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Weird tabletop experience
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>be me
>played a female character before
>went well
>decide to give it another go with another group
>character is a 5e warlock, made a deal while under unrighteous imprisonment to escape
>ends up with markings on her arms and legs, so she always wears long sleeves and whatnot
>spend the first few months of the campaign deliberately staying as far away as I could from sex or romance or anything like that
>end up being the butt of some sex jokes anyway

We're all guys at the table, we've all known each other for a long time, and yet I STILL felt uncomfortable with casual sex jokes going on regarding my character. It was a weird experience.

In any case, I think it's safe to say that I understand why you need to be VERY careful choosing to play a female character as a guy. Even if you're mature enough to play it well (or at least to avoid situations you wouldn't play well), your table might not be mature enough to handle it.

Any similar experiences out there?
>roleplaying a women in a group of lonely men
what did you expect?
The first time I tried it went really well! I just didn't put it together until today that the first group I did it with had a MtF trans DM, a guy whose girlfriend is a SERIOUS feminist, and a gay guy, so the chances of all that coming up was pretty slim. DM was also a bit of a railroader, so we didn't really have the chance for that to happen.

Also the worst offender actually has a girlfriend - and in fact the other lonely men in the group have initiated the jokes the least of everyone, if at all. That said, I do understand your point. I guess I also have a greater understanding of why women tend to have a harder time getting into the hobby, now that I think about it.
Did you not think that they were joking or just acting sleezy in character? Have you never had female friends? I also don't know why you would feel offended out of character. I don't know why I'm responding, this whole thing seems like bait.
Never happened

And if by some freak chance it did, then you are a sick freak anyway.
Playing rp with freaks and creatures too stupid to know if they were male or female? Wtf did you expect?

Are you upset they didn't rp your fetish, faggit?
It was out of character jokes, actually. And it's not that I felt offended exactly, it's that I felt uncomfortable. I could have turned it into being offended, but it honestly wouldn't have been worth the trouble.

It's fair that this seems like bait to you I guess, 4chan isn't exactly the most friendly place for this stuff and I guess I forgot that. Might be better to let it 404 at this point.
Kill yourself.

Not him, but what were some of the jokes they were saying? Could have been a case where everyone in the group was made fun of, but only you noticed when it happened to your character.
>I STILL felt uncomfortable with casual sex jokes going on regarding my character
Sounds like the problem's on your end.
Rolled 4, 3 = 7 (2d6)

This isn't a weird tabletop experience, this is an average one. If a game with only dudes didn't make the occasional sex joke, I'd think something is wrong with them.
I just don't get it exactly. You, as a male, felt uncomfortable out of character because sex jokes were being made about your female character? You were getting uncomfortable for a group of people that you don't represent that also weren't even present? It sounds like you are incredibly sensitive for no reason.
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I made a female cleric named Tulsleah

No one ever thought to read it backwards.
I'm stealing that one.
i am too
Every goddamn thread
>I guess I also have a greater understanding of why women tend to have a harder time getting into the hobby, now that I think about it.

This is probably true to some extent but in my experience guys playing girls git a lot more weird reactions than girls playing girls. It's really too bad.
>other player's character has green skin
>we call his character (a girl, this might be an important detail) "cabbages" because of it
>he gets actually upset about it and leaves and blocks all of us and has to be talked down into rejoining
>over a nickname
Cheeky breeky
>I guess I also have a greater understanding of why women tend to have a harder time getting into the hobby, now that I think about it.
Don't project your own thin skin and warped views onto women. Most important of all, don't get upset and offended for them.
I played a female dwarf war engineer, once. My mistake was making her unmarried. I made her goddamn ugly from warscars and burns, thought that was enough, but all male dwarfs miles across thought that was "charming" and "made her a real character, ya know". So my personal spottime consisted primarly of "marry me" jokes, awkward and funny attempts of young dwarfs impress my characters to get laid and generally being group comic relief. Still got it better than group elf: his personal spottime consisted of awfully boring drama with his dead human girlffriend.
Well op is a little faggot. And little faggots get bruised on an emotional level rather easily.

