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Snakecatcher Quest: Thread 87
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Previously, we dealt with an old acquaintance and discovered some missing children before ending early. Continuing directly on from that.

Previous Threads: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Snakecatcher%20Quest
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>Go after the footprints immediately.

The footprints in the alchemical mud are clear- two sets of them leading off further into the dark basement. Do they belong to Eva and Hom? You can only assume so. You check the pot just in case but it’s completely empty. What have they done?

Well one thing’s for sure and that’s that you’re not going to be wandering around in the dark. You pull a Sun Potion from your bandoleer and give it a shake. There’s a slight hiss as the liquid within the bottle starts to glow. That’s better.

The footprints dry up just a few meters along the dark basement passage but that gives you an idea of what direction they went in. You pass by racks of gardening equipment and fertilizer before finding a battered green door. The bolt is undone and it is ajar.

You slowly open it to see that it leads out to the gardens behind the mansion. The moon is waxing brightly so you’re not without illumination out here too. But what would they be doing out here?

The ground is muddy enough that the trail of footprints starts up again and you follow them out around the side of the mansion, away from the view of all the windows. And there, in a small copse of gum trees you spot Eva.

She looks exhausted, beads of grimy sweat marring her too-pale skin as she leans on a dirty shovel. She’s not made for physical exertion. She’s standing beside a large but shallow hole in the muddy ground and a small pile of dirt and you watch as she gets back to work, shovelling dirt from the pile back into the hole. It looks like she’s filling something in?
You don’t see Hom anywhere. She is alone.

>Hang back and watch.

>”What’s going on here?”

>See if you can get closer without her noticing you.

>Search the rest of the garden for Hom.


>Use Potion (Specify)

>”What’s going on here?”
What the fug
>”What’s going on here?”
>”What’s going on here?”
>”What’s going on here?”
>”What’s going on here?”

Alright, you're sick of just beating around the bush with these two. Time to just get to the bottom of it.
"Oi!," you call out as you walk over and push the branches out of the way. "What's going on here?"

Eva swings around as you approach and raises the dirty shovel as if it was a weapon. Now that it's pointed at you you can see that it's just not dirt-encrusted. There's a darker stain underneath the mud. When she sees you she relaxes and lowers it.
"Hello. I was not expecting you to come back."

At least she's honest about it this time.
"Evidently. What are you doing?"

"Just digging. Planting. The new brew was a success! But we need to plant the seed or otherwise he will not grow."

"Cool. Do you mind if I have a look."

As she says this she swings the shovel and knocks a lot more dirt into the hole. Whatever's down there is now well and truly obscured.
"Please do not physically disturb it, it requires time to grow."

"Uhuh. Where's Hom?"

"He has left to find further ingredients and plant matter to feed it. He will come back later."

You look down at the hole. It's mostly filled in.

>"Do you mind pointing me in which direction Hom went?"

>"Give me that shovel."

>Ask her to dig it up anyway.

>"Is something wrong?"

>"Get back inside. You're not supposed to show your face."

>"I'm proud of you."

>Use Potion (Specify)

>"Is something wrong?"
Mix up a soulsight to find Hom
>>"Is something wrong?"
This but look at what she's buried too with soul sight

>"Is something wrong?"
>"Why were you startled if you knew Hom is around?"
>"I'm proud of you."
Ask her to tell us about her process
>>"Is something wrong?"
Soul sight
>>"Is something wrong?"
Anyone got a description of Eva II? For a drawfriend
>"Is something wrong?"

You stare at her and try to figure out what's wrong with her. Something's not right about all of this.
"Is something wrong Eva?"

"No. Why would it be?"

You start unpacking your cauldron and related ingredients right before her eyes. You still have some snake blood left in your vials thankfully.
"Just asking. Why were you startled if you knew Hom was around?"
You do your best to meet her unblinking black eyes.

"He would not have come from that direction."

"I see."

"Why are you brewing a Soulsight?"

You stop. Ah, right. You taught her this one and she can recognize brews from a distance.
"Just gonna search for Hom. Is something wrong with that?"

Her grip tightens on the stained shovel.
"Of course not. Just be careful not to look at me or the new sibling in the hole. I know that is dangerous for you."

You nod and finish up the Soulsight, drinking the cold mix almost immediately afterwards.
Your vision expands.

You can feel the house to the side, teeming with souls both alive and eaten. Eva and the hole are in front of you and you avert your gaze lest you fall through the gaps in the world. You look around the hazy garden instead.

You don't find Hom. There are two human souls pottering around at the very edge but no Hom. You turn your gaze back at Eva.

You can't look at her for long but it's enough to look past her and gaze at the ground by her feet. There is a hole inside the hole. At the bottom of the filled-in hole is another, one that opens into the heart of the world.

You cancel your sight and as you hold your head, you ask again.
"Eva, where is Hom?"

"It is better this way."


"I knew it from the start even if you didn't. He spent too long in the bottle. He has spoiled. Too close to the heart. Defective brews are bad for you. It is better to throw them away and start anew."

"What did you do with him Eva?"

She drops the bloodstained shovel.
"It's okay. I have created a better replacement."
Damn. What the fuck Eva?
Check thread 72 and 73
Whelp. Time to administer the sibling fight punishment
Ah, this takes me back to whem my older sister tried to kill me
As she speaks the ground begins the shake, the loose earth rumbling. Your cauldron almost tips over and you have to catch it as Eva stumbles.

A tendril bursts from the shallow grave, a knotted bony thing covered in slime and dirt. It loops around Eva's ankle and hoists her into the air.

Eva doesn't scream but something else does, a drawn out squeal from many mouths. The dirt surges upwards as Hom breaches the surface. His long and slick body is covered in dirt but still immediately recognizable. His slug-like lower body oozes upwards as another of his spine-tendrils sheathed in fat circles around Eva and takes hold of her.
The broken spine twitching above his empty neck cavity slowly realigns itself as Hom vomits out an endless flood of swallowed mud. His three lesser heads whisper sweet nothings to the night.

Now with one tendril wrapped around her feet and another around her chest, Hom squeezes tight and begins to pull her in opposite directions.

>Try to talk Hom down.

>Hit Hom with the shovel.

>Use the Caster.

>Use a Potion (Specify)

>"You probably deserve this actually."

>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."

>Just sit back and see how it plays out.

