angel booty now
They are when they step into the 40k setting. That's the issue with cross franchising.
Hometurf rules trump visitors.
If IoM showed up in starcraft-verse their psykers wouldn't explode or get possessed because their are no ugly warp predators
Andy Chambers, the head creative designer of Starcraft, said in an interview that a single marine chapter can conquer the whole Starcraft sector.


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See Jeanstealer
So if Superman entered the 40k verse he would cease to be solar powered and would instead be powered by the rape dimension? You're retarded, the protoss' powers are a part of their biology. Only the dark templar draw power from an external source, and it is not the warp because it's the void, which is not the warp no matter how much you say it is.
Just because Starcraft psionics are superficially similar to 40k psykers doesn't mean they're the same. They are using an ability inherent to their biology that happens to resemble channeling the Warp, they're no more likely to explode for it than an average person is for waving their arms.
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Mary sue alert!
>>Seriously man, if you are going to disregard the warp entirely, you might as well the whole Warhammer 40k premise altogether and insert your own little masturbatory fantasy.
>I have no valid counter-argument so I'll fling buzzwords and insult them!

Go ahead man, make your little fantasy 'void' separate. If you want to include SCII in 40k, you have to do it under Warhammer 40k terms. You can't just dictate such BS, such as keeping the void and warp separate. The whole premise loses its appeal. Simple as that.

In the end, you are just another fanboy fan-wanking about how his little SC universe is so MUCH better than all the others and how his magic snowflakes can steamroll other universes without any regards to how they work.

>>Immune to the Warp and its effects
>>Draw psychic power from some focus pocus sci-fict dimension
I'm sorry you have trouble accepting established facts. The protoss do not utilize the warp, or anything resembling it in any way, not personally, and not to power any of their tech.

And they do not belong here in 40k.
That is a fact. Protoss Fanwanker
The majority of the Protoss don't access the Void at all. Besides, 40k is already filled to burst with instances of "It's technically not the Warp and doesn't count" - Rune magic, the Shadow, the Waaagh!!, the Webway. But no, the Void, which is diametrically opposed to the Warp in it's themes, and the Khala, which bears zero resemblance to the Warp beyond "let's them shoot lightning," must follow the Warp rules.
well if you are transplanting them into 40k, their their FTL travel methods will have to use the warp.
And yet the topic of this thread is for discussing just such an occurrence. If you don't like it, you can leave. Plenty of other threads where you can mindlessly fellate the pile of shit that is 40k
>Inb4 SC2'a campaign storyline isn't an epic quest to save the universe, but a PC's quest to get some redhead booty.
it makes far more sense that way.
Everything goes from a sector to ALL OF CREATION
Says who? Just because all the existing 40k races are too retarded to figure out a method of FTL that doesn't involve the DICKS dimension, doesn't mean it can't be done. Protoss tech is all about wormholes and space/time manipulation.
Source for that?
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Rune magic draw upon psyker energy from the warp, Waagh!! is psychic energy generated from Orks and could result in Daemonic possession nonetheless (Implying they draw from the warp.). The Webway is in the warp, what are you talking about? The Shadow? The Shadow in the warp (That is psychic consciousness of the Tyranids and it is in the warp, as all living things are)? Mandrakes (A dimension part of the webway which is in the warp)
Such an incursion has to take place under 40k terms and You are the one furiously fornicating over your precious Protoss.
>>And here go down into Mary Sue territory
>what if this race from the 40K rip-off was in 40K

How about no, blizzdrone?
For protoss military tech making heavy use of space/time manipulation and wormholes? Source is damn near every protoss unit description from SC1 and 2.
no, they mention the usage of psi shields and photon weaponry.

Their bots use their own shield emitter systems that mimic the protoss shields they generate.

Different anon.

An invulnerable save is a far simpler and better abstraction of the Protoss shields; no need to bloat with special rules.

I'd say Zealot Stats should be

WS 4
BS 4
S 4
T 4
W 1
I 5
A 2
Ld 8
Sv 4+/4++

2 Power Swords
Zealot Armor

Special Rules
Furious Charge

Possibly a Faction special rule called The Khala or something, no idea what the benefit would be. Maybe it provides Stubborn.
>I don't like this other setting so I'll stack the deck in favor of the setting that I've wasted thousands of dollars on.
>My setting must be the best otherwise all these minis I own were a huge waste of money.
Just becuase it's magical realm, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Zerg have been shown on-screen to mutate far faster than Tyrannids - look at the primal Zerg on Zerus, there's a whole cutscene devoted to it and we see it happen - and it happens to individual Zerg, not Zerg several generations down the line.