Poor lil' faggot. I pity you. I am so sorry your fetish quest upset you.
>I made her goddamn ugly from warscars and burns
Hey man. Some guys think those are hot.

But on a dwarf female? I think I'd pass. I prefer creatures of the tall leg-ey variety.
Yeah, that attitude from humans was the only thing that saved my character from being pursued by human half of the camp too. And even then, some tried.
Yeah, Most women aren't gigantic weeping pussies like OP.
Hey /b/, you've seem to have wandered into the wrong board again
Hey /lgt/, you seem to have started a thread on the wrong board.
It's just a sex joke, you thin skinned moron. It's okay to make those jokes in a social situation amongst close friends. You don't have to follow those epic /tg/ memes you heard about from 1d4chan as law. It's okay to occasionally have fun with friends. It's just a game.

I-I can try....but all I have is Heal Minor Wounds....

How can I senpai?

One of my group members always plays female characters. Usually a blonde elf. He's not even gay or anything, just one of those guys that always makes a girl in vidya and so on.

Anyway I'm always trying to dick him in the game. Like at least once a session I'll make a pass at his character. Its good fun because I've been doing this shit to him since 2009 in maplestory.

The one girl player in the group wrote fucking smut about our characters. Three chapters. I'm still not sure how I feel about this. Pic related is his latest character's portrait, so my dick is honestly confused.
What kind of sex jokes OP?
>had a MtF trans DM, a guy whose girlfriend is a SERIOUS feminist, and a gay guy
What a clusterfuck.
/tg/, would you ever fall in love with a player for his PC?
What does the player think of your constant attempts? Is their character married to the job? A lesbian? Indifferent? etc etc
>I play with mentally ill people
>where did I go wrong
>ha ha they're the mentally ill ones
The thing is, wa sit a Character decision to stay away from sex and rom,ance or was it really you who did not want to roleplay flirting with a guy (assuming your character is straight here)
If it was a Decision based on reasons like past NPCs or Backstpry thats fine and your character is treated wrongly.

If you just did not want to do it even if it was alright you dont know that a full grown woman has a sexuality of her own..
The only mentally ill person is the feminist, and they have the most common form of lunacy there is. You probably have it.
All starting adventurer's kits contain a good length of solid rope.
It's times like this I'm glad I play with girls who actually understand what a joke is.
Just fap, maybe suck your friend's dick a little.
That's your solution to everything /tg/.
That and GURPS
someone forgot about the tranny
>mentally ill
The effects of its madness are considerably better than your own lunacy, anon. Or that of the feminist.
i don't know about that
>Hating your body since birth
>Not mentally ill
Do explain please I really want to see the mental gymnastics at work
Whoops responded to the wrong post

Meant to respond to >>44604373
>and yet I STILL felt uncomfortable
maybe the problem is with you, "friend".
I wouldn't fall for a guy pretending to be a girl, no.

Don't lie anon.
>be me
Well who the fuck else would you be? The Queen of England?
Sadly, I'm not. Now if the player were a girl who was at least average it might be different.
possibly. who are you to decide I'm not?
If a man walked up to you and said "I'm and Albatross! I wasn't born one, but I feel that way inside, and I'm happy as an Albatross. Respect my Albatrossness." You'd think he was a loon. So yeah, just because you want to be an Albatross, doesn't make you an Albatross.
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But you said Albatross.
How can you say you love her if you care that she's really a character played by a guy?
>The first time I tried it went really well! I just didn't put it together until today that the first group I did it with had a MtF trans DM, a guy whose girlfriend is a SERIOUS feminist, and a gay guy
>a guy whose girlfriend is a SERIOUS feminist

My heart goes out to him. I don't know how people can convince themselves to stay in a relationship with a bigot. Then again, maybe he buys into the bullshit.
>a MtF trans DM

>being trans when you know about RPGs
>not just playing girls and living vicariously through your female characters
why do you think I'm the guy saying he was falling for a guy's character?
I just answered the question
I'm a guy, in my last campaign I played a female character who ended up getting into a romantic relationship with another female character - played by an actual IRC girl. She's gay, I'm straight, we're both in long-term relationships but we still RPed the romance in-game and did some ERP between sessions. She also drew some far-art of the couple together and it's pretty damn good, since she's a professional artist.

