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The 1d100 edition. Make a character's background based
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The 1d100 edition.

Make a character's background based off the result of a 1d100 roll. <50 is shitty. >50 is not so shitty life. First make the roll then write the background.

Rolled 40 (1d100)

Well why not
Boring office job for 70 years, then death.

EZ thred
Background? You mean, the whole life or just..?
It can be that or just a short note like first anon did. Either works.
fucked up.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Ok, I wanna apply in the Arbites and I'm gonna get a tarot reading.

In the options field, anons.
Normal with a few highlights (by 40k standards)
So, Adeptus Arbites :
Unremarkable carrer, a regular liaison with a prostitute, after a few years I will get involved in a big hive-gang shoot-out and will gain a prosthetic arm, a medal and a raise. Since my direct superior is a wimp, I'll be the king of my desk... erm, domain.
I'm gonna end a bitter serior NCO drowing my pain in amasec and venting at young recruits, with a comfortable if small condo and no children.
Success, didn't die young !

On a sidenote, would I be notheworthy enough for a passing Inquisitor to recruit me for his retenue or one of his cells ?
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>see the universe they said
Rolled 26 (1d100)

How bad could it be?
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Let's go
>How bad could it be?
>Rolls a 21
Very bad, apparently.

Gonna need a while to write this one up.
Conscript killed by a commasar after stealing a tau suit
Rolled 20 (1d100)

For the Emprah!
Guess I'm the protagonist of the "15 hours" novel.
Curses, it's roll over not roll under.
No raise after getting my arm blown off, and asshole boss, then.
lets see this
Rolled 10 (1d100)

ok, " forgotten" quotation marks..

Ok, so failed SPEHSS MEHREEN. Died during the process.

That should cover it.
Born in the initial stages of the siege, I have never known a world without war, food shortage and constant terror. My siblings starved to death all around me, I managed to survive by stealing food. As soon as I was old enough to hold a spear, I was conscripted.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Lets ser where this goes.
Eldar. Parents dead. Craftworld destroyed. Everyone is either going to kill or enslave.

Died without soul stone.

What a life.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

short stories help writing skill, so why not.
A planetary governor, inheriting his position from his father. His rule is characterized by production quotas easily met while living a life of well-fed contentedness. He dies in office to one of his sons in a bid for power.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

I wanna be an eversor
Rolled 92 (1d100)

Why not.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Ecclesiarchy. Gonna spread that word.

Successful preacher in younger days, known for persuasive speeches. Joined a crusade and was respected among the guardsmen of the regiment I was attached to as a father figure and source of guidance. After military service retired to a life of quiet contemplation of the emperor's glory, eventually writing a book. A fulfilling, largely happy life, but not particularly memorable.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

for the emperah
Rolled 48 (1d100)

MC was a bored noble kid wasting his life away in decadence and hedonism until one day his planet was attacked by orks until the imperial guard came and managed to drive them back. Inspired, the nobleman decided to enlist in the guard
I want to read this one
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Gimme a minute to write this up.
Okay. I'm gonna be a psyker. Rolling
I do too.

Two words - Rogue Trader.
I'm not sure how a eversor becomes a rogue trader.
Eversor wouldn't roll a 99 on this one. They are strictly 51.
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