On a 1:1 scale with a Zerg and Tyrannid equivalent going at it, my vote is the Zerg.
Kerrigan's DBZ adventures were fun.
You don't build buildings or units in SC1, you're teleporting them in, and that blue-flame thing Zealots do when they "die" is their emergency teleportation devices engaging.

They are all so radically different from the Warp in their form and function that their being part of it is merely a formality. Besides, even if we say that the Void is just the Warp, again, Khala psionic powers, which are by far the most common, are biological in nature. They have an organ that lets them do it. There's no reason why using their organs to do things would make them any more vulnerable to Warp incursions than any other race that uses their organs to do things.
>>And you are stacking the deck in favor of your precious little snowflake race
>>Best part is that you are doing it in the 40k's own setting

So who is the retard here?
Only by absorbing other genetic material, that's also the primal zerg, regular zerg need time and abathur dudes to mutate in such ways.

In a 1v1 Tyranids are almost always nastier. They outgun, outrun, outnumber, outsmart and just out everything the zerg
>primal Zerg
can we please just pretend that never happened it was so incredibly awful in everyway
Stating established stracraft lore is stacking the deck in the protoss' favor?
We have no reason to believe that Primal Zerg mutate faster than Regular Zerg. In fact, the presence of the Zerg Virus, which is noteworthy entirely for how fast it mutates, points to Regular Zerg mutating just as fast.
I never understood the butthurt surrounding the primal zerg. The swarm is still the swarm, the primal zerg are the descendants of the original zerg that didn't get altered by Amon and his buddies.
primal zerg mutate on the fly. Regular zerg must be changed by higher ups.
The thing about the base zerg was that it was the simplest of creatures, the zerg larva that became into the cornucopia of animals that make up the swarm.

Primal zerg shits over all that lore.
he's only talking about the terrans, and the protoss are never seen 'at their height'.

Ok no look, if you accepted that Kerrigan could be instantly transformed from Queen of Blades to almost human by a magical space laser, you can accept how the primal zerg work.

And if you're bothered by the retcon from how the zerg were originally described as being made, it still works. The original story was the zerg being made by the xel'naga, turning on them and killing them, then rest of the plot. The new story just has Amon being the one responsible for the turning, at which point he enslaved them, but some zerg hid and escaped his alterations and then by the time of the main story they had retaken the rest of the planet again.
>Primal zerg shits over all that lore.

In what way? The zerg are all about adapting, primal zerg just go about it on an individual level because they have no overriding hivemind directing their species as a whole. Primal zerg are what all zerg would be if Amon hadn't created the overmind and given it it's directives.
I really think people are praising the protoss too highly in regards to the rest of the 40k universe

SV 4+/ 6++

Fleet and Furious Charge
Zerus was initially a volcanic world. And the worm was selected because it burrowed into it's host and took over it, like genestealers do.

The primal zerg are individual beings that constantly mutate ON THE FLY.
Also Amon is a reverse King Midas, everything he touches turns to shit. An RTS that contains a mission where you kill billions of civilians for Mengsk's political gain really needed a sequel where a plucky band of lovable space pirates save the universe from an ancient evil.
because evolution doesn't work like that, it didn't in SC1 where the Xel'naga turned the zerg from simple worms to the terror of the sector that they were.
Except theres no cinematic or lore on zerg mutating instantly outside of primal zerg, they either must cocoon and mutate or get the genetic masters to spin them new generations/ mutations
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>Zerg have way better aesthetic.
its alright. The nova mission packs will save the day. The first three look interesting.
Well, you can disagree, but the zerg have that completely alien look to them that is a mix between bug like AND hunting animal.

Except the mutalisks.
Fuck the mutalisks
>Zerg have better aesthetic
>literally copy-pasted xenomorph designs slapped on top of Tyranids

That lore can still work. People mistake "primal zerg" for meaning "original zerg", but that's not the case. They were still originally creations of the xel'naga made by messing around with/devouring other creatures, like the worm. Every step in their creation still happened the way it did in the original lore, just up until the creation of the Overmind. When that happened, a few of the (already heavily altered) zerg managed to hide away, and when all the enslaved ones left they came out again. They figured out how to adapt themselves to reproduce and evolve on their own, probably using left-behind zel'naga shit like the first spawning pool probably is, and ages later you have the primal zerg.

The way Zerus is in SCII is the result of "terraforming" by the primal zerg. There's no contradiction with it originally being a volcanic world.
SJW will ruin everything they touch. Why do you think Starcraft even got a sequel, 14 years late? Because it's fans wanted more? Top Kek.