Everything turned out alright and it never got weird. If anything we both recognized it as a chance to work on our smut-writing skills.
Then just answer this question! What is your love worth if it's conditional on her being an expression of a female roleplayer?
Haelslut? I don't see exactly what the joke isOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
I have being doing that as a 'in the closet' genderfluid person and it can get very frustating.

All my female characters are loved and enjoyed, my male characters are usually seem as boring or shallow by my fellow players, so I defaulted to females. But then the game ends and it's all sadness.
Dont your partners feel strange about you guys writing smut and touching yourself to each other?
because with the roleplayer being a guy, the love is based on a lie, anon. He's basically an actor, except he's a transsexual actor, making it double weird.
Yes, both a guy and a girl would be roleplaying, but it's.... it's like cosplay or dressing up as a slutty nurse. A guy dressing up as a slutty nurse isn't hot. A guy saying "my character dresses up like a slutty nurse" just makes me think of him in the outfit.
I don't want that.
Who says we're getting off to the smut? I do it to improve my skills as a writer and to explore aspects of characters we don't usually get to see in a typical session. If she's aroused by it then that's proof that I did a good job, but I've never personally rubbed one out to the characters. Too egotistical, like getting off on a videotape of yourself banging your partner.
By what standard is it a lie? A character is an expression, an aspect, of the player portraying her. If she is sufficiently detailed for one to love her, then by what standard is she not "real" and is the person portraying her only "an actor"?

So your "love" is base and physical, not the pure love of someone's personality and character that could happen regardless of who's portraying them?
So....You dont get aroused by the smut she writes back, you are saying?
>But then the game ends and it's all sadness.
Then begin a new game. Keep two games on the fly at once. Eventually, you'll be able to forget that you're male entirely.
>Too egotistical, like getting off on a videotape of yourself banging your partner.
What's wrong with that? My girlfriend doesn't like me doing it, but I think it's a nice way to remember my exes.
Seems you cannot let your mind go from the physical world you are in to the world your character are in. It's very common and nothing to be ashamed of, but when you do let go and fully commit to the illusion, and stop seeing players and metaplots and see the story as it's being told as it's own reality, then you really get more of the experience.

It takes some commitment and letting go of self conscious, but it's not till you can feel afraid of a dragon, or allured by a sexy sorceress, even if both were just the same fat guy controlling then, that you really get all you can get from the roleplaying experience.

Is a bit like chewing your food and really taking your time with it before swallowing it, rather than licking it and tossing it to the dog.
It's gay of you to ERP yuri and it's straight of her to ERP with a guy. You're both bi, not straight/lesbian after all.
You're an idiot.
I get aroused, sure, but I don't rub one out afterwards. You don't have to masturbate every time you get an erection, anon.

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

That's, like, your opinion man.
>tfw you'll never be a cute girl with garish dyed hair that causes everyone to roll eyes when you are invited to a tabletop game
>tfw you'll never surprise your gaming group by how much of a bro you can be and how you know the rules and are really into the game
>tfw you'll never have a nerdy cute scrawny boy falling if love with you
>tfw you'll never get a DM to show extra interest on your character because he actually likes you
>tfw you'll never be the reason a group of RPG stop working because 4 shy guys were all in love with you and start infighting beause of it and eventually stop meeting, but no one ever told you their feelings
>tfw you'll never be a lonely girl that lost contact with her group without understanding what was wrong.

