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What kind of lewd things do you want in your games? You know
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What kind of lewd things do you want in your games?

You know there's something. Come on, just tell us.
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Ok guys, I don't want to get banned here cause this is pretty damn illegal but.
I want my paladin to curse when he gets mad.
Pelor forgive me.
Paladins can curse.

They just can't hold hands.
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Consensual lovemaking between a man and woman married to one another in the missionary position.
My players haven't noticed, but I make them go through a lot of shirtless scenes. I hope they never realize
But Anon who are you married to?

A cute monstergirl?
Said situation would be between two humans, I meant.
I'm not even close to married.
I would not mind a Tomato in my games.
Do not lewd with a tomato.
I just want submissive, feminine healers and possibly the player too.

But I'm a DM, so yeah.
>Pretty sure DM has an pregnancy fetish
>Find out the hard way in-game

Weirdly enough the other player was ok with it, so we indulged the DM. For me it was just unpleasant to have to sit through.
He's lucky he has one of those fetishes that can actually happen realistically in some situations.

Some of us are not so lucky.
She actually, but yeah could be worse.

That...makes more sense I guess.

It would be kind of weird to play with a female DM who insisted on indulging like, her bukakke fetish.

Actually, it might pretty gud.
A motherly female warrior followed by a young male squire.
You're just tempting the DM to have the warrior be captured by a tribe of Orcs.
You're just tempting the DM to have the squire be captured by a tribe of Orcs.
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>discussing marriage
>using your throat to vibrate air molecules which creates a wave that travels through the atmosphere and moves the sensitive receptors within the girl's ear
Fucking deviants
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Anon I hope you find your submissive QT healer like I found my bullying dom fighter
First I have to be a player.

Unless, you know, somehow they wanted to play the role with an NPC while I was the DM. I'm ok with that.
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Nothing, I only game with my rl friends, so any sort of lewdness would just be really creepy.
I remember holding hands for the first time. Honestly it's pretty nuts when you're a kid.
>Not playing with qts

Why even?
Me personally? I want to play a character that can own a semi-willing slave. He's still property and subject to my character's commands, but its not 'omg so awful rape' if my character decides to order the slave to take the cock.

Especially if it was a cute kobold or goblin slaveboi. That would be my fetish.
Crossdressing. Lots of crossdressing.
>hasn't had a adventure where everyone dresses in drag
That's second level shit, anon

Can be pretty fun.

I played a guy before who used to be a slave himself, but ended up going free. However, due to the society he was it, it was normal to him and he went into the slave trade himself once he had his freedom.

As a wizard, he was going to be enslaving extraplanar beings regardless, so I thought I may as well drop the pretense and get some level 1 peons to carry my loot.
I would really just want to have a game at all
Your fetish is unrealistic and unlikely.
I'll play with you, you free on Tuesdays?
My Golem character, ever curious about the world around him, went to a brothel because when he asked his friend what is was, the mage said 'uh, don't worry about it.'
So later he went there, and the Hostess was like 'what can we do for you? What do you like?"
Now my Golem was a very simple man, he liked two things at that point
and Forging
so he said 'forging'
So the Hostess is like 'yeah okay go to the back room'
He goes there, and can't really sit down, being, ya know, seven foot tall, 500 pounds, made of stone and steel
so this big, burly woman walks in wearing nothing but a smiths apron and shes like 'take off that armor' and my Golem, ever innocent, says 'but its not armor!'
at first she was like 'okay please leave this is weird' but my Golem HAD to learn about the sex! So he paid her a little extra and she taught him everything she could do with his hands.
Afterwards, deciding he need to experiment some more, he hired two more girls for the night, a human, and an elf

Now being the pervert I am, I asked the DM, 'how did he do?'
And the DM, being a cheeky cunt, rolled 1d10

My Golem did 10/10 rocked their world

Best game ever.
But how did they do?
I asked the DM what kind of girls they were
The human was your run of the mill Brothel Girl.
The elf was apperently a slave.
Elves and Dwarves were treated as second class citizens in the city we were in. The whole place was basically Lawful Evil - The City, because of some shit the players did before I joined the game.
>Corruption fetish
>Corruption fetish everywhere

They have yet to catch on it they don't care.
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>so this big, burly woman walks in wearing nothing but a smiths apron


Your DM is a pretty good DM, thinking of that on the fly.
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Cute cobold? I'm down for that.

Traps make everything better...

>>45042627 >>45042699
You read my mind.
He was a great DM but by the fucking Emperor did he drag his feet when it came to plot progression.
Good guy though, I still talk to him when I need advice on fantasy related shit
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I want to play a cute, pretty healer who tenderly takes care of his party in every way he can. Feminine boy or young woman, it matters not. Also because of alter-self.
I want to play an Orc who has a loving wife that he comes home to and kisses and they have a nice meal before he goes back off to fight with his friends. Am I a monster?
I know.

And that right there is the crux of the problem: every workday evening I'm wiped due to fucked up sleep schedule that I never manage to fix.
As well as living in eastern europe so there be extra timezone troubles.