... What do SJWs have to do with it, Anon?
The Primal Zerg were touched by the Xel'naga. It is only the Swarm i.e. the Overmind and all his zerg that was corrupted by Amon a little ways down the line from that.
The Primal Zerg are closer to what the Xel'naga were originally gunning for.
And post SC1 tyranids have zerg features copy pasted onto them.
>turning SC from realistic and grim space RTS into bright funtime nobody's allowed to do bad things anymore Safe Spess
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>>literally copy-pasted xenomorph designs slapped on top of Tyranids
... you have no idea what first generation Tyranids looked like, do you?
Tyranids plucked the Zerg aesthetic, not even close to the other way around.
None of that is ever explained anywhere. The entire thing is a confused hodgepodge and the primal zerg are treated by abathur as an error because they have no central control system. Instead they break into
and chimp around and eat each other.

The thing that made the zerg the zerg was the overmind which had a look outward mentality and it's entire process was to complete what the xel'naga had done by assimilating the protoss purity of form into the zerg purity of essence.
That was where duran's entire secret mission came into the picture. It showed that there was someone still following the original scientists plans.

Dehaka being a murderhobo going around collecting genetic material and calling it essence shits in the face of all that.

In 200 years the Terrans went from 40,000 to hundreds of billions. I'll let you do the math on that baby boom.
>An RTS that contains a mission where you kill billions of civilians for Mengsk's political gain really needed a sequel where a plucky band of lovable space pirates save the universe from an ancient evil.
Blame Brood War for only leaving that as the possible sequel.
Did you forget the whole "Duran is actually millennia old ancient evil who serves a super-evil that will soon awaken" note that Brood War ended on? That was the sequel hook.
>now we will see what's going on in the original zerg world where they're apparently doing what they've been doing forever
>as we know they are little worm parasites that are commanded around by the overmind and his hivemind network and he's gone around the galaxy doing bioengineering shit to turn them into his personal space army. most zerg units are either completely helpless for everything except one function or are used to make the rest work, like overlords or larva or hives
>lol never mind they're slightly spikier versions of exactly the same units you have, they talk to you and want to explain the wonders of their tribal darwinist ideology that they all share despite now being individuals
There was no primal zerg. There was only the larva crawling around the volcanic pools of zerus which hatched and dominated other creatures. The xel'naga scientists thought that all that free will bullshit that the protoss had, ended up ruining their perfect little experiment and so they focused on purity of essence. The overmind was the culmination of that. It directed an entire swarm of mutating creatures as if each one was a single organ in the overmind's body.
I'd likely stat the Terran Marines as something like:

WS3 BS3 S3 T3 W1 I3 A1 LD 7/8 3+

Impaler Rifle: 24" S 3 AP 5, Salvo 1/2
Power Armour

Resocialization: This unit is Stubborn but may not Overwatch or make Sweeping Advances.


>One Marine Per Five models in the unit may exchange their Impaler Rifle for a Grenade Launcher (From Starcraft: Ghost)
>Any Marine may take a Flack Pistol: 12" S3 AP6 Pistol 1, Blast (From Starcraft: Ghost)
>Any Marine may take a Combat Shield
>U-283 Shells (Adds 6 inches to max range of all weapons)
>Stim Packs (Gains Relentless, adds Gets Hot to all weapons.)

They throw a massive torrent of anti-infantry fire downrange but are not good at mobile fire without Stim Packs and don't bring a lot of heavy weapons to the table and get torn apart in melee.

It's not 100% Game accurate but it makes them a bit distinctive from other units and the Resocialization rule is based on the fact that re-socialized people have limited or even no initiative or instincts according to the fluff.
no, Duran was a mad guy in disguise who was not working for kerrigan and was making the P/Z hybrids that the overmind wanted to make.
In what way was StarCraft EVER realistic?

Or grim, for that matter? Do we not remember the glorious cinematics?

>"Looks like you mashed up some poor feller's dog, sarge."
>"It's a zerlin', Lester. Smaller type a' Zerg. 'E wouldn't be out this far unless...oh shit."
>[Hydralisks behind them]
>"I love you, Sarge!"
>bright funtime nobody's allowed to do bad things anymore Safe Spess
>nobody allowed to do bad things anymore

Except everything Mengsk does ever, and Amon mind raping an entire species into effectively being his finger puppets.
yes, and yet the tone overall in that setting was grim.

Your penultimate mission ends with the spunky redhead left behind to be eaten by the zerg.

Then the guy who was fooling around with her comes in the next mission and sees that she has become an ayylmao hybrid.