>Try to talk Hom down.
>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."
I've revoked your brewing privileges for a week. If you continue fighting it will be even longer.
>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."
>Try to talk Hom down.
>Try to talk Hom down.
>Ready knockout
>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."
Literally, in Hom's case
>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."
>Try to talk Hom down.
>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."
Is it bad that a part of me was relieved when I thought no one would see Hom's disturbing true body anymore
Yeah. I'm relieved he's alive. He's a good guy. And he knows lots about souls and whatnot for some reason.
>>Use the Caster.
knockout brew perhaps?
That would still blow a hole in him
>"Just so you know, you're both grounded."
>Try to talk Hom down.

You stride forward, picking your way through the broken earth to confront the alchemical beast.
Another tendril lashes out at Eva but you catch this one and hold it down. It's slimy and oozing with watered-down pig blood and other, more nameless, secretions but it can't wriggle out of your grasp.
"Calm down, Hom. Let's talk this out."

"It won't work," Eva says conversationally as Hom tries to tear her apart. "He is a failed creation."

"Oh be quiet, you. Haven't you done enough?"

"You can try to talk him down if you want," Eva says. "But I hope that my death will provide adequate evidence to support my claim."
Something inside of her cracks.

"Did you hear that Hom? Are you really going to be exactly what she says you are? Are you going to prove her right?"

Hom doesn't stop but he seems to slow just a little, the curved spine atop his broken throat 'looking' in your direction.

"If you kill her then you're just justifying her! But you're not a failed creation, Hom! You're not an abomination. I know I made some mistakes with you and I'm sorry for leaving you in your bottle so long. I know that hurt you, it made you different. But you're still my creation and you're still an absolute masterpiece. I know you are! So drop your sister and let's just talk this out."

The tendril you're holding down stills and you let it go as Hom drops Eva unceremoniously on the ground. She groans and spits out several gooey lumps of molten enamel.

"Just so you know," you continue. "You're both grounded. Now get back inside."

"You should have just killed me."

"Now," you say as you walk Eva and Hom's human form back towards the mansion. "What happened here exactly?"

"Hom ruined the brew," Eva says. "I was trying to make his replacement but he wasn't a good enough alchemist to make the homunculus come out right. It was a failure."
"So," Eva continues. "Now that I knew he wasn't even good for that, I took him out the back and told him that we needed to dig for special ingredients. And then I hit him in the back of the head with the shovel until his human form stopped breathing."

"That's not acceptable behaviour Eva."

"It's obvious that he came out wrong. He is going to end badly and I don't want you getting hurt as a result."

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa," Hom slurs in the background.

"He almost did end badly but ONLY because of you."

Eva nods.
"I did not realize he possessed regenerative capability. Otherwise I would have prepared a vat of acid and use that instead of a grave. Next time I will know better."

"There isn't going to BE a next time, Eva. Do you understand? I want you to look me in the eye and promise that you will not try to kill Hom."

"I promise that I will not try to kill Hom."

>Trust her.

>"I'm going to need something more than that." Use Potion.

>Revoke her brewing privileges.

>Separate them.

>Bring in Hiss to make sure she does.

>Revoke her brewing privileges.
She now gets to watch while Hom and us make homoculuses brew.
>Revoke her brewing privileges
>>Separate them.
can she explain why she's so certain?
I appreciate your concern but I don't understand your lack of trust in hom. If you don't start treating him nicely like an older sister should I'll cut you off from all snake reagents
>"What did Blue say to you when you where together?"
>Revoke her brewing privileges

"I hope I can trust you. Funny thing is that I used to think I could. For now consider your brewing privileges revoked."

Eva looks confused.
"Brewing ...privileges?"

"That's right. You don't get any of my lab equipment and you don't get any of my snake reagents. Furthermore, I'll tell Hiss about this and she'll instruct all of her snakes to withhold reagents if you ask for them. You'll be doing no brewing for the next few days."

"What? I don't want that!"

"Should have thought about that before you tried to murder your brother."

"But the Queen needs me to keep producing brews!"

"I'm sure that she'll understand after I have a little talk with her. She's very big on discipline."

"You can't do this."

"I can and will. Lessons are suspended as well. Hom can attend them but you can't."

"I fail to see what this has to do with what I've done."

"Don't worry, it'll only be for a short time. Unless you get up to any further mischief that is."


You yawn, startling yourself. You suppose that it's getting very late.

>Give Hom an impromptu lesson right now to rub Eva's face in it.

>Start brewing with Hom right in front of her.

>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.

>Go to sleep.

>Go to sleep but in Hiss' bedroom.


>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.
>>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.
>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.
>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.
You'll be punished if you lie to me again too
>>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.
>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.
Make sure they're both okay, give them heal-alls to be sure
We should also ask her if she's feeling alright, that crack might have been something important
>Ask her why she's so certain about Hom anyway.

"Why are you so sure that Hom is going to turn out badly anyway? Sure, he's mute and his real shape is a little bit freaky but there's nothing wrong with either of those things."

"He knows too much," Eva says. "He's spent too long in the bottle with nothing to think about, nothing to do except go mad. I wouldn't be surprised if he was totally insane."

"Does he look insane to you?"

"That's the thing, his muteness means we can't tell. But there's absolutely something wrong with him. You can't stay in the bottle too long."

"Why can't you? Why are you so sure about that?"

"It just makes sense. I talked about it with Blue back in Snakehome."

"Blue? What's she got to do with this."

"Nothing but we talked a lot. I told her about my worries with Hom and she agreed with me. Told me that nothing would come out right if it was trapped bodiless and aware for so long. The fact that he's mute just confirms it."
Eva stops, clearly thinking of something.
"Will you let Blue keep giving me her blood? I like it."

You shake your head.
"When I said no snake reagents, I meant no snake reagents. Besides, you've had access to the proper store of reagents for days, you shouldn't be taking more from her. Have you?"

She shrugs.
"I've still been draining blood from her once a day. It's nice."

"Well that stops now. No more snake blood for you, young lady. And you need to stop talking about this stuff to outsiders, they don't know about alchemy. Now good night."

>Go to bed.

>Find Hiss.


>Talk to Blue and tell her about the reagent ban and not to give Eva ideas.

>Talk to Orange. He can tell everyone else not to give blood.