So subby healer/squire crossdressing kobold?
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I'm sorry, anon. You just gotta use your time well, it's tough but it's worth it
I have that problem friend. I've fucked up my sleep schedule, and there never seems to be enough time to properly unfuck it between classes and other things.

Yes. Because you're an orc.

The wife bit sounds nice, though.
But the juxtaposition is what makes it so romantic!

>Asked if he was a monster
>Orc = Monster

Seems pretty cut and dry to me.
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I want to play a small cute healer or mage that [Spoiler] has a relationship [/Spoiler] with an older dominant woman maybe find someone soft to cuddle in real life too, I already have the small and cute down .
Just so I understand it, you want a submissive guy who thinks he's a girl, and not a submissive girl, right?
Being effeminate does not mean being full-on transgender or at least initially.
I'm confused why the most common fetish I read on here is "strong woman and I'm a weak, small, feminine/androgynous man".
Are you all skinny manlets?

I think the lolicons and bara enthusiasts are asleep at this hour.
Anon I'm gonna come cuddle the shit out of you.
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Mommy issues.

But seriously I've seen all stripes around here, it varies by thread topic and time, then there is confirmation bias and more annoying topics grabbing your attention more securely.
I dunno, both seem fine I guess. I don't discriminate as long as it's cute.
If you can't be weird with your friends who can you be weird with?
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Men are too stiff and hard. Women are soft and comfy and made for snuggling into. I wanna be wrapped in a comfy blanket of snuggling at the end of the day and women are good for that.

I'm in canada though anon. It's snowy and cold and nobody want's to come here.
>It's snowy and cold and nobody want's to come here.
Bitch we just got like, 27 inches. Don't talk to me about snow.

I've got like, three blankets on my bed right now.
With other friends.

Friends don't have to be 100% on board and present for everything you ever do.

I.e. you made friends in highschool on the basis of playing vidya with some and mtg with others. But the vidya guys don't have to like mtg and vice versa and you still can be friends right? And only a fraction of each group will also like wargames.

Now, when the weird sexual stuff comes up? The reactions to this are generally much heavier charged. It takes a very, veeery strong friendship to endure getting a face full of slaaneshit.
So unless you risk trying that fiery test, you need to be careful.
Perhaps to the point of making new, internet friends whom you are friends with based on those fetishes.
But why must you be a child in this setting?
It's fucking creepy is what it is. >>45044738
No, in general. It's always something fucked up like being carried in her armor, or being raped by amazons.
I can understand liking dominant, strong women, but why must you be a girl with a dick?
I'd like a bit of sweet role reversal where a qt trap optional, soft spoken man is in a loving relationship with his gentle-giant muscle waifu girlfriend complete with her carrying him off to bed after he has a little too much to drink, patting him on the head when he is cute, and sweet but rough femdom sex.
Shota in general has gotten a lot more popular recently. Maybe after all these years, 4chan has decided it doesn't want to be the little girl anymore.

And honestly, I'm skinny, average height. I'm not androgynous by any means, and I'm not submissive, but I'm not very manly. I'm not confident in myself, I probably won't go out of my way to try and pick up women. The idea of someone actively taking an interest in me is alluring. And I hate what's most common in myself - insecurity and nervousness - so I really like strength of personality and will. Especially in the case of tomboys. They're cute as fuck.
Femdom and RR is a growing trend especially
with the advent of the strong female protagonist. Is it so wrong that sometimes guys wanna be the princess in the castle that gets rescued?

Also I think vore-fags are much more intrusive, they take over threads and crash them with no survivors. Lolicons are mostly contained to the MGCYOA thread too so there aren't as many of them around either.

I don't personally want to be a female child with a dick if that's what you're implying? I'm really good with just being me and having someone of the comfy female type be the big spoon.
Some of the trap/trans/crossdresser/SS/tg anons on /d/ could help answer your questions?

I have a heated blanket. Best investment in my life.
Sounds like you've just got some shit friends to play games with. You're all grown ass adults playing pretend, everyone there is a fucking weirdo, and while you definitely shouldn't just be spouting your fetishes out or forcing then in games i don't think sexuality should be totally off the table under every circumstance.
I'm not skinny or a manlet at all, and is still love a strong waifu to tuck me in at night and pat my head when i do good
I like gentle femdom, but why would I have to sacrifice masculinity for it?
Beautiful women and monsters. Consensual.

There's just something so appealing about a smoking hot chick getting banged by all sorts of creatures ranging from ogres to dragons to plain old tentacles and loving every minute of it. Bonus points for sweet cuddling afterward.
See, it just reads to me like "I want a person to fix my life for me. I want her to be sexy, and to be attracted to my weakness".
Maybe it's because I looked at the Anon-map on /d/'s role reversal thread. God, that was sad. They were all skinny manlets with no hobbies beyond, and this was actually what they wrote, "Chinese cartoons and vidya".
They didn't even write which!
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A-anon I'm not attacking your choice to be manly. Don't get the wrong idea, you can have your stuff and I can have my stuff and we can get along. I was just trying to explain.
A qt submissive who is obedient and desperate for attention both during the game and under the table.