>not mentioning
>thank god for cold fusion
And he says, explicitly, in the secret Zeratul mission, that he serves an ancient evil that will soon be awakening.

Which reminds me, related to >>46475114

>"I don't believe we've met."
>"I am Duran. What's your name?"
>"I already told you my name, it's Duran, Duran!"
>"What's so funny?"
>"Please, please, tell me now."
>The overmind was the culmination of that
This is your own interpretation, that's not in the script of SC1. In SC1 the Overmind only existed to drive forward the evolution of the Zerg, what gave them purity of form was their shocking evolution rates before the Overmind was even created.
It was retconned, but I don't think it particularly flies in the face of the setting.
No, not in the slightest. Duran was making Protoss/Zerg Hybrids, not Infested Protoss. The Overmind, even in SC1 itself, wanted to take the Protoss into the Zerg, creating pure, perfect Zerg race. The hybrid was blatantly pointed out as something different, not an infestation but a stitching together.

That's not something only SJWs do, Anon.

Also, have you even played the games? Wings of Liberty has planets being consumed by zerg plagues that turn the inhabitants into zombie mutants who can still beg for death. Heart of the Swarm has Kerrigan sending the zerg to murder shittons of people, and Legacy of the Void has 90% of the protoss being mind raped, the installation of a tyrannical dictator, and a story that's an extended metaphor for "give up your traditional cultures and become homogenized atheists if you want to continue advancing as a society".
fuck me, I miss brood war.
Thread theme
The overall tone of the Terran campaign was grim, but that's because it's the first act of three. The Zerg missions aren't grim at all, and the Protoss missions are actually fairly hopeful.
>This is your own interpretation, that's not in the script of SC1. In SC1 the Overmind only existed to drive forward the evolution of the Zerg, what gave them purity of form was their shocking evolution rates before the Overmind was even created.
>It was retconned, but I don't think it particularly flies in the face of the setting.
The zerg were the purity of essence/spirit. Not purity of form. Purity of form was a protoss thing, and they chimped out and created the aeon of strife
>not Infested Protoss.

Plus, it gets pointed out in several places that protoss can't be infested.
Actually if you read the booklet that came with the game, the Zerg are the ones with the purity of essence, the Protoss are the ones with the purity of form. The Overmind wanted to merge the two in order to become perfect.
yes, the zerg missions which end up with the overmind parking it's ass up over the protoss homeworld was not grim.

Then the protoss campaign starts when you divert resources to arrest Tassadar and come back to find Fenix dead.
You know what I meant. It was a typo.
the two things mean the complete opposite though.
Yes, yes, I typed one when I meant the other. The point, that their purity came from their behavior and natural qualities (once amplified) and not the Overmind (the Overmind being made to further the goals of this natural quality, not the source).
No, their strength came from being a race that was essentially a single creature but could rapidly mutate and assimilate genetic material because it's basis was in volcanic larvae.
No, that is again your interpretation. Show me what indicates that in the script. The SC manual says the Xel'naga took notice of them after realizing how quickly they took in and "supercharged" the evolution of the races they infested, and made the Overmind not to create purity of essence, but just to keep the zerg a unified and safe species devoid of personal egos so they wouldn't collapse with infighting like the protoss.
The Zerg are purity of essence because the Overmind is pure in it's intentions - it views the Swarm as it's children, and wants them to be as great as they possibly can be, and any race that's consumed along the way is brought into the family and made as great as they can be. However, their form is imperfect, which is why they must constantly change and evolve.

The Protoss have perfect forms, but their essence is flawed, which is why everything bad that ever happens to them is a result of them being massive assholes to everyone around them.
That is the purity of essence
A single organism overriding the wills of all creatures underneath it.

Remember what the cerebrate is told when he is born by the overmind?

And either way, the entire concept of amon creating the overmind to arrest the free zerg reeks of metzen and his orc fetish.
>humans are individuals
>everyone speaks with their mouth, shits out their ass, and thinks dying and pain feel bad

>The Zerg are purity of essence because the Overmind is pure in it's intentions - it views the Swarm as it's children, and wants them to be as great as they possibly can be, and any race that's consumed along the way is brought into the family and made as great as they can be.
That isn't what is actually said, though.
>That is the purity of essence
>A single organism overriding the wills of all creatures underneath it.
No, now you're just writing fanfiction.
The SC manual says the purity of essence refers to how the Zerg dominate and infest while still remaining "Zerg". They take in other species and lose nothing of themselves, they "retain the purity of their terrible overriding
essence" as they consume and adapt everything else. Anything taken by Zerg is Zerg, this is what purity of essence is.
what are you even trying to assert with this rhetoric
>masochists don't real
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>"give up your traditional cultures and become homogenized atheists if you want to continue advancing as a society"
>not grade A SJW rhetorics
alright. you were right about this one.
My apologies.
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heres the manual lads.