why live, /tg/
Your character is just a tiny aspect of you that's been overdramatized.
nigga, first chance I get to playing one of these fantasy games, I'm being a skeleton ressurected by his God to retrieve an item. In life, all he cared about was his wife and children.
Twist being those memories are fake, implanted by the Necromancer who ressurected him. He was just the closest corpse who was a decent fighter
None of that shit is an extension of me, I just thought it'd be cool.
If you fall in love with that character, you didn't fall in love with me. You fell for someone I was pretending to be insert name of many rom-drama movies
Your partners dont mind you arousing each other over text and simulating a romance?
>you'll never keep your group together by letting them all fuck you after the game
So what if they do? They need to learn not to be so clingy and possessive.
my character being in love with their character =/= me being in love with their character =/= me being in love with them
>y-you're the one who's wrong
stopped reading
>If you fall in love with that character, you didn't fall in love with me. You fell for someone I was pretending to be
What if the character in question is just how the player would act but in the game and as a pretty elf girl?
Why would they? It's collaborative storytelling, there's no actual romantic feelings behind it. There's a difference between fiction and reality, anon, and even non-roleplayers understand that.
>Invite Italian friend to a DnD game
>Wait 5 minutes for him to write an paragraph describing his character
>"He's a very effeminate man with a nice backside and a soft feminine face."
>By the end of the session everyone has called him lady boy
>The DM took control of his character at one point and made him think "God i love the feeling of horsecock in my anus"

I've never had a better experience with DnD since last weekend, cant wait to see what happens this weekend. Half the party was bitten by werewolves and I was the only one who passed a fort save.
Why all guys think that the only reason a person born male would want to be female is to be fucked senseless at every chance? It's like you think real life is like a those gender bending doujins on /d/, where the guy turns into a girl only to realizes all his life problems will go away if he fucks everything male and the token lesbian girl.
But healers can be of any sex!
Very mature of them. My girlfriend would be upset if she caught me smutting with a girl.

I guess.
You can do that as a guy, trust me. My D&D group has survive for years thanks mostly to my...welcoming nature.
keep everything but the beta bitch boy trying to seduce me by minmaxing and protecting the weak maiden and I'm sold.
And skip the "GM wants to fuck you, so he makes the game easy for you"
And the part were all the players want to fuck you
And the part you ddidn't write where you'd spend the whole game under the table.
>be me
Hi there, fellow redditfriend!
Alright, correction:
>tfw you'll never romance your entire group and get free pizza and homebrew magic items by dressing nicely
>Why all guys think that the only reason a person born male would want to be female is to be fucked senseless at every chance?
Because being a tranny is a weird fetish thing, like being furry or into BDSM.

Most tabletop players are awkward lonely losers who either never seen a vagina, had to hire a prostitute, or (best case) settled their "magical first time" for some giant landwhale they call their wife.

And you're surprised by the result of this?

As for your question, nah. I let it be known I play as whoever I wish (as long as it doesn't outwardly offend/disrupt the game) and have a pretty thick skin. So long as it's not some stupid shit in game, I'm usually fine.
I know that feel.
Too sad. Let's make a suicide pact, is the only way.

Why are you two me?
so what, I can't dick his character. How he thinks he'd act as a girl, when he's not, doesn't matter.
I love how a tranny's ultimate dream in like three different scenarios is to be a craven whore only beloved for their (fake mangled dickgina of a) vagina and in one they wanted to be a generic obnoxious dyed hair tumblr cunt attention whore on top of that.

Shit's as pathetic as it is reprehensible.
But guys don't have vaginas!
hey, I asked /tg/ yesterday that same question. Didn't get very much useful out of it, but you're welcome to check it out.
Wait will that mean we reincarnate as girls?
>a tranny's ultimate dream
>is to be a craven whore
The preferred phrase is "a trans woman wishes to be female"
uhhh, reread >>44605238 again
I said if I were a girl Id like to play a tabletop and try to show them that girls can be something other than a slut who needs boys to lust after her.
Yes...But only if we leave this word in sexy girl undies clutching a teddy bear. Be sure to leave a note to explain to your loved ones (or the city sanitatin departamente when they find the shell your pure soul used to live in), that you went happily away to leave your dream and they need not to mourn or feel sad for you, because in death you'll know even greater power than they could ever imagine...The power of moe.
If you don't want to slut around you don't deserve to be a woman. You get born with three pleasure serving orifices (or more), and if you are not giving them full use, you are a waste.
Wait, people actually do any of the shit in this thread? Holy shit, I thought that was a joke we played to piss off tumblr.