No, but on the real real. I posted about this fetish in a thread a while ago and like 5 people responded saying they wanted to be the submissive in a game and that they should put together a group.

Can you seriously imagine a group of 4 to 5 desperate, horny subs all fighting for the attention of a dominant DM? That sounds awful.
And THIS is why I hate /ss/ fags and anything involving femdom.

You can't just stay in your own communities or mention your fetish once, you have to hijack an entire thread. You're selfish.
I second this
I'm writing that harem anime and pitching it.
>Is it so wrong that sometimes guys wanna be the princess in the castle that gets rescued?
Not at all. I'm a fan of the concept.
Not when its "beta boy attracts a strong, independent woman who falls for his pathetic weakness" or "acts and thinks like a girl, but has a dick, attracts strong woman"
>and while you definitely shouldn't just be spouting your fetishes out or forcing then in games
But that's exactly what I was saying.

You shouldn't just outright proclaim that you dream of being a fuckboi healer without much careful prodding to find out their opinions.
Unless you have made friends through the fetishes in the first place.
That's not how you spell amazing
>Can you seriously imagine a group of 4 to 5 desperate, horny subs all fighting for the attention of a dominant DM? That sounds awful.

Are you sure? It kind of sounds perfect if you have a harem fetish, or are just a narcissistic type of Dom. like me
I just imagine they'd all beat eachother up over who gets to suck the DM's dick this session.

Which is cool, I guess, but not really the point.
>Didn't even write which
Why bother posting on there if you aren't going to differentiate yourself from the other chinese cartoon watchers. Also yeah the map is kinda cringey, people there seem really desperate like they're begging for girls.
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0/8 m8
You'd think, but I imagine it would be less like a harem and more like a bunch of catty faggots all trying to act the most needy for attention and just fighting eachother and it would just destroy the mood.

Nah, man, I'll just take one. One qt femboy or female (but obviously that wouldn't happen) that I could bully during the game and outside of it.
Monstergirls are s shit meme.
Healsluts are an even shittier one
Since they won't be cute girls, yes, that sounds awful.
What the tuck is up with these gayboys wanting to be treated like whores?
Then clearly you are not the person I was talking about. You do not fall under the "feminine boy meets Amazon"
I've been there, the struggle to satisfy all of them is pretty draining.
>cute kobold
Oxymoron detected
What about monstergirl healsluts?

Especially if they're beegirls.
I'm with you there. My work schedule keeps me from having time off to go to the gaming stores, and the only online game i have is about to end at the end if the month.
It was so fucking disgusting to read.
The threads were barely better, and even a thread with "gentle" in the title was too disgusting for me.
>Thread about /tg/ related lewd stuff
>Talking about /tg/ related lewd stuff
>Questions about said lewdstuff

Besides better to keep them contained in one thread like this then having them all over in other threads. It's why /WST/ was a good idea and why /MGCYOA/ is a good idea, they group people with similar interests.

Meme is a buzzword with no meaning, you wanna shit talk something actually give reasons anon.
Well...I do want someone to fix my life, yes.

Well, yes and no.

I really do wish I could get a person or a genie or a magical fairy that could fix my life. And I would want a sexy partner.

But I want them to be attracted to me IN SPITE of my weakness. To look at all of me, good and bad, and just tell me that I'm okay, it's not impossible for someone to love me, and the good parts redeem the bad. So what if I can only tack on 'tabletop games and reading' to those hobbies /d/ posted? I'm still a legitimate person and want to be recognized as such.

I'm not manly, don't worry. Trappy stuff just seems more on the far end of a lack of masculinity. And a really manly guy getting gentle femdom'd could be cute.
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Damn, I fucked up that post. Ah well.
Escapism seeking faggots conjuring a world where women do all the heavy lifting and being a whiny, worthless faggot is a desirable trait.
Is it really so much to ask for a party healslut who only requires daily and liberal applications of jizz as a reward, and maybe a cute dress every now and then?

Where do we recruit these?
It's okay anon we all make mistakes.

Look at you with all those hot opinions! You got any facts to back that up anon~
I haven't been called short except ironically since i was 12. I'll never be held or comforted protectively by an older sister type, so it's nice to fantasize about once in a while. Fetish-wise, I'm more into musclegirls though. Someone i could hug as tight as i wanted or fuck as rough as i felt like and not have to worry about hurting them.
>gentle femdom

For some reason, the shit I find super kawaii is a love story between man and big terrifying monster.

There may or may not be something seriously wrong with me.
/tg/ seems to be the place for flaming faggots and cumguzzling QTs espcially when related to your gaming needs. If you posted a thread asking people to contact you for a position in a game like that you could run 5 games consisting of the applicants from your ad.
>Also I think vore-fags are much more intrusive, they take over threads and crash them with no survivors
You act like you /ss/ femdom fags don't do the same. It's goddamn obnoxious how many threads you force yourselves into whilst feigning innocence.

