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Star Wars Evil Empire Plots
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So what are some of your evil Empire plots? Enslaving populations, turning people into cyborgs. ETC
File: Angrix.jpg (451 KB, 1200x657) Image search: [Google]
451 KB, 1200x657
Angrix just happens to be an Imperial extermination ship. Does bad things to many innocent people.
Finding and raiding Darth Plageus's old labs and studies to find a way to turn normal people into force-sensitives.
after the rise of the NR, most force sensitives don't want to join the Sith, who they blame for making them miserable during the shadow of the empire, so they need to find SOME new way of training more apprentices
Dark jedi working on mass mild control techniques so he can have an army of perfectly in-synch clones of himself. This requires experimenting on a lot of innocent people because when cloning dark jedi en mass, you really dont want to fuck that up.
... Just kidnap babies you dumbass.
Cloning Force Sensitives doesn't work well unless the original is dead or the Clone manifests enough of a psychosis to realize they're a different person. Most go Insane.
Half the campaign is trying to stop him from gathering the necessary sith holocrons/artifacts to make it work. Think sith borg queen/king.

I had a campaign which takes place only about a year after Revenge, and is centered on Naboo. Under the auspices of a rebuilding effort, the Empire was actually trying to start race war between the humans and the gungans, in order to conquer and convert their cities into giant, deep sea plasma mining facilities to strip mine Naboo's oceans for the blue plasma stuff, in order to export it across the Empire as a valuable energy source.

The players were all playing as Stormtroopers
I take it this is shocking like the Gungan response?

maybe this world is another planets evil empire
You plug a bunch of force sensitives into a huge engine, turning them into living batteries powering up a huge canon firing fucking wait for It, FORCE POWERS.
Straight up. It requires NASA tier computer room and a force sensitive technician who will not backstab you but the results are immpressive.
So far we achieved country sized force push and mind tricks but I'm pretty sure that we just need to get more Jedi Master batteries to do better.
The campaign is still ongoing
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