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Behold! The worst primarch gets a model!
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Behold! The worst primarch gets a model!
And it's a contender for the worst model too.
That's not Leman Russ.
I like the model though.
But anon, thats not curze or morty!

What kind of gun is he carrying?
Archaeotech pistols or however you spell it
But Sigmar comes in gold.
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>worst primarch
>not Russ or Magnus
Nice try shitposter-kun
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My god they really are incapable of doing faces aren't they.
why do they have Sanguinius is grey armor?
Looks like he's packing a glue gun.

You could say these traitors just found themselves in a sticky situation.
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Looks like he is in the middle of a room clearing fart or he shit himself after downing a bowl of jalapenos.

I thought the Tommy Wiseau faced one was fucked up.
You're not alone in that.

At least his exploits will keep the onlookers glued to their screens...
Worst Primarch is Russ or Lorgar
Now I'm curious what Russ' model will look like. We'll have to wait for that at least a year, though, I suppose.
Wait, that's not Mortarion or Edge Lord Curze
>Russ and Magnus finally getting models
The shitposting will know no bounds
Either that or they'll be so idiotically great rules-wise that amount of TS and SW players will far outweight the shitposters.

Wait, they'll just shitpost even more. And if Russ and Magnus will be awful, they'll shitpost too...

Catch 22, eh? Just bloody great.
Am I the only person who fucking loves this model? Probably my favourite primarch so far. I think the facial expression is 50% painting to be honest, on how you shade and colour.
No, you're not the only one, and yes, with this model it all depends on painter's skill. /tg/ likes to complain even about stuff it likes, if you haven't noticed.
Wait, that's not Lion'el Johnson...
I thought Corax would be... duskier.

best primarch ever, you mean
>His skin was alabaster white and he was possessed of shoulder length hair as black as the feathers of his namesake, the raven
>When they discovered the white skinned child who became Corax

Why the hell did you think one of the two primarchs to almost never go outside unless it was night would be dusky?

I think everyone can agree the head is... bad. Get the headsman and grab a helmet.
Is it might be just me, but I hate sculpts with that much terrain compared to character model. I can stand a general 80-20, model to terrain discrepancy. Yet even then, I still prefer more model. This just sickens me.
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not as awful as being stuck with that model
And then they all eat Hostess Fruit Pies the end.

That pose is so stiff for something trying to be so dynamic.
Lion when
They usually come with a smaller detachable base for table top usage, they seem to have forgotten it this time however
That ain't Fulgrim.

Because his art totally depicts him as Native American He-Man
>most Primarch models feature them shooting at an enemy warrior
Wonder if that enemy warrior counts for something.

I like the wings...

rest of the model is meh
Ultramarines are the worst shitposters
>Ultramarines are the best legion/chapter.
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I thought he was going to look like a pale native american with a face like he was kissing a leafblower...I got what I expected, really. And that's the best jetpack ever, BloodRavens/10 would steal.
Lorgar has had a model for a good long while now.
I honestly don't get the Russ hate, is this genuine or just a meme?
Legit hate that has ascended to meme status.
Spess Muhreen against another spess muhreen... over and over.
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Windy Picture Day.png
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I though they learned from their mistakes and were done with the dryer to the face pose.

I would have accepted an edgy pose. But it's yet another proof that SM are bald because sculptors are shit with hairs.

I swear to the emperor, if they do that with the bloody eagleboy i'm going to be salty
unique primarch helmets fucking when
Never gonna happen. Unless it's Alpharius.
Alpha Legion memesters are the worst shitposters

>I am Alpharius
I believe they've said they were going to do some.

Russ has a helmet, at the very least.
there's a Russ model?

His model is the next one apparently. They want him for the Prospero book at the end of the year.
I thought Sanguinius was next.
Alpharius is next, then Dorn. Tony Cotrell out right said Russ was not next at the Birthday Event last month.
and by month, I mean last week.
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