>Talk to Blue and tell her about the reagent ban and not to give Eva ideas.
>Talk to Orange. He can tell everyone else not to give blood.
>Talk to Orange. He can tell everyone else not to give blood.
>Talk to Blue and tell her about the reagent ban and not to give Eva ideas.
>and tell her about the reagent ban and not to give Eva ideas.
>>Talk to Orange. He can tell everyone else not to give blood.
>>Talk to Orange. He can tell everyone else not to give blood.
>>Talk to Blue and tell her about the reagent ban and not to give Eva ideas.
We should also tell her whar we're doing with Elle
>>Go to bed.
cennen is going to collapse at this rate
Work with orange to find her some other duties to keep her busy
We have that dude's redbull potion, we could use it
>Blue and Orange

You're real damn tired and it's been a long day but it's not over yet. You need to go talk to Blue and Orange. ...And then regret your naming schemes. How many poor snakes have you saddled with awful names?

You leave the homunculi to their business and head back up into the mansion proper. You find Orange first, the long-haired man adjusting his corset in one of the drawing rooms. There's a black cat sitting here for some reason.

"Hey Orange, what's up?"

"Hi Cennen. What are you doing still awake?"

"Busy day. Hell, I could ask you the same question."

"Her Majesty has yet to return from her errands and she has demanded that I stay awake and wait for her to come back so that I may properly record it."
Orange yawns, clearly not up for it.
"I just hope she doesn't bring back too much paperwork."

"I hope too, for your sake. Do you have a moment?"

"I have nothing but moments."

You tell him about Eva's punishment and watch as Orange makes a few notes on his ever-present sheaths of paper.

"Okay. I'll spread the word tomorrow, make it official. Was there anything else you wanted?"

"Do you want a Restoration Brew?"

Orange shakes his head.
"No thanks, the last one you gave me didn't even work right. And if I drink one now I won't be able to get to sleep after the Queen comes back."

>Ask Orange if he can work with Eva to give her new duties.

>Tease Orange about his false memories regarding Hiss.

>Give Orange a potion anyway (Specify)

>Ask Orange for notes any one particular snake (Specify)


>"No thanks, good luck with staying up."

>>Give Orange a potion anyway (Restoration)
>>Ask Orange for notes any one particular snake (Blue
>Ask Orange if he can work with Eva to give her new duties.
Ask him to try our soul substitute brew
Ask about the cat
>Ask Orange if he can work with Eva to give her new duties.
We may have to shapeshift her first
Ask about blue
Give him the soul substitute brew
>>Ask Orange for notes any one particular snake (Specify)
Blue of course
>Tease Orange about his false memories regarding Hiss.
How long has it been since he drank the potion? Are the memories permanent? If they're not, do the thoughts he had about them banish as well?
Seconding. The body guard, perhaps? What's he doing there?

>Give Orange a potion anyway (Specify)
But tell him it's an ordinary human energy drink.
>Give Orange the Soul Substitute.
>Ask Orange about Blue.

"Here," you say as you search through your pack and drag up the bottle of Soul Substitute. "Can you try this for me?"

Orange pauses.
"It's not anything weird is it?"

"Of course not."
You already gave him the weird one.
"Why would I ever do anything weird to you?"

"You seemed to take a great deal of personal enjoyment in making me be a woman so who knows?"

"If you hated it so much why are you still looking like one?"

"I don't have to answer that."
Orange sips the bottle and nods.
"That tastes like a soul! It's nice."

"Thanks, you can have the rest if you want. How many souls have you even eaten anyway?"

"I didn't have any souls inside of me when we first me but I got two from the Pit when most snakes only got one. Also Hiss sometimes gives me humans who are good at paperwork so I can eat them and learn."
Orange blushes reflexively when he realizes that he said his Queen's name instead of referring to her by title. Looks like that memory must still be working at him. Strange, it should be gone by now. You guess he's been doing his best to avoid examining it.

"Well, I have places to be and people to see but can I ask you for something else before I go? Do you remember the census information on a snake named Blue?"

"Naturally. Blue...Blue...Blue, ah! Young snake, very weak. No Art beyond just the very basic package."

"Anything else about her?"

"No. They haven't done anything worth paying attention to. Half the time it feels like they're not even there."

"Yeah, can you tell me where she's living right now? Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow alright?"

Orange nods and you leave them behind as you continue to explore the mansion. Snakes have colonised nearly every room, many of them having retaken their original forms as they sleep in various warm spots. The sentry snakes standing guard hiss at you as you pass.

You find Blue curled up in a closet. Guess there wasn't much space left.
She's still in her human form and her hair has changed. It's now a glossy black with a long blue streak running down it. You can't help but smile. It looks like she took your words about the hair to heart.

>Wake her up.

>Leave her be, you can talk to her in the morning.


>Use Potion (Specify)

>Wake her up.
>>Wake her up.
>Wake her up.
>Soul Subtitute
>Wake her up.
Aww she just wants to stand out as a human since she's invisible as a snake and not in the cool snake art way
>Wake her up.
Be wary of bites
>Wake her up.

We don't nobble friends. Often.
> Wake her up

Also, since I'm going to work, let's try and talk to her about what Eva did with Hom.

> I promise I won't try to kill Hom.

Try being the key word here.
We must keep her away from Aash, lest she'll get another convert
>>Leave her be, you can talk to her in the morning.
>Wake her up.

You reach down and shake her shoulder. You've woken up snakes many times before so you're already withdrawing your hand when she tries to bite it. She stirs and looks up at you, small fangs slowly receding back into her mouth.

"Sorry to wake you, just wanted to talk."

"You aren't going to kidnap me, are you?"


"Your reputation precedes you," she yawns. "I've been talking to the other snakes and they have stories to tell."

"Hmph. As it happens so do I."

You tell her about Eva and she shakes her head.
"I'm sorry. It's true, I did tell her that I thought Hom sounded bad. I didn't know she'd take my words to heart."

"It's fine. But you're not an alchemist and you shouldn't talk to her about stuff you don't know anything about."

She looks down.
"I understand and I'm sorry. I just like talking to her."

"And you still can. Just stop giving her blood. Even if she asks for it. Okay?"


"Now, about Elle..."

"I don't need to hear it," Blue says. "She is lost. I don't hate you for what you did either."

"No, it's not that! I wanted to tell you that there's still some hope for her. She can be fixed. It's going to be a long process but it's there."

"Will she remember me?"

"I don't know. I just wanted to tell you that it's not all bad."

"Thanks Cennen. Was there anything else you wanted?"

>Was there? (Specify)

>No, you need to go back to your room and get some sleep.

>Go to Hiss' room and sleep there.

>Tell Blue that you can let her sleep in your room instead of a closet.

>There's nothing else but you're not going to sleep just yet.