And then you make all sorts of threads about MUH LADYKNIGHT WAIFU WHO DIDDLES EFFEMINATE PRINCES or A BUSTY AMAZON SLAPS YOUR ASS WAT DO. Shit's more common than elf slave wat do faggotry
I dunno, I just see people wanting the same.
>Is it so wrong that sometimes guys wanna be the princess
>I don't personally want to be a female child with a dick
I'm getting mixed messages here
I'm sorry I don't want to always be dominant. I don't really like rape, or proving my dick superior, and I don't like bringing a strong woman down.

Sure, sometimes I wish I could just bend a girl over, but that's just not the same thing.
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Sorry, replied to wrong thread.
Continue the lewdness.
"What's hard and in your pants?"
>wanting to share the healslut.
Come on anon. Why would you share when you could be practicing uour ropeplay?
Who says share? An adventuring party can be two people.
>But I want them to be attracted to me IN SPITE of my weakness.
Yes, and they only have to be a sexy, flawless individual who will selflessly put your shattered life together and reward you for being worthless with wanton hot monkey sex.

You strike me as a lazy, selfish cunt. You want what you're unwilling to give others and get angsty that no one else is giving you handouts.

I personally wouldn't be able to stand living with someone who accepted me carte blanche like that.
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A pocketwatch, obviously. Also, thanks to my riddle fetish, my dick.
>if you're not an effeminate fag with no backbone you're a rapist
Sweet false dichotomy, brah.
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What side of a solid cube cannot be touched?
Where did you get any of that. I'm not even that anon and you're literally making shit up to reinforce your own biases.

6/10 bait got me to reply with a little anger
>But I want them to be attracted to me IN SPITE of my weakness.
That's not what the fetish is about, though. It's about you having the size and masculinity of a ten year old, being cared for and raped by a 20-30 year old, hypermasculine, hypermotherly figure.
To be taken care of like a child.
>I can only tack on 'tabletop games and reading' to those hobbies /d/ posted?
If you write "I like reading" as my hobby, you've added nothing. Which books do you like, which genre, which author? It tells me nothing.
that's what it reads like to me
the idea of a manly man being sweettalked by a girly girl is cute. I'm not a fan of the whole assfucking thing, but whatevs.
The IN-side.
>It's about you having the size and masculinity of a ten year old, being cared for and raped by a 20-30 year old, hypermasculine, hypermotherly figure.

I don't think you're allowed to define fetishes for other people, and tell them that they're being aroused by the wrong thing.
Yea, i guess. I'm just trying to shatter dreams because I know I'll never have it. I'm so fucking awkward I don't know how to start ERPing. I've only done it once and that was on furcadia back in 03 and i don't think it went well.
Someone who wants to be not only accepted without putting any effort into themselves, but fucking praised and lived and coddled for it? That's pretty goddamn selfish if you ask me.
Touche, if I could apologise for all the people that shove their interests into places that don't belong I would. It seems like alot of the communities have cancerous shitters and it'd admittedly be nice if they settled down in a thread like this that's devoted to the topic.

I was talking more about the general fetish then my own tastes when I mentioned the princess thing. And everyone deserves to be treated like they're very dear and loved like they mean the world to you sometimes; guys just don't get that as often in relationships.
Look, Anon, it's simple. You just have to be cute. After that, everything falls into place.
>That's pretty goddamn selfish if you ask me.

Yeah, sexual fetishes are allowed to be selfish. You know, because they're personal, subjective preferences?

Unless you're going to tell me someone who's into rape is doing it wrong because their fetish is also "selfish"?
>To be taken care of like a child
That is what he said, though. He wants to be a non functioning individual with nothing to contribute to a relationship and still be treated like an individual who matters.

It's like a 13 year old stamping his feet and pouting about he's totally a grown-up now and getting humored by his mother.
I want to cuddle you.
>And everyone deserves to be treated like they're very dear and loved like they mean the world to you sometimes
I disagree. No one "deserves" anything, everything is earned.
because that's what I did :^)
This whole time I've been talking about the "little, feminine boy being fucked and taken care of by strong mother figure".
What he said isn't in line with that, ie. not the same fetish.
I can't actually read. It's too early, and too many people are responding for me to keep track.
Well that'll never happen. I'm >>45045199 6'5" and an exsoldier. I'm not even sure how to get in a "cute" mindset without it feeling like an incredibly awkward juxtaposition. I sort of understand >>45045153 it'd be nice to have someone who doesn't expect you to be strong all the time. To be comforted instead of comforting. To be held instead of doing the holding.
What I like best about this one is its actually a very good hentai doujin too
Which is fine, if you leave it as nothing more than a deposit in the spank bank instead of trying to make a "lifestyle" or "community" out of it like this chucklefuck >>45045385
Go to flist, make a profile even if it's shitty then slut around with abandon.
(note, you can have many characters without linking them together, so you can abandon any bad rep you get)

Just don't give a damn about quality of either yourself or the other side. Jump into random sluttery rooms and present genitals.
>Someone who has a rape fetish and acts on it when it's bad for others
Bad and unhealthy
>Someone who has a rape fetish and acts on it with someone who enjoys it too
Good and productive as it keeps the raper away from raping other people

Same can be said about anon's idea of having a woman fix him and accept him warts and all, if they're two consenting partners let them go ahead.