I'm gonna go lie down.
Don't be like that, friendo. Don't hate every single woman because they won't fuck you.
Autism never changes, anon.
>I play with mentally ill people
And they're the ones who have the most sensible behaviour?

As somebody else said,
>not spending the campaign under the table
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>Or more
Operation Piss Off Tumblr has been successful!
tell me anon, why would you - if you magically became a girl - do nothing but fuck and get fucked?
Don't you have other aspirations in life? Do you think girls can only be used for a dick repository?
No, you enlisted a genie to turn Martian Luther into a cute lesbian and we made fun of you for it.
Yes, that's pretty much what /r9k/ and other sad tossers think females are for.
Then answer is, in order:
Yes, I'm sure.
Not as much as you think.
Yes, if gentle
Well, okay maybe, but wash it after.

At least you don't have someone who wrote smut about two of the players in the group. Not the PCs.
Yeah, I kinda imagined he was one of those.
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I would do other things, things that being a girl would help with. Instead of blogging, I'd vlog and get many more views for being female. Instead of begging for change, I'd to a nude calender for good causes. Instead of being expected to put my arm around a girl and look after her, I'd let a guy do that to me while I emotionally support him.
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We're happy.

But we're very confused.
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>a feminist
>a tranny
>a thin skinned bundle of sticks
>all at the same table
>You, as a male, felt uncomfortable out of character because sex jokes were being made about your female character?
I can see that. Most people used first person when roleplaying, so we unwittingly identify with the character. So when a bunch of other people constantly make sexual jokes about your character, it can get weird.
Well, it works!
Both of them work, to be honest. But gurps works better.

Hm. This is a fairly interesting dilemma. However, I think it best that you verify your circumstances by including the aforementioned story.

Merely for authenticity purposes, of course.
You mean the post that says you wish to be the under-the-table object of everyone's lustful attentions?
Back of the knee, maybe.
Reading comprehension, Anon.

He's talking about removing those parts and aspects.
You mean the part where he said to remove the part where you DIDN'T write to be an under the table slut, meaning he wants that part?

And you try to mock others' reading comprehension.
No issues here at all :^)
>while I emotionally support him.
Pfft, you'd just demand him to do everything for you and then get pissy that he isn't "emotionally there for you" since he's too busy earning all that money you spend and use that to feel morally justified even as you sleep around on him.
>who either never seen a vagina, had to hire a prostitute, or (worst case) settled their "magical first time" for some giant landwhale they call their wife.
I know he'd want to suck them off, he just didn't write it.
>other sad tossers
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I've seen enough of relationships to know what not to do as a girl.
If you can't even function as a male, what makes you think the other side's gonna be any easier? Especially someone as selfish as you've shown yourself to clearly be.
>If you can't even function as a male,
>someone as selfish as you've shown yourself to clearly be.
Where are you getting this from?
>baww I want everyone to do everything for me while all I do is provide "emotional support" which translates to being an occasionally willing warm hole for him to thrust into whenever is convenient for me
Probably from that
No, it means I look after his welfare as a companion and friend.
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When you can't even do that as a male? You honestly think having a vagina would make you any less of a worthless waste of space?
Well anon I don't have a boyfriend as a male.
So you think a penis is stopping you from emotionally supporting others?

You're a bigger failure than I realized.
I can't support a boyfriend I don't have, can I?!
Most of the trannies I know are just teenagers who don't feel male enough and/or who start resenting males (for reasons like "they bullied me" or "daddy abandoned me"). Often times coupled with a distorted view of what being male consists of.
>Often times coupled with a distorted view of what being male consists of.
A distorted view?
to be fair, what's non-functional and selfish about that?

Girls are the worst for smut.

Go to any Fanfic website, and easily 80-90% of the smut is written by females.

I love me some well written smut, desu senpai, in my day of yore I did dabble in ERP, and you could always tell straight away when a guy was playing pretend. It's like a lot of transsexuals, they dress the way a man would think a woman would dress rather than dressing like a woman would.
see >>44605696
They have a distorted view of relationships, what it means to be a man and even what it means to be a woman even though they claim to feel like one.