>Pet Snake.
>Tell Blue that you can let her sleep in your room instead of a closet.
>Go to Hiss' room and sleep there.
>Go to Hiss' room and sleep there.

>Tell Blue that you can let her sleep in your room instead of a closet.
You'll keep being Evas friend right? All she ever thinks about is brews and I was hoping you could help with that.
Seconding >>46083404
>Go to Hiss' room and sleep there.
>Tell Blue that you can let her sleep in your room instead of a closet.
>introduce innocent pure snek to sordid snake-petting
>Not realizing Eva been petting her all this time.
>>Go to Hiss' room and sleep there.

>Tell Blue that you can let her sleep in your room instead of a closet.

but like actually sleep lets be clear about that part
>Eva has a much more hands-on approach to procuring reagents then we realized.
Not sure if this should be here, so I apologize in advanced. For any anons interested, who do you lads want to see get drawfagged next?


>Liss & Aina


Oh and, it won't be a matter of who gets drawn, it's a matter of who goes first since I'll be doing both. Ziggy and Aash are already done but not yet properly scanned. Or even taken a picture of, as per usual.
>>Liss & Aina

Cennan lol
>Blue or Eva
>Go to Hiss' room and sleep there.
>Tell Blue that you can let her sleep in your room instead of a closet.

"Hrm, just thinking. Is that closet really all that comfortable?"

"It's not very nice but I make do."

"That's not great. How about you come sleep in my room?"

Blue blinks.
"Are you propositioning me?"

"What? No!"

"It's just...when I say the other snakes have stories about you, well..."

"Don't listen to them. I won't be sleeping in my room anyway."

Blue nods and slowly stands up, letting you lead the way back to your room. You talk a little as you walk.
"You'll keep being Eva's friend right? All she ever thinks about is brewing and I was hoping you could help with that."

"Of course. I try to see her at least once a day."

"That's a little weirdly specific but alright. Thanks."

You show her your bed and help tuck her in after she professes a general ignorance of how human furniture works.

After that, it's time for you to hit the hay. You go back to the master bedroom and find that the bed is still broken and leaning a little askew as a result. You'll have to get that fixed later.

Once you lie down it only takes seconds for you to drift asleep.


You wake slowly as light streams in through the window. You're no longer alone. Looks like Hiss must have come in some time during the night and joined you. She's still sound asleep, a tiny fleck of venomous drool dangling from her lips.

>Wake her.

>Get up without waking her up. She was up very late last night.

>Nobble. You warned her.

>Go back to sleep.

>Wake her.
I wonder what she was doing last night
>Wake her.
>Go back to sleep.
>Wake her.
Hug snake
You might as well just ask them for a picture of a Vtriya outfit.
>Wake her.
Let's see if she wants to make a homunculus with us
>>Wake her.
she does clearly want to be up and about earlier these days

also I assume im not the only person getting a mildly suspicious vibe from blue?
>Nobble. You warned her.
Have a quickie
>>Nobble. You warned her.

We can use our last wish to let her go back to sleep. Heck, we can use our other two to make her all cuddly and cute.
I want to get stuff done today though. Where's oster? I wanna see if he can train Hom to fight with his human form. He seems to know the basic gist of using his freaky form to fight.
>Wake her.

For a long moment you consider just nobbling her right here and now. She did confess her secret desires about that after all and you DO need to get her back for what she did to you last time. But not right now. Maybe later.

You just settle for giving her a hug and waking her up gently. Hiss groans and writhes around a little before opening her eyes.
"Oh. Good morning Cennen. Good to see you can keep your hands to yourself."

She yawns and then sits up, dragging you with her without even thinking about it.
"Busy day today. Orange told me about the problem with your homunculi. Anything else interesting happen while I was gone?"

>"Not really." Let her get about her work.

>"Where were you last night?"

>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.

>"I had some fun teasing Orange." Tell her about your potions.

>Ask her about Yolan.

>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.
>"I had some fun teasing Orange." Tell her about your potions.
>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.
>"Where were you last night?"
>"Where were you last night?"
>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.
>"I had some fun teasing Orange." Tell her about your potions.
>>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.
>"Where were you last night?"
>Ask her about Yolan.
>>"I had some fun teasing Orange." Tell her about your potions.
>"Where were you last night?"
>"Where were you last night?"
>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.
>"I had some fun teasing Orange." Tell her about your potions.
>Ask her about Yolan.
>>"Where were you last night?"
>>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.

please tell me you didn't decide to kill yolan without telling me
File: 写真(1).jpg (472 KB, 1296x968) Image search: [Google]
472 KB, 1296x968
So I guess Eva's next. Not Eva II.

Funny thing was I actually tried to do Cennen, based on what my friend gave as reference before I got into the quest. We kind of scrapped it though, for a lack of concrete description. I'm pretty sure there was in the previous threads, but I'm no good with sleuthing the archives. It's entirely a mistake on my part.
Not bogan enough
I don't know why but seeing anime art Cennen triggers me a little bit
>"Where were you last night?"
>Tell her about Blue in case she sees her in your bed and jumps to the wrong conclusion.
>"I had some fun teasing Orange." Tell her about your potions.

"Maybe. But what about you? You came home very late last night."

Hiss chuckles, a sound that turns into a yawn halfway through.
"I was up late negotiation with our good friends and funders Jefford & Sons."

"Ah. 'Negotiating'."

Hiss pouts at you.
"No! I didn't do anything to their souls. All I had to do was give them a bunch of money and promise them even more. They have branches in Taldenral, you know. Did you know that the board members who disapproved of me last time were mysteriously gone by the time of our meeting last night? I didn't even have anything to do with that. The bank knows which way the wind is blowing."

"And what did you do with them?"

"Ohh, too much for your pretty little head I'm sure. Trade agreements, trade promises, all kinds of talk about the things I can give them if I become even more powerful. I mean, they were talking to someone who's likely to control ALL of Teln trade within the year. It was easy to wrap them around my little finger."

You think back to the first time you were here in Melire, of Hiss being faced by the Mayor's duplicitous trade agreements and being totally stumped.
"You've come so far."

"Apparently so. I've got a lot more work to do on the propaganda front as well."


"Well, keeping myself a secret didn't pan out. But now I have control of all the city's printing presses! Remember when they made a bunch of fliers with my face and a wanted notice on it? It's like that but in reverse. Got all kinds of pamphlets talking about how great I am and I already have members of my vanguard distributing them in other cities. Makes me wonder why the High King's never done anything like that. Secure in the idea of kingship, I suppose. Idiot."