That said anon needs to differentiate his like for GFD and his need to have someone fix his life because I can't think of a single person that'd want to deal with that mess.
It's a fetish you fucking mongoloid.

And nowhere did the anon you were replying to say they would put no effort into their fetish dream relationship or that their dream gentle femdom waifu was perfect. You made that up so you could have something to argue against.

9/10 yes I'm mad.
>I can't actually read
In fairness, he never explicitly stated it, he just has the mentality of a bratty, entitled child demanding attention and ego stroking.
I once played a very not cute half orc ranger who was raised in slavery and totally OK with it. It confounded the fuck out of people who were all I WILL LIBERATE YOU~ and I reply "...nah. Why would I want that?"

In fact the way he wld introduce.himself was "I am blahblah, property of blahblah." He was very zen about it.
...i have an flist account. I've never done anything on it out of awkwardness.
>say they would put no effort into their fetish dream relationship
They said they wanted to be accepted in spite of anything and everything so yeah, they kinda did.
>or that their dream gentle femdom waifu was perfect.
How else would you describe someone who unconditionally accepts you, fixes your life, and is smoking hot to boot?
Just try anon. Just try. Make a character that you find qt, try to act the way you'd like somebody be qt to you. With practice, you'll learn.
I don't want to be taken care of like a child. That's kind of infuriating, honestly. I just like a girl taking charge in the bedroom sometimes - the other stuff about relationships isn't related to that.

As for reading, I like fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction and historical non-fiction. There's a shitton of authors whose names I can't remember, but ones I do remember are Terry Pratchett, Robert Asprin, Bernard Cornwell, Brian Jacques, Piers Anthony, Terry Brooks, Thomas Cahill, Harry Turtledove, Juliet Mckenna, Mercedes Lackey, and Garth Nix.
>As for reading, I like fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction and historical non-fiction. There's a shitton of authors whose names I can't remember, but ones I do remember are Terry Pratchett, Robert Asprin, Bernard Cornwell, Brian Jacques, Piers Anthony, Terry Brooks, Thomas Cahill, Harry Turtledove, Juliet Mckenna, Mercedes Lackey, and Garth Nix.
Epic blog, redditfriend! Where do I upvote?
Wanna post the name? Google gives me nothing.
You see that little red X up in the corner of your browser? Click that, and that gives me an upvote and gives you some free karma.
the whole fetish reads like "I want a hot, strong woman, completely in love with me, to come into my life without me making any effort or providing her with anything beyond my dick, and fix my life".
I'm gonna buck the strong independent womyn trend and say: I want female public nudity and exhibitionistic women\girls in my games.
Being accepted despite your short comings is how adult relationships work.

Unconditional acceptance is a facet of love, or do you think that longing for a lover is "wrong" too? They also never said smoking hot, you assumed it because everyone wants a smoking hot significant other, how can you seriously criticise someone for that?

The only valid criticism is them wanting the person to fix their life, which is pretty dumb.
...what trend?
I mean there are human rights but access to those is given by way of a social contract. I guess was just projecting my optimism that everyone was good enough to deserve cuddling and care?
That's pretty much it.

I just wish they'd stop using /tg/ as their personal blog to shitpost about how they're entitled to a perfect woman while putting zero effort into being worthwhile themselves. All their thinly veiled fetish threads are obnoxious as fuck
Sounds like what your typical woman's fantasy is with genders reversed
I think GFD is very, stronk wymon, beta men. Especially when expanded to the idea of a /tg/ setting.
The guy had literally been brainwashed by feminist media to the point where he is scared of being attracted to women. Honestly the saddest thing I've ever seen and it would do you good to ignore him.
Shots fired. Can we get a real woman in here to verify this claim?
Nice fetish. How about very casual sex?
Not him, but I would say there's absolutely nothing unconditional about love; it's a transaction, and relationships basically just a tacit contract. Both parties make an exchange (admittedly of nebulous, often barely understood emotional gratification) for mutual benefit, and when the exchange ceases to benefit (well, more appropriately, when one or both parties believes the exchange is no longer to their benefit) it ends. So expecting someone to accept you just "as is" is somewhat ridiculous, as you will ultimately have to compromise on a certain level to satisfy them.
The one in this thread.

I'm not gonna fully buck it, mind. Wanting easy access to willing gropable woman stems from the same wish as wanting a tough woman is secure in herself: Effort is haaaaaaaaard.
>Unconditional acceptance is a facet of love
Not really. Unconditional acceptance leads to stagnation in all facets of life.

You're NOT perfect just the way you are, you should strive to be better and an ideal partner would help you achieve that, not tell you to just sit back and continue being a worthless piece of shit since she accepts you anyways.

Relationships are built on trust and mutual input into making it work, not wishes and laziness.
>I guess was just projecting my optimism that everyone was good enough to deserve cuddling and care?
You and people like you are the reason such a belief is farfetched at best. You're an emotional leech who wants to endlessly drink in affection from others without giving anything in return.
Yes, compromise is important but your robotic view of relationships is incredibly, for lack of a better word, autistic
Those fetishes demand 100% of the world conforming to beauty standard though.