They're basically just all around brain damaged.
>It's like a lot of transsexuals, they dress the way a man would think a woman would dress rather than dressing like a woman would.
How do men think women dress and how do women actually dress?

That was pretty much just being a slut. What's the distortion of what it means to be a man or women?
>they dress the way a man would think a woman would dress

Practicality and comfort are often take a back seat.
A lot of transsexuals try too hard when they go out.
They will try to emphasise assets they do possess.

This is just generally, some women dress like they rolled through the kids section of Hot Topic and some transsexuals dress to kill, but they are for the most part exceptions.

We have quite a number of older, mid life crisis transsexuals in my town and holy hell, it hurts.

The ones who figure it out young and start young, they practically grow up with it so they practically are women in terms of clothing and mannerisms, but there's nothing quite as cringe worthy as a middle aged man dressing like a curb crawler to go grocery shopping.
One basically described being a male as being a stupid redneck, with the only societal role of being dicks and doing menial labour.
Stuff like that
Kudos. I read that quest on akun.
One more:
"Emotions aren't manly (none of them) men are only beings with the most basic of urges so if you feel anything above hunger or lust you aren't a male."
"Or males are uncaring and stupid, I like chess and soap opera so I'm totally bot like that"
"Oh I never liked playing with boy toys, I don't like cars and stuff." (Proceeds to make his life around shitty videogames and watching shows that appeal to a 90% male demographic)
Why would you want a person like that back? They'll just stall the game with drama
Well done Anon. That made me chuckle.
Does anyone ever get the feeling that the anons most vocally against whatever flavor of gay crops up in a thread are just as gay if not more?
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Congratulations anon, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all day.
Trannies aren't gay.
No need to get defensive about it. It just makes sense that the ones who care about it the most have some kind of stake in it.

Uh huh.
>If you disapprove of something strongly then you are it
>Unless you disapprove of a non-leftist opinion, which makes you an Objectively Superior Enlightened Being

This is why everyone thinks you're a retard.
Except I didn't say anything even close to that other thing. Where'd you get that?

Are you pretending to be retarded?
>In any case, I think it's safe to say that I understand why you need to be VERY careful choosing to play a female character as a guy.
Or you could stop being such a fucking pussy

>>end up being the butt of some sex jokes anyway
What the fuck do you expect? Are there never going to be any jokes about the barbarian's culture because he's a bard?
Yes you did.

>anons most vocally against whatever flavor of gay crops up in a thread are just as gay if not more?

I realize this is the Internet, where people go to tell lies, but you shouldn't tell lies when there's proof otherwise in the same thread. How are you NOT claiming

>Anon opposes gay, ergo Anon is gay
Wait, crap, I misread that. I actually owe you an apology, I didn't see the "other" in your post. I was just extrapolating for that bit.
No really, trannies aren't necessarily gay.
You know what I mean. No need to get all semantic.
then what is it when you fuck a man in the ass?
As long as you're both honest with your partners about this, then it's fine. Keep Trucking on.
At least you haven't been on the reverse side of this kind of shit.

>first IRL tabletop game after a few months of playing on Roll20 with a group of people spread all over the world
>this group consists of a mix of childhood friends and people I went to high school with
>one guy is the most cringey, neckbeard motherfucker
>makes a construct or whatever they're called
>is basically a golem made of gems
>"My construct is female and her name is Emerald."
>"She used to be a maid and bodyguard for the Wizard who created her."
>Oh okay, that sounds weird but okay.
>"Also she is super curvy and was his personal sex toy."
>Dude what?
>"So she really hates slavers because she was basically a slave until the Wizard who made her died."
>brace myself for some sort of magical realm shit
>sure enough they decide to try to romance my character because he's not an asshole and is basically tagging along with the rest of the group on a whim
>constantly trying to associate said character with mine and constantly trying to flirt
>even after I make it clear I'm not interested in that shit

I'm used to romance and shit online, but it's fucking weird in person when a fat dude with a neckbeard is trying to roleplay a girl flirting on a guy. Because I'm sure in his head it seemed sensible, but it looked really gay because I was the smallest, most effeminate dude in the room while he looks like desperate neckbeard.
>I was the smallest, most effeminate dude in the room
Okay, you can't help how small you are, but the effeminacy is completely on you.
It has a lot to do with my build. I'm thin, short, and look extremely young. The thin, effeminate body issue is only worse now that I had to spend a couple of weeks in the hospital. Pair that with my tendency to not cut my hair often, and I end up looking androgynous if I remember to shave my face.

