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Do you have what it takes to be a Martian?
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Thread replies: 24
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File: The Martian.jpg (267 KB, 2000x1076) Image search: [Google]
The Martian.jpg
267 KB, 2000x1076
Do you have what it takes to be a Martian?
Nah, I barely passed high school chemistry.
I like mars bars
I wasn't born on Mars, so, no.
I'm not on Mars right now, so no, I don't have it
i couldnt handle touching my own shit or eat something grown out of it
>tfw the only reason you want humanity to colonize mars is so that mars one day declares independence and space war shenanigans ensues
I have no astronaut training, so no.
Yep, this.
I'd love to make the trip, but living on a planet other than Earth for a prolonged period of time would freak me the fuck out.
Since I'm not a botanist, and thus Mars will never come to fear my botany powers, no.
Nah, I don't have it in me to be a Pirate.

>Dreamworks Logo in Captcha
File: 24985.jpg (235 KB, 612x792) Image search: [Google]
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You'll die in the upcoming apocalypse.
It's only his own shit he can't touch anon.
File: Butt Ugly Martian.jpg (24 KB, 320x240) Image search: [Google]
Butt Ugly Martian.jpg
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>Do you have what it takes to be a Martian?

Depends. What does it take to be a Martian?
This was a polite thread until you showed up.
Hang your head in shame. >:(
File: gerddermearthers.jpg (31 KB, 1024x576) Image search: [Google]
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the ground will be stained red with Earther blood.
File: europa-jupiter-icy-moon.jpg (228 KB, 1200x887) Image search: [Google]
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Mars sucks. I'd rather live on Europa.
File: Mechanicus Mars.jpg (2 MB, 1883x1387) Image search: [Google]
Mechanicus Mars.jpg
2 MB, 1883x1387
01111001 01100101 01110011

It's already red!
File: Deal-with-it-Shepard.jpg (9 KB, 251x251) Image search: [Google]
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Any planet that can't keep its electromagnetic field going enough to sustain its own atmosphere against solar radiation isn't worth my time.

Come back when you get a molten core, LOSER!
Thread replies: 24
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