She gets to her feet, brushing you off of her in the process.
doesn't look bad to me assuming you caught him somewhere between being nice and coiffed and mullet. I think the only things we know strongly about cennen is that he has an attractive jawline and large comical nose.
I kind of envision him as a young steve irwin

Appearance: A tall young man of otherwise wiry build with messy brown hair that is currently cut into a very acceptable and somewhat handsome style. Currently clean-shaven. Almost always contrives to look generally dirty or grungy in some way. His clothes lack the usual blue coloration that denotes practicing alchemists, preferring to dress in shades of green and muted brown. Was obviously born a peasant but has a pleasant enough cut to his jawline to be considered fairly attractive for his kind, even if he does have a bit of a big nose.
I never pictured it as comically large but whatevs
I want to read one of these pamphlets
I always forget he's like 6 foot 5 inches tall
Inappropriate, I agree. It's actually why I refrain from pushing anything any further. Also because I really don't want to not do justice to how people see our protagonist.
"All of this work with these printing presses have inspired me a little actually. They're such a new machine but they have so much potential. I wonder if you could put out a new pamphlet every day or so? Fill it up with, I dunno, news or stories so it'd be different and people would read them but actually it'd be all about telling people how great I am."

You shake your head.
"Seems like a strange idea, I doubt it'd catch on."

"You might be right. So, you didn't answer my question. Anything else interesting happen?"

"Well...actually. I guess I should tell you about her now so you don't take it the wrong way. There's a snake named Blue in my bed right now."

Hiss raises an eyebrow to dangerous levels so you continue without letting her speak.
"Hold on and let me finish. She's befriended Eva II so I've been giving her a little help. She's a nice girl."

"Never heard of her," Hiss sniffs. "I'll have to talk to her at some point."

"...Maybe later."
You can't imagine poor Blue surviving a confrontation with Hiss.
"Oh, there was something else. I've been having a bit of fun teasing Orange."
You tell her about the modified Thoughtbrew and Hiss laughs.

"So that's why he'd been getting so awkward! I love it. Give me a bottle."

>Make her an Improved Thoughtbrew.

>"For what purpose?"

>Give her one but not in the way she means. Let her drink it and have some fun.

>"Sorry Hiss but this one stays with me for now."

>"How was Orange last night anyway. He looked like a wreck."

>"How was Orange last night anyway. He looked like a wreck."

subject change ho!
>Make her an Improved Thoughtbrew.
>"For what purpose?"
>"For what purpose?"
>"How was Orange last night anyway. He looked like a wreck."
>Make her an Improved Thoughtbrew.
>"For what purpose?"
Can't you copy an art that does the same sort of thing anyway?
>"For what purpose?"
>"How was Orange last night anyway. He looked like a wreck."
We haven't perfected it yet, were open up for testing suggestions then.
>>Make her an Improved Thoughtbrew.
>"How was Orange last night anyway. He looked like a wreck."
its probably a bad idea given we still don't know the effects but i'm honestly curious to see what she'd do with it.
>"For what purpose?"
I'm wary that you just want to use it to mess with me
>Talk to her about what we plan to do with Elle (rebuild her soul and shape her as we see fit)
>>"For what purpose?"
>"I thought you could do that on your own"
Wait she can't use it on us. Spiritbane. Change this to
>Make her an Improved Thoughtbrew.
>>Make her an Improved Thoughtbrew.

Please try to not do anything that would horrify me with this. I mean, it's better than killing people but it's not really permanent yet.
>"For what purpose?"
>Ask about Orange.

"Why do you want one? Can't you basically do something like that with one of the Arts you copy all of the time?"

"It's different Cennen. For starters, I don't always have my copied Arts on me. For example, right now I've got nothing. Having something I can use when I don't have anything copied would be a lot of fun."

"Right. But why?"

She rolls her eyes as if the answer was obvious.
"Because I want to mess with people? Why else? That's all you've been using it for."

"Fair point. I'll think about it."

Hiss stomps her foot and accidentally cracks the floor.
"Whoops. Well, we'll see about that. Do you really think you can deny me anything? I can have you wrapped around my little finger in an instant."

Time to change the subject!
"So uh, how was Orange last night anyway? He looked like a wreck."

"He's probably fine. Why don't you ask him yourself?"
She undoes the top few buttons of her tunic, giving you a much nicer view than she usually shows off.

"Hiss, I don't see how this follows.."

She reaches down her shirt before slowly pulling out a small orange and black striped snake that seems to have been absorbing her warmth.
No wonder poor Orange has been so flustered around her.

"Do...do you do that a lot?"

"What? He's my personal assistant, you never know when I might need him on hand. Plus I know it affects him so it's more fun to do it to him than the rest of my court. Do you have a problem with it?"

>"Yes actually."

>"No but isn't it a little mean to Orange?"

>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."

>>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."

as far as stuff hiss does this is like the tiniest infraction
>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."
It's pretty strange though. Might cause problems in the future.
>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."
>He used to have female form.
>"Yes actually."
I like to think of that area as a privilege only I am granted

>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."
>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."

No need to be insecure about Orange, out of all people.
...why would you put him there while you sleep?
Seems a bit beneath the dignity of a queen
>>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."

It's not really a good idea to mess about too much with people who love you. It's crass.
> Well, I guess you can't complain about Blue staying with me then.
>"No but isn't it a little mean to Orange?"
>"Actually, I can say from experience that having one of you guys at hand at all times is pretty useful"
> Can I make Zigzag my personal assistant? I think I'm really making progress into civilizing her, and she could be a model for how well your plans are going. I mean, she's the most snakey snake I've ever met.
I don't think she cares at all what we do with ziggy
>"No but it'd be really awkward if I nobbled you while you were sleeping like I wanted to."

"I don't have a problem with it I guess but it'd be really awkward if I had nobbled you while you were asleep like I wanted to."

Hiss laughs as she buttons herself back up again.
"Oh did you now? Am I really safe around you? I mean, you didn't so I guess you can still be relied on to be cowardly in these things but still..."

"You know what I mean. And why would you put him there while you sleep?"

"I didn't mean to actually," Hiss remarks as she flicks the dopey snake around her arm. "I slung him back in there last night as I looked over my agreements with the banks in case I needed any extra assistance and then I just ...forgot about him. Honestly he's sort of lucky I didn't crush him by accident."