It's not really something I care about most of the time, but in that context it was fucking uncomfortable.
>eat big
>get big
I've never been able to force myself to eat enough to bulk, and now I'm not allowed to try to eat like that for a while, at least until I'm fully healed from surgery.

Best I've ever been able to do is lean muscle.
>and/or who start resenting males (for reasons like "they bullied me" or "daddy abandoned me").
>tfw daddy issues but don't resent men
inb4 ftm

>tfw view of males distorted in a positive direction

>and watching shows that appeal to a 90% male demographic
you mean like small pastel horses?
>drink big
>get big
five scoops, c'mon!
Me too, anon. I need to find some less autistic threads.
Fuck you guys. Between this and the x-change thread on /gif/ I had a dream where that shit was real, and I just used it solely for the fact I could better RP my female characters perfectly without getting weird looks. Then I woke up and laid there depressed for 3 hours because I realized it was just a dream. Fuck you all.
no, i mean, i can see where he's coming from. Once your attached to something, or pretending/roleplaying/acting as something, it hurts if you insult it. I've had similar experiences.

For example, i was playing this awesome old man who's wife had died and his children were at war with each other. His only goal was to go and find immortality before he died so that he could stop his children and potentially bring back his wife. He got a present from her around 30 years ago, it was an axe. plain old axe, used for tree's. Now an orc chieftain had kidnapped some girls for some odd reason and we were going to get them back. now, the orc cheiftain wanted the axe. my barbarian being the good person he was, agreed but promised to come back some day for it. After all, he couldn't just let two innocents die, even at the cost of his happiness.

So he goes back to the person and hands them the two women, who were his daughters. The daughters seem grateful, quest complete, then we all hear something in the house that sounds really weird. So we go inside and no one's there. but there's a basement, so we go into the basement and the two daughters of his are dead and he's blood summoning a demon. Now you see, the orc agreed to give me a replacement weapon, so he gave me 20 javelins in a pouch. The following then happened:

GM: "alright, so what do you do?"
Me: "I throw ALL of my javelins, into his body until he is nothing but a bloody paste and if he survives i will rip out organs and skull"
GM "uhhhh-uhhh, okay, roll"
GM: "alright, he was impaled by 17 javelins, yeah, that'll just about do it."

I was really feeling the rage of khan on that one.
Establish dominance by making submissive sex jokes about his character.
Are you from my gaming group?

O, I know that is you.
If he wasn't a failure, why would he want to be a woman?
>girl character
>establishing dominance
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>being a real thing

>not differenciating between yourself and your character.
That's... not good for you.
Mental problems general?
It just means he feels like a tranny some of the time, but not always. Why wouldn't it be real?

If pretty much all of us anons can feel like faggots some of the time, then why shouldn't we also feel like trannies sometimes as well?