You don't want hambeasts to shed their coverings - those are for YOUR protection.
I want werewolf girls who grow ears and a tail at the full moon, I want innocent elves with long, hypersensitive ears for nibbling and stroking, and I want a polymorphing dragon who views us all as part of her hoard. And i want consensual orgies, ropeplay, and mutual mental domination.
I'd like to bring up the original wording.

> To look at all of me, good and bad, and just tell me that I'm okay, it's not impossible for someone to love me, and the good parts redeem the bad.

The anon in question has accepted that he is not a perfect person, and in fact seems desperate to be assured that he is merely an okay person. There are bad parts to him, and though he doesn't mention it, when he says that the good parts redeem the bad, that means that he feels they are at least equal to each other, if not the bad outweighing the good.

If I were him, once I had found a person that would accept me like that, I would strive to make myself actually worthy of their appreciation. Because if I felt so badly about myself and got such praise, wouldn't I feel that it was undeserved, and try to rectify that?
>mutual mental domination.
Wait what?

More detail pls.
So write that shit instead of "I like reading books or whatever lol". Now you've at least offered something to talk about.
No one's going to say
>hey, so you like books?
>I like books, too!
>omg we share so many interests! let's have kids!
Oh snap.
It's pathetic no matter what the genders are.
There's nothing robot about it, that's just the fundamental interaction. It's not as though I believe they just walk up to each other and exchange in a mechanical fashion. In forming a relationship, people desire something from another, and in trying to get this from the other, present themselves as something worth having, hoping that they possess something the other wants.

You want to talk about adult relationships, you don't start talking about unconditional acceptance, that's a fundamentally childish ideal, you start talking about acceptable compromise and considering how you can satisfy your partner's needs, and they your own.
Guess I'll do that during my next days off.
Me saying that I want to be held and cuddled is being a leech? I think if everyone could be happy it would be ideal, and if everyone could be treated nicely sometimes that would ideal too. That's literally what I said. Don't get me confused with Mr. fix my life or some gibbs me dat handout sorta person. I still want to go out and work hard for a QT and to earn value in her eyes by doing my best and after I work hard I want to fall asleep on her lap and have good dreams.
>I would strive to make myself actually worthy of their appreciation
why not, I don't know, improve themselves before finding a girl? It vastly improves your odds.
Praising without having done anything seems like something a shitty, coddling parent would do.
Post in /erpg/ thread on soc when you get around to it. They won't play with you because they pretty much don't play at all, but a dump of helpful profile making advice you'll get.
I.e. a mutual blood pact in VtM, ir two thrallherds dominating each other at the same time, intentionally. So they are making you do exactly what they want, and you are making them do exactly what you want. An exchange of control instead of a one sided submission. And then of course you could take turns being in charge.
>if you don't want to be an effeminate little boy who gets his penis "gently" bullied by women twice his size and age you must be afraid of women

And I don't think anyone who is praising stronk independent womyn protagonists and the castration of traditional malehood can call others brainwashed by feminist media
Broship between a kobold a dragon or other large monster that turns into a loving and consensual romance that both parties utterly fail at hiding. I want to be the little kobold
Also both male because fuck y'all and your breeder shit.
>I refuse to make myself a better person until I am given unconditional affection for doing nothing at all
Somehow I doubt your strength of will to do as you claim
Okay, thanks.
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That's why I want it in my campaign. Full Control of who undresses and who doesn't

Not the anon you're arguing with, but read pic related. A society where everyone is happy misses out on a lot of stuff.
So it's not likely to happen, and they'll die alone as handholdless, kissless virgins.

So why do you care? If these people are never going to manage it anyway, let them enjoy their unrealistic fantasies. It's not like they're going to get any less popular, unless Tumblr suddenly declares all they really want to do is take care of effeminate boys.
>I think if everyone could be happy it would be ideal, and if everyone could be treated nicely sometimes that would ideal too
Sure, so long as others are bending over backwards to make YOU happy. It's a selfish and childish mentality, plain and simple
>not wanting to impregenate someone and pass on your "obviously superior" genestock.
>contributing to the continued decline of the kobold race.
If you're gonna blog on a traditional games board, I'm gonna call you a faggot.

Don't like it? Fuck back off to your gentle femdom general on /d/
/d/ has one of those? I would've figured that too vanilla.
It is selfish, it's also quite common.
However, wanting to be able to lay down your problems and be weak once in a while, and still have someone live you despite that, doesn't seem like a horrible thing to want. But the way you're ranting and wailing against that anon is just as childish. A good relationship involves both people being selfish sometimes. It also involves both people being selfless at times.

You aren't going to convince anon of that over the internet though, no matter how much you yell at him. So let it go, and instead of complaining about everyone else's sexual fantasies, mention your own.
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> Today I learned on /tg/ that having erotic fantasies automatically means I am a try-nothing limp-wristed heterofag who emits loserness from every pore.
Maybe they have noticed, they just don't complain because they're prude wusses.
That bottom healer needs to be bent across someone's knee.
I prefer optimising my character and focusing on tactics in combat.