"Seems a bit beneath the dignity of a queen."

Hiss snorts.
"Oh please. You can't get me with that anymore Cennen, I AM a queen. So you know who gets to define just what is and isn't appropriate for a queen to do? Me!"

"I suppose so. And I guess I can say from experience that having one of you guys at hand at all times is pretty useful."

Hiss narrows her eyes.
"This is much different from when I used to be stuffed in your pack every other day."

"If you say so."

"Well if you don't mind, Orange and I have work to do."

>Time to go brew.

>See how the homunculi are doing.

>Nobble Hiss.

>See if Blue is still in your room.

>Check on one of your other friends (Specify)

>See how the homunculoto are doing.
>See if Blue is still in your room.
Blue can sit with Eva II
>See how the homunculi are doing.
>>See how the homunculi are doing.
>See if Blue is still in your room.
>See if Blue is still in your room.
>See how the homunculi are doing.
Blue with Eva II.
>Time to go brew.
Brewing with Hom.
Hasn't she basically said we can fuck her if we want to?
>>Check on one of your other friends (Specify)
been a while since we talked with aash
>Check on one of your other friends (Specify)
Aash and Zigzag
I think this is the longest we've gone without being attacked by some enemy with immense magical power, I'm getting nervous
Something like that. Of course you know she was just saying that, she'd be super pissed if it actually happened.
Is Oster even still around? Let's find him.
>>Check on one of your other friends (Specify)

I want my ziggy daughterfu before she gets corrupted by Aash's retarded religion.
>Check on one of your other friends (Specify)
Calling it for checking out Blue, the homunculi and Aashenpreet and Zigzag.

pls no bully
This is the comfy brewing, homunculi parenting, and snek side characters arc
This thread started with our daughter trying to bury our son after attempting to beat him to death with a shovel.
I for one found that comical.
You've got a point but overall I'd still say it's relatively relaxed. Like there's no real pressing life or death matters to deal with, just whatever we want to do.
its definitely one of the least traumatic arcs, for the characters anyway. Certainly compared to the high water mark of the last one its nice.

I'm pretty sure ouro has the other shoe on a hair trigger though, particularly if that vaguely prophetic dream was in fact a premonition.
>See how the homunculi are doing
>See if Blue is still in your room.
>Check up on Zigzag and Aashenpreet.

"I'll see you later Hiss, I've got a bunch of stuff to do too."

"I'm sure you do," she says in a tone that suggests that you can't possibly have anything as important as the burden that she shoulders every day.

First of all, you walk over to your room to check in on Blue if she's still there. She's still there, having fallen asleep trying to coil around your pillow. You think about waking her up but in the end decide not to disturb her sleep. You already did that last night after all, let her get some rest.

Your next stop is back down to the basement to find your rebellious creations. Eva and Hom are still there, Eva contriving to look extremely awkward despite having not changed in any way.
"You guys up for some brewing? Oh sorry, not you Eva. Just Hom."

"Can I stay and watch?"

You shake your head.
"Blue is sleeping in my room. Go and do stuff with her or whatever if you want something to do but for now, this is reserved for me and Hom."

Eva looks less than happy but acquiesces and stomps off upstairs. You then spend an hour with Hom going over the brews you've already taught him since he seemed to have a lesser understanding of them compared to Eva.
Hom can't speak but you get the feeling that he is happy.

You end the session when you start to get hungry and you head back into the mansion, eager for some real food for once. It's there in the kitchen that you find Zigzag and Aashenpreet. Zigzag in particular, the short woman surrounded by a group of terrified human staff as she seems to be absorbing an entire roast chicken whole.
Aashenpreet waves to you and calls you over. Zigzag has her mouth full.
"Hi Cennen! How are you?"

"Fine, doing fine. How about you? I know I sort of turfed Zigzag babysitting duties on you so I hope that hasn't been too tough."

"No! Not at all!"
Aashenpreet looks genuinely happy about it, she's not lying.
"Ziggy and I have been having a wonderful time."

Zigzag tries to say something but only succeeds in spraying chicken everywhere.

"Really? She hasn't been too much trouble?"

"She's been anything but. I've had a lot to teach her."

>Ask her if she wants to make the homunculus today.

>"Teach her what exactly?"

>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"


>Nobble the chicken away from Zigzag.

>Tell Aash about the strife between your homunculi.

>>Tell Aash about the strife between your homunculi.
really im somewhat worried about leaving eva with blue
>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"
>"Teach her what exactly?"

>Tell Aash about the strife between your homunculi.
>Ask her if she wants to make the homunculus today.
>"Teach her what exactly?"
>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"
>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"
>Ask her if she wants to make the homunculus today.
Zigzag a best, don't corrupt her with your dumb religion
>"Teach her what exactly?"
>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"
>Ask her if she wants to make the homunculus today.
>"Teach her what exactly?"
>>"Teach her what exactly?"
>>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"
>Tell Aash about the strife between your homunculi.
Kids i tells ya

>>Ask her if she wants to make the homunculus today.
>Ask her if she wants to make the homunculus today.
>"Nice to see you two are finally getting along. What happened?"
>"Teach her what exactly?"

The way Aashenpreet says that makes you worry for some reason.
"Nice to see you two are finally getting alone. But teach what exactly?"

Aashenpreet beams, her face radiant.
"I've been educating her on the relationship between humans and snakes and the ways of Aashimid and my people. And she's actually been listening!"

Wait what. That doesn't sound like Zigzag. But Zigzag isn't denying it. She's nodding.

"Needless to say," Aashenpreet continues, "this is an incredible turn of events. Nobody ever listens to my advice but now I've finally gotten a proper convert!"

A convert?

Zigzag finishes most of her meal and speaks up.
"Aash has been telling me about all kinds of stuff! It's cool. Did you know it's actually okay for me to eat humans?"

You stare at Aashenpreet who just shrugs.
"If you're going to get angry about that Cennen then maybe you should have done so before your lover ate hundreds of people?"

"Having the souls in me is so weird," Zigzag exuberantly continues. "They kind of wriggle and you can open them up and READ them and I think I understand a lot more about humans now."

You're not sure what to say about this.

>"Aashenpreet, can I speak to you in private?"

>"Zigzag, can I speak to you in private?"

>Forbid Aashenpreet from seeing her.

>Change the subject. "Isn't it time for your bath?"

>"What the fuck, Aash?"

>You guess there's not really anything wrong with this.

>Nobble Aashenpreet.