But this isn't /pfg/.
you sound like a boring and kinda sad person
You can feel like whatever you want to, anon.
Hello 14 year old who has never interacted with girls outside of the classroom. How is life in the 2010s
no, sorry. Haven't played a fantasy game. probably won't. I doubt it can hold up to my imagination.
hold on, so because I can dream up vivid scenarios as being a girl, which of course occasionally involve the sex, I'm genderfluid?
Learn something new everyday.
Go be a fluid somewhere else.
can I be a semi-solid?
I'm non-Newtonian!
But what if he did surgery and really looked like an albatross?
then he's still not one because he fucking talked.
Lots of birds can talk.
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Hey OP have you tried telling your group that the
jokes make you feel uncomfortable? I mean if you
know them for a long time and all they would
probably listen.
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Do it faggot.jpg
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Buy a wig and let your group bang your asshole.
>tfw all the girls in my life have been bottoms
>tfw every guy I know has to take the initiative
>tfw my fetish for dominant women manifested
It's like a picture of the ocean when you live in the mountains.
Sometimes you wonder if it's even real.
>expecting the modern day dickskin-fingered suburbanite pussy to have functional patterns of thought
I'm shaking my head to be quite honest, brother.
What the hell was the context of this?
I just wanna be a qt3.14 girl in frilly dresses and rollerskates damn it. its nothing to do with sex
I had a prince who has this symbiont that gave armor and two sword like weapons to my character because of plot reasons. Other characters had this two as they were descendants of this great emperor of the galaxy but they were stuck on Golarion without anyway to get back(the descendants were all lawful evil in their own way despite their father being Lawful good(Sister being Destructively evil, brother being tyrannically evil, and me being charismatically evil)). My character was an arcanist and my GM allowed me to utilize the "mutagenic form" and "mutate" from Master chymist purely for fluff, no extra stat bonuses. The fluff was that because my character handled experimentation with magic, the symbiont gained sentience and the ability to change form via mutagenic form.

GM also decided that at a certain point, the symbiont will be given a different character sheet as it gains its own self-interests.
I decided to make the symbiont a Lawful good paladin who will assist the other players to deal with three deadly but incredibly bratty children.
We decided to roll to see how the Character will come out.

Turns out that the character was a Female Drow that was considered beautiful. I was actually shocked and this was the downfall of the first born, lazy, charismatic Prince as no-one took him seriously, but I am an honest dice rolling man and I let the dice guide my character. In addition to the slight embarrassment, taking care of two sheets at the same time was quite the hassle, and my prince would often pass menial or seductive work to the Paladin because of his laziness. So my character spent most of the time in that form instead of the princely form.
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trannies are mentally ill_1.jpg
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Well, yes.
Honestly, I've joked about the little girl thing before, so I'll throw out some thoughts on it. I'm perfectly happy being a guy, but the idea is that whatever magical bullshit made you a girl might also fix some of your other shit, I think. Especially if you get turned into a kid, which is probably before those things started. The other major idea is theming, I think. The idea that a girl has less problems with some things and can handle being basically a leech better than a guy, which again goes back to the idea of fixing problems; you'd probably have to be good at being a girl to do that, after all. For me personally, even though I'm fine being a guy and being a girl would involve some stupid baggage, I have a lot of problems that prevent me from dealing well with other people or supporting myself, so I guess by now part of the appeal is "hey, remember when your brain wasn't all fucked up and all you had to do was hang with your friends?" It's an unrealistic pipedream on a discussion board for fantasy, so let people work with what looks nice and sounds good, nothing more to it.
Other guy here, can I be plasma?
>Play D&D
>Play female theif
>Nobody comments on it ever
>It turns out that nobody, including the DM read my character sheet, so they had no idea that my character was female
Not that it mattered, since I was a glorified team mascot being useless in and out of combat.
>You don't have to masturbate every time you get an erection, anon.
my life is a lie
You can get medicine for being transgender, you can't get medicine for being feminist.
Therefore, feminism's a worse mental illness than transgenderism.
>I'm fat and I hate being fat, I guess I'm mentally ill
>I'm short and wish I was tall, hating the fact that I'm short; guess I'm sick in the head!
A lot of transvesties are going that on purpose—exaggerating makeup and stuff to look like a caricature of woman, rather than a woman.
>what is depression
Yes anon perpetually hating yourself is a mental illness
>I'm fat and I hate being fat, I guess I'm mentally ill
>I'm short and wish I was tall, hating the fact that I'm short; guess I'm sick in the head!
If you think about it all the time to the point where it impacts your life, then yes you have Body Dysmorphic Disorder.
What's it like being 14 and never seeing a girl outside school?

What is your fixation with 14 year olds anyway

Go look at literally any survey, domination is a huge fetish for women
>and can handle being basically a leech better than a guy,
It's not leeching if you put out.
Belly button
>be me
>play anything
>everyone keeps pushing the sexual on my characters / me
>every group I play in
>only one in actual relationship

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