I'm not much into roleplaying. That includes ERP.
Impregnation is especially gross.
I mean, I'm not saying remove sadness guys. Just like, if people could be happier it would be nice, and hugging people makes them happy so wouldn't it be nice if people could just get hugs? I'm not saying for free but if everyone had a chance at it with work that'd be pretty good. As it stands ending up happy in life is a toss up in alot of ways. You could wake up with cancer tomorrow and never get a chance to earn your hugs. If there was some imaginary way for people to earn a guaranteed hug for their work it'd be nice.

Tumblr probably does have a community for it. I mean it does allow for needless amounts of balkanization
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Got you covered bro
Someday anon. Look for the QTs and talk to them. Who know's, it could be me and we could get to cuddle.
because they shit up muh 4chins with their incessant reeing about women being whores for not fucking them
That's true, but you know what I mean, right?
It's lumped together with reverse gender roles.
And yes, it's too vanilla. That's why they fuck it up with disgusting d-things, like her having a horsecock or something else.
I did get a few cute images out of visiting the threads, but most of it is regular /d/ stuff.
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>I wonder who is behind this post.
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Anon I don't know who you are and so I don't know if I know what you mean.
Or the short version right in here and now:
>don't overdo text and backstory; couple sentences describing who the character is and what they do is enough
>add some scenario ideas for things you would like to play
>do not select your opinion on every single kink, that ends up a useless wall of text as well; only check up stuff that is really important or really heavily turns you off
>good pictures are a must have
It's the gay agenda, they want to wipe their genetic mutation off the earth by refusing to make babies.
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I'm sorry dude. 4chan is great for getting porn, but it's horrible for getting the kind you really want, you know?

People generally have a really strong idea of the far left side of tumblr. Especially on /v/, this perception about them and what they do has become something to continually scorn.

It's not like I disagree, but it starts to feel like everything that anons stand far is becoming 'whatever tumblr's not.' Which is annoying, since when it's more moderate it's also more agreeable.
...an older man winning his young bride's heart and body even though she was initially dead set on hating him.
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I just wanted more like this, but they gotta infect my cute fetish with their horrible fetish.
Everyone knows mine is superior to yours.
How the fuck is thread actually /tg/ related and not just some /soc/ thread?
soc is meatspace meetups.
This is about fantasy roleplay and stuff.
Ehh the balkanization and censorship doesn't really create a healthy environment. Add in the pre-existing cancer and tumbler's a shit.
Not to say good things can't come from it but the reason 4chan is great is because we can all argue and fight over things and at the end of the day we learn and grow from them.
It's not worth discarding their ideas and creations due to the sites issues but it's also important to approach it in the same way you approach 4chan and not lose the attitude that 4chan holds dear.
How does that vacant brainfucked expression fit into gentle femdom?
/soc/ is also where the /wst/ was sent since it was about talking about one's fetishes and meeting up with others to do fetish roleplay. It doesn't necessarily mean meeting up in meatspace.

Maybe you fuckers can take your thinly veiled fetish shit and go somewhere more appropriate towards wanking each other off.
>thinly veiled fetish shit
thinly veiled meetup shit
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It doesn't, but I like it and I can't remember where I got it from.
But literally nobody in the thread is talking about meeting up at all.

Ah, okay.
Breeding/Birthing/Quick Growth and Gestation.

Shame the only games that really do that are the furry infested Flexible Survival and Corruption of Champions. They're both less 'adventure' and more 'furry utopia'.
Huh. I remember that post.

So to keep the /tg/ related ball rolling how many people have actually managed to find a game where they can do lewd things?
Funnily enough an ERP game I have once found on /tg/ have been one and only actual proper system-using game I've played.
This is my fetish.
I'm running a turbolewd Legends of the Wulin game.
Look pal, you can't get rid of the shit in /tg/
You can compartmentalize it. Magical girls were a problem until we got the /MGCYOA/ running. For a while /WST/ fit that role pretty well for the rest of the lewd things but now with it gone people talk about them in other threads. If we had a system or general that held all the lewdposters in then the rest of the threads would be better off and as far as I see it these threads are a stop gap keeping them in.
It's not a very good site, in my opinion. It's designed to keep itself on tumblr - lots of little gifs that are worthless to share off-site, stuff like that. Reblogging turns it into a huge echo chamber, where you only see what you like from other blogs you follow and agree with. And a while back a bunch of artists were feeling threatened or censored or something - which sucks, because the only thing I think it's really good for is art blogs. And cats. It has more cute cats than 4chan does nowadays.

The problem is really that the site's become sort of a boogeyman, a place that you gotta avoid being like. On /v/, a mention of it or what widely supports can completely derail a thread.
Turbolewd? Is that like FATAL?
No, it just has a lot of sex stuff in it.
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Huh. Any advice you can share for making a function ERP game?
>he wouldn't a tomato

Though I suppose that's fair. That tomato belongs to a sheep.
I think the most vital thing is good communication, a lot more than regular games require because the participants get, well, intimate, in more than one definition of the term. Really talk about what both of you like, and what both of you don't like, and in what contexts you like and/or dislike that fetish. Nothing kills the mood faster than hitting into a wall of turn offs or accidentally triggering bad memories when you get a bit graphic when describing something.