>"Give me some time to think about this."

>Use Potion (Specify)

>"Aashenpreet, can I speak to you in private?"
Do you know how much time and effort I've spent trying to keep her from eating souls?
>"Give me some time to think about this."

>Change the subject. "Isn't it time for your bath?"
As a pretense for
>"Zigzag, can I speak to you in private?"
>>"Give me some time to think about this."
it's a complex issue to be sure
also given that guy she ate seemed like a competent fighter zigzag might now be pretty formidable.
>Change the subject. "Isn't it time for your bath?"
>>Nobble Aashenpreet.
Only Hiss can pull the physical skills from souls she's eaten, it's one of her special Arts.
>"Zigzag, can I speak to you in private?"
What exactly did she tell you?
>>Nobble Aashenpreet
> give both of them a soulsight and take them to see hiss
This is long overdue for aash
I feel like this would break Aash
>"Aashenpreet, can I speak to you in private?"
You literally undid the lesson I tried to teach her. She has little enough self-control as it is.
>"What the fuck, Aash?"

>Funny story, Aash, Do you want me to tell you the truth about Wizards, Snakes, Alchemists, Spiders, Homonculi and the Creator?
> Nobble Aash

> Wish for her to be human

> Wish for her to see souls.

> Wish for her to forget what exactly she saw but not how she felt about it. Alternatively, get her to write down how she felt about it and then ask if she would like us to let her forget the details.
I like this idea, let's go with
>>Nobble Aashenpreet
> give both of them a soulsight and take them to see hiss

If she's as big on empathy as she says, it would be a disservice to let her unknowingly condemn souls to eternal torment.
Why is the nobbling necessary?
i agree we could just show her. she doesn't have to look at hiss either, zig would do.

really we should have a conversation with a soul in hiss sometime and see about their situation.

Maybe we can solve it with alchemy?
>>Nobble Aashenpreet.

> Time to talk to my other children I guess.

> Start holding an "Ethics for Monsters" course for Snakes, Homunculi, and terrible people. Get Oster to alternate teaching with you so that you can be a student for some classes.

> Hiss is the wacky irresponsible Principle who is very unprincipled and supports it in a "do what I say, not what I do" sort of way.

> Aash is class rep.

> Ziggy is the tomboy/yankee.

> Blue is her Garyu friend and Elle is the nice one that's kind of in the background.

> Eva is the mean girl who is friends with Blue but not Zigzag because Ziggy (correctly) feels she was just using her when they were in Junior high. Aash doesn't really like her but feels that she should try to be friends because she's superior, but REALLY doesn't like her.

> Snek Harem for Cennan.

> Orange is the student council member who occasionally alternates with Hiss as the antagonist.


Well, this way she has to confront that what she thinks is completely wrong, but doesn't have to carry the exact knowledge of how terrible it is. Just that she shouldn't eat peoples souls.
>Why is the nobbling necessary?
How low these threads have fallen
Anon, you're scaring me. Let's all just calm down before things get even weirder
She could just say that the souls are suffering because the way how Hiss attained them were unjust, not the right way, and etc.
> Get human

> Force them to drink soul-sight brew

> Force Aash to eat his memories and experience how he felt about it.

Okay, there we go. Alternatively,

> Turn Aash into a human


> Threaten to turn into a snake and eat her if she continues to pull shit like this.
>Nobble Aashenpreet

Well, you can't do that in the middle of the kitchen. "Hey Aash, can we talk in private?"


Aashenpreet follows you into the empty corridor outside and folds her arms.
"You don't look too happy about this."

"Aash, what the fuck? Do you know how much time and effort I've spent on trying to teach Zigzag not to eat people? Now you've gone and undone all of that. I can't believe it."

Aashenpreet takes a deep breath as if preparing herself.
"You cannot make me feel bad for speaking the truth, Cennen."

"The truth? Is that what you think this is?"

"Cennen, I understand where you're coming from and I sympathize but why is this the line you've drawn? Hiss has eaten hundreds of souls but that doesn't tear you from her side. Snakehome in general has exterminated entire villages of humans. Why get so upset about this?"

"Because she was...innocent, damn it."

"Oh come on! She was literally eating babies before she met either of us!"

But she could have been taught otherwise. You had been making a difference, you had felt it. And now Aashenpreet had gone and rendered it all for nothing.
Well, you're not going to just sit back and take it any longer. But Aashenpreet is no joke, attempting to just grab her is going to end badly. So how best to go about this?

Nobble options:

>Drink a Potence and wrestle it out.

>Knockout Brew

>Use Shapeshifting Brew on either yourself or her.

>Snake Dispel


>Eugene's reject potions.

>Tell her to look behind her and then stuff a bag over her head.

>Try to lure her into a trap of some kind.

>Enlist someone else's help (Specify)

Then just have her look at ziggy's souls
That's why we have her look at the soul inside her. Think a mirror would work?
must we nobble?
I guess there's no choice in the matter

>Drink a Potence and wrestle it out.
the funnest option
>Turn her into an ordinary human
Let's see how this goes.
Well, Snake Dispel and Shape-shifting on her are right out since her natural form is huge and IDK if nobbling counts on shape-shifted snakes.

I guess knockout brew is the best, or thought-brew.

We could tell her we have a soul-replacement brew for her to try and give her a thoughtbrew instead.
>Drink a Potence and wrestle it out.
She only ate them before because they tasted good, not out of malice. I finally taught her what eating humans really was and I could tell she understood it but you fucked it all up
>Tell her to look behind her and then stuff a bag over her head
This is going to be extraordinarily dangerous
addendum to this, what counts as nobbling from this perspective?
does it count if we a get a pin?
Forgot to add.
>Drink a Potence and wrestle it out.

If possible or necessary, give her the whole Ziggy PTSD package.
We can't wishbond her if she's a human, only if she's a snake.
We could also remind them that Hiss could eat both of them, and ask them if we should arrange for her to do so if it's so great
>Drink a Potence and wrestle it out.
Drink a champion elixir too for defense, she could totally fuck us up
Use no lethal knockout poison directly from our brand into her mouth
inb4 we destroy half the mansion while wrestling
Remember that Aash has been indoctrinated basically from birth to preach this shit. She thinks that being eaten is literally paradise for humans, and hasnt hung around any humans to think otherwise. She's full of shit, but has no reason to think otherwise
If we're doing the objectively bad wrestling plan we should at least do the champion elixir
Snake dispel takes away her growth art and makes her tiny. Wrestling is more fun anyway though.
Wouldn't hurt, since she nailed us to the roof the last time
I really hope we remove all our brews from our person before we do this
>Drink a Potence and wrestle it out.