Anon, SJWs are all about telling people to be their special snowflake selves and championing anyone who isn't a member of the majority because of social hipsterism. A story where the race/caste who were already at the top of the social heap (protoss templars) generously allows all the other races/castes to join their club, so long as they give up their own silly old ways for their own more enlightened ones, is the opposite of SJW.

Fuck, Artanis is basically an alien mighty whitey what with Vorazun going "hey you did something similar to this one ritual that's part of our traditions, you get to call yourself a dark templar now".
The protoss literally sever their psychic link, they give up their old white traditions for exciting multiculturalism.
The Tal'darim remain secluded. The Nerazim keep their ways even though they no longer remain unique (in having severed themselves). The Purifiers can't and don't integrate with the society of others, remaining dogmatic machines on their own time.
Really, the only thing that changes is the Khalai have to shed their reliant-upon-each-other philosophies and become ubermensch who stand for themselves. They lose nothing of themselves except the ways they were stuck in, and become more powerful than ever for it.
They lose the entire memory of their race, all their past memories and glories, everything that made the protoss race what they were.

They don't become ubermensch, they become the new world order where everyone is happy and equal and the past is better off forgotten.

Its like burning down the british museum of natural history, creating a hiphop center for pakis and chavs and applauding it as an example of the new british culture
>They lose the entire memory of their race, all their past memories and glories
They don't. Only their perfect clarity thereof. They still have history and records, they just can't upload visions into their brains.
>everything that made the protoss race what they were
Which had proven damned and no longer salvageable. Not only "god is dead", but "god must die".
>They don't become ubermensch, they become the new world order where everyone is happy and equal and the past is better off forgotten.
Except that's just you deriding it. They create a new world where they have to determine values for themselves instead of basing everything on what they thought they knew. They still have hierarchy and personal identities, their tribes remain their tribes. The Nerazim retain their cultural identity separate from the former Khalai, the Tal'darim don't join them at all and just go back home, and the Purifiers literally can't join them. So where is everyone equal?
>Which had proven damned and no longer salvageable. Not only "god is dead", but "god must die".
So their entire space faring tech, their equivalent of the prime directive, them being babysitters for fauna on different planets, was a lie created by amon because he was le bad guy and they lose one of their most defining traits

They lose the ability to see back into the past with perfect clarity and feel all the emotions that the original people felt.
>So their entire space faring tech, their equivalent of the prime directive, them being babysitters for fauna on different planets
Nigga that shit was not powered by the Khala. You do not need the Khala for regulations.

>They lose the ability to see back into the past with perfect clarity and feel all the emotions that the original people felt.
Which is a really good history book to be sure, but there's still other history books.
Or like letting a rabid mob take to the streets chanting about how white lives dont matter and destroying property, all while the police is being blamed for doing their jobs... oh wait, that's already happening
The khala was what the entire protoss society was based on. All of them, linked together in perfect harmony, sensing each other's thoughts and psychic presence. Then they sever that link. Its like what would happen if one day you wake up and know that you have gone completely deaf.
actually, it wouldn't.
That doesn't address my point in the slightest.
If everyone had gone completely deaf we are not suddenly communist hippies.
no, we wouldn't celebrate our deafness and cheer because sound was corruption either.
The loss of the Khala was portrayed as a generally unfortunate but necessary thing, not in itself a triumph. They must bury it and move beyond it, not laugh and prance on its corpse.
The elephant in the room is still the Physical C'tan Gods.
Which means The Void won't be warp. It will be echoes of reality, in a real way, instead of a reflection that bleeds into itself.
wasn't Amon building a body for himself via all the Golden armada protoss biomass?
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Not sure why but rednecks in space worked so well. Makes me miss the Confederacy.
yeah, That americana vibe grew on you
Might be because I'm not American but the drawls and tones could be very endearing, even if you knew the speaker was setting you up for trouble. Like that "good ole boy" type of culture.
I think that was for easier identification. so that players on the table top don't have to keep pulling out reference pictures
yeah, I am not an american either. But the entire thing just oozed charm.
>I love you sarge
General Duke's lines too.
>I'm a general for god's sake.
>Ya'll need some good ole fashioned discipline.
>This Korhal outfit's a mess.

And Arcturus Mengsk was god-tier in SC1. Too bad he became shit in SC2.

That speech still gives me chills.
The voice acting in SC1 was suberb.
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