Beyond and/or entangled with that, you need to really ask everyone involved, even yourself, if a system is the right thing to add. Freeforming is infinitely easier and less hassle all around, whereas adding a system makes things complicated because you have to factor in rules, and the everpresent element of uncertainty. If everything goes too well (or rather, if everything goes perfectly according to "script"), then why are you using the system and not freeforming? On the other hand, if the randomness frustrates your efforts to just roleplay sex, then the system is dragging you down, once again, why not freeform?

A strong theme and setting helps. The setting doesn't necessarily need to be ultra written out, but there's a limited space for people's attentions, and you need to populate the space with things that interest them, and keep them coming back for more. In my case, I focused my game on a giga-city large enough to have its own wulin community and propped up the not very fleshed out city with wagonloads of NPCs to get tangled up with, platonically or sexually, and NPCs that fit neither, but exist to add deeper relationships.

Lastly, I think sharing the role of GM and Player between the participants can really enhance the experience, since ideally everyone is onboard at all/nearly all steps of the creation of the game.

Frankly, the more I type this, the more I think this ends up looking like generally decent advice for running a game, period, except through the lens of ERP.
Whoops, should point to >>45046355
That's all some good advice even for a game that isn't ERP related. I'm screencapping that anon! I think the idea of starting off with asking what the players want is something a couple of my non-ERP games have been missing out on.
A bittersweet romance between long lost lovers who met again by chance lasting only a short while before their duties make them part, this time for ever.
>Frankly, the more I type this, the more I think this ends up looking like generally decent advice for running a game, period, except through the lens of ERP.
Yeah that's the funny thing: the principles of having a good game are the same whether it has sex in it or not.

Just with
>good communication, a lot more than regular games require because the participants get, well, intimate, in more than one definition of the term.
extra important to keep in mind

Although to add a little more specific advice: define what level of lewdity you want.
Is it just like a regular game but people RP out sex at downtime?
Is it still more of a regular game albeit now there are kink themed events, NPCs, monsters and traps? (welcome to Tumescent Necropolis)
Or is it just all sex all the time.

The kinks and turn-offs - ask people what they really want big time, what they like generally; and for what they don't like - is it something they don't like happening to their character but are fine with the others getting it? Is it something they don't want to watch happening at all?

Also if it's a game of more than two and running in traditional ttrpg sessions, then don't pause the game for sex that just a portion will be involved in - fade to black, keep moving, RP it out later.
> stop liking what i don't like
fuck off
>What kind of lewd things do you want in your games?
Femdom, loving or playfully cruel
Shota traps
Inanimate TF/absorption
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This except dragonesses and with humanoid monstergirls
Secretly I want to play a loli who fights alongside another loli and they go on magical adventures together and learn the true meaning of friendship and then at the end of the adventure they hold hands and watch the sunset together.


I'm actually serious.
That's cute
No anon, he was actually arguing a valid point. One shouldn't force their interests on everyone else. That's bad anon.
But how's Legend of the Wulin treating you and your group? What's happening?
Picture's source?
I looked after seeing that image, too
Kokoro Connect
This and also with genders inverted
Huh, autosage?
Yep. Gentle femdom fags got modcucked
Seeing as this was a /soc/ and/or /erpg/ thread, I'm surprised it didn't get banned outright
So if being the healer and healing is synonymous with sex, why does it always have to be that the healer is submissive?

Where's the dominate healer that is going to cast that spell roughly whether you like it or not?
there's been a story about a cleric/healer who was the dad of the group, saying how disappointed he was in his teammembers when they get hurt constantly.
You could make a "rough healer" in a WW2 setting easily.
>why does it always have to be that the healer is submissive?
Because again, these people dream of a low effort. Healing so they don't have to actually put effort into the fight, submission so everyone else gets them off for them, topped off childish and effeminate physique so they can be pampered and coddled by even the most frail full grown man/woman.
I think the order of operations was that being pure support and leaving all the murderous glory for your teammates seemed submissive, and then it was sexualized.
Explains why most of them are women then.
>Forcibly popping someone's arm back in place
Soooo hooot.
...for the same reason?
that was the exact scenario I thought of
>This is gonna hurt
>C-can't you give me some morphine for the pain?
>Fuck no. Gotta save our pain killers for when I gotta treat an ACTUAL problem. Now bite down on this piece of wood, and try not to cry like a little bitch
>Now bite down on this piece of wood, and try not to cry like a little bitch.
I love it.
>"most of them are women"
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Wincest. Why doesn't wincest get mentioned in any of these threads?
Shit fetish for the literally degenerate
Every fetish is degenerate, anon.
Except incest is literally genetically degenerative
>that screencap
Holy shit that's fucking creepy as shit.
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Not if it's just fucking without it resulting in offspring.
>a fetish snob
>in a deviants thread
>on 4chan

Now I've seen it all.
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