There are probably more subtle ways of doing this but fuck it. At least this'll let you work off some steam. You set your pack down where it won't get hurt in the process as you pull two potions from it. A Potence to help you fight her and a Champion's Elixir to protect you from her. And now you just need to hope that you can win this one.

"Cennen? What do you think you're doiauugh!"

You spear tackle Aashenpreet to the ground but she's already rolling as she lands, trying to push you over and pin you beneath her. You push back at her and she catches your hands and for a single frozen moment the two of you are trapped in a struggle of equal strength. Her fingers grind up against yours and you feel like you might be crushed.

But while the two of you might have equal strength, one of you is MUCH heavier than the other. And so Aashenpreet slowly bears down on you, crushing you beneath her impossibly heavy bulk.

"It's about time you learned Cennen. A human like you can't just push us around when you feel like it."
She might have said more but you finally got into a position where you could curl your feet up between the two of you and kick her off of you. And with a great tearing cacophony and a shower of splinters, through the corridor wall as well.

You rise to your feet and look through the hole. It opens into someone's study, mercifully unoccupied. But where's Aashenpreet?
It is then that you spot the great pale snake in her natural form coiling behind the desk. But if she's in her natural form doesn't that mean she's going to-

Aashenpreet's snakeskin splits open to reveal her back in her Quedeshi human form. And over twice your size. She charges straight through the wall, demolishing half the corridor in the process and you try to scrabble backwards before a mammoth hand slaps you down hard enough that your feet sink through the wooden floor and leave you trapped.

Mistakes were made
You're pulling yourself out when you feel a shadow pass over you. Aashenpreet towers over you with her face screwed up in both physical and emotional pain.
She reaches out to grab you and you try to intercept her hands but her extra size affords her all the more weight and while you're repelling one hand the other just arcs over your reach and plucks you out of the floor.

Just in time to smash you into the ceiling. You kick her hard enough to make her let go with a bellow of pain but it's too late. You hit the ceiling and keep going, flying through the floor above and not stopping until you hit the ceiling of that one and flop to the ground.

Aashenpreet does her best to follow you up, widening the hole you made in the second storey floor and climbing up.
"There's no need to fight," she starts.

>Kick her in the face as she's coming up.

>Let her come up and see if her weight will help you collapse the floor underneath her and send her back down.

>See if you can get her through a window.

>Nail her with a potion.

>Flee to better position.

Oh were not going to roll, would of picked something else then.
>Nail her with a potion.
Knockout Brew time while we have the advantage of height and she's not in a position to evade..
>>Nail her with a potion.

Snake Dispel for fucks sake. I can't believe you guys wanted to wrestle with the Hulk snake.
>Nail her with a potion.
Knockout brew, we only have our bandolier right now right?
>>Nail her with a potion.
Ko or SD
>>Let her come up and see if her weight will help you collapse the floor underneath her and send her back down.

hiss is not going to be happy about us fucking up the house, but seriously this is exactly what i wanted
>Let her come up and see if her weight will help you collapse the floor underneath her and send her back down.

When she's down, pin her. WWE style.
>Nail her with a potion.
This was pretty dumb guys
>Nail her with a potion.

Knockout AND Snake Dispel. We have two hands.
We're gonna be in so much pain after this champion elixir wears off
We left our bag on the ground, we probably only have the bandoleer
Because the players picked the STUPID option because "hurr, wrestle snake QT".
This is a butthurt free zone anon.
proto cennen would be ashamed of your reluctance to get into the snake pit
>"It's about time you learned Cennen. A human like you can't just push us around when you feel like it."
I take this as a challenge
>Nail her with a potion.

Miraculously the potions in your bandoleer remain unharmed. Lucky! You get to your feet and open up your bottle of Knockout. You remember in time to adjust your aim to your new strength and toss it directly into Aashenpreet's face as she climbs up.

Roll a 1d100. Accepting the first 3.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

Rolled 12 (1d100)


Rolled 85 (1d100)

Odd time for a roll but okay. Rolling to catch her by surprise maybe?
Jump down and latch on to her while she's busy climbing
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolling just to top this.
>Aashenpreet towers over you with her face screwed up in both physical and emotional pain.
Damn I was hoping this would be more lighthearted. I feel super bad now, Aash is too nice, she's just misguided too

Aashenpreet has seen your Knockout clouds before and might know how to deal with them, taking her by surprise is all-important to resolving this issue now before it gets out of hand.
Fortunately she's so unaware that you actually land the entire bottle into her oversized mouth.

Aashenpreet swallows reflexively and only then do her eyes widen with fright.
"What did you just do?"

And then she starts burping and looking queasy, small puffs of white fog escaping her mouth with each one. And then as the only possible result for someone who had a full power Knockout Brew explode inside of her digestive system, her eyes glass over and she collapses.

She's well and truly unconscious now, her limp body hanging with her torso wedged in the second floor while her legs dangle down in the first.

You grab her by the arm and start to pull and don't stop until her entire body is filling the room you're currently stuck in. You also retrieve your pack while you're at it.

Are there any additional potions you want to apply to her while she's out?

>Yes (Specify)

And what will you do with Aashenpreet? It's not like you can move her particularly easily through the house.

>Just let her stay in this room.

>Do your best to drag her somewhere else.

>Wake her up immediately.

>heal all for the glass in her system
>Wake her up immediately.
Snake dispel, put her in our pack, take her somewhere private
>wake her up

Damn shame it's over so soon, I wanted to keep duking it with her a little longer
>Heal all
>Wish for her to be cooperative
>Wake her up immediately.
>Wake her up immediately.
Are we not nobbling her anymore?
I hope we just did by putting her in a room. All we need to do is step out and close the door and walk back in.
This plus a heal-all, if she's not already nobbled
Before anything nobble first
She's not really trapped in the room because theres a massive whole though
File: Screams externally.png (208 KB, 920x402) Image search: [Google]
Screams externally.png
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Shapeshift her into a human form
>>Yes (Specify)
>Wake her up immediately.
This, better safe than sorry
> Don't wake her up

> Snake Dispel

> Confirm nobbling.

Jesus guys, could you stop making stupid fucking choices because of your dicks.
There was nothing dick-related about this, it was just dumb
arguably we don't really need to since she we can just give her a soulsight
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